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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mrsyellis

  1. mrsyellis

    Potted meat epiphany...

    i forgot all about potted meat! i used to love this when i was younger... i must pick me up some- thanks for the idea...
  2. mrsyellis

    4 days post op~~~

    Hi all, i am officially 4 days post op and i actually feel good. my surgery was a breeze, i remember telling my DM and DH i loved them, maybe a tear or two and then i was waking up! my dr. said my liver was perfect and the surgery went very well. i had to stay overnight in the hospital - which is annoying bcause you don't get any rest. i was up and walking to the bathroom maybe 4 hrs after surgery. i did have a sliming episode in the hospital - it involved chicken broth....:smile2: i have 5 scars -4 small and 1 big. i have some slight discomfort on the left side under my ribcage but other than that, not so bad. i have been taking my pain meds only 2 times a day - enough to relieve the discomfort that i have been having. My DM was here for a week, i love her, she made me all kinds of mushies before she left to go home today. i had to do liquids for only 3 days and then over to mushies. the only thing is, i don't know when i am full vs what is gas?? :thumbdown: I have been eating 1 cup of food at each sitting, breakfast an scrambled egg with bits of ham and cheese, lunch some turkey salad and dinner, mashed potatoes and small bits of chicken. i have 11 days of mushies and then on to regular food. i went for a 40 minute walk today - i ran short of breath before it was over, but i made it - i have to make it a habit to walk around my subdivision at least once a day until i pick a gym to go to. so far, no problemsthough. i will spend the next week off of work trying to work out some short term goals. First fill is 10/07 - a little nervous but i think i will be fine. Question - is it normal for your mushies to come right back out after you eat? i experienced that yesterday - i would eat, wait 30 mins, drink a bottle of water and would have to run to the bathroom. thanks for listening and any feed back will be good. any other 09/08 - bandsters, it would be good to hear about your experiences...
  3. mrsyellis

    4 days post op~~~

    Hi all, i am officially 4 days post op and i actually feel good. my surgery was a breeze, i remember telling my DM and DH i loved them, maybe a tear or two and then i was waking up! my dr. said my liver was perfect and the surgery went very well. i had to stay overnight in the hospital - which is annoying bcause you don't get any rest. i was up and walking to the bathroom maybe 4 hrs after surgery. i did have a sliming episode in the hospital - it involved chicken broth....:yikes: i have 5 scars -4 small and 1 big. i have some slight discomfort on the left side under my ribcage but other than that, not so bad. i have been taking my pain meds only 2 times a day - enough to relieve the discomfort that i have been having. My DM was here for a week, i love her, she made me all kinds of mushies before she left to go home today. i had to do liquids for only 3 days and then over to mushies. the only thing is, i don't know when i am full vs what is gas?? :thumbup: I have been eating 1 cup of food at each sitting, breakfast an scrambled egg with bits of ham and cheese, lunch some turkey salad and dinner, mashed potatoes and small bits of chicken. i have 11 days of mushies and then on to regular food. i went for a 40 minute walk today - i ran short of breath before it was over, but i made it - i have to make it a habit to walk around my subdivision at least once a day until i pick a gym to go to. so far, no problemsthough. i will spend the next week off of work trying to work out some short term goals. First fill is 10/07 - a little nervous but i think i will be fine. Question - is it normal for your mushies to come right back out after you eat? i experienced that yesterday - i would eat, wait 30 mins, drink a bottle of water and would have to run to the bathroom. thanks for listening and any feed back will be good. any other 09/08 - bandsters, it would be good to hear about your experiences...
  4. mrsyellis


    Hi, I was banded on the 8th too. i haven't gained but i haven't lost either. i think you can be still swollen from the gas during surgery. you have to give it some time - how is everything else going for you? are you on mushies yet? today was my first day on mushies and boy did it taste good to have some solid food in my mouth. what do you plan to eat in this stage? lets keep in touch.. my email is mrsyellis@gmail.com
  5. mrsyellis

    I'm Banded...Now What?

    i had surgery on tuesday, i was in pain on tuesday but i felt good yesterday. then came the gas! it kinda snuck up on me yesterday and today - but i feel fine. i had my staples out today and it didn't hurt at all. there is a light at the end of the tunnel - keep the faith. Take care and lets stay in touch since we were banded around the same time.
  6. Hi, it sucks that they waited to tell you.. i have bcbs il and my office told me in July and submitted my paperwork in July. i had my surger on tuesday 09/08/09. bcbs il approved me right away. good luck
  7. mrsyellis

    September 2009 Band Date

    Hi, please add me to the list mrsyellis (yohontas)9/08/09
  8. mrsyellis

    September 2009 Band Date

    Hello all, Iwas banded yesterday. Amazingly I feel good today, hardly any pain at all.. Just a little soreness. I have to have my staples removed tomorrow. Going to nap, will check in later.
  9. mrsyellis

    September 2009 Band Date

    Tomorrow is my big day! happy, excited, nervous - you name it, i feel it! lol i am off to pack my bag and get my house in order. My dear mother is here to help me with the kids while i am down. wish me well, i am off until at least thursday !:thumbup::thumbup:
  10. mrsyellis

    hello surgery date is closer

    is your surgery tuesday? mine is - lets keep in touch since we are so close together. Good luck...
  11. mrsyellis

    Its almost time!!!

    hey all, i am getting so nervous.. I am scheduled for surgery on tuesday at 11:45 a.m.. I am on my 2 week pre op diet now, i have done pretty well so far. i promise that chicken broth has to be the most boring food ever. i have been having it between lunch and dinner with a couple of crackers. i have lost about 14 lbs so far! yeah for me!!! i ran into the nurse from my clinic in the store the other day just as i was going to try to find something to eat! LOL she told me to have the hot dog without the bread--god i love bread and buns!!!:tt1: she said it i have lost 15lbs by tuesday, i would have done well.. i have a couple of days left and i will loose either 15 lbs or more than that. i have been getting used to eating less.. i kinda find myself talking about my husband because he eats so much... is this normal?? i don't want to be to critical of him because he is already self concious about his weight. anyway the next couple of days are all about me - going to a labor day bbq tomorrow.. i am going to have a small plate of food , but not too much - then monday i will be back to jello and broth - Tuesday is my big day! i am so excited.. my mother and husband will be my support team. Actually my mother is going to stay with me for a week. i have 2weeks and 3 days scheduled off from work - wanted to be back in time for employee appreciation party.:party: i am really anticipating getting rid of my blood pressure meds and this cpap machine. it feels so good to get on the scale and be down from 283 to 268. Alrighty, i am rambling - going to eat my chicken breast and spinach... i will check in wednesday when i get home from the hospital....
  12. mrsyellis

    Its almost time!!!

    hey all, i am getting so nervous.. I am scheduled for surgery on tuesday at 11:45 a.m.. I am on my 2 week pre op diet now, i have done pretty well so far. i promise that chicken broth has to be the most boring food ever. i have been having it between lunch and dinner with a couple of crackers. i have lost about 14 lbs so far! yeah for me!!! i ran into the nurse from my clinic in the store the other day just as i was going to try to find something to eat! LOL she told me to have the hot dog without the bread--god i love bread and buns!!!:smile2: she said it i have lost 15lbs by tuesday, i would have done well.. i have a couple of days left and i will loose either 15 lbs or more than that. i have been getting used to eating less.. i kinda find myself talking about my husband because he eats so much... is this normal??:redface: i don't want to be to critical of him because he is already self concious about his weight. anyway the next couple of days are all about me - going to a labor day bbq tomorrow.. i am going to have a small plate of food , but not too much - then monday i will be back to jello and broth - Tuesday is my big day! i am so excited.. my mother and husband will be my support team. Actually my mother is going to stay with me for a week. i have 2weeks and 3 days scheduled off from work - wanted to be back in time for employee appreciation party.:thumbup: i am really anticipating getting rid of my blood pressure meds and this cpap machine. it feels so good to get on the scale and be down from 283 to 268. Alrighty, i am rambling - going to eat my chicken breast and spinach... i will check in wednesday when i get home from the hospital....
  13. mrsyellis

    8/31/09 The Band NEVER Takes a Vacation

    Hi, sorry to hear that you are having issues. i have actually missed you the last couple of weeks and i am glad you are back. i find your blogs very entertaining and very informative as well. I am set to get banded on 09/08 and i am looking forward to joining you on the other side :-) keep up the great posts.
  14. mrsyellis

    Day 6 of my Pre-op Diet

    hello, i am on day 6 of my pre op diet and i am down 7lbs also! woot woot! :smile2: i am hungry though... i am on 2 protein shakes, one meal and jello or broth if i get hungry. when is your surgery scheduled?? lets keep in touch..
  15. mrsyellis

    Nervous - I guess??

    Hi all, yesterday i attended my pre op nutrution, excersie and surgery seminar (3.50 hrs) - after leaving that class i felt overwhelmed with everything the nurse had spoken to us about. She was very informative about pre op and post op nutrition. i didn't realize that i would need to take vitamins everyday to get the proper nutrients (not really a big deal, but a small detail that i missed). i learned a couple of new things but mostly what she spoke about i had already learned from this site. (thanks guys :thumbup:) - once i left the class, i started questioning if this was right for me? would i be able to stay committed to this new life style? i even started questioning whether or not i was doing it for the right reasons?? today i am dealing with what i think is anxiety of possible failure:confused:. i have the support i need and i know i will be okay, but i am very nervous at this point. My band date isn't until 09/08 - so i still have time to prepare - i start my 2wk pre op diet on 08/24 - am i normal to feel anxious?
  16. mrsyellis

    Same old story

    Girl i have that same secret goal and i know it can't be achieved at the whopping 285lbs i weigh. he told me the other night, as soon as you are small enough we will do that ! LOL - that is something worth working hard for. Keep your head up and try to stay strict to the plan.
  17. mrsyellis

    He didn't try to talk me out of it

    Hey fedup2009 , - let me tell you about that. the men just do not have it easy when it comes to dealing with us and banding. if he doesn't support us we are mad, if he does, we are mad. my husband said to me just today that he loves every pound of me and that even if i didn't have surgery, he would still be happy with my weight. i felt the same way you did - " like why isn't he trying to talk me out of it??" - in the long run, i am doing it for me and my health not for him - so it doesn't matter what he thinks or says at this point. - make sure this is what you really want and go for it....
  18. mrsyellis

    Just banded in Chicago

    Hi Ladies, I am a chicago bandster too..i will be banded on 09/08 - at Silver Cross Hospital in Joliet. if you ladies put something together for us chicagoans- please keep me in mind. Look forward to hearing all of your interesting stories and accomplishments.:sad:
  19. mrsyellis

    Nervous - I guess??

    Hi all, yesterday i attended my pre op nutrution, excersie and surgery seminar (3.50 hrs) - after leaving that class i felt overwhelmed with everything the nurse had spoken to us about. She was very informative about pre op and post op nutrition. i didn't realize that i would need to take vitamins everyday to get the proper nutrients (not really a big deal, but a small detail that i missed). i learned a couple of new things but mostly what she spoke about i had already learned from this site. (thanks guys ) - once i left the class, i started questioning if this was right for me? would i be able to stay committed to this new life style? i even started questioning whether or not i was doing it for the right reasons?? today i am dealing with what i think is anxiety of possible failure:confused:. i have the support i need and i know i will be okay, but i am very nervous at this point. My band date isn't until 09/08 - so i still have time to prepare - i start my 2wk pre op diet on 08/24 - am i normal to feel anxious?
  20. mrsyellis

    The Challenge has begun!

    Hi, can you tell me if you are drinking protein shakes? i start my pre op diet on 08/24 and we have to do 2 shakes and 1 meal per day with the jello, popsicles, and broth in case we get hungry. when are you having surgery?
  21. i have bcbs il and it took all of about 3-4 days to get approval - i was shocked because this seems to be the hardest insurance to get approval from. i am scheduled for surgery on 09/08 - woot woot !:drool:
  22. mrsyellis

    Living With Uncertainty

    He will not mislead you. I am from Chicago as well and I know the struggles of CPS from hearing the news and being from the school system. Just try to keep your head up and continue to do what you do and be good at it and your blessings will come. The CPS needs more teachers like you. Take care
  23. mrsyellis

    September 2009 Band Date

    Hi all, i recieved my date this week and i will be banded on September 8th. I have my pre op and nutrition class on Monday 08/17 and then i will be on my way. i just talked to HR about taking time off, i think i am going to do 2 weeks off just to make sure everything is healed. from what i understand, my surgeon will put us on 2 shakes and 1 meal a day with a sugar free snack in between - i will be very interested to find out exactly what he is going to ask of us on Monday. i will keep everyone posted and look forward to following everyone's journey. Now, i have to figure out how to make a darn ticker.
  24. I am updating to say i finally recieved my date..... September 8,2009 - i am excited that it is so soon but just a bit nervous. I have my pre op diet meeting on monday 08/17 and sign all of my final papers on 08/21- i am debating on how much time to take off work...i think i will start with a week and if i need more just take it daily...i am really excited.... i guess i will start taking my pre op pics now and posting them - i have a 16yr old that loves to use her camera.......:thumbdown::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
  25. mrsyellis

    September 8th = new beginnings for me!!!!!

    I am updating to say i finally recieved my date..... September 8,2009 - :sad: i am excited that it is so soon but just a bit nervous. I have my pre op diet meeting on monday 08/17 and sign all of my final papers on 08/21- i am debating on how much time to take off work...i think i will start with a week and if i need more just take it daily...i am really excited.... i guess i will start taking my pre op pics now and posting them - i have a 16yr old that loves to use her camera.......:biggrin::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
