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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Well survived an all day long field trip with 80+ 6th graders. It rained all day! But hiked for 7 miles, up and down. I couldn't eat lunch, we bbq'ed hamburgers and they had that real charcoly taste and I was starved so ate the first bite too fast and that ended lunch. Almost puked right in front of all my students...not good. I didn't even huff & puff, we had about 30 students that didn't make it all the way, sad. So came home and had a hot shower, emailed my mom, and not planning on doing anything else. Candice, How about a quilt cruise? I can't afford it yet, but i'd love to check it out someday. Janet, your kids need to have a talk with Brooke's doctor. They are going to destroy her health, self esteem, etc. What about signing her up for some swimming lessons, under the guize that with your pool she needs to know how to swim. It just kills me to see so many students overweight. Even with my weight issues, I wasn't heavy until after my first child. but kids don't move anymore. Phyl, I've had a few times that I have had gas pain that is really bad, enough to put me into a fetal position. It is a thought. But keep checking it out.
  2. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, I bet your hair is gorgeous!! Pain, humm...if it was right shoulder, I'd say gallbladder, but if it sticks around you need to mention it to your doc. Green Beans with spaghetti sauce, I don't know how you do it. Of course I hate greenie beanies, they have little furry cartigans on them, it is a texture thing! I can force myself to eat them IF they are french cut, but that is as far as I can go, bleck! Janet, I'd love you to be my Jillian! Sounds like a perfect workout, killer and you will be sore, but that is what boot camp is all about! Can't do the step thing or tae bou (sp), too impact, hangieouties. Had a quiet evening, stayed late at work to begin putting my room away for the summer, came home and read and watched a little TV, bath & bed. My sole achievement...did a load of laundry and watered my plants. Well best be going, think of me hiking with 80 whiney 6th graders. I have never seen such an unfit group. It is scarey. I know that the news always talks about how unfit our youth is becoming and maybe it is just that I am more aware of it, but overweight seems to becoming the norm. Looking at our high school girls 80% have a 'muffin top' and not just a little. My 7th graders seem okay, but I would say the 50% of my 6th graders are overweight and even the thinner ones start breathing heavy just walking from one class to the other. I can out walk most of them. It is truely scarey to think of the cardiovascular disease that is going to become the norm for our society. Add to the fact that most of them AND their parents are such whiners. Example, Monday night was 8th grade promotion, Tuesday morning our secretary gets a phone call and a parent is wigging out. Why, because when the student recieved their promotion certificate, we called them by their legal name, NOT their nickname. Now, over a month ago a letter was sent to each parent identifying what the student would be called during promotion and if they have a problem, they needed to contact the school. Well this one didn't and NOW they complain. Ummm, maybe you shouldn't have named them what you did. Give me a break, instead of dealing with the fact that our kids are glued to electronics you blame the school for calling your child the name YOU gave them. It just makes me shake my head and realize I am getting too old.
  3. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, hang in there, I'm glad at least your boss listens to you!!
  4. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, it isn't dedication that keeps me working it is poverty. I probably over spent on the fence and flowers and I still need to by dirt, I'll probably need about 10 yards at $35 a yard, ummm, yeah I need to work. Of course I could choose to not work, but then there would be no gardens and I can't live without gardens, it is way cheaper than therapy. Let's get real, I have to put all this sexual frustration to work some where. Remember, it has been 14 YEARS since I've had a tumble in the hay, and I always get a little 'frisky' in the spring, wo working in the yard keeps my mind off it. Gosh that sounds horrid, 14 years without a hug or cuddle from someone. now I think I'm going to cry, dang it..too late. Sorry, I ran out of antidepressants this weekend I just got them filled today. I'll be fine in a few days. Janet, yeah I know those darn peanut butter and cheese crackers are high. I have things better under control. When I am at school, I need something to munch, so after the crackers escapade I am now back on watermelon and strawberries. I have had salad everyday this week with spinach, turkey, 25 cals of dressing, tomato, onion, and a very small amount of feta. Once school is out I will be physically working 12 to 18 hours a day and I rarely eat lunch when I am working, just drink lots of water. I just plain am not hungry, my hunger is strickly stress. Okay, the latte is empty, so I need a refill, and yes it is all FF & SF. Thanks dear, I do wish I could come and stay at the Janet boot camp for 2 weeks, You'd have me fit as a fiddle in no time!!
  5. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, you still coud put the garage into an extra room. But I know what you are talking about. An extra room would be nice, but the tandem garages offers resale value (I think). Anyway, sat and read last night rather than watching TV, there just wasn't anything on. Okay I did watch Cake Boss, I had never watched it before, by the time I was done, my mouth was watering for gnache, gosh I love that stuff. I behaved myself for evening food. 3 prepackaged peanut butter and crackers, blueberries, Kashi, Yogurt, and 100 cal popcorn. Evening continues to prove to be my difficult time, that and at school. I am a little worried about when I'm at masters classes. I have always used food to help me pay attention. So I'll make sure I have fruit and 100 cal popcorn to munch on. But 8 hours of sitting is going to be killer. However, when I get home I plan on putting in a couple of hours on the yard. I hope to get my deck built before the end of June. Hey Candice, does Peter need something to keep him busy? By the way...Candice, where the heck are you? Suppose I should get cracking, I have a field trip tomorrow, so today really is the last day to get anything done in my room. I need to get everything put away and then my copy orders put together for the beginning of next year. Wow the year has flown. I did stop by and 'visit' my koi that are in a friends pond. The survived the winter. Saturday, I am going over to clean her ponds. She is my quilting friend who is 70+. She (Eleanor) has the most gorgeous yard. It is what I strive to build. I'll try to bring pictures of before and after, IF I get the before taken and IF I get anything done before July for the after. Got an email from mom, she is struggling without dad. I did invite her up, even though she would drive me nuts, but she says she just want to be alone. I know father's day doesn't help and this is the first time in her entire life that she has been alone. Tough at 73. Check in later, I think I will go yell at Candice to get her butt back here!!
  6. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning folks... I'm having a booger of a time sleeping right now. Don't even know why. Read a book for the first time in a really long time. Lost Symbols by Dan Brown. Bought it almost a year ago and just haven't had the time to sit down and read. Left the TV on for a little background noise, but thoughouly enjoyed an evening of reading. I am going to have to stay later at work tonight to start packing up my room for the summer. I hope to have it done in time to leave on Thursday as soon as we can. I need to be able to go home and build the dog gates for the kitchen. If I build the gates right, I'll be able to leave Simon out of his kennel while I'm gone. Then I need to start planting the...wait for it...8 FLATS of flowers (annuals and perenials) that I brought home for work. What was I thinking, oh yeah, I need one of 'these', two of 'those', ooh, it that a wheeping willow tree? I was going to leave all my flowers at the nursery so I didn't have to plant them right away, but with the weird weather, rain & no sun, the greenhouses were starting to show mold and blackspot. So it is healtheir for me to bring the plants home and baby them here. Janet it must be weird to garden all year round. But I bet is it fun to have roses blooming all the time. Do you have hybrid teas? I use to grow hybrid teas, but with school starting in the fall I didn't always get them 'tucked' into bed for the winter. Phyl, you are so kicking butt watching your food. See you did learn some good habits. I'm hoping to have the energy to cook dinner tonight. The last couple of nights I have had a bowl of my blueberries/kashi/yogurt and a strawberry smoothie for a snack. Well best get busy, you all have a great day.TTFN
  7. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, it isn't the arms that keep me from lifting it is my back and hangingouties. I use to haul full 5 gal buckets with no problem, I could move 100 pound + objects. but if I lift (with my knees) my hangingouties begin to hurt. By the way, I do have a dr. appointment in the middle of July and I am going to get a referral for a urologiest. with having full coverage after July, I will be able to have surgery if needed. I came home happy today, I had a good day at work and just enjoyed walking into my house. Granted it isn't organize, but no biggy it will happen. I am going to work five days a week at the nursery this summer. Normally, I only work 2 or 3, but I need the money. Well hope you all had a good day. TTFN
  8. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, while you are in Mexico, check out the sleeve docs! If I had the money I'd be there in a heart beat. I see now that Dr. Ortiz in Tijuana is doing sleeves for about the cost of what I paid for the band. So I figure by the time I get my band paid off the price should be down and screw my family, I'm going!! I just will need someone to come and hold my hand since my family won't go. But I also went by myself last time, I can do it alone if needed. I'll be 55 by then. Can you believe it, 55, dang I just made my self cry. I hate getting older, not the # thing, just the things I am loosing. I can no longer haul a bucket of rocks, now I have to make 4 trips with a 1/4 full bucket. Last night I finally had to take a zanax because I got myself so worked up working that I couldn't get to sleep. I finally took the zanx at 2 am and sleep until 6:30. I am going to find a way to move to the beach before I die! There has to be some tiny beach bungalow somewhere that I can buy. I guess I could retire from here and then find a teaching job on the coast for a few years. All pipe dreams. Sorry, I'm in one of those moods. I hate winter, I like it if I can hibernate. But I think about the fact that now I am going to have to get up and shovel the sidewalk every morning before work. I may talk to the neighbor (with 10 kids) and see if one of them will do it for a pittance. Maybe they have a snow blower so I would have to pay them much. Lame i know, here we are in the most gorgeous part of the year and I am whining. Phyl, I am on the hunt for a specific plant for my garden. Right now I am trying to talk my boss into ordering it, but if not could you see if it is available around your area and buy me one? It is call persian shield, it has the most intence purple leaves. I can't seem to load the picture, but here is the information, you can find the picture easily on the internet. Even though it is an annual in my zone, it says that you can bring it inside as a houseplant in the summer. If you can find it, I could get it in July. [/url] Persian Shield Strobilanthes dyerianus Shimmering purple foliage with deep purplish-green veins on a vigorous sprawling perennial. A striking shade loving plant excellent for mixed containers. Light: Full to partial sun Size: 4'H x 5'W Zones: 8b-11 Well need more coffee, TTFN
  9. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, you BETTER tell us everything thing that goes in your mouth. We will help, okay..Janet will nag with love and a smack. Don't you just love that about her! Worked all day digging out a flower bed. I have it almost dug out and the rocks picked. So tomorrow after work I'll finish it up and if i don't...that's okay. I have to slow down. I use to be able to dig all day, but now I have to take breaks and quit hours earlier, but at least I can still get out there and dig. This is the LAST in ground bed, the rest will be raised beds. The only thing left to dig is the pond, which will take me about a month, 15 ft x 15 ft x 3 ft. The fencing stuff got here, but I forgot that the guy putting it in had a graduation to go to, so they will start tomorrow. Well, need to go find some food, TTFN
  10. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, 107 is too hot for the pool!! So do you have a lot of shade at your house? I burn like crazy, have to smear 50 spf on just to go outside and have to reapply. I feel like I'm wearing a grease suit by the time I'm done. Phyl, stupid question, the grease suit got me thinking...do we need to bring towels? linens? Can we light a fire one night and spurge on Smores? The durn delivery truck from Lowe's woke me up at 7 or I'd still be sleeping. He called to tell me he was leaving Missoula in 1 1/2 hours, since it is about an hour drive for the truck, do you think you could have waited to call when you LEFT? So he should be here about 9:30. Then we can start building whoopwhoop. Going to get a few things done before so I best get busy. Phyl, hang in there. Tell Earl to back off...with love. Candice, if you don't want DH, I'd borrow him for a few days. Does he do yard work? Nah, I know you are just venting. But you could always THREATEN him with a boyfriend. TTFN
  11. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, I know that the things at the clinic have you twisted up, especially when you had decided to go back to work. I think you and I are alot alike, we organize our life and when things don't go the way we figured, we get stressed. So I'm going to tell you, relax, go with the flow, and I give you permission to tell me the same thing. I want you to go and find yourself a new good book that you would enjoy reading. Then go plan a new project. Plan your food, including a small treat. Then figure out what exercise you need to do to work off the calories. I'm going to whine for a few minutes...my house smells of dog pee, the one smell I hate. I don't have time to shampoo carpet right now. Actually what I would love to do is rip EVERY piece of rug out of my house. I'm suppose to be helping put in my fence tomorrow. Hopefully the rain will let us get it in. If not, oh well, it isn't going anywhere. By the way, have I told you all how much you all mean to me. I wish I could move or something to be closer to you all. Maybe some day. I don't have a 'best' friend. I have a close friend in my quilting friend, but her health is starting to fail, so I don't know how much longer I will have her with me.
  12. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    This is my favorite picture of my dad. He was a 6'5" teddy bear with a heart of gold. The pictures are from my eldest wedding a couple of years ago. Unfortuantely this is also the day that the doctors say dad experienced a heart attach but didn't tell anyone because he didn't want to interrupt the wedding. The sad thing is that you can see the change in him in the pictures. He wasn't able to dance with the bride. This is a picture of my mom and dad. We got an email from Phyl about the dr. appt. go read it. We may have to find Earl and slap him.
  13. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Okay, I seem to of had a lot of fun with pictures, but now I better kick it in gear, check in tonight, TTFN
  14. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Jordan Simon Molly
  15. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    My dad Jamie, Alexa, Elyse (left to right) Jamie, Elyse, Kristie, Alexa, Mandie (left to right)
  16. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    .jpg] Okay if this worked this is my new furry grandbaby, Gatsby.
  17. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I know what you mean on the 'no having to go to work'. All school year, I'm in bed by about 9:30 to 10 then up at 4:30. During the summer I find myself not going to bed until 12 or 1 and then up at 10 am if I don't set an alarm. I still try to get up early so I can do yard work before it gets to hot. But with this being an El nino year, it should stay cool through most of July. Which means I will sleep in, NOT a good habit to get into. Yesterday was our seniors last day of school. It was neat to see them all excited about checking out. Many of them had their grad gowns on. You'd walk by and hear them talking about where they were heading for school or training, or military. Several have sport scholarships. It made me miss Alexa. A pair of twins with physical limitation have earned a part in a small movie and have been traveling back and forth to California. I guess I'm feeling 'maudlin' today, time just seems to fly and I don't really know how I feel about it. I know I have a lot of years left, but when I see my friend who is 72 (and still working at the school) beginning to have limitations, it makes me sad and a little scared that I'll be there in 20 years. She has always been so sharp and agile and now some of her meds are making her brain a little fuzzy and the back surgery she had a couple of years ago has decreased her strength. It is heartbreaking. Wow, I think I have moved from 'maudlin' to depressed. Anyway, going to go try the picture thing, we will see if it works. TTFN
  18. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, I don't have a paperclip? so maybe I just aren't allowed to post pictures. Got my new glasses, they are okay. Not as fun as I wanted, but DEFINITELY cuter than my old ones that I have refused to wear this entire year!! Suppose to have a 100% chance of rain tomorrow, I LOVE the rain. Someday when I am rich and famous I'm going to move to the Oregon coast and live in a beach bungalow or in a perfect world an old light house. I know, I'm strange. If I can't live on the beach, i'm going to live in the wilderness. Yeah right, too damn cold. But i can't stand the hot. Janet, I know you love it, but I melt like a popsicle in just a few minutes. Surprise surprise, Elyse took poor Simon for a long walk and for a car ride AND she SAYS she is going to be home tonight. Can you all believe it is Friday tomorrow, man has time flown. Got my liscence renewal in the mail today, so i'm good to teach another 5 years, yeah...better than nothing. Well going to look at my new gardening magazine I splurged on while I was at Shopko..and up bought two big flower pots...but they were 60% off and they talked to me!!! Check in later, TTFN
  19. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, check the breakers and then check the GFI (I think thats what they are called) breakers on the individual outlets. It is the button that says 'test' on it. Not all of the outlets have it, but the kitchen & bathrooms usually do have them, they are usually red and yellow. Tired last night, went to bed at 9:30 slept hard and woke up fairly rested. Got my grade for my masters project and for this years program...A's whowho. This summer and next year we are studying earth science, so that should help my classes. Need to sit down and get my lisence renewed, then get some paperwork done for my masters program. Only 5 1/2 mor days of school. Has anyone heard from Jackie about how Courtney is doing? (I think I have that right) Phyl, are you feeling better? How's Steve? Candice, do you have a new RV yet? I have a new grandkitty, yep all my grandchildren have fur. DD#1 (Kristie) who had to put her kitty down the week dad died, just got a new kitty, Gatsby (yeah, it would be nice if I could spell). I'd post his picture if I could figure this picture thing out. Phyl you need to give me a lesson. Oh by the way, will we have internet at the beach house? Suppose I should kick it in gear, TTFN
  20. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Dang it, I hit the wrong button and lost my post, grrrrrrr, now ;dlkja;ldfkja;lsdfkja;l, that's how I feel. Short version... Phyl, you and I know we can't run our kids' lives even when we know what is best. Steve will have to take charge of his health just as Elyse needs to take charge of her life. But I know this must be killing you. Now is Steve the one who tries to manipulate you or is that another son? Sorry, I should know. Did you all know that July is the first vacation i have ever taken on my own to a place I've never been? I am getting so excited. Several days of not having to think about anyone but me. In fact, just got off the phone with the kennel and have reservations for the furries. Elyse WAS suppose to watch them, but I don't trust her to take good care of them, or to NOT have a major party at the house. Of course, if she does the police are right across the street. I think her 'boyfriend' was in the house today and smoking, the basement smells like cigarrett smoke. NOT happy about that, so that will be another thing we chat about! Well, time for another latte, check in later, TTFN
  21. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Denise, hang in there. We had RIF's this year also, not fun. I've been here long enough that I have the most seniority in the middle school, so I'm pretty untouchable. But it is sad to see some teachers go. Our school district typically uses RIF's to eliminate teachers that they don't want, but haven't done the paperwork to get rid of. Although if a teacher doesn't have tenure, they don't have to show 'cause'. Our school's idea of ISS is to put the student in the principals office for the day. Phyl, do you have news yet? What's going on? Prayers!! Janet, I have found a couple of options for Simon, but I also got Elyse to sit down and talk. She 'agrees' that Simon's welfare comes first and that if she isn't going to take responsibility of him, then he goes. I have worked out a system that I and Simon can live with, hopefully elyse will 'man up'. But it doesn't seem to be working. She promised to come home last night, but she didn't and didn't call. Had a horrid headache yesterday, just stress. only 6 1/2 days of school left, I need two weeks to finish my classes, ah heck it is more like 3. I didn't get everything done that I wanted. I did get my schedule for next year. I'm still teaching 6th grade, not thrilled, but I am working on my warm and fuzzy side. At least my master's classes this summer and next year are on earth science, so that will help. This is the first time in the 16 years that I've been here that I have had the same schedule, I'm pumped about that. Also, technically in 6 years I could take the early retirement incentive. I can't, but it is nice to know that I could. Well today is a new food day. I had salad last night for dinner and a small protein drink. That was good. Snacks were crackers and laughing cow. Lunch, was suppose to be chicken salad, but it didn't taste right, so skipped it. Had popcorn instead. My portions are correct, it is just the snacks that I need to cut back. Well suppose I best go, didn't wash dishes last night. I think I am the only human on earth that doesn't have a dishwasher. Check in tonight. TTFN
  22. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning, hope you all slept well. Phyl, you are SO busy. Don't catch a chill! Candice, don't forget to send us pictures when you get a new RV. You will have a blast shopping for a new one. Phyl, how's the puppy shopping going? Janet, hope you workout went well. Poor Simon has been in the portable kennel for over 12 hours now. Elyse did come home and let him out to go potty at 9 pm, however he has not had any Water or food. I know I have to be tough about this, but she is just being cruel. If it continues for another day, I think I will go mad. Actually, if it continues I will be finding him a new home. I'm going to find out if the breeder will take him back. It would involve a 7 hour drive, but maybe I can get my mother to meet me half way. You all have a good day, TTFN
  23. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Elyse and I had it out. Told her that IF she is choosing to live here she is responsible for the dog. If she isn't here he either goes with her or into the portable kennel. AND if she leaves him in the kennel too long, he goes. I told her I'm done with it all. I have shampooed my mattress and carpet. I doubt it will be back to new, but maybe I can live with it. The carpenter came by and we ordered the stuff for the fence, the fence will be built by Sunday of next week. It is a good thing I save $$ for it and am working at the nursery and I got some mothers day $$. Janet, I am going to buy some sorbet from now when I have an ice cream craving, that or I'll probably make my own with sun crystals (sugar free stuff). I have an ice cream maker and a good recipe, the trick to keep it smooth...a tablespoon of vodka, now thats sorbet I can enjoy. So between now and July I'll play with some recipes and bring it up. I make a mean peach sorbet, but I want to play with some strawberry. Okay, now the real question...do you want me to bring my killer shortbread dipped in dark and white chocolate and hazelnut cranberry biscotti dipped in white chocolate and sprinkled with hazelnuts? WAY to die for, but WAY heavy on the calories. Let me know and I'll bake them up. I've tried to eat lunch and I keep puking it up, I know it is just being upset. So I'll skip it and have some soup for dinner and see how it goes, or maybe a protien drink. I think I'm going to take a nap, was going to stain my abelisks that go on my climbing roses, but it is raining. My bed is starting to feel dry, so after my nap I can make it. I've had to wash all the bedding so I haven't even started on laundry for school. Yep, I'm rattling, sorry. chec in later. Thanks for listening to my grumble. Janet, the reason I haven't mentioned weight is that I haven't stepped on the scale in a long time and it isn't happening right now.
  24. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, good job, if they are jerking you around now even before you start it will be worse once they aren't trying to court you. Phyl, I'm glad you feel better. It does sound like you have bronchitis, which would explain the brown goo. It also could explain why you have felt so lousy this last month. Janet, what a pain, talk to the judge and screw them all. As you can tell I'm in a FINE mood this morning. I ate an entire pint of Ben & Jerry's, I know, it shouldn't be in the house. Crawl into bed, snuggle in and Elyse's dog pees AGAIN in the bed. Damn, he just peed again, this time on the carpet, now I am really pissed. Okay I'm back. So last night, Elyse is not home again, I crawl into bed and her dog jumps up, crawls under the covers and pees. Because of the last incident, I have NO mattress pads, so it goes straight into the mattress. I strip everything off again, and find there is more than one spot and they aren't small. I HAD a brand new mattress and now it is ruined, I'll never get the pee totally out. So me and the Ben & Jerry's do some bonding. NO excuse and now I'm really pissed at myself. Elyse and I are going to have a chat WHEN I see her. The dog either goes with her or SHE comes home and puts him in the portable kennel and comes home and lets him out. If that doesn't work, I'm going to board him and see how long before she notices. Then he goes. I can't deal with it any more. I HAD new carpet, not anymore. I'm more pissed about the bed, but I'm just generally pissed. I will be clearing the house of junk food today so there won't be anymore 'I'm really mad' eating binges. I hate all of this and right now my feelings toward Elyse are not much better.
  25. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, you go girl!! It isn't worth the headache if they are going to jerk you around. Life is too short and if you don't need the $$ find something else to do to occupy yourself...can we say quilting? I know about tender headed kids, they are a pain in the butt. One of my kids had the nappiest hair around. You could brush it and 10 minutes later it would look like it hadn't been brushed in a week. The only good thing about her hair is that she can fix it and it will stay put. I have to use tons of hair product to get mine to stay looking good. Mine is straighter than straight. i was always envious of those with curl. Tried perms for awhile but it rarely turned out the way I wanted. Sitting here being lazy, drinking a latte. Brought home a bunch of plants, so tomorrow I'll make the other bed and get it planted. Watchin Harry Potter, nothing else on. Check in later, ttfn

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