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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Folks, I want to appologize to everyone. I should not of said anything about Simon and Twig. I wasn't thinking, I'm an idiot. I definitely did not think about the fact that I would make Candice feel bad, that was NOT my intention. My head evidently was where the sun doesn't shine. So please forgive me. But I understand that I stepped over the line. I think of you as family and I definitely was not thinking about how it would make others feel. So thanks for listening, my 'what are you thinking' filter is back on where it belongs.
  2. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Heeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooo!! Why am I the only one here???????? You all have lives...me...nothing... Oh well,
  3. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, yep, we put peroxide on it and polysporin, but the vet said with punctures, especially on the back there is a huge likelihood of infection. Simon did have surgery today and has a drain tube put in. AND HELL NO YOU ARE NOT PAYING, it was an accident and accidents happen. Simon is our little accident prone puppy. He broke his leg at 3 months, had a bad reaction to an insect bite, had to have a biopsy on a lump that appeared cancerous (wasn't), ate an aluminum can, stress colitus, it is all just what Simon does. I only shared because you all are my sounding board and family. I'm home by myself for the weekend!! Hope I can find a little corner of my house. Will be planting trees this weekend. Today, I was only able to eat about 1/3 of a cup of food at a time, yeah!!! So had my normal Breakfast, cheese and Soup for lunch. Well going to go get dinner, check in later!
  4. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning ladies! Hope everyone had a peaceful evening. Have meetings all day at work, so need to write up some sub notes. The furries go to the kennel today because the insulator is coming to blow more insulation in the roof. IF it is R19 or below, then the power co has a rebate going. The inspector says it is R19 to R22, so cross your fingers that it is less. Then home to empty the truck and go get a load of trees. The landscaper is going to come an dig the holes and lift the trees out of the back of my truck on Saturday. Still struggling a little with coffee this morning, but It at least is going down and not projectiling out. Had a nice sprinkle last night and should get another today. Well best get going. Phyl, you sound like you are really getting settled back home. Don't forget to make your appointment for your back. Don't wait until it starts hurting worse. Candice, do you have that quilt done yet? I didn't get a hance to show you mine. Well suppose I should get busy, that or I'll fall asleep. TTFN
  5. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Drove to Kalispell and got 1/2 my fill removed. I probably got too much out because I was able to eat almost a whole burrito, but I hadn't had much to eat the last few days. But won't be going back for awhile, cost $50 to have it removed. Hopefully I will have coffee tomorrow. Poor Simon has to go to the vet tomorrow. Him & Twig had a little tussel and his nip seems to be infected. I'm sure he just needs a quick antibiotic shot. Oh, only 2 days until Saturday. Well best go to bed. TTFN
  6. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Dang lost the post. Short version Going to try to head for unfill after school, won't get there until after 7 pm, tired of choking. Have a good day, TTFN
  7. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Had a field trip with the 7th graders today. NOT my best day, I'm having trouble with liquids today, kept vomiting. Don't mind not being able to eat right now, but I need my coffee. Final got part of a Sobe Lean down (5 cal beverage). I know, I need an unfill now, but I don't know when I'm going to get it done. Last night I was able to eat a small portion of solids, today liquids are a fight. I just want my coffee, since I have managed little coffee, I have a raging headache. I know I'm whining. Phyl, glad you are getting unpacked. Janet, busy day at work? Candic, safe travels.
  8. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, I might be tempted to have Peter eat the eggs...he was the one who insisted that you bring the rations. Kind of lost it with one of my classess. It is a challenging group and yesterday they were wired at the end. Someone set a smoke bomb off in the boy's lockerroom, so we had to evacuate for 45 minutes while the fire department made sure there wasn't a fire. So by the time last period rolled around they were 'crazy'. I finally told a student to 'shut up'. I NEVER use that word in my class nor is it allowed, however on student kept harassing another whifch isn't allowed either. Students left the room feeling like and saying I was a -itch, well I was. I can't seem to get a handle on the class. Had one until a new student moved in and he functions by intimidation. Also they shoveled 5 students into the classs because the #'s where high in other classes. Called the administrator & told her that it wasn't working. She reminded me that we had an all staff meeting with ther superindentant regarding our insurance options. Some insurance is going to have a 66% increase in premiums. Well should get going, would love to take a nap, but need to empty the pantry tonight so the insulation guy can come and blow insulation into the attic. TTFN
  9. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Okay, so tonight I had 1/2 a 6 inch casadea and a spinach salad with some turkey deli meat and feta. So...to much too little? I know I am having problems with the head. I ate the casadea and felt full, but my head said, no no you hardly had anything to eat today, eat the salad and I did. Now the head it happy and the stomach feels good. I chewed like crazy, but it took me almost an hour to eat and I know that is too long. So hopefully I get this figured out. This fill is like starting all over. I haven't been able to eat breakfast or lunch. I finally had a protein smoothie this morning. I will be very disappointed if I loose my normal breakfast of blueberries/kashi/yogurt. Feeling a little dehydrated because I really can't drink a lot until about 2 pm,
  10. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice and Peter are on their way to Spokane, I was a horrid host, made them buy me dinner, didn't hardly have a place to sit down. But i must admit, I could really fall in love with them, both are so sweet!! Finally got the storage shed moved home, so all things are on the property...and I mean ON the property, we look like white trash. It will all keep. Janet, yeah I know I am too tight, I figure I will leave it for a few days and if it doesn't loosen up, I'll go back to get some removed. Plan on having salad and maybe a wedge of Casadea (sp), then shower, then NOTHING... nah I'll at lease clean up the kitchen..a true disaster! Phyl, hope your drive home was good, enjoy your latte.
  11. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning ladies...sitting here stuck on coffee, I've decided there aren't too many things worse than that, except maybe being stuck on a chewed up papya tablet. Phyl, I'm with you, morning without coffee, not a pretty sight. Wonderful evening with Candice and Peter, ehh. I love the 'ehh'. Yes Candice I do feel horrid that my house is such a disaster, didn't even have much of a place to sit down. Okay, kind of got the eye's peeled open. "Very" tired, every time I blink, I'm not sure I will open them again. Aslo typing with the eyes closed. Lee An ne, congratujlations on you band date. For me the biggest thing to remember: 'The band is a tool NOT a fix. You still have to work at it. Janet is our food cop, hou will somone to keep you on the straight and narrow. Anyway, great day to eveyone. Check in later todnightf. TTFN
  12. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Okay, let's try this again, lost my post, TOTALLY my fault, closed it instead of minimized it. Candice, If you need an RV place to look at the vehicle I sent you a couple that are in Missoula. One is where I have a mechanic friend the other is where Steph got her RV. Oh Candice, a great quilt shop in Deer Lodge, QuiltsInMontana.com at Quilters Corner Etc!, A full service quilting supply shop in Montana offering fabrics, kits, patterns, books and notions for all quilters Quilter's Corner, LOVE IT. Deer Lodge is off of the interstate on your way here! VERYYY tight this morning, probably some swelling from my fill. coffee is trickling through. So I will skip solids for a few days, give it a rest and should be good to go. Working at the nursery today. The furries are settling in, except for DD#4's dog, but she didn't stay home last night. So she is going to have to make a decision, be home more, or the dog goes. I love the little beast, but it isn't good for him to not have 'mom' around. Well best get going, TTFN
  13. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    YES I do want to take the day. I just need to work things out. You will LOVE the Mansion, it is awesome!!!!
  14. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Okay, THE FURRIES ARE HOME!!!! money seems to be oozing out of every pore. Got my fill today and my meds, what a sweetheart. My fill doc is looking for an office that he can use once a month and come down here to see patients. Candice, I have to warn you, my house & yard is a disaster. I haven't had time to do ANYTHING. Cooking is really not much of an option. So be prepared. I will try to take a day off, but I'm not going to be able to promise anything. I have been out of school more than in and am really behind in grading. But I think you might enjoy the field trip. You wouldn't have to ride the bus, but you could follow us and be part of the group. Anyway, going to go eat some Soup. TTFN
  15. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, I can't take Tuesday off, have a field trip, however, how would you guys like to come along and see the Daly Mansion, St Mary's Mission? Give it some thought. I love the Mansion!!!
  16. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yes Candice, I have been blessed, many times over. And as a I said earlier, I am only focusing on the positive, a new me. Even though my house is a disaster, it is HOME and even feels like home. My Florence house, NEVER felt like home. Weird I know. Yep, I'll be glad when the boxes are done and the shed is here, but it is still home. My carpenter friend is going to put in the doggy door today, so I will be able to bring the furries home tonight. I can't wait. I miss them terribly. Class today, and then a little shopping. I'm out of a lot of stuff. Temperature yesterday was 79 degrees farhenhiet. Suppose to be close to 80 today. I may have to break out the shorts.. Will need to shave the legs first. DD#4 messed up her school, free schooling I might add. Her grades are not good enough to get into the nursing school. Way too much partying. Well, that is her choice. We talked about finances, and the furture. I THINK she is planning on getting her CNA liscence and that will at least allow her to earn enought to support herself. It boggles my mind, HOW you would goof up a 'free ride' to a degree, But it isn't me. I'm meeting my fill doc on campus this afternoon, and I know it sounds strange, but then we are going to my DD#5's dorm room and he is going to give me a fill. I know he has an ulterior motive for being so accomodating, he and his wife each brought 5 kids into their marriage, so they have 10 and I am sure he needs the $$, but I don't care, I need the fill!!! Think of me today, trapped in a classroom while it is a gorgeous spring day. Janet, enjoy your day off, watch the shopping. Phyl and Candice drive safely. Candice you will enjoy Yellowstone park. I grew up going there all the time, but I did enjoy it AND we order beautiful weather just for you. Phyl you are almost home!!! Janet, what ARE you plans for the day? Well best go. Steph??? busy as usual? TTFN
  17. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Class all day today and tomorrow, but get this...my fill doc is going to be in Missoula tomorrow, he is in kallispel, and he is going to bring my injections and give me a fill while he is in town. Dinner was gross, so I had a salad instead, nothing good in it, all lettuce. The city approved my privacy fence so I can get started in a couple of weeks. I wish my shed would get moved, but it will in time. Well, have to go and do some homework, so check in tomorrow.
  18. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Sorry, ladies, busy night last night. Cable guy came in and so now I can actually watch TV. Splurged and had a drop put in my bedroom and put up a small wall mounted TV my brother gave me. Laid in bed last night for a few and watched it. Got a space in the yard secure for the furries. Carpenter friend coming over to look over the wall I want to put french doors in and the doggie door tonight. Went out last night and celebrated. Took DD#4 out to Mexican. Had the most delish chicken and rice. Have enough for a couple more meals. I haven't had 'real' food for over a week. Splurged and had a margarita, that was 'okay', but not fabulous. The sweet thing, I can walk to the resturant. Ran into a couple of previous students and they both gave me hugs and updated me on their progress. DD#4 had an advising meeting yesterday and found out her grades are not good enough to get into the nursing program. She has a C+ in Anatomy/Physiology. Also got stopped for speeding. So that was part of the reason for going out to dinner. Sat down and had a talk about finances & future. She hasn't been taking her antidepressants so she is in a down spiral....and guess what...I didn't remind her to take her meds. She will or she won't, not my job. ANYWAY, Janet, I am slowed down...well as much as I can be. I have always wanted french doors and darn, I'm going to have them! Candice it sounds like such a lovely time. I've been to Mr. Rushmore once and loved it, be sure to do Crazy Horse as well. To me that is just as impressive, maybe more so. Phyl, I've been to Tillimook once, LOVED IT. How about the winery St. Michele? They have a great dessert wine...Geuwortzemizer? Okay, it has been a really long time since I've been there. Janet, Mt Rainier is quite a hike, but gorgeous. However, LOTs of people, and I imagine the weekend of the 4th will be even crazier. I'd rather do the warf. Long time ago I hiked it on a Bio research trip. Slide down Snoqualmish glacier on my rain coat, a real blast. Well, I got into my 'skinny' pants last night. Haven't found the scale, but I have lost some weight!! With it just mainly me in the house, I can control the food in the house better. Fridge (besides singing) echoes from lack of food. I like it that way. Did go to the store and bought strawberries, skim milk (latte's), and salad stuff. Well best get going, have to stop at school and write lesson plans for the day, then into Missoula for classes at the U. Love you all, TTFN
  19. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, let me know when you are getting close and I will get a personal day, I have one left that I have been saving. The house is a disaster, but that is okay. I have forever to get it together. How is Peter on Electrical? I'd love to put in a set of french doors into my kitchen, I have the doors, but there are 2 wires running along the outside. I think they are phone wires, which wouldn't matter because I don't have a land line. With the french doors, I could remove one panel or 2 and put a doggy door directly in the door. Then there is the 'deck' I'd like to build, have the wood..., hum, how is he for planting trees. I have the trees reserved (free from work) have someone lined up to punch the holes. How long are you staying...a month? I haven't even talked about painting. Did you pack work clothes? Hum...maybe I need to have a 'doctor' appointment so I'm home more than just 1 day? I am excited. We have a fabulous quilt shop about 2 hours away. I will get my quilting ladies together and we will have a road trip. Oh and by the way. The yard is secure for larger dogs, so your furries will have a place to run and play.
  20. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    There isn't a back door. I have a front door and a size door. I was going to put a wall mounted dog door in the kitchen back wall that would give them access to the back yard, but I have a bunch of wiring outside the house and in the walls. I would like to put in a set of french doors out the back of the kitchen and build a small deck. I don't know what I'll end up doing. The furries can not be left to thier own devices during the day. Something will come up. Janet, yum...real food, haven't had that in a couple of weeks. Heading to a bath, TTFN
  21. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    The furries are still at the kennel, I hope to get them home this week end. I am waiting for the utility co to come and mark the underground lines before I drive posts to secure the yard. My new 'handyman' is going to come over Friday evening to see how we can rig up a doggy door into the secure yard. It looks like the only way to do it is to create a ladder to the basement utility room window. That will take them out to ground level, I just don't know if we can safely create something the furries will use. But we need a temporary fix, then we will think of something later. Just moved the last of my stuff, my yard and house look like white trash live here. Oh well, it will take some months to make it habitable. Going to go take a bath and then crawl in bed. Candice, drive safe, Phyl, good luck on electrical, I HATE electrical stuff only slightly less than plumbing stuff. Janet, take a hot shower and go to bed! get some rest!! TTFN
  22. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, maybe Earl is going through MANopause. It sounds like he just likes to grumble about $$$. Personally that is another reason I'm single. But then again, I earned every cent, so if someone tried to tell me what to do, I'd cut his little nads off. But is sounds like Earl is a sweetheart most of the time, so I'd take him if you get tired of him. Slept wonderfully on my new mattress! Need to run to school and finish up some sub notes and then back home to get things furry friendly. I hope to have them home by this weekend! Janet, is this Furlough Friday? I forget...okay, I'm getting old. I forget lots of things anymore. Had a small 'discussion' with DD#4, to be continued I'm sure. No big deal. I am so into a different mind set, that little is going to irritate me....for awhile anyway. Hum...may even have to take a nap today. Well best get going if I want to get things done. Check in later! TTFN
  23. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, you probably are right. BUT I am going to do my best to live on the positive side. I have gotten the house and with the lower payments and no longer helping DD#4 out, I won't have tons of spending $$, but I will have a zero balance on the credit card and a little nest egg. Also will be working a lot this summer and will get $2000 for being on campus in June AND my 1st payment isn't until June 1. I took DD#5 and the couple of friends who hauled my new mattress home in a down pour for pizza. DD#4 FINALLY showed up, so I really couldn't say, oh hell no you aren't coming. She did a little crying jag when we where talking about things she didn't know about. Well then maybe you should be home. BUT guess what, this isn't my problem AND the only one I am taking care of from now on is ME. I here by promise to stop bitching about $$ and children and life in general. I have been given a new start and I am going to grab it and run. NO excuses!!!!! So I also give you all permission to slap me next time I do. I love you all!!
  24. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    It is OFFICIALLY mine, ALL MINE!!! Just got home from the title co and signed the next 30 years of my life away. But now I can put in the doggy door and secure the fence and bring the furries home, it won't REALLY be home until they get here. There was a last minute glitch when my previous mortgage co told the title complany that I missed the last payment for insufficient funds. Actually, the mortgage co told me to put a stop on the payment since I was closing on the same day as when the payment was due. Ended up coming up with $1000 because the payoff given to the title co from the mortgage co was wrong. But they used my escrow account and I came up with a bank draft of $216, so we were able to close. I made the mortgage co get on a conference call with me to the title co and made sure they told them that I DID NOT have a missing payment because of ISF. Now my new mattress will be here in about a 1/2 an hour and taking the kids out for pizza to Celebrate. THEN I'm going to take a long soak in MY bathtub and crawl into my NEW bed and dream about painting the house!!! whoohooo, thank you all for putting up with me. I took 2 days off and then on campus Friday & Saturday. Have to work Sunday at the nursery, but no biggy. Phyl, enjoy your shopping!! Candice, drive safe! Janet, enjoy your evening. Of course, now what am I going to grumble about??? WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEJHHHHHHH

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