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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I have discovered living hell. Living in a sterile house that you are afraid to even set a cup down. I'm a basket case after 2 days, can he see me in two months.... Phyl, I'd just make a pile of stuff and tell Earl that either it goes or he goes, their isn't room for both. Yeah, I know you can't, but it is a nice thought. Our school made the news again. One of our school board members just got arrested for embezzeling their employer's funds. That was yesterday. Today we made it again for the superintendent sensoring the student news paper. All student articles must now be approved by the superintendent. Can it get anymore embarrasing? Best go stir dinner.
  2. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, burn baby burn those arms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are the queen of exercise, okay Karri probably has us all beat, but she is a pup compared to us vintage ladies. Phyl, I know Earl likes to pinch a penny or two, but I'd consider renting a small storage space for your stuff when you are in CA. Think of how much space it would provide. I'm a bit of a pack rat, I always figure I can use everything for something. But I also get frustrated when I try to use something and I have to battle to find it. Early Out today!! Kids leave at 2:10. Hopefully it will give me time to get organized at school. Well suppose I best get busy, TTFN
  3. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Made it through day one of realtor alert. It only took me 3 hours this morning to get everything 'staged'. Normally at work by 6:30, didn't make it this morning until 7:30 so much for school work. I just couldn't focus anyway. I need to let it go. What ever God has planned will be. Naturally at work I was starving all day. Managed to keep it at a minimum, but was starving when I got home. I decided to eat a prune. chewed quick swallowed fast, pb'd shortly there after. You would think that I would remember. I miss shopping, especially quilt shopping. Need to work on my unit, so I'll check in later.
  4. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    So Ladies...here's the listing for my house. You can go and see pictures. Needless to say my quilting room is naked, had to haul 5 cabinets of fabric and 5 carts with drawers to the storage unit. The quilts on my bed are from an Amish Lady in Lancaster. Had dinner at her home and could resist buying 2 quilts. Let's not talk about $$, but that was a long time ago. The kitty on my bed is Bailey, she is a Maine Coon that we rescued 10 years ago. I refinished and re-apholstered the rocking chair. Notice the awesome floor and trim in the dinning room/craft room. Umm, normally we don't have a dinning room, it is all just craft room. The table I put on bed risers and it is my cutting table. florence, MT, 59833 - MLS #47448 - Single Family Home real estate - REALTOR.com® Also check out the new ticker!! If I go with what Dr. Ortiz said for 'goal' I only have 8 more pounds to go!!! Can you believe it? But we will go with where the scale lands!!! Thank you all again for your support. I know with all of your prayers that the house will sell quickly and I will be ready to turn the page. The amazing thing is that I really enjoy this 'Spartan' existance. When we get settled again, I am going to cut down to the bare bones. Do I really need 7 cookie sheets? 2 expresso machines, 2 coffee pots, 2 snow shovels, towels that are to old to use, 2 large boxes of christmas ribbon and bows, 1 huge box of boxes? Notice that there is no comment about the fabric. You NEVER have enough fabric!!! Okay, maybe 8 pairs of sewing shears is a bit excessive... I have craft stuff, Janet has clothes. If I hung up everything I own, there would only be 2 pairs of jeans and 3 pairs of chinos. The shoes... umm that's a different story. Suppose I best get busy, have to vacumn, get ready for school, and drop the furries off at the kennels. Chat tonight. Today back to work and quality time with my students!!
  5. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, we will keep our fingers crossed for the referal!!! I have found a new weight loss program. I have lost 4 pounds in 5 days. Basically I have been too busy or stressed to eat. Have been living on Breakfast and a little dinner. I haven't even been hungry, why can't everyday be like this last week? One last comment on the house...it has to sell before December 16th because my realtor is going to Arizona for 6 weeks..................... Kari & Jackie, be careful to take care of your band!!! Jackie, how exciting for Courtney!! She must be at the top of the world. Need to go stir dinner, Chat later. TTFN
  6. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    It's almost done...we are open for showing. I made the realtors tour of homes on Thursday. The realtors go to the properties that are newly listed and they had room for me. My realtor came over to put up the sign and lockbox, well he was shocked when he walked in. He said that is looked better than even he imagined. He says it looks like a cozy cottage and is 'perfect'. He took pictures and as soon as they are posted I'll set you all up to view them. I bailed on school today, mainly because I wasn't done, but also because I was in sever pain from the innards. It took 1 hour before I could urinate. I have been avoidint the idea of a pessurary, but after today I may have to. Well need to go and scrub the garage door then I'm taking a shower and doing NOTHING. The garage is almost done, just need to clean out the last 1/4, but it is going to wait until tomorrow. The realtor says that people expect the garage to be a mess when you are moving. Catch you after my shower, by the way, thanks for all the support. TTFN
  7. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, just trim in the room that I laid a wood floor. I dream that I can put crown molding in my next home. I love power tools!!
  8. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning ladies, shampooed carpets until 1 am, then up at 5:30. Went in and did sub notes. One I'm not ready for to show, plus my innards are so damn sore. Took me 1/2 hour just to pee this morning. Too much lifting. All I have left is the bathroom and garage and a few misc. stuff. As soon as the house is listed I'll give you guys the website and you will have to check it out and tell me if it looks good enough. Candice, I would love to come up and go shopping, or you come down and go shopping. There is a fabulous quilt shop in Salt Lake. We could go to Idaho Falls, stay at my daughters, the Salt Lake is only a 2 hour drive. The shop is 3 buildings, if you can imagine it, they have it. Well back to work. Oh I cut and laid my first wall trim. Not bad either. AND I still have all my fingers. You all have a good day. Sorry this is short, have to work! TTFN
  9. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Look at those skinny ladies, and the purses are to die for, I'm jealous. Just got done tearing down the quilt frame, sad. The schwan's man stop, he is a real cutie I keep trying to set up with DD#4 and told him the house is on the market come Monday, damn I started to cry. Made the poor man feel terrible. Signed the house away this morning to the realtor. Now it is real. He gave me a talking to about setting my hopes to high. Just rreminding me that the house may not sell for what I need, that it may take a long time, and I may not be able to find a new house. I REALLY don't want to live in an RV, but he feels it is a real possibility. I have to keep thinking positive, but I know when 2 weeks pass and no one makes an offer I'm going to cry. I finally have gone passed the stress eating to too stressed out to eat. I managed to get breakfast down after 3 tries, I've since given up. I figure a little fasting won't hurt. I'm even sticking on coffee. Have a couple of loads ready to haul to storage and another to the dump. We have 24 hours to bust it all out. The realtor did say the outside looked fabulous. Ladies it HAS to sell fast and it HAS to sell for enough. I can't face it if I have to give the puppies away. There really isn't a point to life if I have to live without my furries. So I'm calling in all my favors and playing all the cards, PLEASE help be attract a quick and positive solution. I can't do this alone and I can't talk to the kids. I'm going on to them about how wonderful this is all going to be. Christmas will be a disaster if I have to face it without knowing what the future brings. I'm to the point I'm a walking zombie with a migraine. But hell, what a great diet. Steph, Jordan and Simon get a shieth infection once in awhile. It is the covering to the penis. It will drip pus once in a while. The vet gave us some ointment to clear it up. I know what you mean about the whole penis issue. Last time Simon when in for the infection I told the vet he had a problem with his 'business'. Sounds really good coming from a science teacher that use to teach sex-ed. Yeah his business, felt pretty stupid. All the lifting has my prolapse hanging worse. maybe when things settle down i'll get into the doc. I can't face that right now either. I do have a referal to a doc that has some good success with biofeedback. I'm sorry I'm so negative. I really just want to curl up. Not even my best friends Ben & Jerry's sounds good. Figures.
  10. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, my girls are suppose to come tonight!! Depends a little on the weather, we have been having intermitten snow showers. But both will need to leave Sunday morning so it will be a short trip, but hey, I'll take it. Need to bust out the kitchen this morning before the realtor comes, everything is a disaster. He'll just have to live with it. Going to go get some breakfast that busy, you all have a good day, TTFN
  11. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I'm home!!! Got home from conferences and realized I didn't have milk, so back into town..... So now I have milk. Conferences went well, lots of parents, but all positive. I did have to have a 'coming to Jesus' talk with one of my girls. She is headed down a road of 'dropping out' of school and ending up pregnant. So I laid it on the line. I don't want her to become a statistic. But I care too much about her. So tomorrow I sign the paperwork to sell my house...a little sad. Of course the house is a disaster. Oh well, he'll be more impressed on Monday when it is done. Going to eat, so catch you later. Food was good, but snarfed popcorn. I just couldn't stop. But at least it wasn't chocolate.
  12. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, gorgeous, just gorgeous! You have an eye for color and texture! I love how you put the 'satin' finish with the glossy. I'm not surprised, you are so creative. Well ladies, had an epiphany this morning, I guess 4:30 will do that to you. So here it is....I have been playing with losing this last 20 pounds!! So today is it! I lose the 20 pounds starting today. I looked at all the crap I've been eating and I saw myself headed down the road back to 'fatsville'. No way!! I've sacrificed too many things to go back to fat. So I am here by joining the 10 pound Christmas challenge!! I'll weigh tomorrow morning and then post it. My exercise will have to consist of packing, moving, and cleaning for right now. Packing boxes and hauling averages about 400ish calories burned an hour, so that will be my exercise right now. You all just watch, I'm going to kick your skinny butts. Thanks everyone for the prayers and support. The house issue is in God's hands where it belongs. Also thanks for putting up with my lack of committment this last month. Not anymore, I'm back in charge. Home late again today, but tomorrow I'm off. The realtor comes by in the morning for the final paper signing and take pics of the outside. He will come back on Monday for the inside pics. I'll have 4 of my 5 girls home this weekend. I understand there will be some adult beverages. I am going to have one a day, so It is a good thing I have some 93 calorie Mike's Hard lemonaide. You all have a great day, TTFN
  13. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    One night of parent/teacher conferences down, one to go. So far they have been positive. Even had one of the school board's kids and the parent gave me hug and said they really appreciate what I do. That is nice.
  14. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, where are the pictures??? You can't go beading and then not show us? OOOHH, I hate when you have to 'find out something' about someone. I either have diarehha of the mouth or just clam up. Yeah I spelled it wrong, what to you expect for 5 am? Back to school, won't get home until about 7:30 pm, parent/teacher conferences. I do stress about conferences. Either parents come in and expect me to know who they are, I have 168 kids, or they want me to turn their teenager back into a human. Either way I'm at a no win situation. Actually some parents are a real joy. So tonight 3 hours of pretending I'm a nice person. Janet, I did not eat anything after dinner last night, no snack or girl scout cookies. I wanted chocolate, but I ignored it. Candice, we haven't seen any new quilts lately. Hugs to everyone else. TTFN
  15. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Just told the realtor that I wouldn't be ready by Thursday. He doesn't feel that we will sell before Christmas. I don't know that I can handle several months of realtor alert. Made 2 trips to the dump and ready for a 3rd. Made 2 trips to storage, but I think I'm going to go and pull some stuff from storage and dump it. I could only afford a 10x20 storage unit, so if I don't dump, I won't fit. Stressed ate a sleeve of thin mint cookies. Damn. DD#5 just flitted in and flitted out from the dorms, why...she wanted snacks. She couldn't come and help clean out her roomk, but she has time to drive here for snacks. I'm pissed. Now I don't even know if I will make it before Monday.
  16. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Slept in this morning, didn't realize how 2 extra hours can make a huge difference. Didn't get up until 6:30. Today, the 2nd dump run and then several to the storage unit. I have accepted that the house won't be ready by Thursday. So Monday is the new firm deadline. Wednesday & Thursday I have to work and have parent/teacher conferences in the evening. But Friday I have off and I'll have 4 of my 5 daughters home for a weekend of fun (packing) and frivolity (cleaning). Hopefully will have time to do something fun. It has been years since I had this many girls at home at one time. That alone is worth moving. Janet, hope you get your computer picked up, I miss your posts. Candice, take another day of sick leave. They will appreciate you more at work. Phyl, oooooooooooooooooooowwww, a beading class, you'll have to show us what you make. I'd love to learn to do some REAL beading. I play with it, but nothing spectacular. I am too much of a control freak to just let it flow. I am a great copier, but nothing original. I admire artists that just 'go for it'. That's when you get the truely unique pieces. Well, time for my second cup of coffee. You all have a great Tuesday!!! TTFN
  17. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, I used a syringe without a needle, gave her 8 cc's. If I didn't get it down her I would have had to take her in for the vet to give her something stronger. But fortunately the peroxide worked. I don't know if I will join the challenge. Life is going to be crazy. I'll give it some thought. I am 'asking' that I am in a new home by Christmas, so I would appreciate all prayers. I know it will be a stretch for it to happen, but this is something I need.
  18. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    For all you dog owners, beware of your puppies getting ahold of our Papya Enzyme. Miss Molly ate 1/4 of a bottle while I was outside mowing the yard. Had to call the vet, it isn't the papya that causes problems, it is the sobatal that can hurt them. I had to make her vomit, the trick hydrogen peroxide. So keep a sealed bottle of hydrogen peroxide for when your puppy eats something like chocolate that they aren't suppose to. The hydrogen peroxide needs to be very bubbly, that is why you want to have a sealed bottled. The poor little thing bubbled after she vomited, she had a orange beared. But she is okay that is all that matters.
  19. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Steph, glad to hear from you!! Talking with my girls, and they said that some of their fondest memories was the night a week I let them stay up late. We would all get in our jammies and climb in my bed and snuggle up. Sometimes they fell asleep and stayed the night. Even at 12 DD#4 would still crawl in and snuggle to watch a movie. So give yourself a break, you are doing what is right. Steph I also understand the social anxiety. On the surface you look totally in control, but on the inside...it is all squirely. I function the same way, in control on the outside, guts eating me up on the inside. Even with my friends I feel that way. Probably the only person, besides a couple of my kids, that I feel really comfortable with was the gentleman that died. I think that is why I miss him. Well, cleaned and mowed the yard (acre) for the last time... It looks perfect. Yep I teared up, all my hard work. When I bought the place it was a knapweed field. Now it is nice. The girls have some pictures of the yard when it was all in bloom, so I am going to use some of them for the listing. My baby willow tree, was a twig when I planted it, now it is 20 ft tall with a 6 in trunk. My gynko tree...my weeping crabapple, my 'it' tree (looks like 'It' from the Adam's Family. I did consume a box of Somoa Girl Scout cookies, but ate no lunch and worked so hard that my feet have blisters. Shouldn't have eaten them, but I was having a moment. Made a run to the dump, will again tomorrow. Decided to rent a storage unit, rather than be in debt to someone by using their garage. Candice, I love when I'm sick enough to stay home, but well enough to quilt. My idea of heaven. You all have a good evening. TTFN
  20. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Sitting here stress eating, not good.
  21. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, I just love the image of Earl riding the scooter!!! So sweet! Pretty soon you won't even need to bring it along! You too sure to lead busy lives. I think you are busier than me, and I didn't think anyone could do that. Kari, glad to hear from you. We miss you and Karri, Linda, & Steph. Kari, can you stand diet pepsi. I use to be a Cola freak myself, had to give it up. I don't find the diet pepsi bad if I can throw in a squeeze of lemon. I have been drinking an occasional Fresca. They have it in new flavors, black cherry, orange mango (I think) and original. I like the black cherry. Just a thought. Maybe if you substitute something you like just as well you will be able to kick the soda habit. I don't know that cold turkey will work for someone who really enjoys it. Going to hunt down a recipe for garlic herb tomato bisque. Schwans has a awesome one that I threw some tortollini pasta with, yumm. If I can find a recipe then I can healthify it. Well need to run to school and write some sub notes, then back to work on the house.
  22. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Done for the day....didn't get as much done as I wanted, but the front yard is pretty perfect. Just a little more gravel raking in the driveway. Tomorrow the back yard and...everything else. Can't guarantee I'll be able to list the house on Thursday.... But on a positive note got a call from DD#2 and she is going to come up next weekend. That will help. So if it isn't done, I'll bust it out next weekend. Had breakfast, stuck on everything else. So food so far has been breakfast, drinking a latte now, hope it will lossen things up, but dinner tonight is soup, I'm too tired to chew.
  23. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Hey ladies, before you post today, highlight and copy. LBT is acting wierd. When I tried to post it said my "token had expired" what ever that means. I had to refresh the page. If I hadn't copied I would have had to start all over.
  24. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Whew...got my extention on the unit for my master's program. The person in charge of the program was just a sweetheart about it all. I'm stiff and sore this morning, but it will work out. Having a latte and breakfast and then hit it again. I have been blessed with decent weather so I am able to finish the outside. On a sad note, I am giving my koi away today. I have raised them from 3 inch babies to between 6 and 12 inches. I don't know if I will put in another pond where ever I end up. It is a lot of work. But I know that if I do, I will be able to get my koi back. It will also help reduce the electric bill. It costs about $20 a month to run the aerator and heater during the winter. If who ever buys the place is going to take the pond out, I am going to ask if I can tear it out and keep the rocks and liner. That is about $500 worth of supplies. If that happens then I will put in a pond, but much smaller. I hope you all have a good day. TTFN
  25. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Well, I got the trim and paint bought. Spent the day moving stuff around in the storage sheds trying to find more room to put stuff in. Spent the rest of the day cleaning the yard. All I have left outside is to mow and rake. I got all the pots empty and stored, all the hoses and yard furniture stored. So tomorrow morning I'll finish the yard, then hit the garage. One of the secretaries at school is letting me store some stuff in her garage. So I hope to get the furniture down sized then shampoo carpets, paint, lay trim, clean, write sub notes, lesson plans. I have asked for an extention on my master's unit proposal until next weekend. I hope to hear soon if they will let me. I'm sitting here stuck on a grape. Had breakfast but nothing else, so now I'm sitting here with a grape stuck. Phyl congratulations on the size 16!!! I know I was excited when I hit a 16 I was thrilled.

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