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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, what did the ortho guy say?
  2. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I work tomorrow at the nursery and then have to run to town on Sunday. I have to take pictures in my class for my masters and I don't own a camera. Plus this way I can take pics of my quilts. I showed my 6th grade classes some of the videoes of the tsunami. They just don't get it. Many were very sad, but some of them thought it was funny. I think they all think it was a 'video' game and not real. Besides, in general 6th graders do not have a whole lot of empathy. Pretty mellow day, I think my give a crap is broke. I just don't really care. Oh well. Came home and quilted a bit. The power was on and off, so I'd just get started on a block and the power would quit. Anyway, have a little homework to do, TTFN
  3. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Hey, we all watch mindless TV, remember I use to be a Survivor Junkie, but I don't have time for TV anymore. Rarely turn it on, but I did watch a DVD last night. It's Friday, I am so looking forward to the weekend! I will be glad when the day if over. Way too much drama going on at school. Evidently our district is short about $250,000 for the next school year. Do we consider not having sports? Not on your life. Did the superintendent get a 9% raise, yep. I know my job is secure because of senority, but I is pretty durn impossible to teach a decent program without supplies. This year my entire budget when to buying 30 magnifying lenses. OHH that is a lot of equipment. Ah well, that's life, not worth getting bitchy about. TTFN
  4. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, try not to let Earl get to you. Evidently nothing you say is going to change it. Think of it this way, if he has to sneak them, then he can't be smoking as much as he use to. Also, it is always something you can use to jet him down when he get naggy! Quilted then watched some TV, nothing exciting. But it is Thursday and I'll take that, only one more day and it is Friday!!! You all have a good day. Oh Janet, the beby is due Oct 29th,
  5. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, I love it. I hope she DIDN'T clip her nails first, serves him right!! Check in later, hitting the quilt room!
  6. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning, I knew time change was coming, but NOT this weekend!!! Who in their right mind thought that would be okay! I wish our country would just figure out that we don't need it any more! Phyl when is your doc appt? I think on Sunday I am going to town and buying a digital camera. I don't own a camera and I have to take a bunch of pictures for my masters program this week. Plus I want pictures of my quilts. Walmart is suppose to be selling out a 'line' of cameras so I should get a decent deal.. Now if I could just figure out how to post them here. But I can always email them! I guess I am starting to feel my age. I don't want life to pass without there being some record that I existed! Candice, how about we play hookie and quilt all day? I still want to make it up to your place to quilt for a week. Maybe this fall? I normally take a week to quilt off during the summer to quilt by the lake with some friends. But this year I can't afford to miss a week of work to do it since I miss two weeks of work for classes. Suppose I should get busy, at least it is Wednesday, down hill from here!
  7. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Guess what!!! It is only Tuesday and my paper is done that is due on Sunday!!! That means tomorrow I can quilt!!! whoohooo!!!! It only took me two days to write it this time. I remember my first paper last semester, it took me 6 days to write one page!!
  8. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, I can be a witness for the defense, he definitely deserved it!!! Electrical stuff can be scarey, I had that happen at the nursery one time, scared the begeebes out of me. But at least it was outside!!! Nothing much going on here, have homework to do, bleck, oh well! Candice did you get your block done? I always leave things for the last minute. Well best get busy, ttfn
  9. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good morning ladies, sorry I didn't make it on last night, have a paper due on Sunday and needed to get a good start on it. Candice? Where are you girl? It sounds like you all will have a fabulous time. Yep, I'm jealous!!! Have a glass of wine for me!
  10. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, I'm so sorry your knee is bothering you. Definitely get into the doc and see what is going on. Is it the one you had surgery on or the other one! We have had winds like that a time or two, blew over some huge pine trees. Some even fell on peoples houses! Didn't want to get up this morning. I was way enjoying me weekend! I did some quilting and clenaing, even took the furries for a walk. Miss Molly who has become a sausage over the winder, was dragging he tongue about half way around. Well only a week left before you all get together, have fun!!!
  11. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, I am so with you on house cleaning! Every six months is way too much!!! But I did get my laundry done and vacuuming done! Other than house cleaning, I played all day. I dug out a 'block of the month' quilt that I started in the 90" sad but true. It is a paper foundation star sampler quilt. I realize the kit didn't come with any of the sashing fabrics, etc. So one I get it done I will have to try to find some fabric that will go with it. I need to decide if I am going to enlarge it to fit on my bed. I probbly will. What is the point of having a quilt that just lays there! It is a pain though to pull all the paper off the back when the block is done, bleck. What was I thinking!!! Well if the scale is to be believed I have lost my 6 pounds plus a pound. So either my scale is WAY different than theirs (I can believe maybe 2 pounds), most of the 6 pounds must have been water. But being back at work I am on my feet most of the time. Weird though, even with only 0.7 cc's I feel about right. Dinner last night was about 3 oz of pork chop and a salad. My sweet spot is usually about 2 cc's. So I probably still have some swelling going on. Lunch was 1/2 an apple with 3/4 oz of cheese. Breakfast was oatmeal with craisins and almonds, snack was some popcorn, and evening snack was yogurt with fruit. Well I have a little homework to do today, but otherwise I am pretty open! Janet, where are you?
  12. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I am officiall celebrating and taking tomorrow off!!! I got a 98% on my Lit Review!!! The prof. said, "The best Lit Review he has EVER read." I am in total shock. I was praying for a passing grade!!! Dinner, 1/2 piece of chicken, a couple bites of veggies. Alexa came home for the weekend, so I will hang with her. I do have some homework to do, but not tons!!!! Phyl, enjoy EVERY bite of the tater salad! Where is everybody else?
  13. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Ah Phyl, I'm sorry that you are still feeling the crude! and a pound on top of it. I totally understand your frustration. So nice of you to make the bracelet for the SBX lady, you have a heart of gold, Candice what's up, you weren't in all day yesterday? I don't know about the rest of you, but I am looking forward to my weekend! I am going to take one whole day off and not think about work or school. It almost smells like spring here, and it is even almost spring like temperature, Granted it is still cold, but it is a different cold. The baby cows are being born, they are so darn cute!! Hope you have a good day! Phyl, you and I will keep an eye on what we put in our mouths!!!
  14. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Hi, guys, how's it going? Anyone interested in moving to a foreign country with me? Somewhere, any where, with cute cabana boys and drinks with little umbrellas where thinking is not a requirement. Somewhere that isn't too hot, too cold, too dirty, too everything. My biggest desire at this point is to curl up in a ball and pretend the world doesn't exist.
  15. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Oh, I forgot to mention the reason I didn't have power was that the towns electrical substation burned down, nice...
  16. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Finally made it back on the computer, my power is finally on, it is a whopping 55 degrees in my house. So I'm taking a hot show and a hot cup of tea and going to bed, the evening for work is a bust. Janet, sorry about Andrew. ' We have a due date on the baby, October 29th, she is barely pregnant and sicker than a dog. The doc said something about people who have twins get sick very early. WTF!!!! are you kidding me!!!, so she will go back in in about 3 weeks, by then we may know more, TWINS, no friggin way, I think I need a drink!
  17. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Quick check in, woke up to no power, so had to go to school (they are on a different electric network) to get groomed and tea. Couldn't check the email, etc. But I am alive and kicking, check in tonight!~
  18. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, you go girl, that will teach Peter to put his nose in your business, you don't tell him how to play!! Back to the fill doc, for a 3rd try. We are going VERY conservatory, only 1/2 a cc at a time. They gave me a great deal on fills. If I pay cash I get 40 % off, so my fills are only $60. It was $120 in Kalispell plus gas. He asked me how much I wanted since I was totally empty, my response, "What ever you think is right, I learned my lesson. It only took 2 ER visits but I am no longer going to push it. The rough thing...I gained another 2 pounds, so I am up 6 pounds. So tonight, I start fresh, even though I was tired I have dinner in the oven and lunch for tomorrow. Diet lean ground beef and black beans with a little FF cream of mushroom and a SMALL sprinkle of cheese. Once I get moving, I know the weight will fall off, but it is frustrating. Back to work for me!!! Have a good evening, Oh Elyse has her doc appt tomorrow, so we will know due date, etc.
  19. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning ladies, Bailey, the cat, has decided to help me type, not her usual style. At her age she prefers sitting on the heat register to get her aching bones warmed up for the morning. Candice you sent us your snow. We got about 4 inches today. Looks much better, but a pain in the butt for driving. Fill appt today, so will need to drive to town. Elyse is really sick, morning sickness. I guess she is vomiting about twice an hour. She is probably dehydrated, so hopefully she gets it checked out. Woke up with a huge zit next to my nose, looks like a mountain, at almost 52, you'd think I was beyond acne. grr. Well best get to it, Oh Janet, our computers saves every keystroke and web address for 3 years. That is why I don't check in at work. It will always be there if they want to get rid of you. The district used that 'evidence' to fire a superintendent, in the middle of the year. Unfortunately he sued and the district lost and ended up paying him a huge settlement. I have to say, the superintendent was wrongly accused. TTFN
  20. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I'm doing well, school was okay. Just trying to get ahead a little with homework. I have to interview students and write up the results, but I have to write the interview questions first, as well as a bunch of other stuff. Plus I plan on taking one day off this weekend to quilt. I need a brain break. So working every night until 9 pm and then doing some fun reading. Speaking of which, have any of you read books by Robyn Carr? I was looking at one for my kindle that was reasonable priced and was just wondering if you all have ever read any. For any of your DHs & DS, The Wet Desert by Gary Hansen is a great read. Great job Janet on the weight!!! Yep squirrel those pounds away so that when you are all together you can have a treat!!! Alexa (DD#5) called an old friend of mine and told her that I could use a shoulder and someone to vent to, and the friend came to school after the kids left and we had a nice visit. I got to do a little ranting,etc. so I feel much better. Plus I have just accepted life. You all have a good evening. I'm going to have a little snack, then hit the bed. Too much reading on the Ethics of using humans in research projects. Since our thesis involves our students, we have to take a course on ethical research practices with human subjects...let's just say, NOT all that interesting!!!
  21. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning everyone. Sorry I was absent all weekend, but this week is a little slower, next week...not so much. My brain is tired. I looked at those bras and they look great. Got a call from the CPA and found out the figure she quoted on my tax return was wrong, by about 1/2, so no new floor this year. So I will pay off the phone bill and medical bills and that's about it. A little bummed, but oh well, at least I have enough to pay off bills, it could be worse. Tonight I hope to do a little sewing, just enough to feed the soul, then back at it on Tuesday. Tomorrow have a fill appt. Should be interesting. TTFN
  22. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I'm done with the lit review, my brain is fried. Tomorrow one of the English teachers will proof it for me and then I will send it in, only one day late, but I have an extension, so it won't be late. I hate writing...Another big one due in 2 weeks, crap. Just when you all are having a grand time. I'm tired, and my butt is sore from sitting, I'm going to bed, See you all tomorrow!
  23. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, I usually don't say anything to my mother when she makes those comments. The best I did yesterday was to say, "I know, you've told me before." Lame I know. About half done with the paper, I have already accepted that I'll have to redo it. But at least there are words on the screen. I did call the professor and he assures me that he won't let me fail out. But that doesn't mean much right now. My SIL called and shared some 'grandparent/parent' insight. The comments she made really help. Such as, "Grown children are a pain in the butt and they will do what ever they want." and "As soon as you lay eyes on that baby, your heart will be lost for good." I mentioned to my professor about the 'news' and he chuckled and said that he was glad that he wasn't the ONLY one in the same boat. His youngest daughter is giving him the exact same type of grief, including the loser BF. It was good to know that I wasn't alone in this. Well. back at it. I think I am on my 10 millionth cup of tea, but at least it isn't chocolate. I chowed down on a huge apple instead of chocolate. It wasn't too bad, chocolate would have been better.
  24. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning, had a visit with Elyse on the phone, went okay. I asked her to come over today so we could talk. We will see if she comes. I found out that she has posted her pregnancy on Facebook. So I had to call the family and inform them. I hadn't told anyone. He father will find out now, so again....not my problem. I am sure he will find someway to say it is my fault. My mother's was in her usual form. Reminded me that 'her' family was perfect with just two kids, my brother and sister, and that when she found out she was pregnanct with me, she really wanted an abortion. Thanks mom. Just what I needed to hear. But why do I even think she would ever be different. Hope you slept well, I probably wont' be in much this weekend, unless I use it as an excuse to not be writting my paper, which is a huge probabliity Anyway, catch you all later. Oh, did some stress eating last night, so today had better be darn good. Wish me luck!!
  25. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice & Phyl, I have no choice. But my boss knows I can't be lifting more than 50 pounds and the running, heck I'd be running what ever I do, When I do a job, I do it right. Honestly, I am hoping that this will be the last year for working full time during the summer. Next summer I will have a grandchild...or two if DD#2 gets busy to spoil rotten. I have emailed Elyse and asked her to come by so we can talk. I visited with our councelor at school and she helped me work out some of my anger and gave me some ideas about how to draw lines. She agrees that my anger is what is getting in the way of being able to get past all this. So I am going to write a couple of angry letters and then throw them away. The come up with my list of boundaries and what to say when Elyse doesn't have money. Naturally I will make sure this child doesn't go without food, but I am not a free babysitter. I want to be involved, but I am not going to be there to fix things for her. The councelor pointed out that a lot of what I am angry about is the loss of my dream of how and when a grandchild would arrive. She also pointed out that I can be excited about the baby without becoming a rug. My mantra is, "This was your choice, I am sorry that .....has happened. What are YOU going to do to fix it." So we will see how it goes from here. Who knows, maybe she doesn't want anything to do with me. That is her choice as well. Back to work,, thanks everyone for listening. It is time for me to move on, so less grumbling from now on.

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