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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet...so how did the procedure go?
  2. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Linda....assuming you are on antidepressants, you may need an adjustment. I was on Zoloph for years, loved it, worked great and then wham, it quit. I am now on a generic version of Lexapro, working great. I up the ammount during the winter because of SAD and stress. But it is manageable. Think about it. Life is WAY too short to be down. Now comes the hard part, don't be angry, but....are you letting life control you or are you in control of your life? I know it is impossible sometimes, but you are so fabulous and what you do is so important, I want you to enjoy life. What about a full panel blood work? Could something else be out of whack? There has to be a reason that you are eating this way. We all know we compensate our lives with food. Please go check things out! Karri, I think I am VERY jealous...you get to go to the 3-day walk. I wish.... Janet, just love you. I think you are my long lost twin!! Any German and Swedish heritage? Steph, have fun. Phyl, you are doing great!!!! Maybe there is some other pain med you could use? Well I need to go for my walk that I only partially completed last night. So I'll check in later after dinner. Having papya marinated pork steak, should be good. The marinade has olive oil in it, so the cals will be higher, but I haven't had ANY added fat for a very long time, so it shouldn't make a huge impact...I hope.
  3. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning ladies, just a quick stop by. Karri, your classes/students sound devine. You want to swap? I'll trade you for my classes of 27 6th & 7th graders who can't seem to understand that closing their mouth would greatly impact their success. I'm trying the calming music theory. I don't think it is working. Oh well, maybe it will keep me calm? I did not do a lot of prep over the summer and I am reaping the consequences. But so far I am able to keep up and a head of what is going on. This weekend will be a lot of school work. Oh well. Consequences. Still feel like a truck ran me over. I'm sure it is just that I'm on my feet all day, which is wierd, I was on my feel all summer working and hauling heavy stuff at the nursery. We have Friday and Monday off for labor day so if I use one day to work and focus, I should be caught up for a week or so. Still can't get a grasp of where I'm headed for earth science. I hate the text, it is designed for 9th graders and we are using it for 6th graders. So I really need to rework it. I have found a lot of 'online' curriculum that I think will work. It just takes time. Well, I suppose I should get going, need to find something cool to wear, my room was in the 90's yesterday. Yep, I'm going to wear a tank top and shorts. I've worn all my skirts that kind of fit and I can't handle pants right now, way too hot. TTFN
  4. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, I didn't realize your brother passed. I'm so sorry. Did anyone get the license plate # of the truck that ran me over. I hurt so bad I could only make it one mile tonight. Dinner was good, tilapia with raspberry chipolti marinade and coconut rice. The coconut rice was easy, 1 can of lite coconut milk (you could do the same thing with 1 c of regular coconut milk + 1 c of water), 1 c of jasmine rice, 2 tbles of chopped cilantro, & about 1 tble of coconut. Made enough for lunch tomorrow. Cals were excellent. Have a good night.
  5. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice good for you!!! You will have a blast. I'm envious!! I would love a weekend away from everything. Excellent job on the cals!!!
  6. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I'm home for the evening and not thinking about school. I was hungry all day, partially because my lunch was lame. I really prefer my chicken salad, but all I had left was a veggie burger. So lunch was 150 cals. I did get attacked by those assassin carrots. Was munching away on them between classes and I stuck. I had to step out into the hall so I didn't puke in front of the kids, not pretty. PB'ed some and managed to keep the carrots down. But I don't think I'm eating them for a while. Dinner is tilapia, watermelon, and a new recipe for lite coconut rice. I banked a few extra calories so I can have more than a 'taste' of the rice. Phyl, thank goodness the pain is under control. You really had us worried. Now you be careful crossing the road. Janet, how sweet you are!!! Karri, glad to see you back and thanks for the info on the bcomplex. I have tried suppliments before and they really didn't do anything for me. The doc says I also should be taking vit D and calcium. I am taking a bariatric chewable multi vit, and have since I had my surgery. Hope school is going well. So far we are just doing the intro stuff. I've had to redo a lot of my beginning of the year activities to be more 'warm and fuzzy' for the 6th graders. I'm not going to get stressed about things, what doesn't get done, doesn't get done. I know right now I can't afford anything extra, but I am going to seriously consider it when the days get shorter. I do have several full spectrum lights, and they help. believe it or not, what REALLY helps me is a tanning bed. I can lay in the bed for 5 - 10 min and feel like I am a new woman. But...it isn't tax deductable, med's are. But who knows, I not going to think about it for a while. I'm only going to was 1 mi tonight. I've walked 3 - 4 miles, every day for a month, and now I'm taking a break. It's in the mid to high 90's and I'm hot and tired and cranky. Although, after I walk the mile, I may find that it is what I need. TTFN
  7. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, I'm with Janet, I think you should call the doc. Yes there is pain, but not so much that you have to over medicate...just a thought. Okay night sleep, not fabulous. I kept disconnecting my CPAP machine which then woke me up. Had a heck of a thunderstorm last night. It was super hot and then the storm rolled in. Thunder was so loud that the house rattled and the puppies thought the world was coming to an end, actually I thought the house got hit by lightening. Natually it turned into hail and then rain. but things look okay. Candice, you are right, I don't know if I could afford the Bcomplex shots. Talked to my daughter the PA and she said that it wouldn't hurt anything. I am considering it once winter hits. I am a hibernator and seem to 'fatten up' for the winter and become dormant. My energy level just sucks during the winter and I really battle depression. Can't chat long, I REALLY need to be at school by 6:30, it is the only way I can get home by 4 ish. So I'll chat later tonight. TTFN
  8. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Folks, I have a question..my lap doc...has suggested that I consider "combination of many B-vitamins and some amino acids, called "Lipotropic injections." It seems to increase energy and boost weight loss." So what do you think? It costs about $50 a month and you give yourself a shot 2-3 times a week? I'll chat later need to get dinner going. TTFN
  9. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Finally the scale has moved!!! I lost 2 pounds. As hard as I have been working on it this last month, whew, I did know for sure if it ever was going to move. This will keep me motivated to continue to walk for now. I'm not looking forward to cold weather, it will end the walks. I can usually handle walking when it is at least 20 degrees, but when it gets lower, no way in heck. POSSIBLY, dependent upon $$$, I will check out our local gym. There is one on my way home from work. IF I can figure out how to get done at work, I could be at the gym by 4 pm and home by a little after 5. I would like to try out an elliptical, and I definitely need some work on my arms. Let's just say they can wave to you. The hanging upper arm is not attractive, flap, flap, flap! Three more weeks until payday!!! It will have my raise on it, but our insurance went up as well, so hopefully, I will earn enough to make my house payment. If DD#4 gets the job at the nursing home, she will be able to help out more with groceries and such. Best get going if I'm going to get to work by 6:30. Phyl, here's to less pain today.
  10. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I'm hungry....I made a roast, carrots, & potatoes in the crockpot so the meat was very tender and juicy. Poured some juices on it. Man it was good and I really wanted to eat a decent portion. Oh heck no...managed to eat about 2 ounces and 2 pieces of carrots. I was so looking forward to eating. So now I'm sitting here hungry. Oh well. chat to you all tomorrow.
  11. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Wow, I'm out of the house at work for one day and there is tons of postings to read! School was good, I kept a positive attitude, but honestly the day was a blur. With the 'Welcome' back assembly in the morning, classes were only 30 minutes. Tomorrow will be the real test. I got up at 5 am and STILL didn't get to work until 7:15, what could I possibly be doing for that long...ah...lbt. So tomorrow it will have to be even shorter. If I want to get home by 4 pm to walk I have to be at school by at least 6:30. I did get an incredible complement today. One of the teacher's who is only a few month younger than me who looks like Barbie, emailed me to let me know how good I looked and that I just 'glowed'. Very surprising coming from her. I didn't talk about the lapband, just said I was eating healthy, exercising, and putting life in perspective...all true. Got the car insured, they were more than appologetic. DD#4 has an interview at a nursing home tomorrow. She is hoping to get her CNA training for free and work for about $10/hour. The CNA will help her get into nursing school. So Linda, if you have any suggestions please pass them on. Surprisingly, I wasn't even hungry, did have time. Hopefully this will continue. Steph, Naturally you better show up here when you are in Missoula. Time with Michael is important, but I know what you are saying. there were so many times I didn't WANT to be around DD#5. It just sucks you dry. But there were times I had to hire a monitor for her because I couldn't trust her to be alone. Candice, Happy Birthday, how you get pampered! Well TTFN, need to get some dinner.
  12. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Steph, I'm so sorry about Michael, but as you said, "It is what it is." If nothing else, family counceling will help you and the family to deal with Michael's choices. I know it is hard to see him in a destructive mode, but hopefully the councelor will help him WANT to make good choices. I pray that he will make it through this and find his way. Right now DD#4 is doing okay. I have sent out a couple of requests to the Secret to help her find her way. In many ways she is a lost lamb. You are right, at 23 she should be taking charge of her life. Heck at 23 I had 3 kids, but I had already moved out and was on my own at 15. Not what I suggest for her. DD#3 is moving back to Montana from Chicago. She will be living with her dad and step-mom for a couple of months and then moving to Billings if her job works out. DD#4 has been talking about moving in with her. While I know that it is important and a big step for her to move out on her own, I don't know whether moving in with her sister is a good idea. Finally ate some yogurt and Kashi last night since, I couldn't eat dinner. Breakfast & Lunch where excellent. Dinner was about 4 bites of chicken, popcorn, FF Fudge bar, & then the yogurt and Kashi. Calories were good, but I have been getting into the snacking mode. Hopefully today will be better. Dinner is going to be crockpot roast & carrots with about 1/8 c of potatoes. Anyway, you all have a good day. Steph I want homemade kettle korn, do you feel like a road trip over labor day weekend? I hope you all have fun plans, think of me trapped doing school prep. I think DD#5 & a bunch of kids from the dorm are going to float the river and then I'll BBQ for them. It sure is dang quiet without her. Don't know how it will be not having her at school with me. TTFN
  13. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Denise I'm with you on the PBing, dinner was not a success. So after awhile I am going to have some popcorn and FF Fudge bar. Maybe that will work. Finally got everything done, lunch is made for tomorrow. It will be a long day. The kids are usually pretty mellow, more involved in socializing than anything else. I'm trying some new things. Trying to incorporate more technology, and maybe relax myself a bit. I need to remember that the students need to learn how to learn, more important than what they learn. You all have a good week.
  14. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, remember they have been pumping you full of fluids. Naturally you are going to have a weight gain. Right now it is about healing!!
  15. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Got the puppies walked and laundry almost done. Groceries bought, house picked up, car mucked out, and a good portion of my lessons done for the week. It was suppose to rain all day, but instead it is 90. I wanted the rain so I didn't have to Water. food is good today, figured I better get extra careful going into the first week, yogurt, kashi, blueberries for Breakfast, cottage cheese, blueberries, almonds for lunch. Grapes for snack. dinner is going to be some chicken, veggies, & a bite of potatoes. Linda, glad you found something you liked. I could have done some major damage there, but I am behaving for the next 6 months. It will take me that long to get my credit card paid off. I can't handle having a balance, it makes me shop indescriminately, into the thousands. So, now I can not use it until the balance is at zero. Well need to go back to work, ttfn
  16. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Sorry about the venting yesterday. Tired and irritated, a long 2 days. We stopped at the dorms on our way home and met DD#5's young man. He seems very sweet. Looks pretty young, but my strong willed DD#5 tends to hang out with younger people. She is a leader with strong morals and values. However, many times her 'boyfriends' have been several years younger. I think she has some of her father's 'control issues', so a younger male allows her to be in charge. He is probably only a year younger than her, she is 19, but he does look like a baby. Had great intentions of sleeping in this morning, I guess 6:30 is sleeping in, but 9 would have been better. Hey this way I have some quiet time. Candice, your 'back in the day' pics are awesome. HAPPY ALMOST BIRTHDAY!! Go do something fun. Janet, you will get those pounds under control. With the amount of stress you have, what do expect. For us, stress = food. How was the tattoo 'removal'? How do they go about it? DD#4 has a tattoo that she regrets getting, cried about it for days after she got it. Impulse. Phyl, take the meds as you need them. Right now it is about controlling the pain. Are you taking your Vitamins since you have been too tired to eat? What about a Protein drink. Your body needs protein to heal. Candice, I'm with the older lady at the back of the church...Memories..... Hope to get a lot done today, straighten the house, laundry, clean the koi pond filters (I need to get a bigger system), muck out my car, go to school for a few hours... Well need to get back to school work, TTFN
  17. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Ladies, I'm gone for 1 1/2 days and you only made one page, what's up with that. Just got home from the trip across the state and back, and Montana is not a small state. We picked up DD#4 new car, it is sweetie. The only downer was the insurance. I called my agent this week and asked about insuring it. She said just call with the vin #, so I told her that it would be Saturday and the office was closed. She said no problem, call the main company and they will add it right away. Here is the pisser, I call Unigard and they tell me that they can not add a car over the weekend. I asked them what I should do...their answer, don't drive the car. So here I am 400+ miles from home and they say don't drive the car. I left a not to pleasant message on my agents answering machine. I held my breath all the way home. Now I won't be able to add the car until Monday AFTER DD#4 goes to school. If anything happens to that car before we get it insured, my agent won't have much skin left on them. Had a short visit with my dad, he looks better. He is in a lot of pain from the arthritis in his back, 60 years of bending his 6'5" body to work in the tunnels of the mine have taken it's tole. He had a dr. appointment on Friday and thought they were going to do something about the pain, instead they made an appointment for NEXT Friday to deal with the pain. But I was glad to see him. Picked him up some fruit & veggies, since mom hadn't bought any. Stopped and checked out my brothers new house, very gorgeous. They have worked hard and earned it. Lucky me, I got my car filled with quilting stuff. I whole roll of batting, some wonderful wool, a new faucet for the kitchen (mine broke a couple of months agao), and a great entertainment center. My SIL has a big boy long arm and does a huge about of quilting, but she new I couldn't afford batting for my quilt tops, so she said she needed to down size her supplies, yeah right, what a sweetie. Sorry, enough about me. Phyl I'm so glad you are home. Candice, YEAH on the less the less itching. Janet, let's not talk about food. Mom doesn't cook, so today I had my regular BF, but no lunch, no dinner. Lunch was a McDonalds BF burrito, dinner was...okay, don't scream, popcorn and a Ben & Jerry's cherry Garcia ice cream bar. Not the best choice.
  18. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, yes & no re DEXH, he is coming up with SOME of the money, but it is at a great cost to DD#4. He has incredible skill with mind games and employes them frequently. When we were married there was a point point that I was convinced that I was insane. I would tell him something and then he could convince me that I didn't. I spent a whole lot of time trying to figure out what he wanted just to keep him happy. He was never physically abusive but he is the master of mind games. He'd always be sure to ask what you wanted, but it damn well be what he wanted or the consequences were severe. Anyway, now he employes his skill with the girls. DD#5 can ignore him, DD#4 can be devistated with a single look or sigh from him.
  19. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, the recipe sounds delish! Phyl, hope you get home safe and sound. Really want a biscotti with my coffee. I am letting frustration get to me and making me want to eat. I need to work on that. I just figured with walking that I'd see some 'big' results. NOT. Have to go to school for a while today. We have to wait for the mail to arrive before we can head across the state to get DD#4's car. Naturally it doesn't show up until 3 pm or so. If her dad's check isn't in there, we will have to see if the dealer will hold the car for another day or so, and then I'll have to send DD#4 on the bus to go get it. I am so royally pissed. He delibritely sent it via his banks 'billpay' knowing that it would take 3 - 5 days for the bank to cut the check, then there is the mail time. If he had just written her a check and put it in the mail, it would have been here yesterday. DD#5 actually called from the dorms this morning...is she missing us? Her dog is in a major depression, he is hidding under the couch and moping around. IF we get to head to Roundup this afternoon, we will be home on Saturday and all her dorm friends are going to come out and float the river. Then we will have a BBQ with all of them. Build a fire and make some smores before I send them back to the dorms. Well best go get some BF and then head into work, have a good day.
  20. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice/......CONGRATS!!!!! You are the bomb!! I went to the website, but I couldn't find the part you were talking about. So if you don't mind giving me some instruction... Oh, hell no, ladies, you better NOT leave ME out on that summer RVing trip. Just think, some day, when I have a Mini Winni, we can all meet up with our RV's and build our own community!! Janet, you can ride with me and we can share the driving. I make a pretty mean latte, how are the rest of you on margarittas? Okay ladies...I looked over my weight loss chart and I have only lost 3 pounds in the last month. I have added the exercise component. What other nasty things do I have to do?
  21. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good morning everyone. Phyl I hope you got a good night sleep without pain. Sorry that last night was kind of a grumble. Just feeling overwhelmed and it is only the first day of school. Steph & Linda, glad you stopped by we missed you! Short night, long day. Not much to say, but I hope you all have a good one.
  22. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, I had to pack breakfast & lunch & snack & water & coffee. Okay BF is frozen blueberries, yogurt, Kashi, & a smidgen of dried cranberries. I don't like my blueberries totally thawed or my Kashi mushi, so have to pack it individually. Snack was a piece of fruit. I have to pack water because our school has had some issues with water quality...as in e-coli...remember we are on a well, not city water. I don't like water so I have to pack the SF fakey chrystal light. After all that I get to school and forgot the blueberries and snack and out of yogurt, had to go to the store. Tomorrow will be easier because all my breakfast stuff is now at school. I did get quite a few complements today about my weight-loss. Several people said they thought I was a new teacher. That was nice. Didn't get my walk in until tonight. Let me just say, 3 miles isn't that much fun when you don't have a puppy along. The lousey thing was that a couple was out walking their dog, think rottweiler mix, and stopped to say hi as their dog is ALWAYS barking at ours when we walk. So I stopped to let the dog come up to me and the darn thing jumped up and nipped me in the face. Now I have a scratch across my cheek and it is all puffed up. The owners just laughed. Janet, it is okay to lean on someone. But I SO know what you are talking about. My pride and stubborness gets in the way. Glad your car is fixed. Phyl, glad you are up and moving what a wonderful thing. Hopefully they get the pain under control. Candice, tell you what, if you ever decide to travel during the summer in the ole' RV, I'll help with the driving. You and I could travel the country checking out quilting shops and sit and quilt in the evening. I could bring my featherweight, it doesn't take up much space. I also do a lot of hand piecing and quilting. We could have a blast. To heck with the DH. Should head to bed, TTFN
  23. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Oh Linda...you are my hero!! DD#4 Elyse just showed me some math stuff and had a question, and quite frankly I don't have what it takes to go back and figure it out. She is trying to take an online class (long story), but the prof is starting in the middle of the book, and who in the heck remembers how to do equations with subsets. You know.. with all those symbols and crap... She really could use some support IF you don't mind. I am hoping that she will find her niche in nursing, she has such a patient (sp) compassionate spirit. I just hope she makes it through the classes. She got an A in medical terminology but a C in Anatomy/Physiology and now has to take it over because she has to have a B. Memorizing is easy for her, but she has difficulty with abstract concepts. Anyway, I best stop talking about it. Linda, when I found that I was doing everything by myself (ex: door falls off the refrigerator, husband says "What do you expect me to do about it") is when I said...the sex isn't good enough to stick around just for that. So I said adieu. Candice keep us updated....and since we are into TMI, I must say that I came home from work and had an incredible BM. You know one of those that just kind of 'lightens' you. Well, one complaint today...in meetings all day, figure okay, I'll get stuff done tomorrow...but oh hell no..I find out that a 'select few' must participate in an all day long training on assessment testing. Yep, I get to be one of the 'select few'. I shouldn't complain, but...everyone else gets to work in the classrooms all day, and I don't. The Principal (okay, 2 complaints) came in and said that I would be taking a leading role (me a leader in anything, I don't like conflict) in our school-wide behavior program...and CAT team...and Tech committee...and valley wide science curriculum revision...and teach a new subject...and have 27 - 30 students in science labs at one time in a classroom that barely has room for 24.. (okay more than 2 complaints), Janet, I didn't realize how much time it took me to just pack my food for the day. Tomorrow I guess I'll get up a 4:30.
  24. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, Phyl is amazing!! I can't believe they will have her up and walking today. So, will Phyl now set off metal detectors? Janet I hope you had a restful evening and got a good night sleep? Maybe you need to go pamper yourself? Spa day? First real day back at school. Got my room rearranged. Today and tomorrow are PIR so I will spend them trapped in meetings. Kind of lost it for a moment last night as we were packing up DD#5 for the dorms. The baby is moving out. Of course she already has tons of plans for the day. NONE of which require my permission as she informed me (with a grin and a hug), she is on her own now. Many moments that I swore she would NEVER survive to go to college. Most of which were a result of the "Wrath of Mother" for her attitude or behavior. She has always been the "Wait till you have children of your own" child. Feel a bit strange having to get up early and groom up. I have gotten up early most of the summer, but it is the groom thing. Usually have spent the summer drinking coffee for an hour and then getting started. Not brushing my teeth until noon, hey who needs clean teeth to walk the dogs? Candice, has the itch finally slowed down? Steph, good luck on your breast cancer activities this weekend. DD#4 has found a nursing home that will provide the CNA training while you work. So she submitted an application. She would much rather work with children, but this will throw her into the deep end. I am sending out to the Secret a request for direction in her life...nursing career AND a good man. Yeah I tagged the man part in at the last minute. It would be a real positive for her self-esteem. She did find out yesterday that the university had allowed her to register for a 7 credit "Intro to Nursing" that she was not allowed to take. So now that she has bought all the supplied (about $400 and read one of the books, she has been kicked out. She spent most of the day scrambling to redo her schedule. Now that she has spent all her funding, she will have to rebuy for 2 different classes. but she took it in stride (without a melt down) and called the head of the nursing department to get class selections AND found a place to get her CNA training. For her it was pretty darn responsible. She is already struggling in her math class (even though classes don't start until Monday). Unfortunately it is an online class, so I guess I'll be doing some math this semester after all. Well, i need to get busy, have to leave in a half hour and haven't groomed or had bf. You all have an outstanding day. Phyl, no racing up and down the hall, a hop, skip & jump will do it for now.
  25. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, you are exactly right about everything falling on our shoulders. No one to help with anything, from shoveling the driveway to fixing the airconditioner, car issues, kid issues you name it. The fish ? was what was the recipe for the coconut fish something another. Went to school for 3 hours and am exhausted, how am I going to handle a full day. I did take an ice skinny SF hazelnut latte (made it myself) and it did keep me full and didn't think about food. Tomorrow will be a pain, I'd rather be helping DD#5 move into the dorms. Was going to go in and check that she was settled after school, but she already has plans. Has anyone heard from Phyl??? She is so brave, I was thinking about the whole process and I just don't know if I could do it. I do have cadavar tissue that rebuilt my 'business', but that what an addition not a replacement. I am forcing myself to walk tonight, even though I'm tired and don't want to. Technically I could skip it because I walked 3 miles and mowed the lawn for 2+ hours, but I will think of it as banked calories, since I will be sitting for the next 2 days. I need to figure out if I am going to get up and walk in the morning before school, I'd have to get up at 4 am, or walk afterschool. Well need to get back to my stirfry. Have a good evening.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
