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Dancing Queen

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Dancing Queen

  1. Dancing Queen

    What does everyone do for a living?

    I am an elementary principal. I have just been accepted into the Educational Leadership doctoral program at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville and I begin in August! This is a big deal for me..my high school counselor told me I wasn't "college material"! I have conquered so many negative things in my life. I will be banded June 27th and I will conquer yet another obstacle MY WEIGHT!!
  2. Dancing Queen


    Hello all you thirty-somethings! I am 34, mom of two sons (7 & 9). Married 12 years TOMORROW!!! I am an elementary principal finishing my Master's in JULY!! I will be banded on the 27th of this month!!! This is going to be a BIG year for me. I am getting banded, graduating and starting on my doctorate in August. It is good to hear a little more info about some of you who have given inspired me so much as I prepare to leave the fat life and enter my new life as a slender person. I am excited to be relieved of a lot of things that being overweight has caused me. I especially look forward to feeling less inhibited to get up in front of crowds and sing (I lead worship at my church) and speaking before an audience for my job. There are so many wonderful things ahead and some I probably haven't even thought of!
  3. Dancing Queen

    Who Did You Tell?

    I am having surgery June 27th and have told almost everyone. I have two sons that are age 7 & 9. They are momma's boys BIG TIME and I don't want them to worry. My husband an I are going to Mexico for the surgery right after our anniversary so we have told them Mommy and Daddy are going away for some time alone. I might end up telling them as they would probably get mad if they find out what really happened. It will be hard to keep it quiet when I come home with gas pains and don't eat food for a couple of weeks.
  4. Dancing Queen

    Where to put the port?

    I was told by my surgery coordinator that I could choose between two spots to put my port. I think she gave me the choice of lower in the sternum area where it can be imbedded more in the muscle or up higher in the ab area? I've read some posts that describe it can be uncomfortable when wearing tighter waistbands and jeans. What is the best placement to avoid that? Where are your ports and for those of you that have lost a lot of weight is it more noticeable, need to be replaced with a smaller one? Dancing Queen Scheduled for 6/27/06 Dr. Roberto Rumbaut 256/242/150
  5. Dancing Queen

    Where to put the port?

    I like the idea of my waist being lower someday! I am 5'7" and sometimes I feel like my pants are too short. A lower waist will help me when buying clothes. If anyone has a port placed lower please let me know how that's working for you? Dancing Queen Scheduled 6/27/06 Dr. Rumbaut 256/242/150
  6. I have chosen a doctor in Mexico, Dr. Rumbaut. I feel extremely comfortable with my decision. I have heard so many good things from other patients that chose Rumbaut and other good docs in Mexico. In fact I think if we did a survey we'd find that patients that go to Mexico that followed their doctors post-op instructions and get good follow up care are just as successful as US patients. I believe Dr. Rumbaut cares. He has a band himself and his coordinator Cathy does too! She and I talked on the phone for over 30 minutes the other day. She NEVER mentioned money and I hadn't sent my deposit as of yet. She spent those 30 minutes getting to know me and my history. She said she wanted to make sure that I knew what to expect from the lap-band. She also encouraged me and told me that lap-band would help me experience things I've never been able to experience. It's very easy when you have had a bad experience to expect the same for others and it's good to be cautious when it comes to your body. BUT research, a good attitude and realistic expectations pay off. I have learned so much from the bandsters on LBT and I still feel like I am making the best choice for me and my family. Dancing Queen Scheduled 6-27-06 Dr. Roberto Rumbaut 256/242/150
  7. Dancing Queen

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hello Junebees, I am scheduled for banding in Monterrey Mexico with Dr. Rumbaut. I wish it were already here! My life is pretty busy until then...pray that I will keep losing right up until my surgery. I've lost 14lbs since I scheduled 4 weeks ago. We are going to DisneyWorld next week on vacation and I do not plan on going on a fairwell to food tour. I have learned over the past few weeks that a meal is more enjoyable if I don't leave the restaurant miserable. That feeling of satisfaction is enough for me now. If only it would last more than 3 hours?? That's why I am getting banded! After my week of vacation I have 3 weeks of grad school and then....IT's Banding TIME!!! Anyone out there as impatient as me? Dancing Queen Surgery Date 6-27-06 Dr. Rumbaut Monterrey Mexico 256/242/150
  8. I guess I am just an excited blabbermouth:bored I have told all my friends, family even TOTAL STRANGERS!!! I simply cannot wait to have surgery. I had a hard time telling my mother and mother-in-law. I knew my mother-in-law would freak when she heard the word Mexico and my mom is scared b/c we recently lost a cousin who was only 30years old after she had a tummy tuck, lypo and breast enhancement (yes, a lot of invasive procedures at once). I understand why my family is a little worried and my mother-in-law is handling it a little better after I showed her Dr. Rumbaut's website. You have to tell them when you're ready and ultimately it was your decision to do something for self improvement. I admit when my mom was so scared I started questioning the selfishness of my decision, but I also think it selfish not to do something to improve my chances of being there for my kids and grandkids (a long way down the road). Dancing Queen Dr. Rumbaut scheduled for lap band 7-27-06 256/242/150
  9. Dancing Queen

    Dancing Queen's Lap band Journal

    05-10-06 It is three days until my 34th birthday and I have scheduled lap-band surgery for June 27, 2006 with Dr. Roberto Rumbaut in Monterrey, Mexico. I am currently at 243lbs but only 3 weeks ago I weighed 256lbs:faint: . I was shocked to see that I weighed so much. I was depressed to the point of tears and felt hopeless when it came to the thought of losing weight and keeping it off. My husband and I had been discussing gastric bypass. I had recently come in contact with two ladies I had once been very good friends. Both of them had RNY surgery and both had been successful at losing weight. It was on my mind and I couldn’t get it off. I read my friend Jerri’s profile on the web and I began to cry. As I read her experiences of wearing smaller clothes, her husband making good comments about how she looked, being able to feel comfortable in an airplane seat, I knew that I had to do whatever it took to make those same experiences happen for me. Over the course of the next few weeks my husband and I got serious. We researched each night and found that Lap Band surgery was the best option for me and since we would have to be responsible for the entire cost we decided to check on options in Mexico. On Friday May 5th we scheduled a surgery date with Dr. Rumbaut. On Saturday, May 6th we booked our airline tickets. Now with my birthday just 3 days away I am more excited about the possibility of losing weight than I have ever been. I know that it will happen for me. As a result I am doing 40 minutes of cardio 5-6 times per week, cutting down on what I eat, drinking water. I have already lost 13lbs since the night that I felt so low. I am so excited and I can hardly wait to begin the journey to Mexico for surgery. I know that every pound, every inch that I lose between now and then just takes me one step closer to my new life in “skinny clothes” and living in a healthy body 5-16-06 Time is flying and I am so busy with the end of school wrapping up. I truly believe that when the school year rolls around again I will look and feel alot different. I made it through my birthday but it was yet another wake up call. We went to my husband's uncle's funeral. He was a large man and suffered from a massive heart attack at the age of 61. I know now more than ever before I have to get control of the weight before it takes complete and total control of ME!:help:
  10. Dancing Queen

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Seeing if my ticker shows...
  11. Dancing Queen

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I am also scheduled for June in Mexico with Dr. Rumbaut. I would go tomorrow if I could. So far 13lbs down. Hey how do you all make those little scales to show your progress?:help: 256/243/150 To be banded 6/25/06 Dr. Roberto Rumbaut Monterrey, Mexico
  12. Dancing Queen

    Dancing Queen's Lap band Journal

    05-10-06 It is three days until my 34th birthday and I have scheduled lap-band surgery for June 27, 2006 with Dr. Roberto Rumbaut in Monterrey, Mexico. I am currently at 243lbs but only 3 weeks ago I weighed 256lbs:faint: . I was shocked to see that I weighed so much. I was depressed to the point of tears and felt hopeless when it came to the thought of losing weight and keeping it off. My husband and I had been discussing gastric bypass. I had recently come in contact with two ladies I had once been very good friends. Both of them had RNY surgery and both had been successful at losing weight. It was on my mind and I couldn’t get it off. I read my friend Jerri’s profile on the web and I began to cry. As I read her experiences of wearing smaller clothes, her husband making good comments about how she looked, being able to feel comfortable in an airplane seat, I knew that I had to do whatever it took to make those same experiences happen for me. Over the course of the next few weeks my husband and I got serious. We researched each night and found that Lap Band surgery was the best option for me and since we would have to be responsible for the entire cost we decided to check on options in Mexico. On Friday May 5th we scheduled a surgery date with Dr. Rumbaut. On Saturday, May 6th we booked our airline tickets. Now with my birthday just 3 days away I am more excited about the possibility of losing weight than I have ever been. I know that it will happen for me. As a result I am doing 40 minutes of cardio 5-6 times per week, cutting down on what I eat, drinking water. I have already lost 13lbs since the night that I felt so low. I am so excited and I can hardly wait to begin the journey to Mexico for surgery. I know that every pound, every inch that I lose between now and then just takes me one step closer to my new life in “skinny clothes” and living in a healthy body 5-16-06 Time is flying and I am so busy with the end of school wrapping up. I truly believe that when the school year rolls around again I will look and feel alot different. I made it through my birthday but it was yet another wake up call. We went to my husband's uncle's funeral. He was a large man and suffered from a massive heart attack at the age of 61. I know now more than ever before I have to get control of the weight before it takes complete and total control of ME!:help:
  13. Dancing Queen

    doc in MEXICO

    I am very impressed with what I have learned about Dr. Rumbaut. I am scheduled to have lap band in June with him. His staff have been so great to work with and I like the fact that he has a lap band himself. As for finding a good doc in the U.S. to take care of follow up and fills you should check with other Mexico patients who are in your area. I am going to have to drive 2 hours from my home for good follow up care!
  14. Dancing Queen

    doc in MEXICO

    Donna, Your email was a great confidence booster to me. I am scheduled with Rumbaut for June 27. Thank you for your encouragement. Let's stay in touch..I may need more encouragement as the day approaches. Congrats on losing 27 lbs. I would also love to hear more about working with Rumbaut.
  15. Dancing Queen

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    :help: I am new to this site. Just joined last night. I am scheduled for LB surgery in Mexico in June. My current weight is 243, already lost 14 since deciding to have surgery. I feel more hopeful than I have ever felt about losing the weight for good! I love the name of your club...how do I join?

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