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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet & Phyl, thanks for the support. I am going to sit down and come up with a plan for the rest of the holidays. Tuesday I have my nursery Christmas party and a fabulous steak house. I need to have a HUGE plan. Not only do I love steak but they have this chocolate dessert called the chocolate Teton. It has a dark and white chocolate crunchy exterior with chocolate mousse on the inside. So I get this dessert once a year. I'm going for the bribery. NO extra eating between now and then AND I will eat part of the steak, no potatoes or bread and part of the dessert. THEN it is NO extra's until Christmas day. I'm going to allow myself sweets on Christmas day and then NO other treats for the rest of the holiday. Am I being too easy on myself? Phyl, I love to play cards. Only get to about once a year. Janet, have a good day. I best get busy on my projects. TTFN
  2. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    You all must still be sleeping. Sadly I did not ignore the magic bars in the refrigerator. I ate enough servings for a family of 4. So today, either the magic bars go to the garage of I go to the garage, the combination of magic bars and I is NOT a good one. I'm weak weak weak. But today is a new day and a new attitude. yeah right. I'd throw them away, but they aren't mine. Maybe that's it, I can NOT eat food that is not mine. Maybe I should label them, "This is Elyse's study food, not Karla's pig out food." Why couldn't she have asked for veggies as study food? I have been struggling this last few weeks. I am pushing the limits of my servings and still eating when my stomach says it is full. I know it is stress, but that is no excuse. So I am here to confess all. "I stand before you to confess to indescriminate eating, eating portions that are way to large, and eating multiple servings of magic bars. Sentence me at will." In my defense (as if I have one) this is my first "foody holiday" season. How do you all do it? Up until this point I have been able to ignore food that isn't healthy. Yes I have had occasional tastes, but NOTHING like this. If I'm honest, it started with Thanksgiving, the pumpkin pie. I really haven't recovered from that. It started me on a very slippery slope and now I am tobogganing into fat-hood. So HELP me!
  3. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    OOOOOOOOOOOHHHH Candice, that would be sweet. As long as it was a cruise that had quilting going on. I looked into an Alaskan quilt cruise and you spent more time sightseeing than quilting. I'm not against sightseeing and shopping, but I want to learn new quilt stuff. I would love to become a quilt teacher. I have the skill, but not the imagination that teacher's need to develop new techniques. I have come up with a few things, but not necessarily something that is marketable. That isn't necessarily true. I have come up with some ideas, but sat on them too long. I developed a series of magnetic 'refrigerator' quilts, quilt pieces that could be rearranged to make different quilt blocks on the refrigerator or car. Sold a few at craft fairs, but didn't get into marketing. Then someone came out with them later and I saw them in a quilting catalog. Hummm, how about quilted doggie coats? or car seat covers? So what ideas do you have? I do some of my own dyeing. But only for myself. Am ignoring the magic bars in the refrigerator. I wish DD#4 would eat them soon since she requested them.
  4. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, you are so RIGHT!!! I felt the same way, especially since Steph was my inspiration. I would NEVER have found a way to get my band. I am trying to understand, but LBT is such a part of my life now that I can't even imagine life without it. As I said before, without it, I would go back to my bad food habits. I know, I should understand more how life sometimes takes control and stops you from doing the things that were important. Janet, I thought my house would be sold by now, lame I know, so I didn't figure it would matter to pack all my quilting. I will have to figure it out after Christmas. My realtor is heading to Arizona for 6 weeks. There will be someone who will handle things, but it won't be the same. Well i suppose I best find something to eat. TTFN
  5. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Oh Phyl before I forget, you bet I will hem the pants before I mail them, just give me the inseam length of one of the pairs of pants that fit you 'just right' and I'll whip in a hem and drop them in the mail.
  6. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    It's FRIDAY and it's after 3:30!!! I'm home, have taken a nap, devine. Went to Steph's wall and told her that we hardly know her anymore. She says that she is in a bad place. So the only thing I can think of is that we each needs to go to her wall and get her back. I did respond that we can't help if she isn't here. I am worried, I know that she does one of 2 things when things are going bad, either eats or is so tight that she can't eat. I have decided that there is no way in heck I am going to loose you all. So I am going to nag you all so you stay posting. I'm going to go take a quick shower so I'll check back in a little bit.
  7. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Kari, beautiful work!! I love Batiks, but I've always done the dark tones,,,now I'm thinking the lighters are my new favorite. How was it quilted? in the ditch? You are a gifted artist, the earing holder, just sweet! You make me want to go sew and craft. Oh that's right, all my stuff is in storage. If this house doesn't sell soon, I may have to go and pull it all out of storage just to get some sanity back. What I really need to do is get DD#1's hand quilted, whole cloth quilt done. Now that it is cold enough I can work on it. Now if I could just keep the puppies off it. Black & tan doxies on cream whole cloth...NOT a good combination. Janet, you have the day off!! But it is Friday, so I can't complain. In less than 12 hours I plan on being curled up with a blanket, maybe taking a nap!!
  8. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yeah we are a sad pair. I had to make magic bars for the girls' study food, it is the start of finals week and it was their special request. I lost it and ate a large one. I have avoided most sweets, but today I couldn't eat lunch at the curriculum meeting, it was a huge bready sub sandwich with very little meat. I ate what little meat it had and about 1/4 c of very carb filled soup. I was fine until I made the damn magic bars, grahm cracker crust with melted chocolate, coconut, almonds and sweetened condensed milk. Baked to a oooooe goooooey decadence. So now I am feeling like a fat pig. I know it was still less than what I use to eat, but I dont' like the loss of control. I hate that there are only 4 of us, I need someone to talk to daily. Mainly to keep me honest and on track AND because it is my one adult contact. I guess if the thread dies, you and me will just have to use the phone. I have to have this, I won't make it on my own. crapcrap. I can't believe that they are bailing on us. My TMJ is acting up, I clench my teeth when I get stressed. I have done the mouth guard thing, but it only worked for awhile. I ground grooves into the guard and the only fix is braces. I can't afford braces. Oh well. Janet, don't leave me, I don't want to think about loosing this thread. Okay, now I am crying, time to go to bed. See you tomorrow, you have the day off, I wish I could be sick, maybe next week.
  9. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I could take the beach over the mountains. I'm not stuck on the mountains, i just would like some solitude for awhile. I just am kind of fed up with 'playing nice'. I just want to to hibernate for awhile. Okay enough of all that. I would like to find a house with a gas fireplace. I never have had one, but it would be so nice, that and a jetted tub.
  10. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Had curriculum meeting today and since I had to drive through Missoula I stopped and bought a few groceries and a new latte frother. Spent a whole $6 on the frother and it actually works. Frothed better than the 'steamer' on my espresso machine and is about 5 times as fast. Microwave skim milk with SF flavoring for 1.5 minutes and during that time make the espresso. Hint, never let your espresso sit for more than 8 secs, adding the milk by then will keep it from getting bitter. Got most of my papers corrected yesterday and part of my lesson plans. Did part of my master's homework this morning so part way done with that. Janet, let's run away together and live on a beach selling quilts, jewelry, and lattes. All we will need is a couple of pairs of shorts, t-shirts and sandles. If I didn't have family committments I'd be out of here. If not a beach, I'd like to be a hermit in a mountain cabin only coming out for supplies a couple of times a year. I have 2 lovely scratches on my face across my eyebrow and eyelid. Was combing the cat, she is a maine coon so has really long hair with a maine like a lion. Well she too exception to me combing her tummy, swipe, she got me. By tomorrow it will probably be all puffed up and beautiful. bleck. need to go finish heating up dinner, ttfn
  11. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Oh, to so go one a cruise, I never have!!! Candice go for it! I can't bear to think of all the quilting you are going to get done! Maybe this year once my house sells I can give up some of my jobs and have more time to quilt. Yeah right, then there is the master's program. Okay so in 2012 I should have time to quilt. Okay Candice, between now and when you are in Montana, we need to spend some time surfing the internet/ebay, to see what is out there. We need to figure out what the competition is AND what is 'hot'. This weekend is the last weekend to finish project that need mailed. So Doggie bones, shortbread, and biscotti are on the list, plus my DD#1's projects. Phyl, by the way, I LOVE your beading. It is hard to remember that you just started this. You have some real talent. Oh, a good place to get beading supplies is Fire Mountain. Honestly MOST of the beading stores get their beads from them. The have a huge selection, good prices and sterling silver and 14k gold components. When I bead a lot I order from them. SO much cheaper, plus it is delivered right to your door. They have tons of ideas on their website. Here is the website: Catalog Request - Fire Mountain Gems and Beads I like to get their catalog because it has so many ideas. It also sells gem stones at a variety of qualities. Check it out. I am not a huge shopper, but get me on the internet... another story. Oh and Phyl, do you wear pleated pants? I have a pair of black pleated pants (twill) that I got from Cabela's that are a size 18, to big. The quality is good, roomy through the thighs, if you sent me your inseam length, I could hem them and send them down to you. Oh Janet, I still want to see the 'willy'. Is it anything like believing in Tinkerbell? If you SAY you believe, will it come back to life? I know BAD.
  12. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I finally here, didn't get home until after 6 pm. I had papers to grade and sub notes to write, I have a curriculum meeting about 40 miles away tomorrow. When I finally got home I had to cook dinner, make an incredible pot of red beans and rice with turkey sausage. Have enough for the next few days!! Candice..CONGRATULATIONS ON THE RETIREMENT. I'm jealous. On the pup eating poo. My vet says the best thing to do is to make sure that you clean up any poop right away, but you can also sprinkle montasodium glutinate (sp) on their food. It is suppose to make the poop taste terrible. Miss Molly is occassional poo snacker, the vet says it is a natural behavior for using 'all available' food. You'll have to let me know when you are going through montana. I have no idea where I'll be living. I could well be living in an RV. Not much going on, just reading homework. Next week the principal has arranged for me to observe a 6th grade teacher's class. So I will go and smile and take good notes, and then sit through my evaluation results. It won't be good, but there isn't anything I can do about it. Also their isn't much the school can do about it either. They may require me to have an additional evaluation, in which case I will request an evaluation from an independent source. I'm just not going to get cranked up about it. I will work at improving, but quite frankly there are teachers that are incredibly bad and our school district does nothing. Well suppose I should get back to reading. Got home to late for my 2nd cup of coffee and I want it bad!!
  13. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice we need puppy updates AND what is going on with the Channeling. You can't just leave us in the dark, we need the (wait for it.......................) SKINNY!!! okay sad I know. Also Candice...so we have a name...SEW-lutions...now what are we going to sell? Finished projects...supplies....material?
  14. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I caught a little of Biggest Loser. It is amazing how well the contestants did this time. Although I love the program (don't watch it much), I wonder about the message is said this time. Very few people could lose 200+ pounds in 3 months (unless I am misunderstanding the time line). I don't imagine too many people could give up their entire lives for 3 months and work out 8 hours a day. But again I don't watch it constantly and maybe it was just this time that showed such massive results. Does the program provide support to the contestants after they go home? I've always been someone who could get the weight off, it is keeping it off. I know that I have had some fundamental changes in my life this time because I am still eating some of my favorite foods. But I know that last time I lost a bunch of weight working with a Bariologist, it was all about denial and avoidance. Naturally when I got to my 'goal' all my old habits were still there and the weight quickly came back and then some. I hadn't REALLY changed what I ate or how I ate. This time I still have chocolate and pasta, just not as much or as often. Anyway, back to the orginal topic. I hope the contestants continue along the road to health. COLD COLD, Have I told you that it was COLD. Yesterday on the way to work the grocery store sign said -14 degrees. NEGATIVE! No wonder my car didn't really want to start at the end of the day at school. Actually I think I need to go get a new battery. I'm trying to think when I changed it last, I know it can't have been 5 years, because my car is only 7 years old and I replaced it once. It needs to hang in there a few more months. Suppose I should get moving. I was tired last night and headed to bed about 8:30, early for me. But it was a lousy day and PB'd dinner, heck threw-up dinner. You all have a good day. I dont' know what is going on with Steph, it is sad that her and the other ladies aren't posting. But I REALLY appreciate that you all are still here. I need the support. TTFN
  15. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    The day is over...God is great...he allowed me to get through the day without HURTING a student or PARENT. I was evaluated today, even after 23 year I still get nervous. Bad enough that my studder showes up. Never had to had speach therapy, because for the most part is just appears that I have 'lost my train of thought'. Not good during an evaluation. Add in that I was really frustrated with my 6th graders. I tried to tell my principal last year that just because I can teach 7th grade does NOT mean I can teach 6th grade AND I have NEVER taught Earth Science. I am a lousy 6th grade teacher, I am NOT the warm and fuzzy type. I gave an assignment yesterday that was actually a 5th grade assignment. Went through the instructions and no questions during class. So here are the instructions: Color the crust (layers of Earth) brown, color the mantle orange...later it said 'cut out the title', glue it in the upper left hand corner of the blue construction paper,,,etc. Anyway, I had parent emails/phone calls all night and day that the assignment was TOO confusing and TOO HARD. So I went to the principal and explained the situation. The solution is that now I will go and observe a 6th grader teacher for the day, that I will no longer develop my own lessons and will teach straight from the book and worksheets. FYI, the book is a 9th grade Earth Science book. And finally, "in 6th grade it is more important that they like you than IF they LEARN anything.' All assignments (and there should be no more than 2 a week) should be all multiple choice. So my evaluation is going to suck. I won't see it until next week. So why am I here. ANYONE can teach that way. Actually, if I'm honest I shouldn't be here. I can not meet the needs of the students and parents. I can not raise their children. I didn't go into teaching to do that AND that is why i never wanted to teach elementary. Thanks for listening. There isn't an answer, I just needed to vent. Phyl, your kitty could handle a dog. Bailey our cat whopped up on each dog just to show them who was boss and she has effectively kept it that way. Janet, I'm glad you are going to the ortho guy, take care of those knees!! Well, i'm home alone tonight, so will have to do some reading for class. AND then I need to practice my warm and fuzzy attitude.
  16. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, get the dog. You are mobile enough now to take care of it. Tell Earl that the physical therapist wrote a prescription for it to motivate you to walk! Check out the shelters, no one said you have to get a puppy. Although I must admit, that the big round tummy of a puppy who just ate a bowl of baby rice cereal just about sends me into eutopia! Candice I actually think that we could make a go of an online store. Heck I do most of my fabric shopping on-line. So we need to do some brain storming. Besides, between the 2 of us, we have ALL of North America covered!!! So do we sell fabric, or finished products? but selling kits my be the way to go. Although I REALLY enjoy the 'picking out of the fabrics' stage of quilting, there are a lot of people who are quilting/sewing that don't have the time or experience for fabric selection. Janet, I'm glad that you survived your first day back at work AND were delayed for the trip home. I need to find the time to take care of an alteration order. What was I thinking? I'd say maybe tonight, but I know tonight will be for grading papers since mid-term is on Friday. Can you believe it, we are half way done with the 2nd quarter, which means we are almost half way done with the year. Before long I will be back at the nursery on weekends. Suppose I should get busy. You all have a good day!! TTFN
  17. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, I figure it has been so long I have my virginity back! Miss Molly is the only dog that is really mine, hummm.
  18. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, we COULD do something on-line...we are going to have to do some thinking here. Janet, I am so glad you got delayed at work, YOU could have been in there! I just realized that my next husband IS a dog. I didn't realize. 2 ex's and 3 dogs....Jackie we are sisters!!! Okay Janet, how many dogs do you have? I think Stephani has 3 o4 4. Phyl has 0. hummmmmm Got an email from DD#2, the PA at Idaho Heart Institute. They had a patient CODE during a stress test. She had to do CPR for over 20 minutes before the EMT got there. Unfortunately, they hospital could not get the patients heart into a normal beat and he died. They figure that he had a massive corinary that blew out the side of his heart. Unfortunately they haven't been able to find his family to notify. So ladies, our days may be stressful and at times lousy, but at least we have DAYS!!! Well, I probably won't be on a lot for the next few days, have a bunch of homework to get done for masters program, get evaluated on Tuesday, have curriculum work to do on Thursday about 40 miles away (will have sub), & Next Tuesday I have a class. I'll swing through, but it will be infrequent. Jackie, hang in there. Phyl, sorry about not getting to do your road trip. I hate when that happens.
  19. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, I LOVE SEW-lutions!!! Perfect in every way. Sewing is my therapy. I use to call myself "My Sanity Crafts" when I did the craft show circuit. Can't live without it. But that is also why I get stressed during school, don't have enough time to sew. Dinners almost done, I'll check in after. TTFN
  20. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Well took an online test for my master's program, I did lots of research and looked at all the notes, ended up with an 83%. Stinks, I don't get B-'s. grrrrrrrrrr. Done so much cleaning this month that my fingers are spliting. Usually doesn't happen until I do a lot of quilting. They spray fabric with fermaldahyde to keep the insects out and after awhile the fermaldhyde dries my fingers out. Okay Candice...we need to think of a name... KCQuilts... CKQuilts.
  21. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, don't you stop posting about it! I, like Janet, enjoy hearing about it. But I had to give a warning, like I said, cause you are in a vulnerable place. I agree, that passing the hat is appropriate and it does pay for an evening of entertainment. There is NOTHING wrong with going and enjoying yourself, heck if I was there, I'd go with you! Humm, north or south??? We would have to check out the market. Then there is the issue of leaving the hubby behind. He WOULD have to be taken into consideration.
  22. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, that was my point with Batman, I'm not into that kind of stuff either, I was desperate. I'd love HGTV, but alas, when you have cheap cable you get lousy channels. I can't complain, I could pay for a larger package, but I usually only watch a few programs and $15 VS $60 is too much to pay just for HGTV and Animal Planet. Well, stepped on the damn scale, I hate that thing!!! I have been careless with my eating for the last 2 weeks and paybacks are a -itch. Gained 1 or 2 pounds, haven't been able to find my glasses, so I couldn't read the scale clearly, probably packed the darn things, but saw that it had changed directions. I knew it would, so now back to the staight and narrow. Today is laundry, sprucing up the house, and working on Christmas projects. Janet, i can't believe the two weeks is over either. I'm like that over Christmas break, one minute I have all this time infront of me, the next, is heading back to school. I like Christmas break because it is the one time that I don't have to work on other jobs. Well, my coffee cup is empty, time to go fill it back up. Check in later. I think we need to go find Steph and everyone and drag their butts back.
  23. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I'm heading to bed, otherwise I will be eating. Feeling kind of lonely, not use to having the house to myself. I'll chat with you all tomorrow. Get a good night sleep.
  24. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Well sitting here watchin...Batman, very sad. Munching popcorn, trying to not think about food. Candice...this is said with love...be careful please with the Channeling. It isn't that I don't believe that it exists, just make sure that they aren't being unethical. In other words, don't give them money, etc. I believe true channelor would not be doing it for money. Although I do believe it may well be a time to move on, job wise. You need to be happy. Hey, you and I could open a quilt store???
  25. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, unfortunately we seem to be working with people who have not graduated beyond the 7th grade. and I'm not talking about the students. It stinks that we just can't do our jobs. I'm sorry, you have done everything within your power to 'mend' fences, I agree with Janet, it's time to let it go. If you can't, it's time to move on, either retire or find another position. TV stinks tonight. i really should be working on something..I'll probably will do homework after I eat something. Actually I must confess, I just woke up from a nap. I was tired. With an extra dog and DD#4 being gone, the puppies just don't settle. Carpet's cleaned, floor mopped, not muching else. I'm just wanting to 'fast forward' my life and that is stupid. Life flies so fast without wishing it away. I am trying to find positive things about each day. Trying to live a greatful life. But I just can't seem to find much. Tried to work on some Christmas projects, again realized I don't have the things I need, they are in storage. So now again, I need to find an alternative. I planned on making DD#2 a very nice wool accent pillow. She saw a pattern she liked this summer, I had it all planned. So no go.

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