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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Thank you all for the good wishes and positive fibes, I fly out at about 12:00, i just hope I make my connection in Salt Lake, there is only 35 minutes between when I land and change planes, but that is in Gods hands, not mine.
  2. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Chris, In regards to the refigerator I was refering to unplugging it to abide by the 'no electricity' hour. (sorry I replied here, facebook is blocked at our meeting site)k
  3. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Steph You are mean.....well at least someone has a 'before' picture of me. I have been trying to get the nerve to have Elyse (from now to be known at E4, she is daughter #4) take a picture in my skivies to put in my 'Band-book'. In regards to the book, it started as a way to collect/organize all the stuff I need for surgery. But, I have started adding stuff. a graph of my weight, interesting articles, appointments, etc., so now it has been dubbed my 'Band-book'. Okay, now you all know, I am a bit obsessive compulsive, anal retentive. Thank you all again for allowing me to join. This has been the most fun I have had in a long time. Oh, and I promise to NEVER use the fat/muscle reference again...But Steph, I must point out that it is all about density, as most good things are. Stupid question..DH = Dear Heart? Darling Husband? I am looking forward to getting to know you all better and I really appreciate the support..OMG (did I just use an IM term)...only 48 hours until 'B day'. Well best get going to my meeting.
  4. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyl-you have intimidated me with all your animations, loved the boobie girl. tomorrow one of you will have to tell me how to get all the fun stuff added. I don't even know how to put in a picture, of course if I did figure out how to do the picture it would have to be my drivers license pic, because NO ONE who values their life get's near me with a camera, Yeah I just want to know that there are actually 4 chins.
  5. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Steph, don't you DARE get whimpy on me!!! I need you to be tough!! I needed the reminder about how I would feel about it after. IF I decide to have a last meal, I will be with the knowledge that I CHOSE to have it and that it is okay. I have way too many food issues and I needed you to point out that typically I would think less of myself. Now if I decide to go for it I will have to balance the enjoyment with the the 'after affects'. So like you said, maybe the decision will be made for me. Salsa-muscle weighs more than fat...Don't you just hate it when people say that.
  6. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I am with Phyl with the Boobie Brigade.
  7. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyl – you are so right about the crackling and rattling, they chew loud too!! And the smells, I really hate people who can eat all that stuff. I have been living on about 600 to 700 calories for the last 2 weeks. I’m not really into sugar free, it gives me headache if I eat too much. Dinner here tonight at my meeting is roast beef, veggies, potatoes, rolls, salad. So I had a slice of beef and a BIG salad with a smidgen of vingarette…and I mean a smidgen..I feel better, I was really starving. I know the beef was not on my allowed list. Stephanie is probably right about the last meal, but there are so many things I have been thinking about, food wise, which is stupid, I know I will be able to have it eventually. I also know that I have to make some major changes in my eating habits.
  8. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Thank you all for the warm welcome. Kirahj- I was planning on the bullion cubes, but I appreciate the reminders. I am going to pack some protein drinks in my suitcase and water bottles, but I would love to have any other suggestions. Do you think I could get away with the last supper, I have a fear that if I eat something that I will gain back the 17 pre-op pounds I lost. I would love to have a piece of red meat, and a SMALL dessert to celebrate the 50th birthday. So folks, do you think I could get away with a reasonable ‘last’ meal. I am excited to be having the band on my birthday, but I am having some 50th mid-life crisis. Also the baby of my 5 girls graduates from high school. Life is really going to change and I don’t know if I am ready. My girls went and got their own lives and I wasn’t ready, I still have trouble accepting that we can’t all get together and have a girls weekend. I keep telling them that all I want for Christmas/birthday is to have a long weekend with all my girls. But one is in Syracuse, NY, one in Chicago, and one in Idaho. Okay, sorry about the pity party. When I hit 40 I went on a week long cycling tour, loved it. Maybe I should consider the 3day walk. My mom had breast cancer and 2 of my quilting ladies have had it as well. Now I wonder if I could find the $2300 for pledges? I could sew the hats if I can figure out how to make it happen… Oh Steph, Elyse picked up The Secret so it is in the Surgery suitcase. Well, I am in a meeting and ‘break’ is about over, I am having a heck of a time focusing. Everyone is munching on nuts, pretzels… so far I resisted, I am chewing gum, etc. Best go. K
  9. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Ladies, I read up on the 3day, I admire all of you!! k
  10. Good luck ladies, we will keep the positive vibes going!! I have 3 more days myself and I definitely get nervous, sometimes even a little panicy. but in the end, everyone says it is a great thing. I fly out to San Diego on Sunday, Kimmiev3 is there now and had her surger on Wednesday. I wish you all well.k
  11. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Steph, email me your address and I'll get the pattern into the mail. It's pretty easy, I made them for Jamie when she was doing surgical rotation. I will check into the 3day.... Thank you for the warm welcome, and I must say, I see a whole new side of Steph. Only 3 more days till band day!!..... I tried to talk the nutritionist into letting me have a final meal to celebrate the 50 B-day, she didn't go for it. She told me I could get a piece of grilled chicken even in Mexico. The woman has no heart. But I have to admit that my gift to myself is the band and I don't want anything to delay that.
  12. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hello everyone, Steph invited me to your group. I went through the last few pages of your posts and I have a few questions: 1. Where do I get the purple satin sheets? I have been divorced for 14 years and haven't had a tumble in over 10 years. I have had 3 surgeries for pelvic organ prolapse, the last at Duke in NC where they rebuilt me with cadavar tissue. My physical therapist offered to write me a prescription for a 'tumble' so we could see if it worked. 2. Who are the little bambinos? I have 3 adorable and spoiled doxi's, my new baby is just 3 months old. Oh, and I have the scub hat pattern if you want it. Steph has been an inspiration to me, and convinced me that I was worth the money it cost for the lapband. So I fly to San Diego on Sunday and have surgery with Dr. Ortiz on Monday. I am nervous in general, but excited to get started on my pathway to health. I little info on me: I have 5 daughters, 18 to 32. I teach 7th & 8th Math & Science. I live in Florence, Montana (on the west side of the state near Missoula). My family has mixed feelings about me having the lapband. One of my daughters is a PA and she wigged out that I am going to Mexico and she feels that I am just looking for a quick fix to my weight. My sister isn't really talking to me, by the way she is 6 feet tall and weighs 100 & nothing and is married with lots of money. My mom and 2 of my other daughters are very supportive, the other 2 are just not talking about it. Thank you for allowing my to invade your thread. Karla
  13. I get a headache if I eat more than a serving a day.
  14. I am glad someone else has got nervous and thought about canceling. I am on day six of preop and 10 days before banding and my brain is starting to spin. Thanks for the honesty.
  15. Sorry about the repeat post, but here was the rules my friend gave me: The basic band food rules are: every meal has about 4 oz of Protein, then veggies or fruit (but more veggies than fruit should be the rule) and then carbs if you have room. she suggested that I eat off of a dessert plate instead of a big one, and that 1/2 of it should be protien, 1/4 veggie, 1/4 carb. Your total food should be about a cup to a cup and a half. After you have restriction you should not be hungry for at least 3 hours. No eating 1/2 hour before and after meals, and nothing but a few sips if needed during meals.
  16. I am getting my band in Mexico as well. I know that I will have to take charge of my 'after care'. A great friend, and lapbander, suggested the website: dailyplate.com She said that she was able to set up goals and pacing guides via the websit, another she suggest was: sparkspeople.com She found that the through website and being actively in control (planning) she didn't need a 'group' or 'nutritionist'. She is also active on Lapbandtalk. What about going back on the pre-op diet to 'cleans' the carbs from your system. I am a mega carb addict, but now that I am on day 5, I feel SO much better. It is a suggestion... Good luck, we are here for you, k
  17. I am self-pay also, so I have a monthly reminded everytime I make a payment on my loan. Also, I agree, you can't think that you will never have chocolate, (chocolate is a major food group), but you have to have a plan. 1. buy the very best chocolate you can afford.... 2. buy in very small quantities, one serving if you can... 3. sit down and enjoy every sensation the chocolate gives you. 4. (actually it should be 1 but..) make a deal with yourself... I can have the chocolate when I.... 5. DON'T FEEL GUILTY. k
  18. cramerk

    Self pay help!!!!!

    I went to my bank. My car is paid off and the bluebook value was great enough to cover the amount I needed for surgery in Mexico. I borrowed $7300 and will pay $178 for the next 48 months. My mom offered to co-sign for a signature loan if I needed. Good luck, try your bank and then check into medical financing. You can find several on line and through your doctor. k
  19. cramerk

    ready to lose it 4 the final time

    willingtotry. calculate your BMI, that will help show your mother that the risk is worth it. With your small height, I would guess your BMI is over 40 which makes you a canidate for a lapband. Do the research and show it to your family, also the health risks for a BMI over 40, sleep apnea, hypertension, etc. Good luck, k
  20. Paxie We will keep our fingers crossed for you and also in our prayers. I am self-pay, my insurance had a $2000 deductable and then will pay only 50%, I decided to take out a loan and go to Mexico. If I went the insurance route, I would have to jump through all the hoops which would take about a year, and my out of pocket cost would still be over the cost in Mexico. I know I am taking a risk, but I guess I am desperate. Good luck, let us know when you find out about approval. k
  21. cramerk


    Welcome & congrats on you weight loss! I am fairly new here, but I have found this to be a very supportive community. Take some time and browse around on the threads, use what you need and leave the rest. k
  22. I 'think' it is somewhat the doctor's preference, but I think that mine is more restricted because I have a BMI over 40 and am over 250 pounds. Also I didn't make a final decision until last week and my surgery in on 3/30. k
  23. cramerk


    joejoe, great job! I get banded on 3/30. lapbandtalk was recommended to me by an inspiring bandster that I met. Spend some time browsing through the threads, you will find lots of information. k
  24. Kimmiev3.. I haven't decided on whether to go back to Ortiz or not, but I am open to it if you wanted to partner up. I am traveling on my own and would love to find a travel buddy. Also, please let me know how it goes, I am starting to get nervous. Although after my first day on the P/O diet, I am starting to look at my dog's bones and drool. We won't talk about the caffeine withdrawl. Good luck to you all. k
  25. I would be interested in seeing your list, although I know I will be jealous. I start my PO diet today, I can have 2 protein drinks, 1 Lean Cuisine, any green veggies with a spritz of salad dressing and more water than I can imagine. k

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