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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice you don't need him to go camping. I had an aunt that had an RV and traveled all over the place by herself. I plan on that. So to heck with him. He wants to stay home, let him! Yah, he's a keeper...YOU KEEP HIM.
  2. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, scratch, scratch...sorry, been there, occasionally called 'crotch rot', I know TMI Anyway, I haven't had any blood work done for several years. I knew it was bad, so why get it tested to find out it is still bad. Up until lately, I had so many drs. poking, proding, and flayling me open that I didn't really want to have anything to do with them for a long time. I know I will be going back soon. My doc holds my prescriptions for ransom. But I delay it as long as possible. I usually can get the pharmacy to fill things for an extra couple of months. However, I know she is going to want to take my estrogen away, and right now...over my dead night sweat body. I did reduce the level in half this year, maybe I'll go for a quarter next year. I have always used the patch, but this year I am going to have to go back to the pills, the patch costs me $60 per month and I can get the pills for under $10. I know Steph, I got so ticket off at how the ex was treating DD#4 that I couldn't even get past my anger. I need to figure out what EXACTLY she needs and then send it out there. Nag me okay. Send DD#5 off to college tomorrow. I am really bummed that I can't help her move in. It is my fir PIR day at school and the rule is..."Thou shall only be excused if dead!" So after school I will head in to see that she is settled and maybe take her out to dinner. It is only 20 miles away, but she is such a social bug it really is like 1000 miles away. We will rarely see her. Took the puppies for their walk and then mowed the yard and north 40. After DD#4 gets back home with my car I am heading into school. Need to unload thos boxes of school stuff I brought home for the summer and NEVER touched. Yeah like I ever do. Some day I will realize that and just skip bringing stuff home. Cooking stir-fry for DD#5's 'last supper', her favorite. On the exercise thing, I am walking 4 miles a day. Tomorrow I will ride my bike to school and back. Not very far, only a total of 6 mi.
  3. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    buying shoes sex bubble bath quilting
  4. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Oh, you friggin got to be kidding me, I just lost my post for the 2nd time this morning and it was long!!! I give up, here is the short version Janet +exercise, foodaholic vs alcoholic...alcoholic is easier Steph +/- Michael, DD#4, social anxiety + learning diability = developmentally delayed Candice Quit, DH keeper Janet Fish? Steph kinjdergarten 1/2 or full day lost a pound
  5. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl you will be in my prayers!!
  6. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I tell you, as soon as I can make enough on retirement to live, I'm out of there. My family doesn't live much longer than 75, too much German food, high blood pressure, alzheimer. Unless I find a 'sugar daddy' that will take care of me. OHHHHHHHH, that just gave me the shivers. Going to try tilapia in a raspberry chipolti marinade. The parmesan crusted was good, but it was missing some flavor. Then probably veggies and a small amount of rice. I still need to give the puppies their 2nd walk, then change the filter on the koi pond, water pots. I WILL have to go to school tomorrow and actually get something done. Students are back next Monday.
  7. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    But Candice, now you are back on the Wii. I need to get it together and take the puppies walking. Felt so down, that I took a nap, I just wanted to curl up and hide. So now that its done, it is time to get busy. Janet, what we do for fashion...yep, sounds like me. Phyl, busy I am sure with all those last minute things.
  8. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, how horrid. It's been years since I've had one (knock on wood). Get thee to some medication!!!
  9. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice...too many quilt projects on the back burner. Like I said earlier, I REALLY want the Robyn Pandolph BOM from the FatQuarterShop, but I already have an entire drawer of BOM. Then there is the drawer of kits, Then there is the 4 tops that are done and not quilted. So I have NO business thinking about buying more. I did pick up the quilting materials yesterday. The lady was into crazy quilts, lots of velvet, ribbon, lace, and satin. I have never made a crazy quilt, but now I MUST try. Actually, I am thinking on making some crazy quilt purses with lots of embellishments. ANYONE INTERESTED IN BUYING ONE? There was a stack of books and magazines that are 5 FEET tall. In packing it up, we found a needle worked square, think old foot stool cushion, so I am going to make a pillow and send it to the husband. Also, ran across a partially complete snails 'path' (can't remember the real name), all hand sewn. So I figure I will turn that into a lap quilt and also send it to her husband. I had planned on going to school today, but I just can't handle it. Instead, I will take the puppies for a walk, and then clean up the house and start going through the quilting materials. I'm still to completely -issed at DD#4's dad that I didn't sleep last night. She is completely devestated. He has made her feel totally incompetent and stupid. With her learning disability, her self-esteem is fragil anyway. He is this friggin brainiac that has NEVER understood what it means to struggle. He can afford to help her. He paid cash for his house, has property her in Missoula, and a house in Europe. Well, that is if he is telling the truth, but he could well be lying.
  10. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Well DD#4's dad is an a--hole!!! DD#4 has just gotten done bawling uncontrolably. Not only is he not giving her the money he promised, he didn't even remember how old she was...as in 'You're 22 years old (she is actually 23) you should be able to support yourself and need to quit screwing around and get a real job and figure out what you want to do.' This is the man who went to school for 12 years that his parents paid for. His parents supported him until he was 30+ years. He then went on to trash me, that I should be paying part of the car bill. Do you really think I wanted DD#4 to have to ask him? He wrapped up with the guilt trip, that he would have to cancel plans and cash in investments... Yeah this is the man that I could have taken HALF of his father's farm when we got divorced, but because I loved his father I refused to do it. I'm so -ucking pissed off. I wish I could protect my girls from him. Now what.
  11. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, what lapband journal menu website, could you please repost?
  12. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, historically the colored part is cut out like paper snowflakes and the appliqued on top of the whole cloth.
  13. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I collected the 20+ boxes of quilting materials from the family whose mom had died. Took the husband some hazeltnut shortbread Cookies dipped in white chocolate, sprinkled with chopped hazelnuts. He did pretty well, he showed me some of her quilts and her ashes on the mantle. He did break down toward the end, so I hugged him while he cried. He was pleased that I was taking things. I haven't had a chance to get through any of it. I did see a needle point picture that I am going to turn into a pillow and send the family. Was going to mow the lawn this morning, but that didn't happen. It is DD#5 last Sunday at home, so I figured I probably should spend some time with her. We are sitting here watching "Drop Dead Deva". I'm stressing that DD#4's dad backs out of paying for her car. My ex #1 put $800 down to hold the car, if her dad doesn't keep his word, I will have to find someway to immediately come up with the $$$. I want food, ooeygooey comfort food. No excuse. DD#4 is on a grilled cheese kick, i don't even really like grilled cheese. I tried to make a caisadia (sp) with reduced fat cheese, I am still shuttering from it. Really disgusting, rubbery, no flavor. I just want it all....I hate this battle. Most the time I it under control. Why can't food just be what I HAVE to eat to survive. Instead it is an obsession.
  14. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Up and almost done with my coffee. Need to mow the lawn, not my favorite job. But would rather sit around. Interesting walk last night. There are a couple of ladies that live on my circle who work at the school. Anyway on of the ladies came out while we were walking to meet the puppies and she asked me how I lost the weight. She is about the size I was. So I told her, she is the 1st one I've told at school except my quilting friend. Come to find out she has been to a seminar on lapband and her doctor has recommended some type of gastric surgery. We talked for awhile about options. She did ask me which, sleeve or band, did I recommend. I told her honestly that I'm not sure. Half the time I wish I had gotten the sleeve the other half I'm happy with the band. She says that she knows someone who got the band, lost all their weight and then gained it all back. Probably my biggest fear. I'll be honest, once I have my band payed off, 5 years, I may consider getting the sleeve. Who knows. I know that is my Doubting Doris speaking. It isn't that I want to be supper thin, I just don't want to get fat. I still have a long ways to go as far as weight loss. I also still find myself not listening to my stomach. I battle with 'cleaning' my plate even when I know that I am full. You all have a good day. Hope to hear from more of you.
  15. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Quiet day. I need to go to bed, I have the mega hungries going today. I just want to eat everything in sight. Oh well,
  16. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Linda, I found some websites that you can purchase a Hawaiian quilt cheaper than it could be homemade. Hawaiian Quilt Bedspreads | Hilo Bay Fashions LLC Hawaiian Bedspreads or just go online and do a search for Hawaiian quilt or Hawaiian bedspread. You can find many that are reasonably priced. Much cheaper than having it made.
  17. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Linda, I'll post some pics as soon as I get my DD#4 done. I don't have many quilts to take pics of, I usually give mine away. IMO, quilts are a living thing (cotton) and need to be used and loved. I know sounds rather strange. But even the amish quilt I bought years ago, for the price of a small car, I use constantly. check out the links I have in my next post. I originally offered to make you one, but after doing a search online, I found that you can buy one MUCH cheaper and faster. Well, didn't get my 2nd walk in last night. Went over to a friends, she is 71, and moved some furniture around for her after dinner. Didn't get home until close to 10 pm and made the girls smores, yep I had one. I haven't had a treat in a long time. So 168 extra calories, actually I didn't eat much for dinner, 1/2 a piece of chicken and about 1/4 c of veggies, so calorie wise it was alright. I have been battling the hungries since I have been walking. Been walking so much that the puppies have some sores on their armpits from their harnesses. but they sure whined last night when we didn't go for the 2nd walk. It sounds like ex-hubby #1 has found DD#4 a car. Ex hubby #1 is not DD#4 dad, DD#4 & DD#5 are from my 2nd marriage (now you know the ugly truth), but he and his wife have always loved the girls and welcomed them into their home. It will either be an Impala with 60,000 mi or a Malibu with about the same. Both running about $5500. Now as long as her dad comes up with the $$$ we should have her a new car by next weekend. So I can make you all a heck of a deal, a 1999 Saturn without tires or battery for free, just pick up. The rear bumper is REALLY nice. Well, I suppose I should get some BF and head on my walk before it gets to hot. Linda, let me know about the quilt, I can go online and find some pics and give you a link. TTFN
  18. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, bszzzzzzz, bszzzzzzzzzzzzz. are we buggin you yet? Glad you are enjoying your trip. Linda, I am with Candice, you have to find something everyday. We only have one life, so make it worth while. Of course, I'm one to speak, remember me last year in the middle of the school year. I do have a plan this year. I'm going to get up a couple hour earlier in the morning and quilt. Last year I got so depressed I hardly touched my sewing machine. Then, I am walking out exactly when I can (I usually alway stay 2 to 3 hours after school) and go for a walk. Then, home for a skinny, SF latte. That's the plan anyway. Well should go make some dinner.
  19. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Did my hour of brisk walk. hotter than heck here. Going to work on DD#5's ragtime quilt and then help a friend move some furnature around. Should get busy on laundry and picking up the kitchen, bleck!
  20. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Talked to Steph last night on facebook. She is doing good. Michael is home and yesterday was a 'great' day. She was sitting having an adult beverage and eating that deliscious kettle corn. Finally got that darn scale to move. Some of the hardest work I have done in a long time. Good for me I guess. DD#4's dad SAYS he will pay for a new car. I'll believe it when I see it. Kira, have fun with that check. You will look fabulous. You all have a good day.
  21. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Thanks everyone. I appreciate the sympathy. I could have cried, and my daughter did. But I did have some exciting news!!! I haven't stepped on the scale so far, I had found it depressing. But guess what....I tried on a pair of jeans...size 16!!!!!!!! I haven't seen a size 16 in 10 years!!!! So have gone from a tight 22 to a 16. I didn't think I would EVER see a size 16. Some good news for the day! Janet, where is the pics of the babies. I have my dad talked into taking the kitty that I found. So when the owners get back from vacation, we will have her spayed and then arange to get it to dad's house. The kitty is a 5 year old manx who pats you with her paw when she wants a scratch and pat. He last manx did that. So I think this is going work great. It will make his remaining time more worth while.
  22. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    What a day... Went over to my friends and washed her windows. Part way through the project I get a call from DD#4, her car has stopped. Talking further, I find out that it made a really loud noise then stopped and began smoking. Okay, this is not good. I stop and buy 4 quarts of oil and go find her on the highway. I check the dipstick...dry. Put in 4 quarts of oil, say a prayer, and turn it over. It starts okay, but it is throwing oil and you can hear the boken rod. My mechanic (trustworthy and a friend) says, "Yep it is toast. The car isn't worth the $2000+ it would cost to replace the motor." So now what....I don't have the money, she is already working 2 jobs and starts school in just over a week. I guess when it rains there is a monsoon. The sucky part, she is still paying for the new tires, and I just bought a new battery on Wednesday. The mechanic doesn't know if she let it run out of oil and then blew, or the other way around. It doesn't matter, now she doesn't have a car. She drives 20 miles to work and to school, so not having a car is NOT an option.
  23. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, Excellent job!!! I'm dragging big time. It is after 10 am and normally I have walked for an hour, straightened the house, and am quilting. Right now, I am still in my pj's, and just waking up from a 2 hour nap. My brain is all fuzzy. I wanted to get it together and go wash a friends windows for her birthday...maybe I can get it together yet.
  24. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I would put her food, water, and litter close by for the first couple of days and keep the dogs out. Since she is young you don't know how she is going to handle the dogs. After a few days I sure that Sheba would like a little away time from the kittens. I hope the big one makes it. I'm a sucker for the underdog. About 5 years ago, while we were up quilting, we ran across a new litter of kittens that some jackoff threw out the car window. All but one became road kill, but one was crying although it had its jaw and nose messed up when it hit the pavement. I also performed cat CPR. All during the week we were quilting we fed it every 1 1/2 hours, bathed it, helped it go potty, kept it warm with a 'ziplock water bed' and named her Stitch. She is a live today and living with one of our group. Unknown to us, she had a broken jaw. But although she is missing part of her nose and the jaw didn't grow fully, Stitch is a real sweetheart. So I hope the big guy makes it. I just worry about Karri, it will be a real loss if she burns out. Make it through today and then take a nap. I'll have to walk alone today. Princess Molly has sores in her armpits from her new harness and Jordan & Simon act like I am torturing them. So I'll walk without them and give them a day's rest. Need to finish DD#5 Ragtime quilt so she can take it to college next week. Probably should do some laundry. Need to go hunt down some fruit at the store. Have a good day!
  25. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Just go back from our 2nd walk. We (my DD#4 & the puppies) went back to feel the koi, and Jordan decided that a swim in the pond was a good idea. He never has been in water, but he jumped right in and swam around. So I guess we will take him to the river this week and see how he likes it. PB'ed my chicken tonight, so I didn't really get to eat anything. Maybe later I will try something else. Janet, thanks for the update on Karri. That girl needs to slow down a little. She is going to burn herself out before she is 30. But I do admire her commitment. I use to be that way. I megga scored today. Was surfing around 'craigslist' and ran across a guy who was selling his deceased mothers quilting materials, (20 boxes), he was selling them for a donation to our local hospice. I explained that I'd love to have his mothers things and would charish them, but that as a teacher with 2 kids in college and couldn't afford much of a donation. Come to find out his mom was a secretary at a school, and he felt that I was meant to have them...for free. I really feel honored to receive her things. I'm going to make his dad some cookies and then make a lap quilt from some of the material. It is going to be hard for his dad to see the things go, I hope I can make it easier. Hope Steph is okay. Janet, I never could eat lamb. The whole baby thing, it's like eating veal. Gives me the shivers.

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