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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I'd take the rain, but my puppies would hate it. Sitting here drinking my latte, tasted extra good tonight, will have a 2nd and maybe....a 3rd, tomorrow is Friday. Next week will be a long one, 5 days of classes, grades due at 4 pm on Monday, Parent/Teacher conferences on Wednesday & Thursday. Need to get tax stuff to the accountant by Monday. food has been pretty good, I am discovering that I don't much have the taste for some of my 'old' favorites. Right now I'd almost hurt someone for a big bowl of watermelon or grapes. I had some pretzels today, yuck. I just wish I'd develop a dislike for chocolate. Never going to happen. I have discovered a new favorite...light Laughing cow on a slice of Pink Lady apple. My current favorite apple. Can't eat a stupid piece of chicken, but can eat apples and oranges, have some trouble with bananas. Well still on the hunt for a pattern for sewn golf club head covers. TTFN
  2. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Steph, it sounds like you had a great day, you thrive on the craziness. Have fun.
  3. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, I'm going to have to cancel. I don't have the money for the down payment, so you all can call me and we will all have a 'toast' together.
  4. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Home, and stuff, I had to vacumn, etc. Have a raging headache. Found out today that IF we get a raise next year we will be lucky if we get a whopping 1% raise on the base, which means we will get a whole $180 for the whole year, not even a cost of living raise. Sorry, I'm just in a witchy mood today. I'm going to bed early, so I'll check in tomorrow. I just can't face the world tonight. I need to get my life under control. Steph, happy birthday, sorry I didn't realize.
  5. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Quite night it looks like. Busy working on DD#1's quilt and finishing laundry. Despite undercooking the pork roast and putting it through the microwave, it was still pretty darn good. I don't know how I can stick on chicken, but roast goes down just fine. I put a brown sugar/cayanne pepper rub on it, yummy! Ate every bit of dinner, but was hungry again. Need a fill I guess. I have decided to not think about selling the house. What will be will be. It is too depressing everytime I get my hopes up, just to have them crushed. I have the houses I want to consider when the time comes. I know this isn't the Secret, but I can't handle the disappointment when someone doesn't make a viable offer. So I'm just going to put it out of my mind as much as possible. Have a meeting with a parent and the principal today, so the parent can tell me how to teach my class. They want me to give the student extra credit. However, when they don't do the regular assignments, is absent or late 13 timess to my class and is missing half of the quarter's assignment, I'm not giving them extra credit. Also I really feel if I give one student extra credit then everyone should have that opportunity. I build in opportunity for bonus points every quarter to make up for any 'brain dead' moments, but the student hasn't taken advantage of any of them, so this is NOT my problem. We shall see if my principal supports me. If not, I'll just give the kid a 'C' and call it good. If you want to enable your child, there just isn't much I can do about it. AND if I give your child a 'C', everyone who has less than a 'C' will also get a 'C'. If parents only care about the 'letter grade' why should I. Okay, enough of the ranting. I'm tired, it will be a long day. I already need a nap. Gosh I hate 4:30 am.
  6. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Did my 3 miles, cleaned the dog yard, bathed the dogs, laundry, and undercooked a pork roast. That stinks, so microwaving it as we speak. I guess I'll finish cooking it tomorrow. Have a good evening, TTFN
  7. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Hang in there Janet, don't you just love computer issues. People who looked at the house Saturday, did not find that it was for them. Nothing they 'disliked', just not the house for them. Oh well, someday. Working on a quilt, laundry, heading out to clean the dog yard, bleck.
  8. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Day off and I'm awake, thanks Miss Molly! that and some really bizare dreams, I guess the stress is getting to me, I'm dreaming about serial killers. Steph, is the science workshop the one on inquiry with Katie B. from OPI. I've done that and Katie is ALWAYS fun to work with. I'm suppose to do a renewal next week, but I'm skipping it, way too much on my plate right now. Besides, I couldn't do the training of others that they ask you to do, way too intimidating. Didn't get the laundry done yesterday, so it is on my plate. But after sprucing things up I get to work on DD#1's wholecloth quilt. It is ivory with a earthtone varigated quilting thread. I'm hand quilting it and have been working on it for 2 1/2 years. I will finish it this year, only have 1 border left and then sew on the binding, it has a scalloped edge, I love it. I can't wait to see what it looks like with all the quilting lines washed out. I should clean the puppy yard, but semi frozen poop is not my idea of fun. Actually it would be bad if it was totally frozen, it's the semi that is a pain. Well best get going, TTFN
  9. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Here is the link to the house pictures: Bruce Stiegler MLS#908255 Florence Montana (Residential Property)
  10. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Well, sucked it up and did the 'weigh in' this morning. With my jammies (scale is in the garage, so no weighing in the buff) and I am at my 'pre-holiday' weight, whew!!! I also need to remember how good I feel when I don't eat crap, carbs mainly. It drives me nuts that I can't remember how poisonous carbs are to me. Janet, how was it going to look at your brother's house? Phyl, Earl could be spending time gambling instead of playing with his airplane and helicopter. I would add chasing wild women, but he has you to chase who is sexy and wild, so he is too busy chasing you to look at other wemon! It sounds like everyone is going to make it this July. Wow, I have never taken a vacation without my kids, well I have kind of, my quilting week, but that is different. I can't WAIT for the quilt shops!!!! OOOHHH and I do love a great antique store if anyone else is interested! I know Washington has some fabulous ones. Hummm, we aren't going anywhere near Enemclaw (sp), long story, feed me enough adult beverages and I MIGHT tell you about that little excusion. I love the coast, maybe I will find a nice little bungalow and job and I can move there? Today, laundry and QUILTING, hand quilting since all my supplies are in storage, but quilting none the less!!
  11. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Slow night, where is everybody, heading to bed, hope to get pics of DD's quilt & purse on line. I think I am going to talk to the kennel about selling some of my gourmet dog biscuits. TTFN
  12. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Let's go with the convient one on the ocean!!! Mom called, dad has fallen twice this week, they have an appointment to discuss 'time' and to put a 'do not recesitate' order on his chart. We both feel he should make it to the summer, don't know if he will make it 'through' the summer. My cold is back with a vengence. Went and did some 'for sale' drive buys, just to keep my hopes up. Food today: Breakfast: 250 cals Lunch: 130 cals NO SNACKS, unless you count the cup of Theraflu. Taco soup tonight, and since I saved calories I can have lt. sour cream on it!! Have been 'really' listening to the stomach not the head today. So I can truely say...'good food' day. Not much exercising, head and sinuses hurt to bad.
  13. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    i like the one with the ocean deck. I love the ocean, some day I want a little house on the beach.
  14. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning, set my alarm for 9:30, so I just got up. Have lots of projects planned to help control my food. I have to leave at 12:30 because of a showing and won't be able to come home until 3:00. No money to go shopping, so I think I will drive around and dream about houses. Should go to school and grade papers, bleck. Who knows. Actually, what I think I will do, (just thought of it), do a drive by houses, then I'm parking the car and am going to do my 3 miles. On the July condo, I'm in, but I won't be able to pay my share until closer to July. So if someone will cover my share until my house is sold and I have a few paychecks from the nursery, I'll be there.
  15. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Remind me as I start coming off the chocolate high!! Ladies, don't forget, all those old wool clothing, stack it up, bring it when we get together & then you will have room for all the fun stuff you buy.
  16. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Beautiful sunny day!! Came home and took the puppies for a walk, so 3.2 miles for me. Food, Janet, something is in the air, because I reached a level of bad that I don't even want to talk about. So I slapped myself around a little, reminded myself about my lapband debt, and asked some hard questions. So today is a new start, not waiting until tomorrow, will weigh myself and see the damage. You would think after 9 months those habits would be gone, but hell no. I wallered in it for part of the day, enough that I was concerned about my band, like I said, don't ask. So from 1 hour ago, everything that goes near my mouth will get measured and recorded. It is so easy to 'slip' a little extra in. Yeah, now that little extra is enough food for a 2nd person. Steph, you know I understand, I have been there in the dark deep hole of depression. NO ONE understands, fortunately I was able to get some meds and find sanity. But we know that it is always lurking. I hope that your friends wife didn't have to find him. We love you ((hug)).
  17. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    It's Friday and a 3 day weekend!!! When school is out I'm home on the couch, taking a nap!!Other than that, not many plans, just want to sleep! Janet enjoy your day off,
  18. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    janet, I did NOT skip the get together, I sent you an email, but it disappeared in cyber ville. Just finished DD#4 quilt, hope to post a pic tomorrow.
  19. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I would love to get a revision. when the girls are off of my insurance and I could afford the 'full' coverage, I am going to check into it. Otherwise, when I get my band paid for, 4 years and 2 months, I will get a loan for revision. I need a fill also, but I also need to deal with the head hungries. I'm finding myself eating even when I'm not really hungry, just habit, even though it is good food. I'm going to do the 'almost' naked weigh this weekend and see exactly where I'm at. No more excuses. Feel like crap, sore throat, stuffy, ears hurt, plus a parent (same one as before) has called for a meeting with the principal, to have the principal make sure I pass their daughter in science. Hum, could it be that your daughter has 13 tardies/absences for my class? Could it be that your daughter rarely turns in work. I have already email the parent immediately when their is an assignment and when the child does not turn in the assignment, hey why teach, I'll just sit on the phone/computer all day and the kids can play! Oh well, I really don't care. If push comes to shove, I'll just give the kid a 'C' and everyone will be happy. If you don't want your child to be accountable, why should I. Going to go take a shower, making tator tot casserole in my new tiny individual casserole dishes I got for Christmas, portion control. TTFN
  20. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good morning, sorry I was AWOL last night. Had a house showing and then I needed to complete a sewing order, altering a suit jacket, but I'm finally caught up, all my 'work' is done. So tonight, I get to work on something I want!!! Going to finish sewing down the binding on DD#4's quilt, have only been working on it for a year, I have about 5 feet of binding to handsew down and then I'm done. Hopefully I will be able to put a picture on. The pattern is very simple, but the colors are gorgeous!! Then it is on to hand quilting the last border on DD#1's quilt. Today is Thursday whopppwhoppp. Then Friday, THEN a 3 day weekend. Saturday, there is a showing so, no sleeping in, bummer. Steph congrats on Jeff making the surgery decision! Janet, I need a fill also, but it is going to have to wait. I'm struggling to keep my portions under control, but I'm always starving. Check in tonight, TTFN
  21. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Steph, there are some great on-line quilt shops that you could order fabric from: Hancock's of Paducah - The world's foremost supplier of fine fabrics and notions. Fat Quarter Shop - Moda Fabrics, Quilt Fabric, Quilting Fabric, Quilt Kits, Online Quilting Fabrics & FREE Quilt Patterns both of these are great places to order fabric.
  22. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Steph I love your new pic!! Unit posted...so we will see what happens.
  23. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    It's been a turmultus (sp) day. Our counter offer was accepted...yeah...well that lasted 5 minutes...then their bank wouldn't give them what they needed and they had no down. I don't feel bad about it falling through. I have another showing tomorrow. So I do have a plan, tax return will buy me some time, then in June I will make a decision on whether to refinance or continue to list. So we continue on with continuing on. I have a sore throat and a headache, I imagine just stress. I don't have time to be sick AND we have Monday off. So I finish my unit tonight, do the sewing order tomorrow, and then a few days of relaxation. Best get busy. TTFN
  24. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning ladies, Miss Molly decided that 4:07 was a great time to have to go potty, so it wasn't worth going back to bed. Finishing up my 1st cup of coffee, this may be a mega coffee day. Phyl, I'm with Janet, I love the current pics, you just glow!!!! I whole new you! Think about it, 2 WHOLE 50 pound bags of dog food that you are no longer carrying around! Well, back to work. On the house deal, I'm not going to frett about it. What will be will be...or that's my mantra for today, doesn't mean I believe it, but if I say it enough times maybe I'll convince myself.
  25. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Hey guys, thanks for everything. If all else fails, I will keep my house for now and refinance, that will lower my payments if I go with an interest only for 7 years. At the end of 7 years, I have to refinance again. This isn't what I want, but it is an option. We made a counter offer, but it won't be accepted, what I really wanted to say was..."take your offer and stuff it where the sun doesn't shine'. I really didn't want to give credibility to their offer, by making a counter, but I guess we have to play the game. food good today: Need to get back to the unit and then alter a suit jacket. so chat tomorrow.

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