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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Oh, and no we wouldn't be able to cut the gum out of the girl's hair. We would have to call and get permission.
  2. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Sound like you all had a great day. I'm not that much into music any more, but I do enjoy a live performance. Janet, yep I do enjoy putzing outside. However, even with 2 muscle relaxants I didn't sleep well, just to sore. So after work and grocery shopping, I'm going for a nap. I did decide that except for the 2nd bed out front, the rest of the flower beds will be raised beds with soil from work. No more digging the rocks out and then mixing soil. But that means all the beds have to be on the squarish side unles I buy curved bricks, which I may do. It will cost more and I'll have to save for them, but I think the will look better than wood. Well, I'll check in later, TTFN
  3. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, you met Elyse, DD#4, better know as a huge pain in my ass. She stopped by with the 'boyfriend', a almost 30 year old who lives at home and does not have a job, a real winner. Alexa is DD#5, she is living with Jamie, DD#2, in idaho falls for the summer so she can work at BLM. Well after 7 hours of digging, composting, soil pep, mixing and rebuilding a flower bed, I have 3 plants in the ground and 20 glad bulbs. Unfortunately I am now walking like the hunch back of nortor damn. I can not straighten up. So I have taken a muscle relaxant and a hot bath. Phyl, watch it, take care, you are in my prayers. I'm going to eat and then I'll check in later, TTFN
  4. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, I'll swap you straight across, Andrew for DD#4, I'll even take his dog, but you must take Simon.... I slept in, I mean REALLY in, weekdays I'm up at 4:30 today...10:30. WTF, half the day is over!!! AND laying in bed for 6 additional hours has tightened every muscle up I own. Once the coffee takes effect, I'm outside to work in the dirt. whowhowho Work on Sunday, Monday is house work, bleck. Check in later, TTFN
  5. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, I've been having trouble too, but not 'brown' stuff. I get my pain in the sternum and shoulder blade when I am stuck. My arm will actually go numb if I am REALLY stuck. I finally got some solid food in today, I found the great whole grain sandwiche slivers, they are like a really small english muffin. I put cream cheese with turkey and meunster cheese. Delish. I'm not sure of the calories on the bread stuff.l I know it is less than 100, but I actually think it is 50. Went into town and got new glasses, I'm bummed because I couldn't get the cool red funky ones, my bifocals wouldn't fit. The one I got are fun, but not exactly what I wanted. Had to buy a new body pillow and splurged on a spot shampooer. I wanted the Spotbot, but couldn't afford it. The guy is going to come tomorrow and we will talk fence. I can't wait to get the fence done. Only 8 more days of school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ate too much today. I was attacked my chocolate truffles. I gave it a good shot, but they won. I did resist the pizza. Guess what, I found the cutest summer dress on sale, normal price, $150, got it for $35. It is chocolate brown, which is not a color I usually get, but I loved the applique on the hem. I also got a great blue & white pleated skirt, I need to line it, because it is a little on the thin side. But unfortuantely the weather is too cold to wear anything but long sleeves and jackets.
  6. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning everyone, hope it was a good night! IT'S FRIDAY...IT'S FRIDAY!! I think I am going to go into Missoula after school today and get new glasses before my insurance changes. I'm going to go with something really funky. I also need to buy a new pillow. One of my furries decided to have an 'accident' in bed last night,,,what was that all about? So I had to get up and strip the bed and remake it. Fortunately I have 2 mattress pads on the bed. But I still will have to wash everything tonight. At least it was a boughten quilt not a homemade quilt. Who ever is responsable better be careful or it might be 'furry stew'. oh...did I mention it's friday??? AND a 3 day weekend! I do work on Sunday, but have Saturday & Monday off!!!
  7. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, I so know how you are feeling. I'm really frustratated about not be able to eat without pain. I'm going to go with liquids for a couple of days. I realize my relationship with food has to change. I know that mentally, I still view food as a comfort and I need to stop that and look at is as strickly for survival. But right now it is frustrating, every bite is a struggle. ....Okay time to change the attitude. Day was good, rather boring actually. The students are squirrelly, but I am just wanting it to be over. I did complete all the paperwork for the new insurance. Yes I am NOT insuring my children. Tightened my band like crazy, even Water was hard. Watching So You Think You can Dance, hilarious.
  8. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yep Janet, I was self-pay, and am still paying for the next 4 years. I just am hoping the insurance will pay for adjustments and my shots. I don't know that I would actually convert if I could...okay, yes I would. Anyway, right now I am frustrated because I am not enjoying any food, which I guess is a good thing. But every swallow this week has been a struggle, even Water. Suppose I best get moving. Phyl, don't stress out the beach house. I'm just sorry that you have to deal with all the $$ issues. Also, I got to thinking, I shouldn't have razzed you about Earl and his wallet. I think my 'what are you thinking' sensor wasn't working yesterday. It's one thing for you to grumble about Earl, and quite another for me to poke a joke at him. So I appologize, it was totally without taste or class, sorry.
  9. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Oh janet, I'm so sorry. It is hard to deal with loosing something that has always been a part of the family. There are just days that it all seems to all go to heck in a hand basket. It sounds like you have a handle on it, take it one thing at a time! Ground turkey is a good choice. I'm a little frustrated with not being able to eat. I love my blueberry/yogurt/kashi Breakfast and I've had trouble with it since I got overfilled and defilled. I have a phone appointment with our new insurance company tomorrow. I had a short appointment today, but I wanted to talk about my prolapse surgery and my lapband costs. We were in the library so it wasn't 'private', so we are going to talk with them tomorrow about specifics. The people are great. I do want to talk to them about the possibility of changing to a sleeve. I figure if I am going to pay for insurance I'm going to get what I can. I know, selfish attitude. Well I'm going to try to eat some Soup. TTFN
  10. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, man I know what you mean about the 'deaf' thing. My dad lost most of his hearing working around the noisy machines for the mine. So we spend many years talking loud. The problem was that even after he got hearing aides..for both ears..his brain didn't recognize sounds. The doc said that he would have to retrain his brain, but that takes time. He did eventually get so he'd wear them when company was around but not when he and mom were alone. We all just said that was because he didn't WANT to hear mom. I always find it difficult to be in the same house with hard of hearing individuals because they always have the TV so loud which I find very stressful. But I must admit that I find that my some-day-son-in-law runs the TV to loud. So it probably is just me. I am tighter than Earl and his wallet. I haven't been able to eat all day and have struggled with even Water. I guess I am stressed about the insurance thing. Tell me again that I'm not a bad mom for not insuring my kids.... Trying to drink a latte, hoping the heat will open things up, I'm starving!!! Phyl, go dog shopping, then Earl won't remember the cheese issue. GET THE DAMN DOG!!!! Life is too short!
  11. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning, Phyl, I dropped the check in the mail last night, so I guess I'm totally committed, can't wait, it will be so much fun. Got my tickets for the Roadshow yesterday!!! Actually working on next years stuff, probably should focus on this year, but I always get this way toward the end of the year. I just can't seem to make myself sit down and 'do it'. Well, I hope you all have a great day. TTFN
  12. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Took each of the furries for their first walk in our new town. They did great considering they have always walked out of town. I actually walked a total of 33 blocks. Not as long as I should, but it is a start for them and me. We didn't even have a single woof, very rare!! Janet, the sour cream was light, but the cheese, no. But I can't stand faky cheese, so I just have less of regular. Found myself eating when I wasn't even hungry today. All good food, but too much food AND my pants are feeling snug. So back on the program, i know I can never leave it, but that doesn't stop me from trying. Day was good, but glad it is over. Also I realize I shouldn't type when I'm half asleep, I have Monday off next week, NOT Tuesday, I guess I was 'dreaming'. Have a good evening, Janet, I hope the funeral was okay. Personally I hate them. So did dad, that is why he requested no services or family gathering. Unfortunately, all of dad's siblings are pushing for a gathering to scatter his ashes on his birthday in July. He SPECIFICALLY said he didn't want anything, but I know mom is going to cave. I guess I kind of understand, but I also am stubborn and feel we should do what dad asked. Oh well, I just hate the idea. Check in later, TTFN
  13. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning...is it really morning? I could have slept for a couple more hours...maybe a nap when I get home. I'm stuck on my coffee this morning. Don't dare close my eye's or they will stay that way. It is Tuesday, yeah!!! and it is a 3 day weekend. I work on Sunday, but have Tuesday off, hope to get something done. Phyl, you said you liked books on tape/CD. There is a great Nora Robertson called High Noon. If follows hge book closely. okay, pry the eye's oven, Had taco Soup for dinner last night. Needless to say it is a little hight in calories. But I was cold, wet and needed some comfort food. Super lean hamburger, corn, diced tomatos, a taco seasoning packet and kidney Beans A little cheese, fritoes, and light sour cream, and you are in heaven. Best go before I fall asleep, TTFN
  14. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, I buy SF Irish Cream coffee flavoring, I actually get it at the liquor store even though it is nonalcoholic. Thanks for the advise on the insurance, I think I will no longer be covering the girls. DD#4 is not thrilled, DD#5 is cool with it. Since DD#5 is still going to school she can get insurance through the university. DD#4, it is her problem. DD#5 is spending the summer in Idaho working for the Bureau of Land Management on the river checking boaters for PFD. i don't know if I will get the dental insurance, I just went to the dentist today and he says that all looks fabulous, no problems. I need to check if I can add dental next year and if there is a waiting period. I finished my last masters project until June!! whopwhop, I get a whole 3 weeks off. It sounds like you alll have had a trying day, Hang in there. TTFN
  15. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good morning, I could still be in bed sleeping!! Hit the snooze button, which I rarely do. Dentist appointment today, hope all is well, I haven't gone in a couple of years. I do love to have my teeth cleaned. Of course that could have somthing to do with the hygentist being a real hotty. He could dig in my mouth any day!! I need to make an insurance decision by Wednesday, our school is changing insurance companies and I can't decide on which plan. 1st do I continue to insure my children (add $300 per month), do I go with 70/30 with a $500 deductable with a max out of pocket of $1000 per year, or $3500 deductable with 100% and $7000 max per year? Do I keep dental and vision? We didn't get the information until Thursday & have to have a decision by this Thursday. I have a meeting with the rep on Tuesday, I'll have to do some number crunching. I hate these type of decisions becuase once you make it, you have to live with it for a year. Everyone was quiet yesterday. Phyl are you around? Candice? Linda? Check in later, TTFN
  16. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Quiet day today. I am watching a program on super morbid obese, people who weigh over 500 pounds. Very depressing. I don't know if it was the program or just being tight, but I lost dinner after 3 bites. Did work my tail off at work. Kind of grouchy now, so I think I'll take my grouchy self to bed. I'll check in tomorrow!!
  17. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning ladies, Linda, congrats on the new gbaby, someday...I'll have my own...maybe. You'd think with 5 girls and be seeing one soon. But only 2 have DH/Significant other, so it will be awhile. I just hope it isn't DD#4. I think that would send me over the edge. I try not to think about DD#4 too much, she worries me so. For the last couple of days she has gone fishing with her friend and her friend's dad. I'm not comfortable about it because the dad has been in and out of jail. I told her I didn't trust him. She SAYS she doesn't trust him either, but that doesn't stop her from going. Paid bills and worked in the yard after the mega shop yesterday. Had DD#2's birthday wrong, I thought yesterday was the 23rd, which IS her birthday, but TODAY is the 23rd. Called her to wish her happy birthday and she had a real chuckle about me having the day wrong. Am I getting old? yep. food yesterday sucked, no excuse. One of my new neighbors bakes cinnamon rolls and she sent some over. I need to talk to her and explain that I can't have them. Work today, but running slow. It will probably be a slow day at work. Cool and rainy. The nursery business hasn't been good. Hopefully I won't run into any pickups with the loader! Well you all have a good day, TTFN
  18. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, just spent a lazy night doing very little. I struggled with getting dinner down, tight I guess. Just over tired. Was doing some shopping at my favorite online overstock store, sierratradingpost.com. They had some nice summer wear for 70% off, so ordered some tank tops, a summer dress, and my favorite jeans. I resisted the shoes, I do love shoes. But I also did some birthday shopping while I was on. DD#4 & DD#5 birthdays are in June. Actually DD#2's birthday is today, she hits 31, so I need to give her a call. I have her gift somewhere in this house, but haven't found the box that it is in. Going into Missoula to do some grocery shopping at costco & Super Walmart. Then home to do some yard work. I have some roses that need planting, but I need to build the beds first. Tomorrow I work. Only 13 more days of school left, then onto the campus for the masters program. Well hope you all have a good day, TTFN
  19. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, we would hurt you if we weren't #1!! Guess what? I just won 2 tickets to the Antiques Roadshow that is going to be in Billings (east side of Montana where I grew up) for July 26th. I have to bring 2 items for appraisal. I think I will bring a painting that I bought when I was a teenager from a local artist, and then I was thinking my piano. I have an old Cameo piano that is what they call a 'desk top' piano. It is smaller than an actual pianot 1 1/2 octaves short. but the cool thing is that the top folds down to make a writing surface. It also has pigeon holes and drawers for storing stationary and such. Neither are 'true' antiques because they aren't 100 years old, but who knows? It will be fun to find out more about them. I believe the piano was built in the 50's by a US company that no longer is in business. So who knows, maybe my items will make the TV? or I could bring my dad's old cast iron pestile and mortor that was used in the mine to grind up explosive powder for blasting. Hum, now I'm not sure. It is Friday!!!
  20. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Howdy you all, finally got home. Had to stay after school and work on my master's unit. Woke up this morning, all was well, had my coffee, etc., went into the bathroom and put my mascara on and there is a bloody eye looking back at me, just disgusting. I have never broken a vessel in my eye before, and let met tell you, it is GROSS. Thought maybe my blood pressure was up so had the school nurse check it. I haven't had it checked since I lost weight. It wasn't high, it was 100 over 49. Now I could understand that if I had just gotten up, but I had been up for 4 hours. So don't know what that is all about. Well need some more coffee & food, TTFN
  21. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice you are over half way through your 1st week!!! Excellent job! It is raining cats and....wait for it...dogs this morning. (Phyl should I snag on for you?) GET THE PUPPY. Just tell Earl that this is something you need. I do love the rain. Today will be interesting. Our parent association has planned a park fun day (afternoon) for the 7th graders today. So I don't know what their plans are if it rains. I may come home a drowned rat. Oh well, good for the complexion. Only 3 weeks of school left. Then some freedom. I think I will sleep in for a couple of days. Hope you all have a great day, TTFN
  22. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, I would love it if our school went to uniforms. No more 'dress code' for students AND teachers. Of course, then it also would be a tax deduction as well. The threat assessment on the student came out to be 'medium', mainly because of his past history. For the most part I'm not worried. I figure my life is in God's hands and if He decided to take it that way, I pray that my family sues the daylights out of the school district. Phyl, my puppies all chose their names themselves, well okay, molly really didn't, but that doesn't count. She was named after the young lady who I got her from and who was in my class. But Jordan & Simon both chose them. Jordan took days...we would say names and when they perked up and looked at us we knew that was their name. Now Simon, as you all know is NOT the brightest puppy in the world, chose a name right away. Maybe we should have named him 'Simple' Simon. All said with love, naturally. Debating on dinner, I have a tiny steak marinating, but I'm just not in the mood to chew, so I may just go with yogurt & kashi. Candice, you are way doing a fabulous job!!!
  23. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Hang in there Janet, it will be settled and done with soon. Phyl, what if you ask Earl to get you a puppy as a gift? Or have the kids give him one for father's Day? My sister is in a similar situation. She just loves having a kitty around and her DH hates them. She ended up putting her kitty down shortly after they were married because he hated it so. Me...love me....love my furries. But that is easy for me to say since I don't have a DH to worry about nor have one in the forseable future. Janet I normally love Survivor, but this season, just couldn't get into it. Had a good idea that Russel would be in contention, and I just couldn't stand him. I think it is about time to end the program. It has had a good run, but now it just seems to contrived. DD#1 got her quilt and loved it.That makes it worth evey stitch. Of course now I'm thinking I need to make one for myself...dumb. I don't need another project. Well best get it in gear, TTFN
  24. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, you go girl!! remember to get 60 grams of protien in! Last night my sister was here, we hadn't really talked since dad died and remember she didn't come home. It was good, a few tears, but in general good. She just irritates me because they whine about how much things cost while sitting in their multi-100,000 dollar motorhome, their new winter home in Arizona they just built, their weekend cabin (6 bedroom/7bathroom/3 garages)on the lake & golf course, AND their retirement home they are building. Get real, is you can have all those things, money is NOT a concern. Candice, actually Simon is only 3 years old and this is his 2nd suspicious lump. So I do worry. Well, found out today that still teaching 6th graders next year. I guess I better work on my warm and fuzzy nasal whiping parent soothing techniques. BLECK Oh Phyl, I took your advise with hummus. I have never really liked hummus, but for lunch today I had hummus with a wedge of laughing cow light on a couple of crackers. I used hummus with dried tomato and basil, it was delish & filling. So I vote for some laughing cow light at the beach house. My student that called me a -itch on friday made threats towards me on Monday while he was in ISS (in school suspension). So now the police are involved and he has been removed from school for the week while a 'risk' assessment is done to determine if the threats are valid. I had to chuckle at our last staff meeting, our principal was giving us a 'lecture' about the need to wear business casual wear and not 'weekend' clothes AND that when we go shopping this fall for school clothes we needed to keep that in mind. The reason I chuckled...I haven't afforded to go 'school' shopping in several years. My raise for next year will be....wait for it.....$100. Not per month... for the whole year. My luck, it will put me in a higher tax bracket that will I take home less $$$.
  25. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning folks, dealing with email can be a pain. I always have tons to deal with if I take time off. I appear to have lost my cell phone. I thought it was in my pocket of my work clothes, but now it is nowhere to be seen. So I'll try calling it when I get to work and see if someone answers. Candice, Simon has healed perfectly. His drain is out and the stitches are out and fur growing back. He has to have a lump removed, not related to the nip and his teeth cleaned. Once school is out I'll schedule him for the surgery. This is the 2nd 'suspicious' lump he has had. I'm tired today, but no nap for me, my sister is stopping by on their way through from their winter home in Arizona to their summer home in Idaho. Well cheak back in tonight, TTFN

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