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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning ladies! Not much going on here. Steph, my sister had that same problem, I know it got better once she went into menopause, but I don't know what the docs did. I know caffiene makes is worse. Fill this afternoon, then need to get some homework done, I am starting to do the searching and reading for my literature review. We did have a Webinar meeting wiht the professor and he said that he makes sure we will pass the 'defending' of our study and none of his students have ever been failed, so I guess that is a good thing. But standing infront of a group of people having to defend the last year of your life has to be terrifying. DD#4 is in my dog house, she didn't pay the bill that is in my name so the collection agency threatened me, so I had to put the payment on my credit card. I am WAY not happy with the child. Pissed is an understatement. Oh well, I'll live, but she may not!!
  2. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, I had hogh cholestral before I was banded and my lipids were horrid. Now it seems to be fine. My mom, sister, & brother are on high blood pressure meds. My sister and brother are over 6 ft. and way skinny. So I got the fat gene, but no the HP gene...yeah me..yah right. Hang in there, this is another reason to lose those last few pounds. I have cleared all the junk food out of the house and have been eating oatmeal for the last 2 weeks, so hopefully I won't have a gain when I step on the scale at the fill doc. Have an apptment tomorrow for a wee tweek. My scale hasn't bugded, so hopefully it is water. I have been good...honest. Well, way back in the 70's & 80's I was a Steelers fan, but Green Bay is good also. One more UFO almost done. It is the first wool applique I ever did (like 10 years ago) and I am WAY ashamed at it. The work is lousy, but I am forcing myself NOT to redo it. It shows how far I have come...I guess. I keep finding more projects. Way sad. Well, evidently my homework didn't post to the schools web site, so I had to reload it today, which means an automatic 10% off of the grade, dang that ticks me off. TTFN
  3. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, I'm here, when I went on LBtnight it was down. DD#5 come home to do laundry and some food. Yesterday I had homework to finish up and then worked on UFO's. It is snowing like the blazes here and I have to run to the store. WHAT was I thinking? I should have went yesterday, but got engrossed it what I was doing. Ah, Janet, maybe I need to move in with you and be YOUR kept woman? Need to have a few $100K? I currently only have $100 in savings. I would do all the cleaning and carry all your bags when you go shopping. Candice, glad Peter didn't blow a gasket about Calif. I just wish I could go. But I will be thinking of you all. I don't think I will go to my sister's during my spring break, it is better if I work and get bills paid. Steph, it definitely is worth getting a new doc if your local guy makes you feel like he doesn't understand. If you were local, I have two that I could highly recommend, one is a GP and she is excellent, really listens. The!y other is an ob/gyn who did my surgery, and while he is a guy, he isn't your every day guy. He really listens, besides, he was the one who said, "Your vagina is putting out beautiful Vagina Vibes!" Man, had one of those strange dreams where you have to get somewhere but can't. It involved lots of missing keys, my mother's house being condemned because of a fly infestation, a very nice RV (with no keys), etc. I must be starting to stress about work. Have a great Monday, by the way, who won the big game? Remember I don't watch much TV. Criminal Minds had an all evening marthon, so was watching that.
  4. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, you are a good woman and friend, but we knew that. Your poor Red Hat Queen, not only to loose you husband, but you home also. Hopefully she is just overwhelmed and things will work out for her. Glad Earl is being human again. You are right, fighting is too hard. I guess you just have to accept. But this way, you can shop they way you want and when he throws a fit, smile sweetly and say, "Um, would that be worse than cigarrettes?" Janet, my SIL has a Shark Steamer and just loves it. As soon as I get my laminate in, I am getting one. Read until 1 a.m., just couldn't sleep, but got up with the alarm, so tonight should be better! Happy Super Bowl, let the game be close and the best team win. (Although I don't even know who is playing.) TTFN
  5. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, good advice, those things worked for me as well. Towards the end before my hysterectomy, I could overflow a super maxi in 15 minutes, but I had 'feeder' viens that were contributing to the issue. Well got another quilt quilted, one UFO down, just need to put the binding on which I will do tomorrow, along with homework. Man I don't want to go back to work.
  6. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Stephanie, try some soy 'nuts', they help balance out the estrogen. But there is prescription help out there, check into it.
  7. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, you are a sweetheart, I end up buy a few groceries for Elyse once in a while. They actually have to go to Pantry Partners to get free food. While I find it embarrassing, at least I know she is eating. The BF isn't working and I get the phone calls about her delinquent bills. I wish I could just shake her out of her stupidity. But I guess that is what growing up is all about. Phyl, I agree that it is about the lying. Earl needs to see that/ Smoking is one thing, but lying about it is the hard part. But I understand the addiction., not an excuse though. Candice, I want to know how you can get all your UFO's done in just a few days, it would take me a couple of years, but that is my plan. This is the year, they will ALL get done!! One down, one on the quilting frame and probably over 30 to go. But I'm getting there. I am not going to enjoy going back to school! Had freezing rain last night, so not much is moving out there. But I don't have to go anywhere so not a big deal. Janet, so cleaning is on the agenda?
  8. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, thus the reason I am single! Did get some good news on my taxes, FIRST they are DONE!!!! SECOND, I am getting enough back to buy the laminant flooring I want for the living room!! Yes I will have to install it myself, but I have done that already so I know how to do it. While I am at it, I am also going to paint the livingroom, put in crown molding, and add some lights to my quilting room. Okay first, I pay all the medical bills, THEN I will need to put some in savings and MAYbe there will be enought for the floor. I have a quilt on my quilting frame, first time in the new house!! I had chocolate for lunch, one of those days.
  9. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    If you like Dan Brown's books, you need to read The Sculptor by Gregory Funaro. Fabulous book, it was a free download for my Kindle, but he has a 2nd book, The Impaler that I spent 'real' money on. I love how Amazon changes their 'free' ebooks all the time, I have read some authors that I would have never tried had I had to buy them. The Sculptor does have a little language, the F word, but not too often, and does have a 'self gradification' scene, but not explicite detail. But I did really enjoy it, the book I mean. Just got done with my first 'Webinar', an online meeting with the MSU librarians on how to access books and Journals online. I feel so high tech!!! Well have most of the tax stuff organized and meet with the CPA tomorrow, should know by next week what the damage is. I am use to getting most of my $$ back, but I know that won't happen this year. Working as much as I did, and not too much medical expenses, so I hope I get some back. Okay I hope I don't have to PAY!!!
  10. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning Ladies, I can't believe I beat Janet on to LBT. Lazy night, worked on a wall hanging for DD#1 and read. Steph, thanks for the imput about mom's. I think you hit the head of the nail. Mom is putting their relationship in a 'perfect' light, and as a kid I know that wasn't true. Mainly because they use to drink like fishes. So maybe she doesn't remember? Who knows, but I definitely still have some anger that I need to work through. I'm just sick of the drama. Between mom and DD#4 (Elyse), and DD#3 (the DD that has been separated from her husband for over a year because he is a cheater), I just want to run away. Mom needs to grow up and deal, Elyse needs to realize that the BF is a huge user and loser, and DD#3 needs to move on with life. Either go back to the husband of get a divorce. I am to the point I don't want to talk to any of them!! Set my alarm this morning, figured I had been sleeping in WAY too long. It actually felt good to get up, even beat the alarm. Well, have homework to do, so TTFN
  11. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I did email him back, and he back again. By the way, we are both running off to Australia. I originally suggested the Oregon Coast, but he counter Australia, so if I disappear, you know that I am in the 'Outback', tossing 'another shrimp on the barbi'!
  12. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Oooh Steph, just got an email from Mark! Now that gets my heart a twitter! Now if I could just convince him that I am worth his time. He was suck a kick! Ah well, such is life!
  13. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Okay, time to try this again, Fortunately my post didn't disappear into cyber space, just posted early. I am now off of work until after Feb 11, then I can go back.... It will be strange, basically I have missed almost an entire quarter of school. Janet, I had read that about the ground turkey and started looking at the labels and was shocked to see that it really wasn't any better than lean hamburger. I buy what they call the Diet lean, which is leaner than the 'lean'. I like ground turkey, but sometimes it has a strange taste. Probably because in Montana it has been frozen and thawed WAY too many times before it reaches the grocery store. Been working on getting my tax stuff CPA by Wednesday, Alexa has to get her FAFSA application done. She is thinking on transfering to New York next school year. I know that she would love it there, she is such a social bug and just loves the 'action'. Plus she admitted that she needed to get away from the ex-boy friend. He isn't 'really' stalking her, but they both are active in the campus Christian group, but now he has decided to start playing hockey like she does. Next time I talk to her, I am going to let her know that this gives her a perfect opportunity to 'check' him into the wall!!! The jerk, calling my DD a s--t, who do you thing talked her into her first physical relationship??? Okay, I know it takes 2 to tango, but I can still blame it on the male!! Talked to my mom last night and she has started the 'Life isn't worth living, etc. I should just take all my pills and get it over with." I did the dutiful comments, but it really ticks me off. Now that she isn't being treated as the 'grieving widow' she has to go on about something. She says that dad was her best friend, love of her life, etc. But who was the one who cheated on him for 16 years???? Okay, sorry, just had to vent. Ever since this whole arm thing, I am just angry. I don't know if it is because we are coming up on the anniversary of dad's death or if I am finally at the point that I have had enough of her crap and won't play her games anymore. Quite frankly, I don't care if I ever see her again. On a 'happy note', just started reading a new book, Scupture, it is on the line of Dan Browns books.
  14. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yep, Janet, I do take sleeping pills, that is why this whole 'not sleeping' is driving me nuts. Could it be the 8 cups of tea I have taken to drinking? Steph Congrats on your 10 pounds!!! Way to go!!!
  15. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Some good news, the teacher association approved my request for sick leave from the sick leave bank, so now I will have a paycheck and can stop fussing about money. Yeah!!! Been having trouble sleeping, it is almost like my insulin resistance is back. I get all jittery and shakey about an hour after I go to bed. So tonight I am going to be very careful about what I eat tonight. I know that I am going to get a little more fill, but I need to wait another week or so. I am still eating way too much. I can eat an entire apple and then some without feeling any restriction. While an entire apple is not bad, the meat loaf that I had last night was too much. I know, shouldn't be eating meat loaf, but it was diet lean with eggbeaters instead of an egg. I needed some comfort food. Steph we are darn cold as well. My furries are think that I am torturing them when I send them outside for a potty break. Janet, what is up? Phyl? Candice, I haven't seen my daughter's house except in pictures, but it is adorable. They have a lot of work to do, painting and etc. Hey, maybe we can meet in Syracuse and spend a week painting her house? Then some quilt shopping? OOOOhhh, it could be a plan! By the way, I love you all, thanks for being my family!
  16. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, I couldn't sleep last night, so I downloaded Pride & Predudice last night, a free download. My house is so small and I have WAY too much craft stuff, so not having a stack a books around is great. The funny thing is every once in a while I find myself 'turning the page' on my kindle. I have a bifold cover, so I grab the cover and turn. duh. Does that mean I am getting senile? Once I go to sleep I slept well, but didn't get up until almost 10. I can't keep these hours. I did get a new wall hanging started yesterday for one of my daughter's birthday. I is the huge gingko leaves. She has an 'Arts & Craft' style bungalo and likes to decorate it to fit the style. A few years ago I made her a Frank Lloyd Wright style wall hanging that turned out pretty good. It just seems that all of the patterns I get for her a 'strange'. This one has you applique everything in one piece, including the border, so it should be a new experience. Well, hope you have a good day, Janet must be sleeping in or hanging with family? Phyl, Steph, busy with church. TTFN
  17. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Hey Phyl, reading is resting, so in a way yes. I did go to the store today, and was hurting by the time I got back, everytime I think I'm getting there, I get smacked back. Anyway, DD#3 had to take my mother to the ER today. Evidently she has not been taking her bloodpressure meds, and her magnesium level was extremely low. So the fixed that and my sister is flying up tomorrow to stay with her for a few days. I haven't been very nice about all of this with my siblings, I guess I am mad at my mother for being a drama queen and I need to let it go. I guess just too much time at home. Oh well, thats life. Janet, hope you had a nice evening!
  18. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, you beautiful, sexy woman!!! Candice, not is the quilt room. Just finished reading a pretty good book, Deed to Death. Not by my normal authors, but it was $0.99 for the kindle version, so I decided to try it. Probably an author I will look into. Well, need to go take a shower and run to the store. Going to see if I can find some Steam-a-Seam 2 for a project. Phyl Great food choices!! TTFN
  19. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Food good today!! Been working on a couple of hand projects and reading a book on my kindle. It was a free ebook and started out pretty good, but got bored with it. So now I need to find another. I don't find out until Monday if the sick leave bank with grant my request for days. If they don't, my paycheck will be $0.00 for this month. I have decided I may have to start pan handling. We will see. Anyway, you all have a great evening!
  20. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Karri, I went to Dr. Ortiz in TJ, Mexico and had a fabulous experience. They picked me up at the airport in San Diego, drove me across the border and to my hotel. Picked me up in the morning, took me to the clinic and got my band that day. I stayed the night, they took me back to the hotel that afternoon and I stayed there for another day. The only difficult time for me, but remember I am a hick from Montana, was that they can't drive you back through the border INTO the US, so they dropped me at the border, I walked across through customs, and they picked me up and took me back to the airport. The cost of the surgery included the transportation from and to the airport and the hotel. I would go back to him if I ever needed to have another procedure. I lost my pound!!! Last night was difficult, but I made it through without eating the walls, I thought about it a couple of times. So I figure one more day of sugar withdrawl and it will be better! Almost done with my homework for the week, yeah! Next week is easier, I hope. I have to start doing my literature review form my Capstone/thesis. Which means I have to choose a topic, that should be fun.....not.
  21. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, dinner was a protein drink. I'm suppose to be on mushies right now or so the new band doc says. Janet, I know, but I got lazy. It is nice to know you plan weekly treats, I tend to do that, but was feeling guilty, which is silly since I was loosing weight. But we all play mind games. I'm doing better tonight, I just need to get the sugar out of my system. Thanks everybody.
  22. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Lunch today: 1 1/2 oz. of cheese 1 apple 6 wheat thins
  23. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Lapband crashed this morning and I lost my post, probably a good thing because I was WAY negative. Janet the jist of everything is that while I now have my fill, I fell back into some bad habits this last month. Primarily eating sugar and carbs and little protein. We all know how addictive that can be. Things came to a head at 2 a.m. when I found myself eating veggi chips in bed. I had a horrid blood sugar crash, similar to when my insulin resistance was in full force. The shakes, everything, and I fed it. Yesterday I consumed an ENTIRE bag of veggi chips, a HUGE strawberry milkshake (I'm suppose to be on liquids and I was on a restraunt, so what the hell). Why are they in my house, good question, why did I order that shake and eat every darn drop. I thought I had all my food addictions under control and that I could have a bag of lunch treats. Well, as we all know adicts can NOT have anything like that around. I would have eaten myself to a vomit if I hadn't fallen asleep. No excuses, just sick with myself. I seem to have lost the 'big' picture of being healthy. Lack of exercise is part of that, but I am wondering why I even bother. I know that is the sugar and carbs talking, but none the less I am not proud of myself. All that being said, I have had 3 cups of tea and 1/2 c of oatmeal. I am planning my meals and hopefully will get the sugar and carbs out of my system. The next few days will be hell. But hopefully I will emerge on the otherside a better person with better control.
  24. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I just want to say that I hate food, I hate that it controls me, climbs down my throat, talks to me. I HATE IT!! I have worked too darn hard for me to go back to a glutton, but I'm loosing the battle, it is winning! and i hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Got a call back from my sister, I guess the drs have mom on a really high dose of morphine. So they have a call into a different doc and he is writing a prescription for a lower dose. Mom was evidently not coherent when my sister called. But DD#3 says they are doing okay. 'Calgon, take me away!'

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