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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Won't be selling quilts on ebay, just did a search and most quilts are selling for about $170 for a queen to king size quilt. It cost me more than that to make one.
  2. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Thanks Steph, I know I am blessed and loved. It just seems that however hard I work and try I can't seem to make things better. I'm just want to slow down and not worry about money. I shouldn't complain, I have a home and groceries, and bills are paid (for the most part). I just get down when I realize that so many things are not obtainable. I REALLY want to go on the cruise with you all and have a little spending money. Maybe I can sell some quilts on ebay? Who knows. oh well, I'll survive. I guess I'm tired of just 'surviving'.
  3. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Just an FYI...I'm not the hemmaroid person, no big deal though. Food good today, have to make up for the strawberry slushes. I banked some calories for them, so the scale only went up a pound. Not bad. Only 2 more Sunday's of working at the nursery. Only 3 more weeks of freedom. In regards to a cruise. I wouldn't be able to afford to go at Thanksgiving. I need to have as much time as possible to save. But then again, the reality is that at my current budget there won't be a cruise next year at all. So plan without me. If a miracle occurs and I have the money when you go, I'll come along.
  4. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Got a new hair style while I was in Idaho. The girls say it looks good. Head to the fill doc on Friday. Battling some depression, forgot my antidepressants at home. Unfortunately depression = eating. Feeling pretty fat and bloated. I imagine I gained, thought I did okay, but there was more that one Sonic Route 44 strawberry slushes at 650 cals apiece. I'll deal with it tomorrow. Feeling pretty lost and yep I'll admit it...unloved. Stupid I know, I have great kids, but everything just get too hard sometimes. Oh well, life sucks and then you die.
  5. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    It sounds like you all had a great time in Canada!! Steph, congrats on the $2000 on the kettle korn booth. nice job!!!
  6. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    dang my ticker still didn't work!! weight 192!!
  7. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Here is the ticket that was suppose to be there yesterday. Wow ladies, what a weekend. Love it, but I'm thinking you all owe me a margaritta...... Phyl, I add some frozen blueberries to my kashi GoLean. It adds a little sweet and gives another texture. The vet stops by today to immunize the babies. Poor Jordan Alpha 1 is having trouble with his allergies so he is going to have to be drugged up so he stops chewing himself up. Simon Alpha 2, okay he really is at the bottom rung even below the cat, has a little weight issue, so I'm sure that will come up. He is such a sensitive guy. Miss Molly, Princess Alpha 3, but really 2, seems to have developed a bowlegged appearance in the hindlegs. Hopefully nothing to worry about. My vet is so sweet, she is stopping on her way through Florence when she is taking her mom to lunch for her birthday. How many vets do you know that will do that! Okay, I am going to try to post my virtual model, before and after on facebook, so check it out. I will be out of touch until Monday. I'm not bringing my computer to DD#2, well at least I don't think I am, but it is subject to change. If I don't post, know you are all in my heart. Candice, you and I definitely need to get together for a quilt chat!!!
  8. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Just lost my post....damn, here is the short version. Steph, let me join you in the jealousy car! Finished deep clean on the kitchen, took 3 hours to hands & knee scrubs DD#5 got home from Creation, and now is sick. A couple of the other kids had mono and now she is achy and a very sore throat. So will need to get her to First Care before I leave tomorrow. This winter when she got sick with pneumonia & the flu, they put her on erythemicin & penicillan. She ended up with a bad reaction but the docs didn't know which of the meds caused it. So we will just have to see. I will still probably go, but I may end up rushing home if she has trouble with reaction. Her sister should be able to handle it. Here is my new ticker; Lost 3 more pounds!! Kira regarding protein, I either have yogurt or an egg for breakfast, some kind of chicken salad or cottage cheese for lunch. Solid protein, salmon, chicken, or a small piece of steak. Today I had trouble with PB, first time in 1 1/2 months. so I ended up having a protein bar today. Glad most of you are home safe and sound.
  9. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    So ladies, make sure you share the Canada pics!!! Naturally you had a fabulous time, we who were left were exceedingly jealous. Today is baking day, tomorrow packing day, and then head to DD#2 to quilt for 5 days. Somewhere in there I have to find my bedroom and finish the kitchen. The vet is suppose to stop by either today or tomorrow to give everyone their immunizations. My vet is the sweetest lady, think mature hippie. She is a traveling vet rather than having an office. She says she has always loved a good road trip. She always plays with everyone after their shots so they remember her as a 'friend'. You all have a good day.
  10. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Denise, as Steph said...think of the good memories as you go through this difficult day. Especially think and share the funny ones. Make this day a day of celebration of your father in law's life. God be with you and your family to make the day and the many days ahead easier.
  11. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Steph, 1st hang in there, 2nd Michael needs a short leash for a while. Having been in a similar situation with DD#5, she had to be with an adult at all times. I actually bribed a friend to 'babysit' when she couldn't be with me. Part of what is going on may be a result of him missing you since you were gone, although he'd die before admitting it. He needs to pay back the money, he may need a lock put on his door and window. I think you have a built in kettle korn slave for next weekend. YOU ARE NOT BEING THE WORST PARENT OUT THERE. You may need to have a conversation with Michael regarding the options should he continue making these choices. I actually searched and found a facility that would come and collect a destructive child within 24 hours of a request to take them to a residential facility. Fortunately I didn't need to use it, but I was prepared. Research your options. Talk with Jeff about you both spending time with Michael without the little ones. He may need some additional one on one time. hang in there, let me know what I could do to help, I wish I could come up next weekend to help with the fair. Sorry.
  12. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Denise, I'm so sorry on your father in law's passing. We lost my father in law about 8 years ago, way after his son & I were divorced, but it was still hard, we were close even after his son was out of my life. He had lung cancer, same as my father's. I did like Harry Potter, but it wasn't very close to the book. If you hadn't read the book you pretty much be lost. It wasn't as good as the others, but I still enjoyed it.
  13. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Cals so far today, 834, I have enough left for an evening snack, whohoooo. Okay, so I guess I am the lone poster....but hey, I managed to fill a whole page by myself. Tomorrow, I need to make shortbread dipped in dark & white chocolate and cranberry hazelnut biscotti dipped in white chocolate and ground hazelnuts. Calories,,, to high to even think about it. I won't be eating them, but taking them to my daughter's for quilting snacks. But I will eat fruit & jerky. Hope you all get home safe and sound.
  14. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hey look what I found...a way to show your image with a virtual model. If I knew how to insert pics I'd show you, but here is the link. My Virtual Model Community - Shop for Looks
  15. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    HELLLLOOOOOO!!! Calories yesterday..911.. sounds ominous. I head out on Tuesday afternoon to my DD#2 who lives in Idaho Falls. We are going to do 5 days of quilting. My only concern, well heck, it's not a concern because I know I'm going to have it...A Sonic Fruit slushie, strawberry. I KNOW it is not good, but instead of having one EVERY day while I'm there, I'm having one. That being said, I just looked up the calories for the Route 44 size, my normal day long drink....650 calories. So, IF I reduce my calories for 6 days to 900.... I'm still having one, maybe just not the Route 44 size, yep it is 44 ounces of pure icy bliss. Love the darn things. Not what I should have...but I'm willing to trade 6 days of lower calories, plus, everyday that I'm at DD#2 we will be walking for about 1 hour. DD#2 is almost 6 feet tall, and walks like a sprinter, my short legs have to really work to keep up. Yep, this sounds like a horrid rational. You all may slap me at will, but this is like my line in the sand. If I can't have a splurge once in a while, it becomes a diet and not a way of life. Okay, I've almost convinced myself, how about the rest of you? Anyway, while I'm gone, I don't know if I will be able to get on the internet. I will try to post some pictures either here or on facebook. I can't wait for 5 days of quilting bliss!!
  16. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Steph, question...since I am not drinking protein drinks, I'm not getting my protein up like I should, it's hitting around 40 to 50. Is that going to be good enough?
  17. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay Ladies, this is beginning to look like a one-man show!! Worked, came home, took shower, took nap, ate cherries, brocolli slaw, and a gardenburger for dinner. I'm sitting at about 800 cals, so I can have a snack later. Although, I want to know what I'm doing eating 2 cups of cherries for, dang I love them. If I could get cherries, nectorines, watermelon, & strawberries all year round I would be a twig. Oh well, that's life. So Steph, why do you want to give Michael away? I lived through Alexa, so I can imagine some of the 'fun' things he may be doing to drive you nuts. Hang in there.
  18. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good morning everyone!!! Just had some Kashi & yogurt with frozen blueberries. Not bad, nice and full for just over 200 cals. think of me out there watering plants in the heat at work.
  19. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    managed to keep my cals for the day at 1200. Had some shrimp and brocolli slaw. Even had some cherries. Well, have to work tomorrow and Sunday.
  20. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Well calories sucked today. 2/3 a steak quesadilla, 2/3 fruitista, movie popcorn, Costco nonfat frozen yogurt. I'm at 1000cals and haven't had dinner. So, I'm going to just accept it and go over for today. I thought the steak quesadilla was a good choice, not when I got home and looked up the cals, no excuse for the fruitista or frozen yogurt or popcorn. But most of the week was under 1000, mainly around 800, just haven't felt like eating. So next time I will have .... okay lets admit it, I have home under control, but eating out is still hard. So I will probably finish up at about 1300 for today. Could be worse, I really wanted cheesy fries and a diet coke. Steph, are you talking about the weekend of August 1st? I am at my daughters in Idaho Fallss that weekend. If it is the weekend after that, we could work something out.
  21. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Nine more pages and we reach 1000! Ladies have a good time! Think of us, it is suppose to be in the 100's all week, bleck. Calories yesterday 1073. That works. The previous few days have been between 700 - 1000. Too hot to eat much. I'm loving the waffle & poached egg thing, thanks Janet. Going to see Harry Potter this afternoon, and then go to CostCo to get some salmon and stuff. Almost finished the kitchen deep clean, got all the pantries done and organized. Had to throw a heck of a lot of canned goods out, dated 2007-08. Shows how long it has been since I cooked. I even cut down the bar stools 3 inches, now we can sit at the bar and actually be able to reach the food. Man I love power tools, arararh. All I need to do is scrub the floor, all those corners and creases. My new favorite tool...the Sonic Scrubber with assorted heads. A man definitely built my kitchen, first the cabinets are white, 2nd they have an upper lip that catches every crumb and drip. Well, have fun in Canada. Steph, we definitely need to be on the next trip. Can I come and be your Kettle Korn slave to earn some funds for the trip?
  22. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Kira, you don't owe us an appology. Your questions were valid, and I think that we are mature enough to be able to know when a debate is healthy vs people bashing!! Again you all have a good time. Next week was suppose to be the week that all my quilting friends go up to a cabin on the lake. The last couple of years my DD#2 comes and we have gourmet food and fun. However despite the time being set for the last couple of months, they changed the dates at the last minute and I have to work as well as DD#2. So instead I am going to DD#2 house in Idaho Falls and we will have our own quilting week. I guess either my friends are changing or I'm changing. Oh well. calories yesterday..1007. I made a decision to NOT have a snack at 10 pm. That is a first for me.
  23. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Linda, I just noticed your ticker, great job!!!!
  24. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Steph, it is going to be really quiet here on LBT for those of us who aren't going to Canada. We will have to fill lots of pages to make them all have to read. Got an email from Mark today, he was wondering if Gracie could stay at my house this weekend. Well, unfortunately I have to work and no one is home and Gracie is in heat. So so much with that. Actually, I am totally cool with that. I put myself out there, he ignored the opportunity, so no big deal. Talked to a lawyer today regarding continued child support for my kids while they are in college. They said Montana does not require support beyond 18 or graduating from high school, which ever is latest. So I will just survive on my own. Planned on finishing the deep clean in the kitchen, sat down for a few minutes, big mistake, next thing I knew it was 5 pm. Steph, so did you meet the social worker, or did they just call you on the phone? For all you going to Canada, have fun!!!
  25. cramerk

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Just had an 'EatingRight' low cal waffle (100), poached egg, 1.5 tsp of peanut butter, SF maple syrup. Total cals...about 260. I can live with that, tasted okay. Actually the waffle was pretty good, but I wanted tons of peanut butter. Well better sign off for right now. Chat later.

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