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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Steph, whoooooooooooohooooooooooooo!! Day one down, now day 2...you can do it. I am going to ask you a question...with love..."If Jeff was Michael's dad, would you feel that you have to be the peace maker?" or would you tell them to work it out, that you love them both and that it isn't right/fair for them to expect you to fix it for them? Jeff IS Michael's dad, it is time for the both of them to accept that AND realize that they won't always get along. YOU also need to accept that this is their problem. You know I love you more than anything and maybe I am WAY off base, but it is just a thought.
  2. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, great job!!! You will need to try out your new Latin moves on Peter. Janet, when do we get a pic of the new furry? Ryder will actually be happier at his new home. But I know it is hard! Yep, Bella is the name of the main character in the Twilight series. I read them to be able to talk about it with my students. I actually enjoyed it for the most part. You are right about me micromanaging my life. But you will be proud of me, I came home, watered my plants, took a shower, and sat outside and just kicked back. It was a glorious evening. I had about 1/2 c of pasta tonight and then a strawberry smoothie for snack. DD#4 is ticked at me, oh well. I needed her to bring something to work on Tuesday, so I let her take my debit card and put some gas in her car. She didn't give back the card and I didn't realize it until tonight. So i called tonight and insisted that she bring it to me. She is not happy, oh well. Well, I'm going to head to be soon, have a good evening!
  3. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, I'm so sorry about Ryder. I feel the same way about Simon. Fortunately DD#4 stepped up to the plate and took him. I guess he is doing well at the boyfriends house. They even took him to the river and he went swimming, looked like a drowned rat by he had a great time. Phyl, great job on the exercise and weightloss, Zoey is going to keep you moving, both of you need that! Steph, issues with Michael? or sister? or SIL? Any will be stressful. Okay, if you are back on the wagon, get rid of the sugar in the house. Next, fix some food that is healthy and you can eat. I know there isn't much that doesn't cause you trouble. Had a salad last night for dinner and then a strawberry smoothie. DD#4, Elyse wanted me to meet the boyfriends son, but I just am not ready, I gave her a lame excuse, "I'm in my PJ's". One I'm not thrilled with the boyfriend, 2 I think it is wrong to being people in and out of a 6 year old's life that may or may not stay, ex: girlfriends and family. I know lame, but I don't want to see this boy hurt. I deal with too many middle schoolers that have had people moved in and out of their lives. Does DD#4 even know how these things mess with a kid's life? Cooler yesterday at work, but almost had to quit the job. One of our big landscapers was told that I dissed him to a potential customer and called my boss threatening to pull all his business, that would be million plus $$ worth of business. So I had to call him and explain EXACTLY what I said, which was: If you want the best landscaper in the valley, use this guy, he is a real artist. HOWEVER, I know he gets really busy and here are some others that we can recommend, and in particular here is a young man just starting out. The landscaper who called was told that I told a customer that he was too busy to plant their tree. First, the customer WASN'T needing someone to plant a tree, they needed someone to give them a free landscape design, 2nd, I didn't say to not use him, I said that he gets really busy and if he can't do it, here is anyother landscaper that did some work for me. So I asked him to meet with me yesterday at work and when I did I told him and my boss that I would gladly quit rather than see him pull his business from the nursery. Naturally then I started bawling. WHAT A FRIGIN IDIOT I am. In the end the land scaper agreed to keep his business with us. I have decided I will no longer talk ANY customer up, one of the special things we do is to make a customer feel REALLY welcome and we will help them find just the 'right' plant/shrub/tree, etc. Sometimes that can take over an hour over one plant. But evidently I just can't say things right. So it is best not to say anything at all. Candice, DD#1 does Zumba and LOVES it. I wish we had something like that locally, but I would have to drive to Missoula to find a class. Better for me to walk the dogs and ride my bike. I really depressed myself and sat down and figured out how many nonworking, nongrad school days, non family committment days I have left before school starts. The total...8 days. Eight frigin days to get everything done. Eight frigin days to rejuvinate before hitting the grind stone again with students. CRAP, I'd give a whole lot to be retired!! Oh well, Janet, hang in there, Andrew learned something and sometimes that is painful.
  4. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice how is the BB? Phyl, fabulous job!!!! Keep an eye on Zoey, sometimes after their 'fixing' surgery they can get a urinary tract infection. Zoey probably is just playing with you, but if she starts having accidents or urinates while sleeping, you may want to have the vet check. So where did janet run off?
  5. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, I know I need to quit the Nursery if the do another surgery. But we will just see what happens. Thanks for the pep talk and kind words. I would like to see if I can dump all my extra jobs after this summer. I am tired. Phyl, I'm so sorry about your mom and uncle. Maybe someone needs to contact 'social services' at the hospital. They really are an advocate for the patient and the one we had for dad was a life saver about getting things done. Again, I must admit that Zoey is just a charmer. Not normally a shitzu lover, but she has me won over, a perfect match for you. She will settle with more new experiences. You are doing just the right thing to socialize her. Janet, you aren't out there sneaking sweets are you? Nah, you are to good for that, it is us that you can tell that we are binging when we aren't checking in. Well, you all have a good day... Humm, positive thought for the day...it is cooler AND I have you all! TTFN
  6. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, you have my sympathies, an irritated BB when it is hot, I guess that is your excuse to bring out the halter tops and hip hugger hot pants!! Had a fairly good doc appointment, I haven't seen her since before my band, she said she didn't even recognize me (small town plus taughter her daughters). She asked how I did it, so I have her my surgical report from Ortiz and then told her that there was now way in hell that I could have done it without LBT. She said that I have exceeded any results she has seen locally. I told her that without my lbt ladies that I wouldn't have made it either. She was so excited that she wrote down all the info for lbt and photocopied my fill doc's card. My fill doc has been looking for a Missoula office to come down to a couple of times a month. She said that she would definitely be giving him a call and that she would love to have him in their office. She also said that I had beautiful skin and gave me a hug of congratulations and said she was proud of me for taking charge. Sorry, I know, long winded but she made me feel good. The not so great news was that she has confirmed my prolapse is worse than before my multiple surgeries and that i also have a 'rectocele', for those who don't know what that means,...well you don't want to know. She gave me a referal for a gynocologist who specializes in prolapses. The office called and TRIED to make an appointment, well that doc isn't taking any new patients, not even referals. So the office people go back and ask my doc who she wants for a 2nd choice. Office people try that docs office, no go, so back again and I finally have an appointment with the 3rd choice and it isn't until the end of September. At that point I start crying and the poor office people have to deal with me crying and deal with trying to find a doctor who will take me. Basically, NO ONE wants to touch me with a 10 ft pole. My appointment for september is basically an appointment for them to decide IF they will take me. Again i start bawling about wanting to have sex at least once before I die and at that point I leave feeling like a fool. Okay, I'm out of antidepressants and won't be able to get them filled before thursday. Got stuck in traffic coming home and now it is too late to get any work done. I asked DD#4 for help and all i got was big sighs and how she GUESSED she could help me but that she had a dinner to go to and wouldn't be done until 8 or so. At that point I just got pissed and told her to bring back my lawn mower and weedeater and forget about it. I know think positive.....my washer and dryer are working. that is my positive thought for the moment.
  7. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet & Phyl, you are right, I MUST stay focussed on the positives. I have a house I can afford, I'm in a masters program paid for by someone else, I have enough jobs to buy plants, I LOST 3 POUNDS, ohh I think I will repeat that, I LOST 3 POUNDS, my girls are all alive, my mom's health is good, and I HAVE 7 OF THE BEST FRIENDS IN THE WORLD. I'm finding that I'm not hungry during the day. I have to force myself to eat something in the morning, could take or leave anything for lunch, and dinner I'm too tired. However, about 9 pm all the hungry monsters come out of hiding and have me searching for food. For right now I am going with it. If figure I'll kind of let nature (tummy) take charge and see what happens. I know it is the heat and that I am too busy to sit down and eat. I did put a turkey breast in the crockpot before work yesterday and had about 1/3 of a cup. Later I had about 1/4 cup of blueberries, kashi, & yogurt, and a strawberry smoothie before bed. The idea of real food just gags me. Now the idea of ice cream has me drooling. I have been substituting a strawberry smoothie for my ice cream craving and seems to be working okay. Anyway, I have the doc appointment today to get my meds renewed and talk about the prolapse and arthritis. I know it will just result in getting referals, which means sit and wait some more, oh well. Janet, you had a great time with kaitlyn, but now i imagine you are enjoying your quiet time. I worked on giving myself a pedicure last night. It took me 15 minutes just to figure out how to work the razer thingy. I made the mistake of taking it apart before really looking at it, yep that's me. The ole' feet have a way to go before they are silky smooth, but I want to thank you all for thinking of me and getting it. I had no idea that such things even existed. I guess I'm not girly enough. Stephani should be home by now, man that girl is busy. Thanks Steph again for giving me the ride. Let me know if I owe you more money for gas, etc. Phyl, I know I owe you $$ for groceries, etc. So let me know. Well coffee it out so best go get another cup, have a great day!! TTFN
  8. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning everyone, it is a beautiful morning. Got a good night sleep. It cooled enough that I actually was able to sleep with a thin blanket. Work today and then doc appointment tomorrow. I hope to get a referal to the urologist to see what can be done about my prolapse and possibly to an ortho guy to see what is up with my arthritis. I can't take any naproxin based arthritus meds (alergic) and the idea of a hip replacement skeeves me out. Maybe it is just brusitus (sp). I can't sleep on right side anymore because my hip hurts and my leg goes numb. So we will see. Then there is the whole lumpy finger joints. Okay, enough whining. I hope you all enjoy the glorious day! TTFN
  9. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet I know I need a different mindset, I will turn the frownies into the smiles. I never thought about the electrolites. I'll pick some up on Monday after my doctor appt. I have not worked in the yard after work yesterday and today and I feel much better. I just was over tired. I actually had a good day at work. Part of the problem is that I am out my antidepressants and I can't get to the pharmacy until Monday. I have also been worried about mom. She is having a really hard time right now. The 4th of July was my dad's favorite holiday, he loved the parade, rodeo, and probably way too much drinking. Also dad's birthday is the 27th which is the day we are scattering his ashes. Elyse, DD#4 stopped in and visited her today and i guess she enjoyed the company. I know, I am a pain in the butt, sorry
  10. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Any restraunt that has blankets are my favorite! Janet, you are right, I'm just a whiner. I use to love the cold until I lost weight. I LOVE spring when the weather is between 60 and 75, very narrow span of temperature. I just need to suck it up and get moving. Probably my most difficult thing is not being able to drink enough water. Yesterday I kept sticking on everything so today I have a headache from dehydration. Like I said, just whining, ignore me. I have some animal that has moved in under my storage shed. I haven't seen it, but the hole it dug to get under is pretty impressive. I only hope it isn't a skunk. I'll have to find out if the fish & game will come set a trap and catch it. I figure I will go over to the city office on Monday and talk to them about who to contact. I can live with anything but a skunk. My cheek (the one on my face) is bright red and swollen nicely from the mosquito bite. On Monday, the doc may take one look and decide to quaranteen me for mumps. Hopefully the selling will go down by then. Unfortunately for me mosquito bites typically take 3 weeks to heal and get all pustulous and ozzie. I currently am in the swollen and pustulous stage. Maybe better today. Man I am really whining, sorry. Just tired. There is a summer fest in town so multiple hot air balloons are lifting off, man are they sweet to look at. I hope you all have a great day, I'll check in when I get home. Phyl & Janet, enjoy your hot!! Love the blankets Phyl, my type of restraunt! TTFN
  11. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, would that be a doxi in the front row? What a cutie, naturally not as cute as Zoey. I'm too hot to do any work when I got home from work. Had to spend most of the day moving big trees by hand in the heat. So came home and changed the water, took a shower, had to scub 3 times to get all the sunscreen and mosquito goop off, and now am sitting here drinking an iced latte. Tried to eat a salad for lunch, but it was to hot and it made me want to puke. So food today is a protien smoothie, 1/2 c of salad and 1/2 c of watermelon. Everything is making me stuck or nausious. So who knows if I will bother with dinner. I am getting stuck on my latte, even water is hard to drink without being stuck. Phyl you are doing so good, you are my inspiration!!! I haven't had time to really work out, but I guess working my butt off at the nursery and then putting in 3 - 4 hours in my yard in the evening counts. I HATE HOT. Sorry, i just had to say it. Check in later, ttfn
  12. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Helllllo is anyone there??? Or has everyone fallen off the face of the earth? Denise, thanks. Being single has it's hazards, if you want something done, you do it yourself. For the most part I can do things, but it does get tiring. Really weird dreams last night, back at school and being swamped with papers. A dang mosquito got past the spray and had a picnic on my face. Now I have a thrid cheek, looks very glamorous, NOT. Everyone at work with think it is a huge zit. I'd like to put a sign on it that says, "No, this is not a zit, it is a mosquito bite and I'm allergic. Battling being stuck on my coffee this morning, I really hate that! You all have a good day, needd to get ready for work. TTFN
  13. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Quiet day it looks like. I got a lot done, cleaned out the car, got the oil changed, caulked the tub, finished squaring and leveling the frame for the deck, refinished two abolisks, bought groceries and now finally sitting down for dinner. I work tomorrow and it is going to be HOT, not much fun, but it will help pay for my shopping. Candice, I talked with my daughter who lives in Syracuse, NY and she says Ontario isn't that far from her house, so maybe i can get out there to see her and you all in one shot. Great job on the food today Candice. Where is everyone?
  14. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, what does it take to get a teaching job in Ontario, I'd move in a heartbeat if I could get a job next to you. A quilting buddy, a lb buddy, what more could a person want. I wish I could come up this summer, but I am going to get my passport, maybe I can find a cheap flight over Christmas break. It has been hard coming home. I enjoyed the 'down time' and the 'family time', now back to reality. I got part of the frame done for the deck. The hardest part is that there is a one foot difference in the ground level from the house to the end of the deck. So I have to dig down some of the pillars and build up others. The pillars weigh 45 pounds and I spent most of yesterday putting them in, checking level and square, taking them out, repeat, repeat. I did learn a valuable lesson yesterday.... don't put a round object such as a watermellon at the top of the basement stairs. In slow motion the watermelon committed suicide and began rolling down the stairs. It remained intact until the last 2 stairs when it decided to do a swan dive onto the floor and became airborne. Needless to say the suicide was successful in an explosion of watermelon guts all over the carpet, walls, and even the ceiling. So i had to call in the hazmat crew in to shampoo and scrub. Um. I don't think I will do that again. Today I am cleaning out my car and taking it to get an oil change, then caulking the shower and back to the deck. Just a normal day in paradise. I did get my new cpap machine and got a good night sleep. I appologize to all that I kept awake with my snoring. Well suppose I should get back at it, hope everyone is home safe. Love you and miss you all!
  15. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I'm here, don't know when Steph will be back on, she has a weekend activity planned so she won't be going home. Drove home threw some gorgeous county, I'm sure Steph will post the pictures. I got home at about 10:45 pm, so Steph and Rose probably didn't get home until after midnight. Plan on checking out my plants and stuff and hopefully getting started on building the deck. I really only have a month left, oh well. I had such a fabulous time, I wish I was closer to you all. Miss you all like crazy. Have a good day.
  16. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Had a heck of a lightening and thunderstorm, exciting to watch. The power kept going off to I couldn't use my breathing machine, thus I am way tired this morning. Went outside to pick up all the broken limbs, but neighbor stopped me and said the 'city' would pick them up, so there is something nice about living in the city. The fence survived and so did my plants. Only one of the top caps to the fence blew off. One side is loose, so I'll need to go tighten it up. Found out that my shower is leaking, so now I have bubbled up paint on the wall. It will have to wait until I get back to recalk, just need to remember to tell Elyse, DD#4 not to take showers in my bathroom.
  17. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Does anyone know if the beach house has an iron? do I need to pack one? Do I need to bring my air mattress?
  18. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I don't have that problem, I am not done with laundry and I still haven't found the suitcase yet, I may arrive with garbage bags full of clothes. Got my grad school application mailed, check; cash for the trip, check; DD#5's birthday gift mailed, check; found my living room, check; hair highlighted, check; hoses laid out for DD#4 to water, check; prescriptions filled, check; found my laundry room, check; all in under 24 hours, not bad. All I have left is to finish laundry, pack, find the kitchen, find the bathroom, find the bedroom, FIND THE SUITCASE and I'm ready to go. Steph, I don't know if you will get this, but I should be ready any time after noon. let me know where to meet you. I'm sure you will call. Electrician stopped by and said it will be pretty easy to move the wiring for the french doors and to wire me an exterior outlet for the pond. I hope that transfers to, 'not very expensive'. I can't believe tomorrow I leave for the my first real vacation all on my own!!
  19. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Okay folks where is everyone?
  20. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, I hope you got some rest, I am so glad the kids are okay, AND they learned something. Scary lesson though! Phyl have fun with Zoey, what a sweetheart, she will settle! and so with the kitty. My furries have a truse that seems to work. Bailey the kitty was here first, when Jordan first arived, she whopped up on him and put him in his place. Now she is the boss and does what she pleases. Any new furry, cat or dog will change the dynamics, but it will be a dynamic that all can live with. I can't wait for beach combing, I love to find treasures. Anyway, have to work, so best start getting busy. Candice be sure to bring some handwork. I am hoping to find the promise quilt I'm working on so I can bring it. Have a good day, TTFN
  21. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Home after work and planted the last pot, okay almost the last pot, I realize that I haven't planted the pussy willow I propogated from my old house. So I'll do that tomorrow. Hope to get the weeds sprayed and grasshoppers baited. That will do it for tomorrow. Phyl thank you for picking the things up for me, I'll pay for them when I get there along with the $7 I owe for the beach house. Miss molly gets up most nights, a few licks and I'm up. Well I didn't get rich at Antiques Road Show. My painting has only decrative value, they have never heard of the painter, dad's ring is synthetic. So no big deal. Well I need to find some dinner, ttfn
  22. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, I so can see you as a beautician, you would be perfect. I'm tired today. Had a drean that I forgot to go to work. Hummm, a subconcious wish? nah, I need the $$$$. Monday should be fun at work...we are suppose to be 90 degrees. I don't like working when it is so hot. We have to keep watering everything and then it gets all muggy. I know I'm whining. Like I said, just tired. Phyl, if you get a chance when you go to Costco, would you pick up a bag of frozen blueberries? My standard breakfast is blueberries, Kashi Almond Crunch, and Dannon lite & fit vanilla yogurt. I will bring the Kashi and I can pick up the Dannon lite when I get there, but I imagine the blueberries would be difficult to get to. I usually snack on 100 cal packages of kettle korn, but I'll bring that. I'll bring the stuff to make Steph's yummy chicken salad, costco cans of chicken dejion mustard, light miracle whip, tidbit pineapples, craisins, almonds, red onion, and celery. When I'm being fancy, I put it in cantelope halves. I think I still have enough chicken, but if you think about it, why don't you pick up some cans of chicken from costco. Believe it or not, I have tried it with lots of different brands, but the Kirkland is the best. Or, I can cook and chill some chicken breasts. What about chef salad one night using spinch leaves and regular salad leaves? There is a great yogurt based ranch style dressing that Lighthouse has, lighter on calories. Will we be able to go beach combing? I love to search for cool rocks, shells, and ocean glass. Okay NOW I'm getting excited. Suppose I shoudl get ready for work, check in tonight, TTFN
  23. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, you are having a great time. She will settle down about all the new noises, just don't over react and baby her. If you baby her when she reacts she will think that you agree that there is something to be scared of. Remain calm, keep her leash short and tell her what a good girl she is. Short exposure, but DON'T REACT. I will try to do some digging and find my dog books. Ceasar Milan has a fabulous one, but I also have a couple of books that talk about how to deal with problem behavior. She is doing really good for the first few days in a new home. Last day of class!! and the antique Road show tickets made it to my mom so her and a friend can go in my place. Janet, thanks for doing my toes, I really want to try the red, but like I said, I can't see well enough to do it neatly. I think I am outgrowing my quilting ladies. I stoppped by after to class to pick up some plants the lady who has the ponds picked up for me. All the quilting ladies were there and talking about the summer quilting trip and all their grandchildren. I just didn't care about the quilting trip. I would rather work and get my house organized, so am I just selfish? They keep talking about seeing the house and I asked them to wait until I get it organized. They said that they would just show up, I asked them not to and they said "Too bad." anyway, I guess I'm just shallow. Well, I'm going to find some dinner. TTFN
  24. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, it is all about exercise. Next time you do the loop, bring her leash and have her walk as much as she can. One of the reasons my furries are having behavior issues right now is that I haven't been home enough for our evening walks. Also remember you are the boss, so you are in charge of when she plays with her toys. So in the evening if you want her to settle down and be quieter, put the toys up. Get the Ceasar book, I can't remember the name, AND if I knew where mine was, I'd bring it to you. Our home on LBT isn't going to die! I can't 'stay clean' with out it. But with class I don't get home until late. But today is the last day!!! for awhile. I have homework that is due by Aug 1st and will work on that when I get back from Washington. Next week before I leave, I have to get my master's application done. I stopped and got some mosquito repellent last night. I have mosquito bites on my 'lobster' arms. Let's just say ouch. I got spray repellent, repellent candle, and a repellent personal clip on. That should keep me bite free. But I did get a heck of a deal on the clearance plant shelf. They had a decent snowball shrub for clearance of $3!! Not a perfect speciment, but with repotting, fertilizer, and selective pruning, I should have a decent shrub by next year. Janet, how do you feel about toes? someone elses I mean? I have this fabulous new OPI bright red polish that I'd like to put on, but I can't see well enough to put it on without getting it all over my toes. So the question is...would you mind putting it on for me? I have to polish my toes because I can't get the grime out from under them from the nursery. Well last day of school and we have a field trip to the river, can we say big @ss bugs! I hate mosquitoes and ticks. Gives me the willies, ohhh. We best kick it in gear. I was hoping to sleep in tomorrow, but have to work Sat., Sun, & Monday. Did get my hair appointment changed. Have to work on the electricion next. Love you all, TTFN
  25. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    OMG Phyl, what a cutie, but put a pony tail in her bangs, I can't see her face. She sounds like a perfect match! I didn't know dogs could have a 'hairlip'. Does that make her teeth show? How is Earl doing with her. He will be baking her doggy treats before long, let me know if you need recipes? Anyway, I AM SUCH A DITZ! I have been going on about the Antiques Road show and now I am going to miss it. I can't seem to read the difference between July and June. I thought it was JULY 26, but it is actually JUNE 26, this weekend. So I guess you know who can't go this weekend. I need to figure out how to get the tickets to Roundup by tomorrow. I know someone from my class who's mom is going, I'm going to ask and see if they will take the tickets, that or I will have to see if I pay an exorbinate amount to get them there by mail. Darn I'm mad at myself!! The dog gates held!!! So now I can shampoo carpets. I am hoping I don't work on Saturday or Monday, so I can get some of things done. Only 2 more days of class, now that it is almost over, I know I'm going to miss it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
