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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Blackirishannie

  1. Have you tried taking some papaya enzyme right after eating to help with digestion?
  2. Blackirishannie


    Keep in mind that the goal after surgery is to heal not to lose weight. You've got to give your body a chance to get back to where it needs to be. We all want it to be done overnight and that just doesn't happen. Be patient. When you go for your first fill be honest with the doctor and tell them you need more direction. Tell them you need to know exactly what you should be doing. Ask for homework! They are there to help you. Don't be embarrassed or ashamed to ask any question (bowel movements, etc.) You are not their first patient and doubtless they have heard it all! Stay on these boards if you can't find a support group -- it's something very helpful!
  3. Blackirishannie

    When should I start feeling normal?

    Give it a week at least. It took two for me.
  4. Blackirishannie

    St Ray's Group

    Can someone tell me when/where the St. Raphael's group meets? I was banded in Fairfield but would like to attend a support group closer to home (New Haven). Any suggestions are appreciated!
  5. Hi all, I was banded 1/16 and have moved from the clear liquid phase to the full liquids (protein shakes mostly). But I can't even have water without feeling like I have indigestion. Truly it hurts all the time, in the area below my breasts right in the center. I don't seem to have a problem going to the bathroom, but I can't get out a burp...they just won't come out even though they want to...and it hurts! Is this still gas and bloating? I saw my doc on Friday and he said everything looks good and that I can start to exercise. But I'm still so tired I was out of breath walking the mall this morning. Any suggestions on relieving some of the pain, or just confirmation that you have experienced this too?? Thanks!
  6. Blackirishannie

    Eight Days Out and Upper GI distress

    Thanks all; I will be trying all of your advice. I've been trying to take smaller sips and eating slower. It took me from 9am until 11:30 to finish a cup of yogurt. I hope THAT continues for the rest of my life! The Mylanta is going to get a test drive tonight. I haven't found the gasx that great but I've only been doing 1 strip at a time. I also think I'll give the MoM a try as well. Thanks again!!

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