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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Well, I wrapped a few gifts, did some laundry and am getting ready to shampoo again and mop. DD#4 lab tracked muddy foot prints all over the house so...she is a dear, but lab feet compared to doxi feet, HUGE difference. I'm having trouble getting motivated. I think we are in the teens temperature wise. Candice that is farenheit not celsius, which means DAMN cold. I'm struggling with the hungries today. I think I will go find a recipe for tomatoe basil soup and make it for dinner.
  2. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Griz is the University of Montana football team. I guess they are in the playoffs. Not being a college football fan, I don't get the attraction.
  3. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, check out a 2nd hand bookstore or one of the book exchanges. We get our 'books on CD' from there for about $10, sometimes less. I like to listen to books when I'm driving. Let's not talk about exercise, unless you count boxing up your worldly possessions.
  4. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yep, I slept in until 7:00ish. DD#2 & someday SIL were here and just headed out to the Griz game. So this is the first time I've had to sit down. So I need to eat Breakfast and then "realtorize" the house and THEN work on Christmas projects and wrapping. I'll need to run there lab into Missoula when the game is over so they can head home, but it was a nice visit even if it was short. We haven't heard from Phyl lately???hummm?
  5. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Thanks Janet, and you are right about getting something nice in the mail instead of bills!! Perfect. Hummm, now the question is...humorous or traditional? Except for Phyl, that's easy...something shall we say risque??? Definitely! She will SO smack me..heheheh. This is going to be a blast. AND I'm glad, actually GRATEFUL, that Steph brought me into the fold. I love it here! Jordon just thinks he is top dog, which he is. But he sure does push Simon around. Jordan was under the blanket and Simon made the mistake of walking on him. Then miss molly, who should be low dog but isn't because Simon likes his place at the bottom, decided to get into the action. I'm tired tonight, too much stress, so I'm going to sign off for tonight. I'll pop in during the day tomorrow.
  6. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, my dogs are currently acting as foot warmers which is fine with me. I'm still freezing. DD#4 went through kalispell to see the new guy, so she stopped and got me some more Bcomplex and amino acids. The doc was a sweetheart and gave me a $20 discount so it isn't costing as much. I was going to go to my local pharmacy and just to the Bcomplex. I still think I will and substitue just it for half the doses. Well, the puppies just had a dog fight on my lap. That rarely happens, so what the heck is that all about? Poor Simon got pinned by the other two and he was crying like crazy. Threw them all on the floor so they could work it out. Now Simon is doing the poor me. I sure hope this isn't what the whole weekend is going to be like. grrrr. Being a woosie and hiding out in a partially dim house because I can't face the Schwan's man to tell him I can't afford Schwan's for awhile. Left him a note on the door, cold I know, but I'm a chicken and I know I'll cry if I have to tell him to his face. He is a sweetheart and will totally understand, but I'm just a big chicken. Thanks for the addresses. Now I have to send cards. I don't think I've mailed cards for 20 years. Just shows you how few friends I have.
  7. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Whoa, where is everyone?? I'm finally home, seemed to take for ever today. So my nap isn't an option tonight, dang. My latte is even lousy. I think I will just dump it out and start over. DD#4 went to the boy friends for the weekend. I told her that he better get on the road over the Christmas break and drive down here or I would hurt him. DD#2 & someday son-in-law, they have ONLY been together for 15 years...., are coming up from Idaho to go to the Griz playoff game. They will be heading home right after the game, so I'll babysit their lab and then meet them in town when the game is over. which mean the rest of the weekend I'll be alone. Normally would love it, but Simon, DD#4's doxi, is such a marshmallow that when she isn't here he paces half the night, which means I don't get any sleep. Well, I'm going to go try to make another latte. Check in later. TTFN
  8. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, I want to know your trick. You look 30 years younger than your before picture!! Earl has a 'keeper', so he better treat you right or someother handsome man will just sneak you out from under his nose. Janet, gorgeous decorations!! I use to do that, not so much anymore! Next year I plan on getting back to that. Jackie, you go for the guys that you can 'take care of', I go for guys that are control freaks. Neither is a healthy relationship. The B12 shots will help. Mine are actually a BComplex, combo of B's, and amino acids. I won't be able to continue my original shots as my pharmacies found out that there are too many regulations for him to make that exact mixture. So I am going to have to go with just the Bcomplex, which is what he can do. I can't afford the trip to Kalispell to pick up the orginal mixture. Although DD#4 goes past there on her way to see the new man, hummmm, never thought of that? May have to reconsider. Janet you are right on the candy, is use to be multiples. But either way it isn't healthy and I didn't go into debt to eat crap. Today will be better. I am bummed, I order my SF Irish Cream flavoring by the case, cheaper and saves me trips to the liquor store. Well opened the case and made a latte, couldn't figure out why it tasted different. They gave me REGULAR flavoring. Let's not even think of the calories. Do I notice this at the beginning of the cup, oh no, only as I am putting everything away. So calories I didn't even want. Now I have to take the case back, wait for a new case to be ordered, and make another trip. Oh well, at least I noticed. Had really STRANGE dream last night. It was about when I worked at Dairy Queen. About 8 years ago it was my summer job and I worked for a friend. It was one of those stupid dreams about 'having to get something done....everything gets in the way of getting it done.' NOT my favorite type, just a little stress poking it's ugly head. Going to wrap Christmas gifts this weekend and then mail what needs to be mailed. Very advanced for me. Usually, I am express mailing them on Dec 22. It's easy when it isn't much. Going to make my Son-in-law chocolate nut clusters. I just need to finish embroidery DD#1's dish towel and put the edging on it. Should finish the stitching tonight and then make a hem out of patchwork squares. Fairly quick. Well it is that time. You all are great ladies. I am SOOO looking forward to the weekend. I don't have to be anywhere and only need to do a little homework and school work. Yeah, who knows maybe I will get my biscotti and short bread done. OH and Candice and Janet and anyone else who has puppies, if you email me your addresses, I will send your puppies some of my special homemade bones to put under your tree. IF you all are REALLY nice and send me your addresses, I'll send you all either some biscotti or my black and white shortbread. Love you all. TTFN
  9. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, wow!! you go girls. Earl must have stanima, hehehe Hey I don't get any, I have to live vicariously through you all. thanks for sharing, there is still hope for me yet to have 'it' at least one more time before I die!! Food today, SUCKED. Got into an out of control stress eating frenzy. Was okay until I reached for my afternoon fruit snack, no fruit. Okay, so I had a little bowl of blueberries (breakfast food), then it quickly moved to laughing cow and crackers, then 1/2 a chocolate bar and a piece of banana taffee. Damn, I hate when I loose it. It is like an out of body experience. I can actually watch myself eating this crap and shake my head. So naturally the bloat is on. I just really got fed up with all the parent emails. They all want me to stop teaching and notify them IMMEDIATELY when their child doesn't complete or do well on an assignment. We actually post their grades online so the parents can see them anytime they want. But hell no, that requires the parents to actually log into the website. They insist that I email them. So I spent 3 hours on the computer today answering and sending emails. I'm about fried. Others want notified IN ADVANCE when there is going to be an assignment...uh, don't I post my lesson plans on the web page every week. Oh yeah, that would again require the parents to log on and actually look. So I realize that these are only baby 6th & 7th graders, who are unable to wipe their own damn noses. Sorry, I'm tired, sugar headache, and feeling pretty lousy about my loss of control. Janet & Phyl, hope your dinner goes well. I haven't done anything with an adult for fun in almost 6 months.....yeah I don't have a life.
  10. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, sounds like you had a fabulous day! I hope to get my Christmas stuff up this weekend. But have to only put up the 'pretty', not the trashy stuff. Actually I have a few nice Christmas things. Way WAY back, I painted a 12 inch nativity scene in ceramics. Look pretty nice if you aske me. I keep meaning to build a chrech (heck can't spell it), the building thingie, but it hasn't happened yet. Phyl, you are such a prude (said with love), I want the other Phyl back, it was very enlightening. ehehehe. Janet, the parent was complaining that I wasn't following their kids 504 plan. A 504 plan is modifications made for students who have a medical condition that get's in the way of their learning. So the student SUPPOSIDELY has ADD, no formal diagnosis & not on medication. Actually the students is LAK, lazy ass kid, who has their parents jumping through hoops. Now I have only taught for 22+ years, so what do I know. the student is a sneaky, lying, lazy little twit. but I guess to some that looks like ADD. I am suppose to write the parents a note in the adgenda about the assignment, email if any assignment is not turned in, and basically wipe the kid's nose when necessary. Like I have nothing better to do. For a true ADD kid, you bet, no problem, I'll do what ever it takes. But this little ahrigant (spelling again) little jerk will actually remind you that you have to do the writing for her. Now she can well us a writing instrument to draw, write on herself, and her mouth to visit when we are working. But hey what do I know. Candice I heard the puppy isn't feeling too well. I hope she gets better soon. You all have a good day, TTFN
  11. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Okay Phyl....how was the sex? Did Earl 'rise' to the occassion? You started it...now you have to finish it!!! but I think those kind of evenings are the best. The impromptu without any planning stress. I hope that Candice's day was better than mine. I had a student announce to the class that she didn't have the assignment because the principal had it because her parents were meeting to 'discuss' my class. So needless to say I immediately emailed the principal demanding a meeting with her and I to 'discuss' their 'discussion'. The principal successfully side tracked me and I never got around to telling her that I would have liked a heads up that meetings are going on about me. I was ready to hand in my resignation. That is my line in the sand, you don't have a meeting about me without telling me. Now I'm ticked that my principal side tracked me and I didn't get a chance to say what I needed to say. My classroom was a whopping 52 degrees today, but i shouldn't complain, there were some rooms that were 98 degrees. hopefully they will get this heating thing figured out before I turn into a popsicle. Oh ladies, you will be proud of me, today after school I stood in front of the B&J's Coffee Heath icecream, smacked my lips ........AND............ walked away!!! I was needing comfort food because i was ticked and stuck on lunch, never did eat. So tonight I am having salmon with pasta. A small mile stone, but a milestone none the less. Janet, yep, I did invite the parent with the band to join LBT, and told her about my new LB doc. But I agree with you, I think she thought the band would do all the work. I'm telling you, if I had to deal with all the hassle eating with the band AND not lose weight, I'd be ticked. There are times I get tired of the struggle. But I also know that is one of the things that keep me on the straight and narrow. Pain, it works, Well need to finish up dinner, check in later, TTFN
  12. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, no I haven't met the guy yet, I didn't even know he existed until this week. As I mentioned earlier, I thought she was staying at a friends, well she was, but it is a male friend. It wasn't until last night that I found out he doesn't live in Missoula. So we did chat about how he needs to come down here. I didn't mention that it was so I could check him out, just mentioned that he should do some of the driving. Hopefully we will get to check him out soon. But at least she is out there living her life, this is a huge step for her, especially with her social anxiety and what happened a few years ago. Heck it is COLD outside! Clear sky, full moon, and brrrrrrr. I want summer! Dang, I'm envious of you all living in the 'sun belt'. I don't think I will EVER get warm. This is one of those times I miss my insulation. NOT enough to want it back, but after I get chilled I don't warm up for anything. Oh and Phyl, if Earl get's tired of bringing you a hot lunch, he can come and pamper me any time. Man, someone who cooks AND propositions you. You one lucky woman. Exactly 3 weeks before Christmas break. I shouldn't be counting the days, but I'm cold and tired. Next week I may just have to be 'sick' and stay home and snuggle in with several blankets and lattes. It must be in the low teens this morning. Candice that's in the negative #'s for you Celsius people. Heck I'd stay home today if I didn't have a college kid there. Did I mention that I use to teach the girl? Definitely makes me feel OLD. Going to redo how I approach the 6th grade. The kiddo's really tanked the test we had on Tuesday. So I am going to simplify things. Finally sat down with the state standards last night and realized that the last unit on maps wasn't even IN the curriculum. DUH, I should know better since I was on the state comittee that WROTE the Essential Learning Expectation fo the standards. Gosh I'm such a ditz sometimes. AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGG I'm cold!!! I think it may be time to break out the thermals. Too bad I only have a themal top and not any bottoms. I was so cold yesterday, my body said it needed extra calories. So I ate 2 dinners, well actually 2 large SNACK. Had blueberries/yogurt/kashi and then later last night I had veggies, rice and some chicken. was only about 3/4 of a cup total. But I topped it off with a tiny piece of chocolate. Of course if I compare it to what I use to eat, a pint of B&J's coffee heath ice cream, I made much better choices. Checked in on the parent who got the band this fall, and she has decided that the band doesn't 'work for her'. It makes me mad that the docs, the one in Great Falls that was pretty cold, aren't working with her to help her see that she does have to make changes. So I guess going to TJ DID work out for me. I would have gone to this doc IF I had stayed in the states. I know he is an exception, that most of the docs are really good, but my heart kind of goes out to this lady. I just wish she would realize that she has to make changes. She didn't even know about LBT. I know I wouldn't have been successful with out all of you. Suppose I should take me freezing butt out of this chair and get busy! TTFN
  13. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, I'm with you, Phyl just makes my day. Let's hope earl can wake up enough to 'wake up' things!! Googled the DD young man that she is driving 4 1/2 hours to see. No info, not even a facebook. At least he isn't on any criminal lists!
  14. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, whoooooooooooooooooooooooooo it is about time to try out that new knee!! Good idea about googling him, I'll do that! I have at least 15 more years to go. I won't be able to retire until 65 or 67. Crap, I'll get to retire just in time to die. at that point I will have worked for 38 years. I want to retire in 5 years, but I know that isn't going to happen. DD & I did talk about the guy coming here instead of her driving. Oh and Phyl, have some sex for me!!
  15. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, it will be wonderful to have family for Christmas. Four of my 5 girls will be home for Christmas, I can't wait. We usually play some cards and act silly. No men are allowed, actually no men want to come. Candice, you go girl!!! It must be the day for people thinking we are the big bad wolf. I had a parent in after school, for an HOUR, to discuss how intimidating I am to her daughter. Heck I see 165 kids a day, I don't have time to be intimidating!!! But naturally I appeased her and promised to spend some more time with her daughter, yadiyadiyadi!! What ever it takes to make them happy. Got a bit of a reprimand from my principal, I didn't have my lesson plans posted on the web page in time. My bad. It just seems to be the area I feel is least important, I think developing the lesson and working with the kids is the most important, but hey, I'm just an underling. I think from now on, if I don't have the plans done, I'll just change the date on last years and post them or post last weeks again. that way it looks good. I know I am not doing my best teaching, I'm still really stuggling with my ability to focus. The Bcomplex shots are helping, but as I said yesterday, I can't get a grip on things. I found out where DD#4 has been going...and why she didn't tell me. As I mentioned yesterday, I figured out that she was spending the night with a guy. Her choice, she is almost 24. But today I found out that she is driving 4 1/2 HOURS to Whitefish, ONE WAY! No wonder she was evasive, had I known I would have freaked. Oh well, I need to let her grow up!! She says she told him about the drugging and rape that happened a couple of years ago and that he understands and ISN'T pushing her for sex! I worry, but again, it is time that she have a life. Well, I have taken a hot shower, drank my latte, and need to do some school work. So I best go, I'll check in later. TTFN OH Candice, that baby is a beauty, it ALMOST makes me want another, then I remember potty training, oh heck NO.
  16. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning Phyl I hope you feel better! Janet, enjoy your time off, we will all hurt you later! Denise, good to hear from you! I USE TO be into football, Steelers or Green Bay, now a days there really isn't a team that interests me. FINALLY finish writing a test this morning. Use to be able to write them in an hour...I worked on this one for probably 6 hours, what's up with that. I just seem to be moving through cold molasses (can't even spell). We finally got the realtor tour written comments back, all pretty good. One negative was that the 'outside could use some sprucing up'. Heck they should have seen it when I bought it. Neglected for 3 years. But if that is all they can say, I can live with it. Hope to come home and take a nap today, but I have meetings so that probably won't happen. Half my classes are taking a test & the other half are doing a lab. So maybe I can get organized. I can't believe that mid-terms are next week. I still haven't caught up with the new quarter. Suppose I should get going, have a great day! TTFN
  17. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, puppy is adorable. Janet, you and Andrew are adorable!!! Been busy with school and the master's program. Somewhere along the line I decided it would be okay to have a college student observe for the week. I forgot about all the paperwork and the fact that she would need to teach a lesson. Oh heck no, when am I suppose to do that. I have a test for my master's and finish up my unit. Freezing, my classroom was a whopping 52 degrees for most of the day. Even after a hot bath warmed me up. I just feel like I'm chasing my life. I can't get ahold of anything. I just want to scream or crawl into a hole and stay there for awhile. If I could just take 2 days and focus on one thing, I might get it organized. food is good, I don't really have much time to eat. Breakfast was usual, lunch was the same as breakfast, dinner was turkey noodle soup with lots of veggies. I do have to share a 'shake you head' moment. DD#4 stayed with a 'friend' Saturday and then went to her sister's dorm. Strange enough her sister called to share her idea for DD#4's Christmas gift. So when I asked why she was talking about it infront of her sister, she hemmed and hawed...um she's in the bathroom. Yeah right, I'm not stupid. I finally cornered DD#4 today and told her that she was old enough to know what she wants, but give me the courtesy to tell me the truth. Well evidently she was spending the night with a 'male' friend and afraid to tell me. Geez she is almost 24. Have I told you all how wonderful you all are? Thanks for being there for all of us!
  18. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice here are some female composers: Keiko Abe (I like Keiko) Luna Alcalay Vittoria Alleotti Gabrielle Ferrari Dame Margot Here's the website so you can look further, but I'm voting for Keiko or Vittoria, but I didn't get through the whole list. List of female composers by name - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I have a college student observing this week, bleck. It will work out though, I'm doing Microscope labs, so it will be helpful to have an extra body. Just hope that they aren't too much of a ditz. Feeling kindof achey, the hangy downy parts are letting me know. I didn't do any heavy lifting this weekend, other than shampooing carpets. Must be the full moon. Well best get going so I can get to work. See you all tonight, have a good day. I think someone needs to go find Steph, linda, Karri, Kari and drag there butts back here. TTFN
  19. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Three weeks and a couple of days before Christmas break!!!! I am so looking forward to some time off. I made it through Thanksgiving without gaining weight!!! Amazing! Phyl, sorry your don't feel well, did you get some bad turkey? Janet, did you survive the family weekend? Candice, I don't imagine you will be getting much quilting done with the new baby. Girl composers???humm, I'll go do a search, I'll be back.
  20. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Jackie, both you and I like routine, change is hard for us. But we will both make it through the changes. The new year is bringing new adventures. Candice has a direct line to GOD and is making sure my house sells by Christmas, if you haven't gone back and read posts I have to sell for financial reasons. I am putting in prayers that you will find a house by Christmas. Have you gone through the pre-approval process? Your future is bright, you are young and beautiful and have tons to offer. IF you chose to not be alone, then there will be a Mr. Wonderful for you. I understand that God has planned me to be alone, whether that is because it is what is best for me or because I don't deserve it, either reason, I'm okay with it. Imagine you house, dream it, see it, attract it to you. I know right now sucks, your soon to be ex is being a jerk, but he is immature and will always act like a juvenile. That's why you are moving on. You NEED and DESERVE more.
  21. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Jackie, we are here for you. Have a beverage for me.
  22. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Trying to figure out what I'm going to make as Christmas gifts...I had it all planned, however, in our downsizing frenzy I discovered MOST of my supplies for my Christmas projects were packed and stored. I went to the storage unit and was able to find some of the supplies. the reality is that I don't feel like 'Holiday Cheer'. hopefully the house will sell by Christmas, then hopefully I will feel like holiday cheer.
  23. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Jackie, who the hell told you that we minded when you whined!!!!!!!!!!!!! We worry, don't cheat us of the opportunity to be there for you. Everyone has been so supportive to me, I NEED to have the ability to pay back. It built up because you didn't come here on a regular basis. Do I need to come over there and kick your skinny butt?
  24. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Goodmorning ladies...Candice where are our puppy pictures????? I nagged at Stephani about being AWOL, so hopefully we will hear from her. Need to shampoo carpets and do laundry, do the realtor alert things and then....sewing!!!! I can't wait. I think I will be home alone this afternoon and evening so I should get a lot done. Also need to trim doggy nails and brush the cat. She is a long haired Maine Coon and has always kept her fur pristine, but lately she hasn't been grooming much so she has some knots. I guess she is getting older. The vet figures she is about 13 and is having difficulty jumping the dog gates and rarely comes out of my bedroom. It will be sad to see her go and I probably won't replace her, 3 dogs is enough! You all have a great day, TTFN
  25. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Slept in late today and then went to town to buy highlighting supplies. Also had to buy stuff that we had packed and stored but needed. Should have been more careful. But guess what, JCPenny's was having a sale on corduroy jeans and I tried a 16, too big, tried a 14, a little loose, tried a 12 yes a 12!!!!!!!!!!!! was a little snugger than I like, especially after I would was them. So bought the 14, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! a 14, whooop!! and they only cost $12.97!!! Foil highlighted Elyse's (DD#4) hair when we got home, Looks great. She did my hair, right now it is moisturizing, so I don't know what it really looks like. Candice, where are the puppy pictures??? What have you named her??

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
