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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Steph...question...just a thought, don't rip my lips off...Maybe you should use the $$$$ you have for Jeff's surgery and go to the sleeve since you are having troubles with a hernia and sticking? Jeff 'appears' to be dragging his feet. I'm just thinking about the drive to the fill doc, stress = tightness. Your stress isn't going to change much any time soon. Just throwing that out there. You know I love you. I am just trying to find ways to make your life easier. Won't find out until next week whether I made it into the master's program. I really was hoping I'd know this week. The classes start in a couple of weeks and I need some time to get organized. So positive thoughts.
  2. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Steph, thanks for the update, I was worried about you. I guess now you have your answer, Michael must have some type of issue with Jeff. Hopefully the family counceling will help work things out. You are in my prayers. Janet, I've only had a few people that I truely loved die. It is even harder when you are torn between letting them not be in pain and wanting to keep them around. Remember the memories. Candice think quilting not scratching. Intestines are still feeling like they are on fire. I know it is stress. I'm hoping the fill doc has a few ideas. DD#1 has celiacs disease, which is inherited. I've been tested and show positive, but I've never had any symptoms. Since I'm eating less carbs, I'm eating less gluton, so it shouldn't be celiacs. I could handle the fire, if the bloat wasn't so bad. Reality is that I am 'swallowing' my frustrations and being overwhelmed. I need to find a way to get caught up. It's like I am ADD, everytime I try to get something done, I find myself flitting around amoungst many projects, esulting in NOTHING getting done. Well have a good day. This week is getting as crazy as all the rest. Friday I go to Kalispell to the fill doc. Saturday need to meet my parents in helena to pick up dad's new kitty. Oh hell, somewhere in there I need to find time to get organized!
  3. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Howdy all, Has anyone heard from Steph about her dr. appt? I'm beat and overwhelmed so I'm going to keep it short, I'm really exhausted. keep bouncing ideas around about the christmas challenge. I need to crawl in a hole for a while to de-stress and avoid the world. Not going to happen, but I know I need it.
  4. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    The scale finally moved! A few more pounds and my BMI will be in the 28's, still a ways to go. If I go by what Dr. Ortiz said, I only have 14 more pounds to go? But what ever it shakes out, works for me. Okay on the 20 pound December Challenge...1st do we want it to be 20 pounds or do we want 1 pound per week, in which case 12 pounds or even 10 pounds would be good (1 pound per week, ending the week of Christmas)? So that is our 1st decision, I'm leaning toward the 12 pound, it seems more realistic. I'm going for the 12 pounds so everyone can participate, but I'll go with what everyone else says. Prize, one homemade ornament from every member that joins goes to the greatest loser. Second part of the challenge. For those at weight or closer, I'm thinking, those interested would state their desired weight, and those individuals who maintain that weight for the 3 weeks in December, 12/1 - 12/21 would win a homemade ornament from every member who joins that challenge. So give me your thoughts. We could polish this up and have sign ups by Friday with December goals. Just some thoughts. Have a good day/evening. If it isn't too late when I get home tonight I'll check in. TTFN
  5. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good luck Steph, at least you will know what's up. Heading to bed, I'll probably won't be on tomorrow night/ I have to run the 'clock' for a HS volleyball tourney. So probably won't get home until late. Phyl, you go girl!! Night everyone, just ate 'breakfast' for dinner. TTFN
  6. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Steph, what's up with the police and Michael? I missed that, please a quick refresher. Jackie, I'm with Phyl, I know you are worried, but it DOES sound like you DD did her homework. It is time to turn it over to God and let it go. Easy to say, not easy to do, but you really need to try. Your health is important also. Okay ladies. I have an appointment for Friday with the fill doc. Today I was starving, stomach growling with in 1/2 of eating. Snacked of grapes, carrots stick. Came home, walked, sat down to dinner, after 4 bites I'm stuck, couldn't eat any more. So I'm leaning towards needing a fill to tighten the stomach opening. I hate this, it is really contributing to some bad habits, eating in the evening because I'm still starved. I'm afraid to eat my dinner. Sushi boy is out on a fire and I probably won't hear from him until the fire is contained. We are suppose to go out to dinner on Saturday, but we will see. I also have to meet my parents to deliver the Manx I found for dad. Dad has his first CT scan since chemo, radiation, pacemaker, and drug trial on Friday. So keep fingers crossed and prayers. I got my application completed for the master's program I told you about. My principal called the person in charge and gave a personal recommendation. Also a friend of mine who is already in the program emailed the person giving another personal recommendation. The language arts teacher proofed my essays. So I have done everything that I could do, now it is up to God and fate.
  7. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Well dinner and lunch both stuck. I'm wondering since I've lost weight if my band opening slightly too big, so instead of food 'stacking up' it moves partially through and stick. Is that possible? So breakfast was my usually blueberries, yogurt, & Kashi, Lunch - about 4 bites of chicken & veggies, snack,100 cal popcorn, dinner 4 bites of steak & veggies, but ended puking up. So todays calories are about 400. This is the cycle I have gotten into. I was doing really well for about 2 months, but the last 2 weeks I have stuck on any hard protein.
  8. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yep Phyl, it was those little package things. I was shopping with DD#4 and we stopped for dinner, I stuck after 2 bites, why do I keep trying chicken? Anyway it was 10:30 at night, I had no lunch because I was 'saving' cals for dinner out. I was starving!!! I had bought a variety package for my classroom students and I love the cheese crackers with peanut butter. Anyway, putting the things in the car, and the next thing I know, a package was open and in my mouth. I tried all kinds of rationalizations, but I shouldn't have eaten them, or the 1/2 c ice cream either, but I was hungry. Damn, I hate myself when I give in, THEN okay here is the REALLY stupid part, at 12 am, I'm still up because I took my sleep meds too late, and there in front of me is a bowl of blueberries 1/2 c light & fit yogurt, and 1/4 c Kashi. The cals weren't too bad, it was the fact that it was all unplanned and not when I should eat. I'm almost at 6 months and I should have some control. But I guess there was some, I use to have 2 cups of ice cream, bagel and cream cheese for snack, or 2 packages of the pb crackers. I don't know if I will loose 20 pounds by Christmas, but I have to do something to get back on track. I have asked for an appointment with my fill doc for this comming Friday. If he has an opening, I am going to get a fill, start the bcomplex and amino acid injections, and he says he has a plan of attack he wants to toss around with me. I bought a resistance 'rope' to start tightening my arms. Shall we say flappin in the breeze. Heard from sushi boy last night late, he is a wildfire firefighter & we have a local fire that blew up yesterday, we have a lot of wind. He will probably be out on fire all week, so we probably won't connect up for a while. No problem. Got the car & kitchen cleaned, working on laundry, so now I need to hit the lesson plans. I am also applying for a master's program that is paid for by a grant, so it is no cost to the participant. It focuses on middle school science. If accepted i would also get paid $200 per day that I am in meetings or classes. It would help make up some of my budget shortfalls, and would ultimately raise my salary. So wish me luck!
  9. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Linda, you are totally right, we can do this...the last 20!!! Okay, so what is our challenge...20 pounds by Christmas? What's up for grabs....How about a homemade Christmas ornament from each who join the challenge, winner takes all? Or do we want a 1st & 2nd place winner? So Ladies, belly up to the bar as they say, but it is going to be a skinny bar. Linda, have you tried the Mikes Hard Lemonaide Lights? Schmirnoff also has a light version. The Light lemonaids just have 96 cals in them. So let me know what you think! Just spent the last 2 hours cleaning my car. Bleck, NASTY. but I did find $5 in the change drawer, leaving it there for emergencies, like a Skinny SF Hazelnut latte.
  10. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Jackie, we love to hear about each other's families. I seems to be getting off focus on my eating. A little extra here and there. So, today it the day to get it back together. I think it comes from not seeing the scale move and then getting frustrated. Why work so hard if the scale is frozen. WRONG ATTITUDE! So today I make the new pledge. "I will journal my food and NOT nibble here and there, and not let my head hungries control me!! Just thought I would share. This time I'm actually AM going to clean the car, I'm going in....pray for me...it may attack back! Of course I might also find my glasses that I have seen since august? Check in later, TTFN Karla
  11. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Kari, don't worry, we will kick your butt. But I had Peanut Butter and crackers tonight, so...what can I say. Long day and battled with my chicken...and the chicken won. I was in town shopping and starving, so thus the peanut butter and crackers. Linda, HOW ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL. I am looking forward to those days. But it will be a while longer. Anyway, better go shower and go to bed. TTFN
  12. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    The dog stepped on my mouse and I lost my post. so here is the condensed version. If I were to do it again, I'd go with the sleeve, but I'm 50 and already have kids. She should check out the pregnancy link on LBT. Bypass isn't easy, check out Al Roker (sp) on the Today Show. He has lost weight, but isn't a twig. It still requires good food choices and portion control. Took my DD#2's lab and the swimming doxi to the river, they are plum tuckered out. AND extrememly gasy as they had eggs for breakfast as a treat. Going into town to do some shopping. Hope i can find a couple of shirts for a reasonable price. Candice that dress is worth EVERY penny. It is just stunning!!!
  13. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Linda, you won't have trouble with the bakery. I find that after I bake my specialties for my family, biscotti & shortbreads, that I don't feel like eating it. The last batches I made in July are still in the freezer. The kids eat them, but I don't even care. Yeah I've had a biscotti and a shortbread, good, but not worth the exercise. I am pretty sure I'm going to have a fill, last night after dinner and was hungry in less than a half an hour. Not good. Oh my oldest girls thought I was pretty horrible. After all, I 'left' when their dad and I got divorced. Long story, needs to be told over beverages, after all I'm a hedonistic -itch. Fortunately their dad and I have developed a working friendship and the girls and I have a relationship. Some closer than others. Remember, if you are doing things right as a parent, your kids will be mad at you. Steph, Michael is hitting where he knows it hurts worst. I still would be checking into residential facilities. Not necessarily for immediate use, but as a back up plan. Going to take DD#2's lab and Jordan to the river today so they can go swimming. Then I really need to do some work. DD#2 gave us all some 'back-to-school' money, so I'm going to go looking for some shirts. You all have a good day, TTFN
  14. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I'm going to bed, you all are busy with your lives, I'm hungry.......see you all later.
  15. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Okay ladies where is everyone??? I'm sitting here and no one to gab with????? I'm bored...
  16. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Linda, no I didn't get the girl to the top of the mountain. She was pretty worried about her dad, so we went a little further and then stopped. Did sent the thanks but no thanks to the phone call guy. He emailed me and was pretty rude. Did email the sushi guy and asked him straight up if he was only interested in physical. His reply was very sweet.Karla, "I am looking for my one and only. Hopefully we meet and we go hand in hand into the sunset. I want this site to be our memory. " So we are meeting next week. Phyl, excellent job!!! We are proud of you!
  17. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I am back from the hike...I'm actually fine, have a raging head ache. One of our bus drivers decided to hike with us since his daughter was on the hike. No problem, but both he and his daughter are carrying some extra weight. About 1 mile into the hike, the daughter has stopped at least 6 times for water, snack, snack, snack, snack, snack. About this time I notice that the dad's color is not all that great, he is sweating heavily, purple in the face, and gasping for air. So I begin to worry, that lasted another mile of 2 steps and rest, at this point I am going...Oh hell no, you are NOT going to stroke out in front of your daughter. He is determined to get his daughter up to the top, I haven't even broken a sweat and it is 80+ degrees out. At mile 3 I figure I either knock his walking stick out of his hand, or convince him to stop. I finally convince him that I will do my best to get his daughter to the top, but he WILL sit down and wait for us. I never got the daughter to the top, On the way down we pick up dad, take all their backpacks away from them to lighten their load and pray that when we get him back to the bus he can actually drive and not kill us all on the steep road. Back to the dating thing. Now i am starting to see creeper sex fiends in ever email. Actually they are all creeper sex fiends. One guy wants me tell him about my previous relationships and my passion. Not what I'm passionate about, but my passion. Sushi boy, say that we have a lot in common and we should get together to have some FUN. Yep he capitolized FUN. So they are all only looking for sex, and anything else is immaterial. So I'm thinking I need to change my 'About Me' information to say: Only those that have proof of a negative STD & AIDS test need 'wink', and must include a photo of the equipment. And since none of you are interested in getting to know a female, let's just cut out the 'chitter-chate' and save everyone some time.
  18. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning ladies, sorry for the melodrama. I will be sending the gentleman, and I use the term sarcastically, an email of 'Thanks, but no thanks'. You all have a good day, think of me on the mountain.
  19. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Then I may even EAT the chocolate...and then drink another 96 calorie adult beverage and take my puppies for a walk. Come Saturday I'm taking DD#2's lab to the river and then I'm going to delete all Match.com emails and clear my trash and then I may drink another Mikes, and then I'm going to bed. Thanks your your imput, this to will pass.k
  20. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yep, so now I know. Do you think all guys my decade are the same way? If so, forget it. Now the sushi guy just says, We should go to sushi and have FUN (yep, he capitalizes is) and workout. So am I just nieve enough to think he is talking about food and weights? Yeah, that's what I thought to, it's all about sex, which I haven't had in 13 years, and since I haven't tried it out since I have had reconstuctive surgery, I don't even know if it works. It could even be painful. I'm not about to hop into bed with someone I dont' trust. I'm all talk no show. I'm going to bed so I can get up at 4 am and hike some gosh awful mountain with 82 6th graders and 30 parents. When I get home, I'm going to crack open a Mike's Hard Lemonaid Light, and contemplate chocolate. Then I'm going to email the man and say thanks, but he can keep his weener to himself!
  21. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Okay ladies, got the phone call and I think I'm creeped out... He calls and we chat for a while, then he says he wants me to meet him for a beer TONIGHT. So I say..ah sorry I have to hike St Mary's Peak and that I'm already in my pj's. So he says, "I know just what you need tonight and it isn't a beer." I say ummm...that I am not going out since I have to be at school at 6:30 am. He says that if I told him where I lived then he could come and "give me what I really need". Okay, so now I think I need to run and run fast. Someone who wants to sex me down in the first conversation is not interested in me, just sex. So thanks, but no thanks.
  22. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Ah, hell no, You do not arrange to call me and then diss me. He has been on Match.com surfing around, but not answering my emails or calling. I'm determining if I email him and tell him what for.....
  23. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Ah Janet...did you notice you typed 'mad' instead of 'man'? I think that is a freudian slip.
  24. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Nah, I don't want a bad boy, and I don't plan on getting married. So what am I looking for? Hell I don't know? Of course now that I wasn't so sure, the guy doesn't call. Actually I missed a phone call, so it might have been him. I guess I'm tired of having to take care of everyone else, I'd like to be taken care of once in a while.
  25. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I definitely say long for the wedding and then decide how you feel once the reception starts. I like the long version the best. Jewelry..I'm not the person to ask. I don't wear a lot of jewelry. Yes the phone call is tonight...he owns a raingutter business and seems to be my type. I feel really wierd about it all. Almost like, hey, he sounds like a nice guy, but he doesn't get me tingly. That sounds lame and shallow since I haven't met him. Maybe, I am looking for someone TOTALLY different. Someone who would either be the 'bad boy' or the one who would sweep me off my feet and pamper me. Okay, have fun analyzing that. He just seems so 'normal' and there isn't ANYTHING wrong with normal. Maybe I just want to swing on the chandaleir for a while? Sushi guy emailed today and wants to meet for sushi and work out together. Anyway, I am going to the fill doc next week. He says he has some ideas about where to head from here. Don't know if I will get a fill, probably need one. We will see. I didn't work out tonight, the abdominal bloat is killing me, plus I have to hike straight up for 5 miles and straight down for 5 miles with 82 6th graders and 30 parents. NOT MY IDEA OF FUN. I'm packing an protein bar for lunch. We are sitting in the high 80's low 90's. There will be no bathrooms and I will have to pack all my water. Now I'm starting to get irritated, I DON'T WANT TO GO! Karri, glad you are on the mend. Steph, fill us in on Michael and everything else. Janet, thanks for not hitting me. Candice go with the long. I'll update you after the call, should I take notes?

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