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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Janet, i agree, IF I get involved with someone, they better have enough bucks that I can retire early, travel, & quilt to my hearts content. that's why I know I will never find anyone. I have raised 5 girls, and put up with controling AH, and I'm done with that. Candice I found a great website with lots of free quilt patterns while I was on stumbleupon. Thought you would like it. StumbleUpon WebToolbar
  2. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Remember Janet, I'm all talk & no show. Back on track food wise, protein smoothie for breakfast, Steph's chicken salad for lunch, & beef stirfry for dinner. Took the 'babies' for a 2 1/2 mi walk this morning, bought groceries, and cleaned the garage. I'm done for the day except for cooking dinner. The girls are going to the midnight showing of Harry Potter so I will have the house to myself. Probably will surf 'Stumbleupon' and read. Have snacks planned so there won't be a repeat of last night. I seem to be coming out of my funk, it is amazing how some exercise make some difference. Steph, as a cleaned the garage I gathered up some garage sale things to bring to Lincoln. I figured I'd grab some of my craft show stuff and you can sell & keep what ever they make. It won't be much, but hopefully it will help. I'm also bringing the fanny pack I ordered for you to use, if it works for you. I don't need it back, consider it a donation. Went onto sierratradingpost.com, my favorite shopping place, they were having a big sale and got a lot of my Christmas shopping done. Steph, are you selling any wood working tools? I am looking for a drill press and a scroll saw. If you have them will you save them until I get there? I won't be able to pay much, but maybe we can barter??? Man, I could take a nap, but won't. I'm finally going to bed at a decent hour and getting up by 7 instead of staying up until midnight and sleeping in until 9.
  3. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hey I drive a loader at the nursery, we could 'drive off' together...
  4. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay Candice, is he funny and does he have a job?
  5. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Janet, take me with you, we could share that prince charming. On the nursing thing, I actually looked into going back to school earlier this year to go into nursing. I am pretty fried teaching, but alas, don't have the $$$$$.
  6. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Morning ladies...Hope you all have a good day. Nothing much to say. Had a feeding frenzy last night. I let depression park my fat a-- on the couch for most of the afternoon & evening (was using the excuse of finding lessons for earth science). Probably consumed 1000 calories in the afternoon and evening, mostly slider foods.
  7. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Janet, nope can't talk to him. Haven't spoke to him in years. He managed to convince me that I was 'unstable' when we were married, and he plays the same games with my girls. He is a sick controling, manipulative AH. His 'greatest joy' as he says is to cause me to have to hirer a lawyer so that I have to spend money. I could go on for a really long time, but it is best that I don't spend to much time dwelling on the past. He may help the girls just enough to keep them in line. Most of the college expenses are covered with grants, scholarships, loans, but just because the girls are 'in college' doesn't mean that I don't still have to pay for their medical insurance, provide a place for them to live. Well, managed to eat a lot of calories.
  8. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Janet, do you put the 'one pot wonder' in a crock pot? How long do you leave it in. I don't really like spicey hot, so would some canned green chilies work instead? Yep, something is in the air. The food monster is calling many of us. So tonight, 1 entire bag of popcorn, 2 wedges Laughing Cow, 4 crackers. Nothing is filling me. Awww crap, life sucks & then you die. Did some research on Montana Child Support regulations regarding 'age of majority', and Montana states that all support terminates at 18 or upon high school graduation, which ever is latest. So I won't be able to petition for more support.
  9. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Just managed to eat an ENTIRE bag of popcorn 230 calories, so I guess that's dinner.
  10. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Well, just got in from surveying the hail damage, not to bad, mainly the rose blooms beat to heck. Had to move a 'shrub'. I put a tiny pussy willow in a flower box last year, who knew it would grow 5 feet and start attacking you while you tried to get to the door. NOW I find out that they get 10 to 15 feet tall, that's a shrub???? I have trees smaller than that. Digging hole in this soil takes hours, rock rock rock. Hopefully I was able to rescue enough of the roots so it will live. Naturally I put 2 into the box, and will have to get around to moving the 2nd one this summer. Fertilized everything in the rain. Came in an took a shower and am now thinking about a nap. I'm still feeling down.
  11. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Well, it is hailing outside, so much for my nice plants. I don't know if I have what it takes to go and look at the damage. There is enough hail to make it look like it snowed. The thunder and lightning scares Simon, wiredhaired doxy, so he is cowering under my blanket. When he gets REALLY scared he won't go outside and usually has an 'accident', so much for my clean carpet. But I shouldn't get grouchy about it, the hail only trashes trees & flowers at my place, many farmers have their livelyhood trashed. Sorry, I guess the blues are still here. I'm sitting here ready to cry, over what.... flowers & trees, STUPID.
  12. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyl, mark is the teacher I met in Canyon Ferry while Steph & i were there, I really funny guy. I SO want to be around someone funny. I do have pics of my girls in their clothes, I even still have some of them. Dinner was about 2 oz steak, 2/3 c sweet potatoes, watermelon. I'm in a foul mood to, Steph, just having a pity party. Have you been taking your meds? I have, but it doesn't seem to be enough. normally I can get by with less in the summer, but I just can't seem to kick the blues.
  13. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Candice here is Steph's chicken salad. I chop rather than mince the celery, use red onion rather than green onion, pineapple tidbits rather than crushed. All these are to give it more 'staying' power. I also grind some sea salt and garlic on as I am serving, not before or it get's mushy. For a 'fancy' lunch I mound it in cantelope halves and place a couple sliced strawberries on the plate, nice color combo. The recipe is so good that I am bringing it to the cabin for the quilting week. We always dine devinely at the cabin. I usually use 1 lg can of chicken, about 1/4 - 1/3 c craisin, and about 1/4 c almonds, 3 stalks celery, 1 sm can pineapple tidbits drained, and use light miracle whip. Steph’s Chicken Salad 5/2009 My chx salad goes like this: 1 - 2 cans of chicken 1 cup crushed pineapple 2 or 3 green onions chopped 1/2 cup slivered almonds 1/2 bag of craisins 1 stalk celery - chopped very finely just enough mayo to wet (don't use too much or it turns icky) 1/2 tsp dijon mustard a little celery salt or seed Post more later, I don't think the recipe will get there in time for you dinner.
  14. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyl, kids are exhausting. Sometimes I wonder how I managed to do it by myself, AND I use to cook everything from scratch, AND make their clothes. Now I'm lucky if I cook a TV dinner. Actually since the band I am back to cooking. But DD#4 does my laundry and they both clean the house. I guess I'm getting lazy or..........shall I say old. Everything just takes so much effort. Ladies, I have found another positive thing about the band. The taste of food. Who knew that if you slowed down long enough to chew that food would actually have some flavor. Made hamburgers last night on the grill, and man were they good. Ground garlic and sea salt on them, put them on organic buns with 1/2 slice sharp cheddar. yummmm. Calories were on the high side (1117) and I don't usually eat much carbs, but it was worth every calorie. Ate about 3/4 of a hamburger and a bowl of watermelon. Even with my FF Fudge bars and popcorn I was close to calories. But as Janet says, every once in a while it is okay. Which is a lesson I'm learning. Well, should start thinking about getting ready for work. I'd rather stay home in the airconditioning.
  15. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Wow LBT is quiet tonight??? Is everyone out partying?
  16. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Linda and Phyl, if any of your DH need a project to fix for someone, I could use them. I have some fencing that needs put up and I sure would like to add onto my deck. I have all the stuff, just need the muscle. Long day at work, it was hot and I needed to prune all the roses and clean all the water features. Not a lot of customers, but lots of work. I'm hoping NOTHING get's in the way of my evening relaxing. thanks for the positive support on my progress. I have to remind myself that it has only been a little over 3 months. Iam looking forward to the scale starting with a 1 instead of a 2. I'm cooking hamburgers for dinner with watermelon and probably some salad. A little bummed, stupid I know Steph, guys have a different time table than regular humans. Haven't heard from mark today. Oh well, that's life.
  17. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Linda, congrats on the PS!!! I have always thought you to be beautiful, but there is NOTHING wrong with a little touch up here and there. Naturally you are feeling lonely. I still feel that way about my wls, since other than family there are only 2 people who know about it. Most of the people I know are skinny _itches and they never understood what it is like to struggle with weight. Actually most of my family is still outraged that I went to MX and don't even ask how I am doing. I can live with most of it, but DD#2 who is a PA and have always been VERY close, won't even discuss it. She never asks how I doing, and when I share, she barely acknowledges. Oh well, I should have seen that one coming, but missed it. Have to work today and am very tired. DD#5 was out with a new young man that she met and since I haven't met him, I was up fussing until she got home. Sometimes I just am getting old. I turn into a pumpkin at 10 pm. I''ll check in when I get home.
  18. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Had a good dinner, chicken with strawberries, almonds, feta, craisins, lettuse, and red onion. Pretty delicious. Wanted a lazy evening, and ended up meeting with my teacher friends that are teaching in China to go over 2 years of bills and mail. Nice visit, but now I am way behind in what I need to do to get ready for work tomorrow.
  19. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Did you know that you legs get wrinkly too? I can't believe it, I'm not surprised by the 'arm waving' but now my legs. If it doesn't tighten up I will have to wear a total body girdle.
  20. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Linda, what ever makes you feel good! I haven't thought about any PS, but who knows, after I loose weight anything is up for grabs. Since having 9+ abdominal surgeries, the stomach is flabby no matter what. It actually is numb, don't have any feeling in it what so ever. You be careful girl, follow dr.'s orderes!
  21. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyl, it isn't hard to recalibrate you machine yourself. It can easily be done over the phone. Where is everyone? Awful quiet day. Okay I have an addiction, more than just Farm Town, and read everyone's postings to help me get through the day. Going for a bike ride this morning, put the livingroom back together and then quilting group this afternoon. I need to start thinking about cleaning the garage, bleck.
  22. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Dinner, piece of pizza, skipped the adult beverage, had a s'more instead. I know, not the best choice, but I wanted it, and even with the pizza I was within calories. Actually calculated the calories, 168 (for the smore) and the pizza was 240 cals. So even though I 'splurged' it was still within cals. Maybe not the highest nutrients, but... Steph, how was your day? did you get your fill appointment? Has Jeff made a decision yet? When will the 'home visit' occur? Phyl, when will you get your results??? Man you guys are so active. You make me tired just reading about them. thank goodness your grandson didn't get hurt. God does look after fools and small children. I suppose I should go to bed, but not tired yet. Took my sleep med's a little late, so It usually takes 1 & 1/2 hrs. to kick in. So it will be at least another 30 mins.
  23. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Well I just burned over 2000 calories shampooing carpets. It only took me 8 hours to shampoo the carpet 2 times and rinse it 2 times, and I don't have a lot of carpet, just the livingroom and the hallway! Of course there was the on the knee's scrubbing of Miss Molly's 'accidents'. Now that she is 6 months old and the carpets are clean, I may strangle her if she has an accident. Unfortunately it is rare that a doxy is totally house trained at 6 months. Now that things are drying, I am thinking a large crystal light and a book. I AM going to splurge and have a 98 calorie adult beverage tonight before bedtime. Candice is your quilt class for a specific quilt or are each of the students working on something individual? I am considering having an adult ed class for quilting this fall through the school. Most of our local quilt shops have closed and are not giving lessons. Maybe I could get a class going that would bring in some $$$$. As I said before, I have a call into a lawyer to have them go over my child support papers. Is say he has to pay 'until the age of majority', what ever the heck that means. Unfortunately my lawyer daughter is not licenced in MT, and she is more into environmental and insurance law. Phyl, maybe Earl just missed you and was so lost without you that it made him grouchy. I never could stand someone who can't just say, 'Yep, I goofed up.' You are a better soul than I. I guess that is why I am single.
  24. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Janet, I have a call into a lawyer, so I'm starting the process. It would be fabulous to get some support back. I can 'kindof' make it with out it, but food shopping will be optional.
  25. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Official weight today is....200, so I've lost 55 pounds. I've lost 8 pounds for the July Challenge. Next weight loss will take me under 200, my first 'goal'. So Phyl, 'phyl' us in on your sleep study? How'd it go? Is your apnea better? That is my dream, to get off my cpap machine. Actually, I don't mind it, just paying the bill. I'm up at 6 am, got the couch moved in preparation for the carpet shampooing. But, I need coffee first!!! Thanks everyone for putting up with my negativity. I don't really know what is my problem. I just seem to be a grouch. Steph...I emailed Mark...I found his school email on line and decided what the heck. Don't know if he will check his email from home...or if he will respond.

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