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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, enjoy your 3 day weekend, do something fun!! Phyl, feel better, nothing worse than a yecky cold/flu. Candice, Steph, whatsup? Anyone heartd from Linda lately? I am SO looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. I definitely had a hard time waking up this morning. It's still bitter cold. My nursey boss emailed and asked about this years schedule and she mentioned that all the lambs were due yesterday. Hopefully the porr babies don'e freeze, I love seeing them play in the spring. Have a good one, TTFN
  2. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    With coughing and a fever you are NOT a hypochondriac! Drink your fluids and snuggle with Zoey. There is tons of nasty stuff going around school, I can't afford to be sick since I don't have any sick leave left. Thats life. So Candice are you freezing also? Out 6th graders had 2 days of snow days and it got canceled for today and tomorrow. The shoeshoe, build snow caves with a fire, things like that. They were really bummed, so was I. So instead they were in the classroom with an attitude, oh well. Only good thing is all my papers are graded and I have most of my articles read for my lit review and part of the outline done. So I'll finish reading tonight and start writing tomorrow. As I said it is due on Sunday, but I begged and was granted an extension. Good thing, today of all things I am sore along all my incision sights. Probably the scraping the windshield. All I really want to do is sit with a hot pack and vegge. Well hope you have a good evening, back at it. I better send my mom and email.
  3. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, thanks for the kind thoughts. I know God has a plan, I just wish I knew what it was! Probably, be careful of what you wish for! Sorry about the 'great', I imagine the girls parents are not too pleased either. One thing though, if the BF bails on Elyse and child support, this 'grandma' is going to see him in court AND he better have his 'privates' covered!!! I know this isn't suppose to be about me, but I so was looking forward to my first grandchild, now it just is ruined. I wanted to celebrate the event and instead I am sick. I haven't even told anyone at work, because I don't think this is something to celebrate. We aren't getting a lot of snow here, but the wind is blowing like a Banshee and it is bitter cold. Are you taking your vitamins? I'm so sorry you still feel like crap, I thought you got a flu shot? Glad you are home safe and sound and can get some rest today!! Stay home, curl up with a good book and SLEEP! Food yesterday, not so good. I forgot my grapes, which are my stress snack, so ended up eating jerky, which isn't bad, but I seemed to be eating all day. None of it was 'bad food', just more than I should have. On a good note...I am actually starting to think oatmeal isn't all that bad. Hope you all have a warm and wonderful day!
  4. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning ladies...hope you all slept well! Cold here, snowed...I think I am officially done with winter! It is way over rated! Of course I shouldn't complain, Candice has it worse than all of us. How did your gig go? I am so proud of you! You get out there and make peoples' lives beautiful with your music! Janet, have you gotten that computer figured out yet? I need to go buy an external harddrive. Everyone says that you need one once you start your Capstone/Thesis and I can see why. I have over 20 articles (about 500 pages) of research and all my notes, if my computer goes wonky, life will end as we know it. I don't know that I could face starting over. Phyl, hope your trip goes well. Sorry, back to homework, I'll be glad when this is over, only 1 1/2 years to go!! Yeah right
  5. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Thanks Janet, I know that down the road, Elyse will either be okay or not. I will no doubt love this child, but it saddens me that Elyse has chosen this path. There will be many times that I will want to 'fix it' for her, but I have to stay strong in this. She is an adult and this is her choice and the consequences will be hers to live with. It will kill me to watch this child go without because of the situation it is being brought into. I doubt that the father will be around and supportive and Elyse will be trying to give it everything it needs by herself. Sorry, I am such a Debbie Downer...rough week... Back to homework, I'd rather be quilting.
  6. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, tummy is good. I haven't had any vomiting since I was unfilled. I don't go for a fill until March 1st, so that gives everything a couple of weeks to heal. The hernia surgeon said that I probably had a small tear in the stomach lining that didn't show up on the endoscope. Sorry that I'm not in much this week, my literature review is due this coming weekend and I stil have 3/4 of an inch of reading to do, plus writing the durn thing. I'm probably going to have to ask for an extension, The review is suppose to be 5 to 6 pages long and It takes me at least 3 hours per page to write it and then it needs to be proofed by someone. Well my dad's been gone a year this Thursday. Miss him, but glad he isn't here to hear about the latest news about Elyse. I know that eventually I will accept it, but it still kept me from sleeping last night. I so envisioned my first 'grandchild' being a joyous event. I imagine eventually I will get there, but right now I don't see how. I know God has a plan, but I sure wish He would let me in on it! Phyl, glad to hear you are feeling better, drive carefully! So when are you guys heading back to Washington? Hope you all have a great day, TTFN
  7. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Well ladies, just got an email from Elyse, DD#4 who lives with the loser who doesn't work...she is pregnant. The BF doesn't pay child support on the 6 year old he already has. My first grandchild and I'm sick. My heart is sick. How can she be so stupid. Does she even realize how bleak her future is? I haven't even been able to respond back. I don't even know what to say.
  8. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I'm here, just busy with homework. My Literature Review is due this coming weekend and I am still reading a pile of articles. I have about 400 pages to read and then try to turn them into a 5 to 6 page summary. This is where I have trouble, it is going to be a long week. Writing and me...not so good. Laundry done and need to do some cleaning, but all I want to do is quilt. I got another UFO quilted and just need to do the binding. I have a doc appt with the hernia surgeon today, so have to run into town. I'd love to do some shopping, but need to get back and do reading. Everyone enjoy your day! I'll check back later if I can, TTFN
  9. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, congrats on the new tower!!! It will take a little while to get use to a new operating system. I don't dislike or like Window's 7 over the old version. But it does take some getting use to. Hope you have a restful weekend and get caught up on sleep, etc. Candice, any gigs this weekend? Phyl,,, do we have to nag to get you to the doctors? Come on girls, we worry! Hope to get to do some quilting this weekend, but I have tons of reading to do. Also laundry and the all over clean up. My toilet decided to flood the bathroom last night, so now have to wash tons of stuff, rug, etc. Bleck. But at least it was 'clean' water. If you get my drift. Check in later!!
  10. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, I'm so sorry that your visit is being interrupted with being sick. Hang in there girl, we all love you. If you aren't better soon, get thee to the docs!!!! Back from the endoscopy. If nothing else the gasto guy was HOT!!!!!! Oh, mama! Everything looks great. They let me watch and I didn't have to take the Verset (sp) so I remember everything. My esophogus, stomach, & small intestine are nice and pink and no ulcer or erosion. It was rather cool to see where the band is from the inside. Since I am empty, it just creates a little dent, rather like a corset. So hopefully we can try a fill again! Came home and took a nice nap!
  11. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Well, hit 'post' too soon! Phyl how is the tummy? Janet you got some rest I hope? School stress is hitting, we won't talk about food last night. Being on liquids doesn't keep the tummy full for long, and it is amazing what you can convince yourself is 'healthy'. But today is a new day. Starting over on my thesis/Capstone focus. This is topic #4 and it had durn well be the last. My literature review is due next week. But had a visit with the professor last night and we talked throughs some ideas. For those of you in the educational world my new focus is: "Implementing the constructivist paradigm using the 5 E Learning Cycle in the science classroom.' So any literature that you can recommend would be VERY helpful. Students seem to be glad to see me back in the classroom. I have gotten lots of hugs...even from the boys! I guess I was missed. Believe it or not, next week is midterms which means there is only 1 1/2 quarters of school left. Wow! It does look like I will be having to take a class online this summer and I am applying for on opportunity to work for 2 week on Jack Horner's Egg Mountain. Two weeks of digging up dino fossils....could it not get any better? Well best get going, But tonight I can come home and be a bit of a slug since I have my endo tomorrow!! Have a fabulous DAY!!!!
  12. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good morning ladies, Candice, I am so glad your GF has good news!!! What a relief, that will help her get through chemo!!!
  13. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, I would say lack of sunshine if you lived up here with us nanooks of the north. How is your water? It would be worth while to have a blood panel done. You should have more energy. You have been going pretty hard. My endo isn't until Friday. Fortunately the doc is going to go over everything as soon as I am done. Phyl, I am so sorry you aren't feeling well. I'm with Janet, if you are still vomiting you need to get some anit-nausia. Candice, I hope to buy a digital camera when I get my tax return, can I call you for help? You are sweetheart.
  14. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, I think I want to grow up to be you! You have so much fun and are so active. Heck I get tired just listening to what you do! My scope will be fine. I just will be glad to know what is going on. Yep, only a couple of weeks and you will all have to skype me and let me know what you all are doing. Have a glass of wine for me!! Well best get ready for work!! You all have a fabulous day. May not be checking in tonight. I am going to quilting tonight and don't know if I'll get home in time to check in. TTFN
  15. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Well, the scope is scheduled for Friday, so should know then what is going on. Candice, sounds like you had a great time!!! Phyl & Janet, glorious weekend with good weather I hope? Oh Janet I am unfilled. We are going to leave it that way until after the scope and then go VERY gradual from there. Sorry this is short, but homework to get caught up on!! hope to check back later!! TTFN
  16. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, even with this family flying in unexpectedly, it sounds like you had a great weekend. I'm doing better, it is amazing what getting hydrated will do for you. I'm going to be fine, just overall frustrated. Tired because I didn't sleep well Saturday night. But, I'll come home and take a little nap today and should be fine. I am hoping I can get the scan scheduled for next Friday, which is President's Day, that way I won't have to lose a day's pay. but I'll know today. Back to school... yeah? Tired all ready, but I'll get tthrough it. You all have a fabulous day!! TTFN
  17. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Well you all must be out and about!! Hope you have a good Sunday! Ended up going to the ER again, so I am unfilled and pumped full of fluids and anti nausia. The band placement looks good. I will be having a scope done sometime next week to check everything from the inside. But what a way to lose 7 pounds in 5 days. NOT my idea of fun. But I have learned my lesson. I will be gradually refilling from now on, I'm not going through this again!!! Homework...or a good book is calling, um should be homework, but I think I'm going for the book. Hey 'B's' are okay right?
  18. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Nah Candice, I am sipping. I am calling on Monday. To be honest at this point if they said they wanted to totally unfill me I wouldn't argue. I have no energy and my head won't even work. Ah hell, I'm just whining, actually I'm crying because I am so miserable. So just ignore me, I think I am going to bed, need to do homework, but can't even function enough to do it
  19. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, I am so sorry, your doctor is being an idiot!!! Take a deep breath. She should have been thrilled that you were being proactive. Okay, take another breath. Now what are you going to do about it? If docs are not taking new patients then you are limited about what you can do. But you CAN choose how you react, so give that some thought. Right now I don't know if my band is still too tight or if my ulcer is causing the problem. Had class today, tried to drink some tea, no go, tried some coffee, no go, tried some water, no go. So by noon I had nothing to eat or drink. We go to lunch at the campus cafeteria and I am really looking forward to some soup. But NO, it is breakfast lunch. sausage, cereal, eggs, etc. So I get a spoon of cottage cheese, a spoon of eggs and a glass of milk (yes I drank the milk first). Everything went down great and no burning, no vomiting, Felt human. Later, tried some water again, burned and stuck like crazy. Now get this....sipped a diet coke (I don't normally drink soda, but I was desprite) went down fine. So dinner tonight was cottage cheese and scrambled eggbeaters. went down fine. but if I even think about water or tea, ugg. So is this ulcer or band? I am getting frustrated, I just want to drink some water!!! or a cup of tea. So I imagine I will call the doctor and see if they can recommend me to a gastroenterologist (sp) or who ever deals with ulcers and will get some more fluid taken out of my band. Candice, hand in there!!
  20. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I'm doing better Janet, so far have kept about 1/4 c of yogurt down!! and about 1/4 c of water. Not much, but with the swelling I have I'm not surprised. At least it is staying down now!!!
  21. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Oh, Phyl, I'm so sorry about your uncle, it must be the alzheimers, you are in my prayers. But you are right to be concerned about your mom's safety. Sounds like you all are going to have a great time! Last day of freedom. Back to work on Monday. I hope I am deflated enough. Last night was not so good, but sitting here sipping tea and hoping it stays down. I don't want to have to go back in. I am going in to take DD#5 for a Costco run then home. Tomorrow master's class on campus, then Sunday, laundry and run DD#5 back to her apartment. Had some really strange dreams again last night, just anxiety over going back to work. Hope you all have a great day TTFN
  22. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, I love the 'vintage' codes!!! however, texting is beyond me, can't see the friggin little keys!! To the doc and back. Deflated, but not totally. We did a partial deflate and I'll check back in with him tomorrow. So far just sipping and that seems to be okay. I am going to take a nap, didn't sleep last night, too many times up to vomit. So even though I have tons to do, I am going to be a slug for a couple of hours. TTFN
  23. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning, just so you all know that you can beat me about the head and shoulders, I've done a pretty good job, but I need some additional "I told you so's". Spend a good portion of the night vomiting up blood again. So as soon as the dr. office opens I'll be calling them. I probably will end up going to the ER. I feel so damn stupid. My ulcer is worse than ever. I'm sorry I didn't listen, I feel pretty stupid. Hopefully we will get this fixed today, I'll let you all know.
  24. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yep, I'll probably be calling the doc tomorrow. I know he probably isn't in the office but maybe one of the nurses can unfill me a little. Yep, pretty stupid and now I feel like crap! Didn't get much done because of feeling lousy. Think I'll curl into a fetal position and call it good.
  25. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Crap, my post disappeared. Got my fill today, not happy with myself. I have gained 4 pounds since November. WAY ticked off, yeah, no exercise and 1/2 the time in bed will do that to you. Now I am probably a little over filled. When I did the water test it went down fine, but pb'd it in the parking lot. So let's hoping it is just swelling. I'm on liquids for 2 days, mushies for 2 days and then we will see how things are. I did find one source for those 4 pounds. I have been drinking a lot of tea with my usual 'no cal' sweetener, well, I really looked at the label and my idea of 'no cal' and their idea of 'no cal' is not the same. Come to find out it 25 calories for 3/4 a tsp and I use over a tsp, so figure 40 cals per cup of tea plus non-fat condensed milk which is 25 cals per 2 Tbles. So come to find out my tea is running me 65 calories per cup and I drink about 6 cups since I am home all the time. WELL, that is 390 calories for tea!!!! Heck I could have had ice cream for that! So as Janet always says, "Read the dag gum label!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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