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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Steph, drive safe. Helena's weather was nice. I few piles of snow, but the wind didn't blow until Saturday. Karri, good luck, we all will be cheering for you. Have to work today at the nursery. Need to get the fish pond running and some other water features. Heavy work, but I enjoy it for the most part. Not thrilled about not having a day off. I have to work Sat & Sun next weekend as it is mother's day. We will be hopping. But they usually are bonus days, so that will pay some of the bills. I did walk some yesterday at my meeting, but the food choices were not the best. It was still much less food that I ate before band, but, they had the most fabulous sunflower bread and I had about 3/4 a slice with butter. Breakfast was oatmeal with 1 tsp of brown sugar, lunch: about 3/4 c of cream of mushroom soup, 3/4 piece of bread with butter (only about 3/4 tsp.), some salad, and a 1 inch by 2 inch piece of cake (okay I ate 2 of them), dinner was chicken, salad, and that damn cake again. It tasted like a wopper (candy type), but I did keep it to one 1in x 2in piece. It was the first junk food I have had in a really long time. No excuse, I chose to eat them. In general, I ate significantly less than I use to eat, but probably more than I should. I will burn some of it off today at work. Well, best go get ready for work. I need to make a healthy lunch to take. Probably tuna with avocado, celery, mandarines, and about 1 table. of light mayo. I was thinking I didn't REALLY need a fill and was thinking about canceling my appointment, but then this weekend showed me that I do need one. I packed in way more food than i should, and didn't ever feel really full. Chat to everyone when I get home. You all be safe!!!
  2. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hey, no idea where my post went, oh well, just talked about food for the day, oatmeal, chicken, chicken, about 3 bites of salad, not enough water. See you all tomorrow Karri, kick some butt. I've thought about a tat, my younger 2 girls each have one. Elyse hates hers and regrets getting it. Alexa loves hers and is planning a new one. Well better get to bed.
  3. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    When will I remember to take small bites and chew. Driving to Helena today I took a bite of chichen and totally forgot about size and chewing. I had to stop the car and get it back up. Just tired and a little frustrated. i don't even have anything to be frustrated about. Just a continuation of Janet's blahsss.
  4. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Steph, hang in there. I know it is painful for to see Michael mess up. remind him that to be able to drive that he needs a 3.00 gpa for his insurance discount. Elyse didn't get that one quarter and the insurance jumped over $100 a month, and that was 7 years ago so I am sure that it is more than that now. My daughter had to pay the difference. It is a carrot to dangle in front of him. Also, has Michael's med's been checked lately? As you know, adolescent hormones really mess up the med balance. It is worth a check anyway.
  5. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Really having a hard time getting motivated today. The only accomplishment was getting my laundry sorted. Can't even grumble about that because my kids will do my laundry while I'm gone.
  6. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Oh, Janet, let's not talk about the condition of the house....I think I have taken 'mess' to a whole new level.
  7. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Folks, I must REALLY be losing it, I couldn't even remember who Doris WAS....I had to go back and read my own posts. yeah right....Doris is my doubts.... Janet, yep..as in runs, it wasn't a pretty sight. I got some chewable vitamins from VitaCost.com. They seem to do the trick. I will have to watch the slider foods, those are some of my favorites. Slap down Doris.... I will work on my mantra, 'I will succeed, I will get healthy, I will get 'hot',,,okay maybe not hot, but I would like to at least me kissed by someone other than a family member. OKAY, lets get real...I want laid. Please don't shoot me, but it has been over 10 years...and...yep, really should just get drunk, but haven't done that for about 10 years either. Yes, I am going to hell. My good thing that happened today...got my sub notes done by 4:30. That being said...today was a day from hell. Why did I think that it would be a good idea for students to learn how to run a business, shop at each others stores, learn how to use a checkbook, etc.... what crazieness. The crowning glory was when my 'favorite' child that I am not allowed to discipline (no he is not SpEd, just rich parents) decided to play tag during class. Now I can understand it with a kindergartener, maybe even a 2nd grader, but this is a 7th grader. Even after yelling for them to stop, he continued to chase 2 students around the room,,so I kicked them to the hall, couldn't get someone at the office, so got another teacher to watch my class so I could take them to the office. On the way there, the principal stopped me, when I tried to explain I was interrupted, told 'loudly' to return to my room and that they would handle things. Well the students were back in my room in under 5 minutes. Upon return, the 'special' child took stuff off my desk, got in my face when I refused to give him his 252nd pencil of the year, intimidated another student into giving him a pencil, balanced his chair on one leg, and talked throughout a test. At this point I really wanted to tell him to shut the 'F' up. Oh I have him for 2 periods each afternoon. Got so worked up that when I finally got time to eat, I ate too fast, and that ended lunch. Okay, now that I have vented I feel much better. Thanks for listening or at least reading it. I head to Helena tomorrow, home Saturday night, and work at the nursery on Sunday. Karri, so your school ran out of money, and they are only paying you for 4 days a week until the end of the year? What about your contract? I don't understand. I guess I have potty mouth tonight, I am sorry.
  8. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Wow, a size 4, I don't think I have ever seen size 4, okay maybe a size 4T when I was little. Actually after my divorce I was down to a size 6, but that was via some extremely unhealthy food issues, let's just say dry air popped pop corn was my ONLY food group. I believe Dr. Rohrer does his fills blind. My biggest concern is whether I'll notice a change. Right now I know that i don't have restriction and that is why I have to struggle to stay within calories. What if it isn't any easier? I know I'll have to be vigilant, but I hope the band will help. Just being a ninny, and that I have to deal with the doubt. I guess I need to name my doubt Doris and keep slapping her down. Steph, I know, possitive thoughts, don't attract negative. But we all have lost weight, just to have it crawl back and then some for pay back. On another note, I am so glad that one of the teachers had the spine to call you Steph. That lady deserves flowers. We all know it is hard to go against the current and it is ALWAYS hard to call a parent (for me anyway). You all have a good Thursday.
  9. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I actually ate the same thing that I fixed for my kid. we had chicken enchaladas and some salad and watermelon. I ate only one enchalada and some salad. Ate the watermelon later, which didn't agree with me. It decided to go straight through. I think it was similar to the dumping syndrome. Let's just say, i didn't make it. So am I the only one who had that happen? is it just a fluke (hopefully not a liver fluKe)?
  10. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Steph, 1st..could the principal have handled things any worse? 2nd..try to take it with a grain of salt (yeah right, like any of us could) Maybe the Principal was trying to put on a show for his teachers. 3rd.. slap them all. You didn't use names on facebook, so they need to just grow a skin. 4th..they know they messed up and are trying to put the blame on someone other than themselves. 5th..kick their butts again. let's hope they actually give you Michaels work. It is too bad that someone doesn't have have what it takes to admit they messed up. 6th..still squeek, this is your kid... Karri...is it worth it? I know that I can start obsessing about things I can't control until I get physically ill. Even to the point that almost every time I let myself get pulled down I ended up having some type of surgery, and not just once, but 8 times!! So did some real soul searching...could I stay where I was, doing what I was doing without going crazy or killing my self. There have been times that I did make a change and most recently I considered making a career change. I have decided that it wasn't for me. However, making that decision, I had to accept certain thing weren't going to change and for my sanity I let things go. You are young enough that making a drastic change is possible. My paster once told me "God sometimes takes away something good to give you something better. give it some thought and then what ever you decision, don't second guess.
  11. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Steph, definitely count me in on the greyhound trip. Although IF I come home with another dog, my family will disown me. Part of me wanted to get the fill ASAP, but next week is mother's day weekend so I will be crazy getting stuff ready for the nursery, and midterms, and...I am sure there is something else I'm suppose to do. Plus, I am afraid it will hurt, or go bad...yep, I spent to much time on the 'problem' threads. Oh and Steph, givem hell!! Karri, I know there isn't a thing I can say that will help. But, can you really live your life this way? Give it some thought. Bell rang, best go,
  12. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay Ladies...just made my appointment for my first fill....w/ Dr. Rohrer is Great Falls. The office said I could have it as early as next week. That would have only 5 weeks since I was banded. So even though they said that it was fine to have a fill at 5 weeks, I opted for a fill on 5/13, wich will be 6 weeks. Now I am getting nervous,
  13. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I'm with you Phil on the homeschooling, but Steph has what it takes, besides if you view it as...."Hey Michael..you have two choices, be homeschooled and deal with me everyday OR go to public school and follow the rules". Michael is a sweetheart...but the so love to challenge us. We all have war stories that we chuckle over now, well I chuckle, my girls just shake their heads. They are totally convinced that THEIR mom was the weirdest mom ever. But hey, if you slam your door at me, I guess you don't need a door for the next month. Lock me out of the bathroom, I guess you don't need that door knob for a while. Seriously, when I was in the middle of that time, I hated every minute of the confrontations. Best get ready for school. Fun!!
  14. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I ahve figured out how this 'life style' change works. You burn more calories chewing the food than what is in the food to begin with. I had a piece of chicken, asparages, watermelon. it took 45 minutes to eat the chicken, 4 asparagus, and the watermelon. gave up after that. Janet, I tried to cut my finger off working at the nursery on Sunday. The boss got new shears, I was pruning some sedum and tried to prune off the last 1/2 inch of my finger. Should have went in for stitches, but I was dirty and tired, so I slapped it closed and taped it closed. Hey, the bone kept it on, so I least I didn't have to go digging in the dirt for it. So far so good, doesn't show any sign of infection. We dip all pruners and shears in bleach, so I should be good. Candice, I'll get some pics on soon. i think Elyse has some pic of my quilt and projects, so I'll get her to down load some. Steph, you are a braver soul than I. I had both my youngest in my classes. Alexa almost got a detention slip to the office from me. She could really push my buttons. The crowning glory was when she argued with me about what the science was that day. Wait a minute, I'm your science teacher!!! Those were just some of our better moments. Oh and then there was the math homework. Good luck, you have the patience of Job, so i know it will go great.
  15. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Where is everyone? I didn't figure I would be the last one on yesterday? Did you all 'move' without me? Are you all having affairs with othere website? You must realize I am of the jealous sort. That being said.. have a good day. Steph good luck with the sp.ed. teacher today. Car, glad to meet you, I am a newbie! Also, on the LB topic. I am suppose to be on solids now and here is where I am going to struggle. Breakfast I have covered, oatmeal with protein powder, skim milk, SF syrup, that's easy, but now what... refried beans, w/ salsa & cheese for lunch, or tuna w/ avocado, mandarines, LF miracle whip? Dinner, I am so use to drinking my meals... I know I should have chicken or salmon, veggies???? Can I tackle brocolli? Salad, not always a good choice for me because I want a lot of dressing and feta, AND sunflower seeds, asparigus? So folks, I need some suggestions and/or recipes. I am finding that I am really hungary (probably head stuff) in the evening. When I am, I will have some oatmeal. Steph knows how much I hate the stuff, so I must be desperate to eat it. So you all have a good day, and I'll chat this evening. Should go to quilting group, but I have been really tired in the evening. Miss molly keeps getting up to go potty in the middle of the night. Once I can handle, but twice is really starting to push it. See ya,
  16. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Just got a phone call from mom, and dad gets to go home tomorrow!! Now I just home he remembers his med, does his physical theropy and breathing treatments, but it is good news. thanks Janet, I needed to hear that someone besides me struggles with smoking. I only consume 6 a day, and the doc says it is my way of supplimenting my antidepressants. Oh well, we will deal with that later. Had the school nurse check the ol' finger and got chewed out, I guess I should have gone in for the stitches, but it is too late now. It makes it tough to type. Tried to go for my walk todaay and it really started to throb, so ended up cutting short at 1.5 mi. I figure I will walk tomorrow in the school since we are suppose to be darn cold tomorrow, that or do dance revolution with Elyse. Jumping will probably make it throb some more. I'll think os something. Finally had my first solid meal last night, chicken, and didn't hurt. Lunch today eas some left over mashed taters and low fat cheese, not enough protein so was hungry, I did forget about not drinking afterwards, lets just say, I won't forget again. Going to go with solft food tonight. I need to get some veggies when the schwan man comes on Friday. All I have in the house is corn & peas, need to get some aspargus and something else, carrot? I'll have to think about that. I am in helena this Friday and saturday working on middle school stuff, will have to watch what I eat. you all have a good evening.
  17. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Have good day every one, good food choices, and exercise.
  18. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Oh other good thing...I wore an old pair of jeans to work today...SIZE 18. I haven't seen them in 2 years!!!
  19. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Well, I"m back from my first day @ th nursery. Normally I start in March, but with my surgery and my dad I haven't made it back until today. I really enjoyed see everyone, the baby lambs and foxes, all the new plants. Got some of the water features in an got to run the loader, whohoo. Everything was great until the last 10 minutes, I was potting up some sedum, I was rushing, the boss got new scissors, can you see what happened next.. yep cutting back the sedum and cut the side of my index finger. Fortunately the nail stopped me from cutting the finger off. Probably need stitches, but I am going to pass. The scissors had been bleached before I used them, so I shouldn't get a raging infection, but DAMN it hurts like crazy and it is hard to type. I think I am missing out on all the beverages going around with you guys. I'm not much of a drinker, but I do love a good margaritta. Steph, we won't talk about the smoking...yea let's not talk about it...not going well with that. The stress with my dad did me in on that..oh well. Phyll I relate with the sister issues. My sister is 6 foot, weighs NOTHING, has a winter home in Arizona, and 2 in Idaho, one with 6 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms, 3 garages, on the lake, on the golf course, AND the motor home that cost more than my house. She had difficulty going to help mom with dad because she had to help her husband close up there winter home. She finally managed to find 4 days. Anyway, she always makes me feel fat and incompetent. But I try to remember that she traded having kids for a comfortable life. I wouldn't trade my 5 daughters for her easy life, but she always manages to make me feel bad. Okay, good thing that happened to me today....got to go play with the plants, AND my kids are making dinner.
  20. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Well, just got a call from my boss at the nursery, so I am off to work. I could have used another day, but it will be fun to see all the baby plants. It is suppose to rain, but we won't think about that. I DO get to play with loader, I LOVE big machinery. It will be good to see all my nursery friends AND pick out all the new plants for my yard. Do I see any new trees? However, if I come home with another tree to plant (I have planted 30 since I bought my place) my children might just rebel. They are okay well I bring the little ones home, it is the big 500 pounders that they don't like. I could be that our soil, if you could call it that, has more rocks than dirt in it. I think I am the only person who buys dirt. You all have a good day, chat when I get home tonight!!
  21. cramerk

    New 60+ Thread

    I have the '1st bite' issue. I got my band on 3/31/09 and haven't had a fill yet. I am moving into 'soft' foods and the first bite IS painful. I take a very small bite and chew like crazy, swallow and then wait. There is still pain, but not quite like an ice pick in my chest.
  22. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Look! I made a ticker!!
  23. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Karri, I came to the same ephiphany earlier last week when our superintendent gave an extremely poor teacher tenure. This personal has not been recommended for rehire the last 2 years. However, she is young, thin, and 'perky'. So she cried at the school board meeting and they gave her tenure. Last year she had her boyfriend supervise her class so she could go on errands. Last year I had my personal leave reduced when I left school at 3:30 to help one of staff get to their radiation treatment, but this teacher could go home during her prep to feed her horse. So NOW she gets tenure and paid for doing a lousy job, so why kill myself. I am no longer putting in 12 to 13 hours a day at school. I don't sweat it if my lesson plans aren't done on time, so they are a day late, I'm NOT staying until 6:00 Friday evening to get them done. Right or wrong, I just don't care anymore. Teaching use to be my passion...now it is my job. So I won't get teacher of the year, my salary won't change if I did.
  24. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Steph, you are wrong about you problems being less than the ones we are dealing with concerning our parents. Yes, it is damn hard to see my dad in failing health, but he has lived a long life, and I hope he will have some 'good' times yet, BUT when we see our children in pain, there really is NOTHING worse. Especially if we don't feel like we can do anything about it. Okay, I am making a new rule AND will be issuing tickets for those who don't follow the rule. Haven't figured out the consequences yet, but be sure I will. Here it is...each of us MUST post one GOOD thing that happened to us each day! I will start: My ONE good thing.... Alexa helped me clean up that the pile of crap that was in the back yard and has been sitting there since we moved in 4 years ago. Now all my boards, bricks, and fencing material are in organized piles. Okay, I am a little anal, I would organize my piles of gravel, sand, compost, and top soil if I could afford to have cement bins made. Bonus good thing that happened today.... When on sierratradingpost.com and got an awesome fanny pack, multiple shirts in XL (yes, by damn the will fit by September) and some lovely shoes. My girls and I spurged and spent $350 and saved $1350. So I have new shirts coming, new walking socks, and new shoes coming. Did I mention,,,I love shoes. So now it is all your turn.
  25. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    My favorite GSC is the samoans. I can eat an entire box straight from the freezer. Okay Steph...what is the next step for Michael. If anything could be done, what would it be? Start a list...I know it is easy for us to give advice. What does Michael enjoy doing? What type of sport/activities, remember kinestetics helps with with learning. Find out who is charge of the 504's, it usually isn't the sp. ed teacher. At least with a 504, Michael could not be prevented from going on the field trips. Also, it might be time for you and Jeff to go in and threaten the school with a lawsuit. I normally don't believe in them, but I was close to filing when I had trouble getting Elyse tested. Schools are required by law to provide for the needs of sp.ed students. If they can't provide forf Michael's needs, you can require that they PAY for him to get what he needs. Just thoughts....

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