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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Happy Easter! Hope you all found chocolate eggs!!! with ZERO calories!!! Enjoy your day. I'm cleaning and planting, excluding the cleaning I couldn't ask for a better holiday!
  2. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Oh Candice, I'm so sorry. This year doesn't seem to be getting any better. Give your friend a hug and talk about the good memories. Nothing will really make it easier, except knowing that she was loved and that you are there if he needs someone. No Candice, I am alone for another holiday. Not REALLY a big deal, but I do miss the holidays where we would all be together. DD#2 & #3 are visiting their dad and stepmom. Elyse is with the BF's family. Yeah they live only 1/2 a mile away, but it is too far for them them stop here. DD#5, just moved into a new house with friends and has a test this week. So it will be me and my pond. I started digging it yesterday and hope to have most of it done by the end of Sunday. I don't work Sunday, so I should get a lot done. Also No on the carptenter. He has a wife (she does my hair) and very much in love. Although he is one of those big burly guy that can wrap you in a hug and make you feel petite and protected. Fortunately he is a huggy guy and his wife is okay with him giving me one once in a while. Food was good yesterday, didn't even eat lunch. I was busy outside and not really hungry. Still not enough solids, but when I am done working outside, I am too tired to chew. So breakfast was my normal blueberries/kashi/yogurt and oatmeal for dinner. Has a small smoothie as a late night snack to get some more protein and a bit of a treat. I make it with lots of frozen fruit, about 1/2 c yogurt and a little skim milk and it ends up being like sorbet. Well work today. But am bring home all my shrubs to plant. Already have the holes dug. Enjoy your families!!!!
  3. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I'm here Janet, went to bed at 10 and just got up, I guess I was tired, 11 hours of sleep. Linda, I'm so glad you are doing better. I agree with Candice...MEN! Enjoy visiting your family! Candice, You to, enjoy your travels! Plan on working outside all day. It doesn't appear to be snowing...YET, we will just have to see, but I'm working outside whether it snows or not. I need some dirt time!! Carpenter friend is coming by today to look at the projects I want to do, well some I have to do. Fix the drain in the kitchen sink so it doesn't flood everything. Replace the walls in the bathroom. They didn't seal the shower surround so water went under the paint and ruined them. I plan on replacing the surround with tile. Homework done until June after Sunday, yeah!! Safe travel, Janet enjoy the family!
  4. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, I'm okay with coffee as long as I don't have a lot of it. Sorry I didn't make it in last night, too much homework. A little frustrated. Has veggies & pork stir fry last night and was only able to eat a couple of bites. Normally stir fry is an easy food for me. I sure hope I am not at a point that solids make me stick. I can eat jerky. I did over cook it a bit and the pork ended up a little tough, so I am going to blame it on that...for now anyway. Last day of school until Monday!!! yeah! AND I'm only working 1 day this weekend with Easter. So looking for the time off to play in the yard! Sad news last night. A co-worker's husband died of a heart attack. Barely 30 and has two young sons. What is up with this year? Phy, Candice, enjoy your trip!!!
  5. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Ladies, if you buy only one appliance this year, I have the one you need...a steam mop!!! ShopKo had them for half off so I splurged and got one. OMG, my floors feel so good!!!! Just make sure you buy extra pads, because when you are part way done, you are going to want to change. It even takes caked on hairspray off the bathroom floor. Now understand I probably haven't mopped my floor since January. But it is fabulous!!! Little homework tonight, yeah!! Found out an old neighbor of mine has been moved to a constrant care facility and the family never told me. I found out she has been in the facility 1 1/2 blocks away from my house. So I stopped by and visited. Unfortunately she has dementia, but remembered who I was. Got me mixed up with my girls once in awhile. But I am so glad to know she is near by. I use to go over every week and give her shots, have coffee, and do any chores that she couldn't do. With last year being such a wreck I lost touch...my fault. Now maybe I can take her out for coffee once in awhile or have her over. I'll have to check with the family before hand thought. Hope you all have a good evening. Janet, what work out is tonight? Phyl, enjoy your visit. Candice, hopefully you found alcohol!!!
  6. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Ah crud Phyl, you could always use the speedbumb as amunition on Earl!!! I'm a 'get where I'm going' kind of girl, never have liked the travel time. But then again, I don't own an RV. Homework done for tonite, just have laundry to finish. My washing machine seems to have an issue, I have to double spin everything, grrr. I want a new floor, not a new washing machine! Actually I am done with homework until about Thursday, so tomorrow I quilt...that or vacumn...hum, maybe not! Tried halibut again, was a little better, I marinated it in Marsala then spread on a mix of light sour cream, garlic, onions, parmeason, not bad, but not fabulous. I'm not thinking about the fact that I paid $20 for the bag. Been battling a headache tonight, so I may go to bed early! Janet, you could always come on to my ironing. I'm on the 'iron as you go program", besides, if I iron it ahead of time it will just get wrinkled! You all have safe travels and a good evening, TTFN
  7. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    So Phyl, are you about half way home then?
  8. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, I'm here. I worked today and we were busy so was an hour late coming home. Now trying to get homework done and enough laundry done to have clothes for tomorrow. This wee is crazy, but hope to be done with homework by Thursday or Friday and then NO homework until June!!!!! So I will be doing quick checks in, but won't have too much time to chat. Candice, sounds like the trip is going well. I can't remember, did you guys sell you motor home and get a new one? Phyl, safe travels!!
  9. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Sorry Phyl, I guess my head isn't working. Janet, yes I am taking my meds, it is just the time of year. Things always make me tense this time of year. Example...I have been waiting for almost 2 months for some lab supplies I need. I have been dragging out a unit because these material should come in 'any day'. Well today I call the district office to ask if they have heard anything from the company...WELL their response was, "You need to talk to your principal, the superintendent put a hold on your purchase order." So I ask my principal and she says, "I don't know anything about it, but I assume the superintendent froze all the orders because of budget problems." Now I am not real thrilled that my orders for the entire year were canceled...what I am REALLY ticked about is that NO ONE told me. So basically I have to run science labs for a year with a budget of $0. Plus I drug out a unit that should have ended at least 2 weeks ago. I know I am letting it get to me, but a specifically asked that my funds were still available before I spent three days making out orders. Okay, time to move on. Came home and cleaned my quilt room. I have the last of the horrid paper foundation star quilt. The final 12 inch block had 72 pieces. Now I just need to put the sashing between the blocks and quilt it! I have class on campus tomorrow and work on Sunday. I have all my homework done for this week!! AND only one assignment next week!!!! Janet, how is YOUR leg, since I can't seem to remember who says what, sorry.
  10. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, the thigh muscles are probably related to everything else because you are walking different. BUT a good physical is a good idea as well. Make sure there is nothing else going on! Sorry I didn't make it on last night, homework and my computer was working like a snail. I had a brush with a trojan horse and evidently still have some after affects. So running all my virus scans to get it cleaned up. Besides I have been in a less than cheery mode. I guess everything is just feeling a bit overwhelming. But only one more week of classes until June. School is coming a long. Unfortunately my "give a hoot' must be broken, because I can't seem to get much accomplish in the classroom. Food....okay. I'll see what the scale says on Sunday. You all have a great day!!!
  11. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I'm working on homework, but don't have a clue where Candice is going. Janet, it isn't that I can't eat real food, it is just that lately the doc feels I am eating too many carbs and not enough protein. So trying to do what he want. NOT my idea of fun, but I will try to make it work. So are we going to try to do something this summer? Or was the March adventure the get together?
  12. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, BLECK, I hate school work right now, mainly because the end is in sight and I just want to throw something together, but then I think, "I have an 'A' right now, if I throw something together I may lose it!" You will be proud of me, dinner, 1/2 a salmon filet , olive oil, garlic sea salt, lemon, grilled, 4 asparagus spears, parmesean cheese, and asian salad. It was tasty, so at least I have ONE meal full of protein & veggies and solids! well, back at it.
  13. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Well, dinner was pretty disgusting, managed to eat a few bites and ended up PBing those. So anyone interested in an $8 bottle of seseame oil? The halibut was dry the veggies were bitter. So any suggestions on what to do with the rest of the halibut? In the past it has always been grilled with tartar sauce.
  14. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Okay Phyl, what is the bottom line on cost to Cabo? Next year I have a week on campus in Bozeman, sometime in July to defend my thesis. This year it is scheduled the first week in July, but I'll let you know when. If we go in the winter/spring, the only time that would really work is during my spring break, I'll know when that is in a couple of weeks. I assume airfare as well. I'll work on savings, but I need to figure out how much per month I need to put away. Well, I have homework so best go. Oh Janet, you will be proud of me for dinner. Low cal Asian halibut. Halibut with lots of veggies and a small amount of rice vinegar, seseame seed oil, and ginger. It all goes in a foil packet and then in the oven. If it is good, I'll let you know. Has deli turkey and a small slice of muenster cheese and lots of veggies for lunch. Only had a few grapes, the doc wants me to cut back on high glycemic foods. Check in later if I have time, TTFN
  15. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning, back to the regular grind. I need to get my brain back into school mode. Not an easy chore after a week off. Don't even really know what I'm doing in class today. Definitely could sleep in for a week, Last couple of days I have had some deli turkey and cheese for lunch and it seems to be holding. Still too many carbs for breakfast. Dinner tonight will be veggies & halibut in a foil pouch. Hopefully it will taste okay, we will see. Well stay out of trouble...or don't get caught, check in tonight!
  16. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, it sounds like you had a glorious time. I didn't even know that they made SF margaritta mix! Shows how worldly I am. So how long are you in Cali before you head home to Washington? Have you made your appointment with the ortho guy yet? Nothing exciting here, work at the nursery, laundry, dinner. BORING stuff! But glad to be home. This week will be crazy for me, so I don't know how much I will be in, my research proposal is due on Sunday for my thesis. How is Linda doing? Phyl, we missed you, you add spice to our lives, we are pretty dull without Earl stories to keep up jumping! TTFN
  17. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Home from work and I'm pooped. Not even going to do my 45 min. of quilting tonight. Just too tired. One more day of 'freedom' then back to school. Too tired to even cook. Hope you all had a good day, looks rather quiet. Janet, did you get all your shopping done? Candice what you up to? Check in later, TTFN
  18. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Spent the day outside rebuilding a flowerbed, there wasn't enough compost or soil pep so it wasn't draining last year. So I had to dig up all the plants, then add compost, etc., mix it up and replant everything, one down and another to rebuild, but not this weekend. Its was cold, but nice to work in the dirt, even snowed part of the time. Now I'm inside after a hot shower and tea, and going to be lazy for the rest of the evening. It was fun to spend the day with Elyse, it is possible that next appointment we will find out if it is a boy or girl. But it appears to have all of its appendages...those that are formed anyway. Doing laundry, but the house is a disaster...at will stay that way until Sunday. I hope to get it cleaned up a bit. Well going to find some dinner!
  19. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Took Elyse to her first OB appointment today, they have changed her due date AGAIN to Oct. 17. I was able to see the little 'squid' rolling around on the ultrasound, very active, they had a hard time getting a good shot of the heart because it was too busy rolling. We then went to a gently used maternity and infant store and got her 2 pairs of capris, a sweater, and 7 shirts for $30 and then went to Ross and got two nice pairs of pants for $20 AND two bras that actually fit. She was trying to wear her Victoria Secret bras that are too small with major falling out. She now has enough clothes to get her over the summer. I know I shouldn't have 'caved', but I don't want to totally alienate her, but I don't want to make it too easy either. I don't know what the answer is. Tomorrow is a new food day, I bought some meat and all kinds of veggies, none of which I enjoy eating. I'll go to the store and buy eggs, etc. I found a microwave poacher that I can make eggs at school for breakfast. I usually leave before I am ready to eat. Anyway, I'm tired and so I'm going to head to bed, See you in the morning.
  20. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Oh my gosh, is Linda doing better? How scarey! Janet, I need breakfast ideas, the doc says I am eating too many carbs and too many sliders. The suggested eggs, so do you use eggbeaters or regular eggs. I know I can eat deli meat or jerky, I am going to play with fish and hope I can find something I like. I am just not a big meat eater. They also want be to back off on the fruit, it is playing with my blood sugar too much. So I guess it will have to be veggies from now on. Candice, I love the looks of the quilt, I can't wait to get started on one...Okay it needs to be awhile. Have a great evening!
  21. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, I was suppose to get a fill yesterday, but I didn't. I lost a whopping 1/2 pound and then during discussion it was decided that I was eating too many sliders and my stress level was too high to risk it. A little bummed, but it is for the best, I don't want to end in the ER again. Had dinner with my quilt friends last night and then home to do some laundry for work today. Then two whole days off!!! Not much else going on. Good luck with the estate stuff, hopefully you will be done soon! Well best get busy, TTFN
  22. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, thanks for the directions, I appreciate the time you took to type it out! Do you usually use just two fabrics or do you use several? Slept in a bit since I don't have to work, but have a doc appt later!!! Has anyone hear how Phyls is doing? She is such a party animal!!! It rained all night last night, naturally Molly got up several times, what a pain. Have a good day, see you all later tonight!!!
  23. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, what is the Chop Chop? I must have it!!! It sounds fabulous! I'd like to make a quick quilt for my friend whose husband committed suicide and that would be perfect. The sad thing is that her husband gave her a dog about 4 years ago and she can't bear to look at it, so she gave it away. Now she is wanting to sell the house. Her dad has her waiting at least a month to make a decision on the house, but she says she can't even walk into it. So sad. Work today went well, got to do some potting, one of my favorite things, It was windy and cold, but better than August heat. I'm going to try my first apple tree this year, we will see. I go in for a fill tomorrow, yeah!!! Anyway, have a webinar to do tonight so I don't know if I'll be back in or not. TTFN
  24. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning! Working at the nursery, but is great not to be working at school, I am only working Monday, Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday, so I'll have a little down time to do some yard work!!! Can't wait. Had a nice visit with my friend who's husband killed himself. She is doing okay. We avoided talking about the husband, but that is good. I was worried that I was being a pain, I called and left her messages everyday, but included that she didn't need to call back, just that I wanted her to know I was there. She let me know that it all helped and that she needs the support. We are going to meet for coffee on Tuesday. Candice, where are you girl? Janet, glad you had a good evening with your friend, yep she should have called home. But it is okay for the DH to worry a little. See you all later! TTFN
  25. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning ladies!! At least it isn't raining!!! Work today, then finish homework. I haven't hear from my friend since the funeral, I hope she is okay. Naturally I wish there was something I could do, but I know there isn't. I keep leaving her phone messages that she is strong and safe, hopefully it is the right thing. If you want to see a eagle nest with a newly hatch eaglet, hatched yesterday, go to : http://www.raptorresource.org/falcon_cams/ they now have two eaglets. Anyway, Janet, hope you had a good evening with your friend. Oh I'm taking Elyse to her doc appt this week. Working on being supportive!

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