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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Wow, I'm busy for one day and you all go to town! Had our quilting Christmas party, the one I made the 7 hour ganache cake. Yep, I had a slice, 1/2 of what I would have had before band. Ate 1/2 of bowl of soup & 1 slice of bread and a bunch of veggies. The cake was good, I made a decent ganache, but overall...way too sweet for me. I'm home alone tonight, so it is me and the puppies. Janet, I'm glad you got over the funk, sorry that I missed your post and wasn't there for you. I can't believe tomorrow is a new year and I'm not fat. Actually one of the quilting ladies didn't even recognize me, she wanted to know who was showing up uninvited. hehe. I am going to take Janet's lead and get back to logging my food. I know i have been careless. I did box up all the chocolates that I got for Christmas and stored them in the garage. If I can't ignore them, they will go in the garbage. My biggest issue is exercise. I hate the gym. I'd LOVE to get a WII fit, but not in the budget until I sell the house. I have new neighbors, a young couple, they were sweet and came over to let me know they are having a party and that there would be a lot of cars. I offered my driveway for parking. I remember those days of youth, having a home party with friends. Now it is me, the puppies, and LBT, oohhh do I have a life or what! Actually, I need to spend a little time reflecting on where I am at and where I want to be, so staying home is good. I want to stop wishing my life away, put teaching in perspective and start living what I have left of my life. Most of my quilting friends are in their mid 60's to early 70's. My family doesn't typically live that long, I figure I have 20 years left of reasonably good health, what do I want to accomplish? Well, I would like a 'tumble' before I die, if I have to, I'll hire someone. I want to make some beautiful original quilts. I would like to travel. It is scary as hell to think that my life is almost over. crap. Okay, now I think I am depressed.
  2. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Darn, I'm getting old...last day of 2009...seems a little strange. Ten years ago, when DD#5 was 9, I never thought the day would come when I had a little time to myself. Now it seems like too much time. DD#5 finally called from the dorms, there are a total of 3 students in the entire 5 floors. She is at the dorms because her job is on campus, but today is the last day until Monday. I tried to talk her into coming home for the weekend...don't think it worked. Today is rather packed, shower, realtor pictures, quilting/birthday party. I will need to come home and 'drug' up DD#4's dog, he becomes a quivering ball of terror with people setting off fireworks. Yes, only in MT can you buy fireworks during December to shoot off to celebrate the new year. Tonight, I hope to watch my new movie and snuggle in. I didn't get to bed until almost midnight, darn cake, and I'm up to prepare for realtor pics. I'll run the puppies to the kennel this morning. Nothing much going on otherwise. I'll check in later, but all of you have a glorious last day of 2009!!!
  3. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    So far so good on the cake and the ganache. I'm not going to get to bed until late. I have to 'crumb frost' the cake and then chill for 40 min, then frost again, then chill, then drizzle ganache. This is the last time I'm making it. Now I know why they charge an arm and a leg for ganache cake at a bakery. Next time, I just buy the darn thing.
  4. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, I guess that is our reminder to live life to the fullest!! Let's all try to let go of the would ofs & could ofs this year. Personally, I need to stop my -itching and either make changes or let it go. So from now on...I am living for today. Currently I'm making a devil's food cake that will have ganache on it for a quilting friend's birthday. I will have one small piece when we celebrate, bring home 1 piece for DD#4, and leave the rest. I'm hoping the cake turns out, new recipe. It has 1 1/2 c butter and 3/4c sour cream. Realtor comes tomorrow for new pics. By the way, I love all of you!
  5. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning ladies, late start, didn't get up until 11 am, what's up with that. Actually i know what is up, DD#4 is visiting the boyfriend, so her puppy was up ever 45 minutes looking for her. He jumps off my bed and then is too heavy to jump back on. I tried locking him out, but he whined so loud that I could hear it over my CPAP machine. Now my day is half over. I'm not thrilled with DD#4 going to see the boyfriend in Whitefish because he has never made the effort to come here and meet me. I am really afraid that she is getting taken advantage of, but she is almost 24 so it is her mistake to make. I think she is making it way to easy for him. He doesn't have to make any effort to build a relationship, she is convienent. I know she will pay in the end and I need to SHUT UP and let her make her own mistakes. Did good foodwise yesterday until evening. I scrubbed and cleaned all day until aboutf 7:30 pm, when I finally sat down I ate off and on all evening. NOT good. I was over tired and should have just went to bed. So today is a new day and we will go from here. Phyl, I love that Earl gained weight, I shouldn't, he will be grouchy, but at least he didn't 'get away' with all that eating. Of course being a man, he will loose it in a week or 2. Steph, glad to hear from you. Sounds like you are doing better. I'm thrilled!! Well need to get some breakfast/lunch. TTFN
  6. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Come on Candice, show us a picture of you without your tooth, hehe. Sorry couldn't resist. Stinks that your tooth took a dive. Got the carpets cleaned, house scrubbed, garage mopped. Now I just need to polish up the stuff in the garage (cat litter tub, dog food tub, cat food tub, and the top of the freezer, probably the doors also.) BLECK Going to go take a shower and then sit down for the rest of the night and watch a movie, AFTER I run to the store I'm out of yogurt. Phyl, you sound better today, travel safe. Called and checked up on my dad, he's weak, but alive at this point. Anyway, need to run, so check in on you later. TTFN
  7. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, holidays add stressors that can bring out the 'bad' parts of any relationship. It is sad about your friend and it will be hard to see her possessions go, but 'things' are just 'things' and they can't make up for a miserable relationship. Stepped on the scale this morning, I didn't weigh when I had company. It wasn't bad, basically I gained 2 pounds. I can live with taking that much off. So today is back to normal eating. All the cookies, etc are gone. I am cleaning out the refrigerator today, so the only splurge food left is a small box of gourmet dark chocolate covered caramels that DD#1 gave me for Christmas. they come from a fabulous chocolatier in New York. So I am going to eat 1 each evening. Yep it is a splurge, but that is okay, I am budgeting the calories. Well today is deep cleaning so the realtor can come and take new pictures. Once they are posted I'll sent you all the link and you can check them out. I miss my quilting space, but other than some left over projects that need my machine, almost everything else I have to work with is hand work. I need to finish DD#1 queen hand quilted whole cloth quilt. I only have one border left. Well I'm going to go read about how to dye wool, so I'll check in later, You all have a fabulous day, TTFN
  8. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, sorry about your son...we all have challenges and they usually show up when we are already stressed out. Be strong and please be careful that it doesn't become threatening. Unfortunately there are some children that are 'damaged' and that no amount of parenting can fix or prevent. However, whether it is a birth child or adopted child it still tears our hearts out. Tomorrow I am going to eat light. I know that these last 2 days have been way too fattening. I'll deal with it tomorrow AND THE NEXT DAY. How come a few days of overeating takes 3 times as long to loose? Candice, a funeral at this time of year is heart wrenching, hang in there. Janet, I eat weird stuff, but I think I'll pass on the tripe or what ever it was. Sewing room packed into storage. Sad to go. Check in later. TTFN
  9. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Finally back....all the girls left this afternoon. The 3 eldest to spend the week at their dads, no I will not bitch that I got 4 days with DD#2, 3 days with DD#3, and 2 days with DD#1. I will not think about them spending 6 days with their dad and stepmom. DD#5 is paying extra to move back into the dorms today. DD#4 is heading to Whitefish to see the boyfriend, even though I told her that I thought she shouldn't go until he came down here, but she is almost 24 so it is her choice. One good piece of news, I got a new pair of jeans for Christmas...size 12! and they fit. All junk food has left the building and since there will only be me for the next 5 days, it won't be hard to stay on track. Got the house rearranged like the realtor wanted, so after I get everything cleaned & shampooed I'll have them come back and redo the pictures. It looks nice but pretty bare. I have a sewing order to fill and a couple of projects to work on and some work for my masters program. I did go to Goodwill and found some excellent wool clothing that I am going to tear apart, dye, and felt to make a penny rug. I've always wanted on. Didn't get any pictures taken of projects so there are none I can post. I don't usually take pictures anyway. I am going to go into a funk for the rest of the day so I think I will take a hot bath, take a nap, make a latte and then watch my new movie I got for a gift, Angels and Demons. So I'll check in later, TTFN
  10. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Happy Boxing Day!!!! Well, we haven't had Christmas yet. DD#1 got stuck in Philidelphia and hasn't gotten home yet. The airline didn't even offer her a hotel. She had to spend the evening and night in the airport. Hopefully she will be able to get home this afternoon. We are getting snow and are pretty overcast, so say prayers. Unfortunately this means I will only get to see her for a day and a half. Hope you all have a good Boxing Day!!
  11. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good morning and Merry Christmas!! Just had a wonderful Latte and my girls are up and we have 4 dogs wandering around, last girl comes in tonight, CAN't wait. Enjoy the day of family and friends. TTFN
  12. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    It sounds like you all are having a fabulous time with family and friends. We aren't celebrating Christmas until Saturday. DD#1 doesn't arrive until after 11 pm tomorrow. Just splurged and had a small plate of nachos for dinner, probably a fourth of what I use to eat, but I only ate 1/2 a hamburger for lunch, okay and a starbucks scone....BUT IT IS CHRISTMAS. Most of my family went to Christmas eve service, I bailed. Went for a walk with DD#2 and the puppies and my hangy downy really hurts. No excuse. Janet, I to am blessed by having you all. I can't wait until I get to meet all of you. I joined in January of 2009, so it is almost my year anniversary for LBT and 9 months for my band. I am looking forward to this summer when I will have a little extra money from working at the nursery. Well I have combined my sleeping pills with a little alcohol and it is starting to kick in, so HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS TOMORROW!!!!
  13. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, Janet it right, besides...he is a man, men ALWAYS get to have more of EVERYTHING and get away with it. Got all of DD#2's pillow appliqued, now I need to do the embroidery...is it going to be done, umm probably not, but my kids are use to my IOU's. TTFN
  14. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, what a wonderful time. Isn't it amazing how just waiting in line you can have a rememberable moment with just the right perspective. Instead of grumbling about the long line, you reached out and made a difference in someone's life as well as your own. I think we ALL need to remember that there are reasons for thing that happen. The couple have just received the greatest gift of life, and you were there to share it! What a joyous Christmas gift! Okay, waking up at 4:30 on the first day of vacation can make me a little strange. I was all set to sleep in, but my eyes popped open at 4:28 and my brain started singing Christmas Carols. Now Christmas has finally arrived for me. Which leads me to the bigger picture, my grumbling, it's time to let it go. I need to just accept and move on. Thank you all for listening to me and supporting me. So that being said...I am driving to Butte to pick up DD#2 this morning. They live in Idaho Falls and my someday SIL is heading to Roundup. So we make a transfer of DD#2 in Butte. He heads on to Roundup and DD#2 is all mine for 4 whole days!!!! Then DD#3 & #4 should show up late afternoon or Early evening. Then DD#1 flies in on Christmas day at about 11 pm. So I think we are going to Celebrate our Christmas on Saturday. Phyl glad your trip went well, Janet, enjoy your family, Candice MERRY CHRISTMAS and enjoy your family, Steph, relax and enjoy!!! Kari, hang in there, get your med's checked and go sit in a tanning bed, you need some solar energy. Karri, can't wait to see pics of the new you, Linda? Jackie? Come on ladies we miss you. TTFN
  15. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    What the heck is up with having to login. It took me forever to get it going!! Just had some carolers, that was nice. The puppies went bonkers naturally. Anyway, absolutely fabulous to be home and done with school. Finally had my eval conference. The official eval went well, it was the unoffical one that wasn't all that good. I have to stop teaching science to the 6th graders. I will only teach 'simple science' and then I need to meet the parent's needs. I will check every assignment and contact every parent immediately if an assignment is not turned in. I am only to use the book and book assignments, but the assignments are not to be too hard, umm the book is designed for 9th graders. I am to make sure that every assignment is fun AND I need to no longer do hands on activities AND I am no longer be concerned with the curriculum. So folks, I am now an official babysitter. Anyway, I suppose I best get busy on projects. Oh and yes there will be Christmas cards, I am just doing post Christmas cards! Steph, give Rose a hug please, don't stress too much!!!
  16. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning!!! Last day before break!!! The days that I can sleep in, whoooooooooooooohoooooooooooo!!! taking napsssssssss if I want. Can't wait. A lot of students will be absent today, most schools in the area are already out for the holiday, and since it is the 23rd, many parents will leave today for holiday travel, oh darn. I could almost sing a song..."Chestnuts roasting on an open fire...." Geez am I happy to have a break. Janet you are so good, I hope to get your committment. I find myself still playing a game with my food. Especially this week. But, I'll get it together, that or you will come slap my fat face!!! Got bills paid last night and went through the mail of the people who teach in China, not much I have to deal with this month. Need to license their car and a couple of other things. Have 2 project to finish, but if I don't get them done, I'll just wrap up the pieces and then finish them over break. My kids are use to my IOU's, sad but true. Phyl I know you will be on the road, drive safe. Everyone enjoy their company and holiday activities. What a wonderful time of year to Celebrate our Savior's birth. I love Christmas and it isn't just the chocolate and no school. Have a great holiday!!! Oh, and I do POST Christmas cards!!!
  17. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Okay, does candice REALLY have 10 bedrooms?
  18. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Steph, today's crowning glory has a parent sending me an intimidating and threatening email. Was suppose to have my eval report today but principal got wrapped up with something else. I did forward the email to principal and then met with her about it. She asked me what I wanted...I told her that I wanted the parent called and told that their behavior is unacceptable. If they don't stop then I will involve the police. I don't get paid enough for this crap. Then in an IEP the school psych said that the student was failing my class because they had a 'personality conflict' with Ms. Cramer. Oh could he be repeating his parent? Three years ago when I had the sister she got a zero for an assignment because she never turned it in. I finally told my principal that 6th grade is not a good fit and that she needed to seriously consider placing me in a different grade level next year. The reality is that it won't be taken into consideration. I really don't know what else to do. I have raised my kids, I'm not up to raising someone elses. So I just don't know what options I have left. I'm locked into teaching for the next 7 years, that is the contract I signed for the science master's program. I enjoy teaching 7th graders, I am a damn good 7th grade science teacher. Oh hell, maybe I'm not. I'll go to the doc after I sell the house. Got an email from the realtor, someone wants a showing and I haven't made the changes they want. So I guess I will run around like crazy when they call. It doesn't really matter. Steph, I am so glad that your meds have been changed. It will take some time for them to build up, but hopefully it will make a difference. Need to get to work on DD#2's wool pillow. Check in later, TTFN
  19. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I'm with you on how Natalie won, but Russel was the player to hate. I didn't want him to win, but there really wasn't anyone who played the game better. I guess his arogance got to me. I know I need to go to the doc, but I have to go to a new one. My last one who dealt with my pelvic organ prolapse told me she couldn't do anything more for me and then a few years later retired. I do have the name for one, but looking in to the procedures there really isn't anything new out there and I have done everything thing else some even twice. It is just one of those chronic issues that won't change. I imagine I can have surgery again, but I can't afford to go back to Duke, I'm still paying on the last surgery, and about the only thing they can do here is staple everything back up to my pelvis. Have already done that 2 times and I know that it will only last about 6 months. Also there isn't any point going now, because when I move I will be lifting heavy stuff and will just rip it loose again. So I will live with the pain for right now. Usually it isn't too bad, but the last few days has been worse. Imagine a bad bladder infection, but worse. As long as I can still go to the bathroom I'm going to have to deal with it on my own. Sorry to grumble. Just a lousy day. I have never gone to a psychic, my sister has many times. I don't know how I feel about them. I think they may have some insight, mainly from reading their client, looking for clues on who the person is and what they are looking for. With that in mind, it wouldn't be so bad to have someone tell you what you want. But then again, who really wants to know. that's why we need someone to read us in the first place. I'm sure that I'm in a funk mainly because of the season. DD#4 is having some self-esteem issues. She is really worried about all her sisters being home. She feels like she doesn't 'measure up'. That she is almost 24 and living at home. So I'll send all the girls an email, and remind them to be supportive. It is tough not being the strong female that all her sisters are. Janet, you are right about the homework issue, I'll just make sure that the kid & mom get copies, heck I'll give him 2 just incase one isn't enough. I think this is really why I don't like working with 6th graders. The parents think that they still have their sweet little kid. The reality is that middle schoolers lie, not even on purpose, they just do. As a parent you are a fool if you think your kid is perfect. I have my evaluation report today. I wish I had some control over what I teach. I wish I could say...I'm a 7th grade teacher, just let me teach what I'm good at. Overall the eval will be okay, but I am not happy with the job I'm doing. I just don't like earth science and I definitely am not a 6th grade teacher. In a perfect world I should be able to say that. But in this world, it wouldn't matter. If I wouldn't suffer a huge cut in pay I would find a different job. but they will only give me 5 years of experience instead of 23, so it is not an option. I also need to 'grow a pair' and either decide to suck it up or shut it up. Well, best get going, time to get things cleaned up. Only 2 more days!!! Steph, glad you had a good shopping spree, sorry about the cold, stress will do that to you. Candice, you are free!!! Think of all the quilts you will get done. I guess if I going to come up and quilt I will have to get a passport. Thanks for listening, you all have a good day. Phyl drive safe, enjoy the concrete. TTFN
  20. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I'm finally here, I have school through Wednesday. Came home with a headache. Got met at my classroom this morning by a parent and kid, demanding to know why I give everyone in class the worksheets and not their child? I tried my patient teacher voice and asked both the parent and the child why I would give everyone worksheets and NOT them. The parent then said that their child would never not do an assignment. So if the kid says I don't give him the worksheet then I don't give him the worsheets. This is when the headache started and got worse every hour. It is still here. I don't know what else to do to make the parent happy. Came home and working on Christmas projects. I'm not very talkative tonight. My head hurts and my hanging down parts are really hurting. I can't seem to 'work them back up' and they are doing the icepick pain. So I'm going to go, sorry, I just feel tired. Phyl love the lights!!!
  21. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, the concrete will be SO nice and like you said no more sand. We have been raining since yesterday morning. I had a hope that it would freeze and school would be canceled. No such luck, it is warm outside. In fact if this keeps up we won't be having a white Christmas. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who is skeeved out by taro cards. I'm not totally convinced that they are just a fun past time nor am I convinced that there isn't some type of power behind them. I just don't know if that power is okay to play with. I know, I'm weird, but I am also not convinced that aliens don't exist. But I come from a weird family, 2 of my aunts believed that cats were aliens. I think they must of seen that old disney movie, Cat from Outerspace. Anyway, DD#4 home from seeing the boyfriend in Whitefish. I told her that he needed to make the effort to come down here and that she really shouldn't go again until he does. Now maybe I am just being over protective, but I think that since she has 'met the family' on his end, he needs to 'meet the family' on our end. I am afraid that she is going to be hurt. But I could tell she isn't going for it, her insecurities tell her that if she does that he is going to dump her. Heck her insecurities have her hardly talking to him when she is there. Phyl, glad the family made it safe and sound. Also we need to see pictures of the concrete and your 'winter' home. Well, I best get going, I need to mop and do some cleaning up for 'realtor alert' before I head to school. I spent the whole weekend sewing instead of cleaning so today it payback. I didn't get my sewing room torn down, I am leaving it until I finish Christmas projects. Haven't moved the pictures around or tossed the plants yet. At this point I don't really care. I will worry about it later in the week. At least this is a short week. OH and I found out that my girls are staying until Monday, this is HUGE, I haven't had all of them home for more than a day or two for years. I guess there really is a Santa Claus and I have been a VERY good girl. Hope you all have a grand day, TTFN
  22. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Well, I got DD#2 apron and embroidered tea towel done today along with laundry. I will take pictures at Christmas when everyone models their gifts and try to post. Projects have turned out good so far. Yeah, we do need to hug and cherish the men in our lives. Mom is convinced that a miracle will happen and dad will be offered a new treatment that will cure him. Mom is convinced that she is a witch and is way to into taro cards. I won't allow the cards in my house but I do make supportive noices about her hobby. She had a 'reading' that said that choices would have to made...that new opportunities will be offered. Well if it makes her feel better. Anyway working on dinner. TTFN
  23. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, Steph is 720 miles from me on the East side of the state, between 12 & 14 hours away, so there isn't any popping over for the afternoons going on. Steph has to drive almost 7 hours to see Michael in Billings. Most people don't really understand the distances we typically drive. Missoula is only 20 miles from me, it is actually about 30 to the airport because it is on the otherside of Missoula from me.
  24. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl....papya is like medicine, treat it like it, otherwise go get some Smarties or something. Now consider yourself yelled at. Janet, what is the update on Karri, I saw on facebook there was an itching issue and then a fever...what's going on?
  25. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning ladies!! I'm finally up and kind of moving. Good night sleep, just could have used more, but 10 hours is probably enough. I can't believe it is already Sunday, I did get DD#4's purse done after many unsewing and resewing. I hate when a pattern has mistakes. Crap, I write better patterns than most people. Right I lack the imagination... So today, laundry, house cleaning and sewing. Hope to wrap a few gifts. So Phyl when do you guys get back to CA? I haven't mailed your pants yet, yeah that would be because I haven't hemmed them yet, probably won't get it done until break. So it will be after Christmas, 25 in inseam right? Well best get busy. TTFN Oh, Steph, how did the shopping go and Nick's therapy session?

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