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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, both my brother and sister do their 'in-law' stuff for the holidays, and mom...nah, she hasn't bothered to give gifts or holiday wishes for over 15 years. She never even got gifts for my kids when they were little, however we all had better remember her. I'll be fine, or I'll fake it. I'll be out of touch for Monday through Wednesday, Culture Camp, living in a teepee, the nice part, GREAT EYE CANDY. Phyl, go to the doctor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got the flower bed planted, only 60 - 1 gallon pots. Completely lost dinner, all over myself. Well, need to go pack, I'll check in tormorrow morning. You all have a good evening!!
  2. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I'm not avoiding you all, just had to work, then build and fill and plant a flower bed. Still trying to finish homework. We had hail yesterday at work, fortunately not too bad. I was watching it come down and thinking about the bosses business if it got bad enough to ruin the plants, but it didn't thank the Lord. Food, not great. But a new start today. I was so tired last night that I ate some junk food. Thanks for the invites for Christmas Linda, Candice. I really don't want to stay home alone this year. But we will have to see what the finances say. Maybe I need to grow up and accept the fact that a lot of people spend holidays alone. Well, need to get my homework emailed. Check in later!
  3. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Ah Phyl, I am so glad that Zoey, Earl and you are okay, that is what matters. So sorry about everything. I am exhausted, need to go to bed, love you all
  4. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, stupid question, IF I found the $$ to get to Ontario, where would I fly into?
  5. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Sorry so late getting on line. Had to work then worked in the yard. DD#4 had some good news today, she got a full time job with benefits!!! I pray all goes well. Control, oh hell, I lost it when i was at moms. I ate and then didn't eat and then ate, I was totally out of control. Both men that I married were control freaks. The only one who didn't died, so that leaves me scared to even think about 'getting out there', but I hate being alone. My pants were baggy when I left on Monday, tonight they are tight, crap!!! Candice, if I can find a cheap flight for Ontario, could I come up over Christmas break? All my girls are going to be gone and I don't really want to be home alone. also, I just really want to spend some time with you. I'll let you know. Well, I need to finish my homework then need to get to bed for work. Linda, Candice, Stephanie, I understand! I wish I could help, but all I can do is offer my shoulder. hang in there!
  6. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Made it home last night, sister stayed the night and we had a nice time. We went out for margaritas and nachos, didn't eat breakfast and had a bowl for lunch. Didn't eat more than 4 nachos. She really helped me put things into perspective with my parents. I have always tried to get their approval and she helped me realize I never will. We scattered dad, gave him some tobacco and a shot of whiskey. I didn't even get out of the car when we arrived without busting out crying. I really hated the whole thing. It went okay. I am doing okay, not really closure, but it is one step toward the next. I miss him. Mom gave me some pictures of the guy that died last year. Made me cry again. So I ended up missing both of them. Makes me wonder what is in my future. I got one of dad's pistols, so I think I am going to take shooting lessons and learn how to clean it. It is a 44 magnum. Dad taught us all how to shoot before we could walk, what can I say, a Montana thing. Candice, I am so sorry. I have no words of wisdom, I can't seem to figure out the relationship thing. I would like to find someone, someone to laugh with and work with and cry with, but that is in God's hands. I hope things work out. If you need a break, I could take a couple of days off if you wanted to escape to my house. We could unpack and organize my sewing room. I'm here if you need a shoulder. Well, I need to finish homework and get it emailed. Thank you everyone for your positive thoughts. By the way, I am working on being positive. Love you all, k
  7. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Hi everyone, sorry I didn't make it on last night. Busy in the yard until 8:30, then bath and was a slug. Today it is going to be 96, cool for you Janet. Thanks for the well wished in dad. It will be fine. Not looking forward to it. I know I will cry, which is good, but I hate to cry in public. Plus it is so much easier to not think about it. Have been stuck all week. Even having trouble with Water. Last night I finally made some Soup. Even stuck on a smoothie. Part of it is know my sister will be coming and that my house is such a disaster. But she doesn't have to work and can hire someone to do any big stuff. Plus her husband is retired and is a very handy guy as far is yard work and carpentry. Well have a good day, not sure if I will be able to check in tonight and then I'll be gone until Wednesday. If you don't hear from me, know that I am thinking about you all!
  8. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, men, can such a pain, then they can be such babies. I hope his leg is alright, but it does sound broken. Years ago a teacher friend of mine tripped over a dog gate going over some stairs and compound fractured her elbow. Ended up loosing the elbow because of a Staph infection which prevents her from getting an artificial one. So tell Tracy to hog tie Jim and take him to the doc!! Hope all is okay. Janet, it sounds like Zumba isn't for me either. We all know that Candice has a talent for musical stuff. I'd end up tripping and knocking over all the skinny people. Dang, stuck on my coffee this morning. I hate that. Phyl, yep you did good keeping an eye on Zoey. She is tiny enough that an eagle could have gotten her. Eagles are gorgeous to look at, but I don't think I would want to take one on. I'd be terrified to take drive in an area of a big city that I don't know. I be terrified I'd end up in the high crime district. But that is also why I live here. I know I would constantly get lost in a big city. Heck I get lost in Missoula. Shoot, I'll admit it, I get lost in Stevensville. Hope you all have a good day. Taking the Beast to work to pick up a couple of yards of potting mix for my flower beds. DD#4's boyfriend says he will build the rest of my raised flower beds while I am up scattering dad. I'll be AWOL on Monday through Wednesday. Should be an adventure!
  9. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Found a quick low cal frozen meal that I could eat without getting stuck. man it was a good to have a real meal. Contessa chicken fried rice. Lots of veggies. Was able to eat about 1/2 cup, which is a new thing for me. Got one flowerbed built tonight. Now I am sitting here watching TV being lazy. whoop whoop. Man it sounds like that zoomba class is a hoot. I may have to find one in Missoula. It would work it I could find one after school. Is it very high impact? The hangy outies can't do impact of any kind, walking and bike riding is the only thing I can do. Catch ya all later,
  10. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Had a wasted day. A friend asked me to drive her into Missoula with my pickup to get stuff for her new shop. She was suppose to be here at 9:30, showed up at 10:45. Was only suppose to go to one store, but ended up going to several. My Beast isn't made for city driving. It is a 4 door pick up. She ended up buying a mirror that would have fit into her car. I could have stayed home on gotten my flower beds built, oh well. Wasn't able to eat today, way too tight. Okay, yep way to negative...let's try this. Went to town with a friend and drove my 4 door truck in city driving without running someone over. And rather than working in the yard all day, I came home at 4:30 and took a nap and lazed around. So is that better? Work tomorrow, ooh, found a paycheck I forgot to deposit. Candice, I can't wait to hear how Bridget does at the dog trials. Phyl, is it really time for you guys to head south. I don't know if I could do it. Everyone did a great job working out!
  11. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    What was up with not being to sleep last night. I tossed and turned all night. Janet, yep the deck is done, now I need to build the flower beds. In Montana you do your outside work now, because in about 2 months we could have 4 ft of snow. Who knows, maybe tonight I will just put a lawn chair on my deck and read! Running into town today to go to the recycle building material place. I am looking for a door to put into my bedroom to go out to the deck. Then back home to work on flower beds. Somewhere in there I have to work on homework. Next week we scatter dad's ashes. I'm okay about it now. I guess I just had to work my head around it. Well need to get some breakfast, check in tonight if my computer keeps running, something is up with it and I don't have time to take it in to be worked on. Love you all,
  12. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Deck is done!!! DD#4 and the boyfriend helped me with finishing it. It looks great. Pretty stiff and sore from all the bending and lifting. Food was good today, too busy to eat. Steph, I'm glad you had a better day. I think it would be a good idea for Jeff to go to family therapy it can help. I still need to take a bath and then get to bed.
  13. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Stephani, both you FIL and Jeff are being asses. But it sounds like Jeff has some issues. I'm not the person for advise as I can't seem to figure the guy thing out myself. However, I love you and am always a shoulder for you. On the ladies not showing up...I'm so sorry. I can tell you that it wasn't about you, but I know you have already told yourself that. It isn't personal, but it darn well feels like it. Like back when we were kids and the last to be picked for a team. Hang in there. Janet, I'm here, just worked late in the yard and tried to ripped my thumb off while working on the deck, so my 'space bar' thumb is darn sore. Hang in there!
  14. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Stephanie, I am so sorry about Jeff. Janet is probably right about me. I would like to have someone to share the day with, but not happening, no big deal. You are right, Jeff should stick up for you, he may need to practice how to say it with respect. However, Jeff may also be a little disgruntled about your activities and he may have not said anything because he privately feels that way. I think you and him need to get away together and talk some things out. Jeff needs to know that your activities are what keep you sane. But a night every couple of weeks with just the 2 of you may be what is in order. Find time for each other. This really needs to be a priority for both of you. I love you and this is just a little blip in the road. On the SIL issues, you know that she will bail at the last minute. Also, give it up. You tried, there is nothing that you can do to change her. Be your sweet self and let it go. I'll give Rose a call today, thanks. Phyl, what a wonderful day you had. Candice I am so proud of you!! Exercising, etc. Janet, I still can't believe your before picture! amazing work!! You all would be proud of me, I stood up to DD#4 and boyfriend. They have been coming over while I am at work and eating. The first time, the left dirty dishes and a burner on. Yesterday she called to ask if they could eat something, so I finally said, "Don't you have any food?" The answer, was "no". So when I got home (they always leave before I get home), I decided I needed to say something. They came over later, so I told them that if they didn't have groceries that they are welcome to eat what they find at my house, HOWEVER, that they would need to do some things for me, chores basically. Elyse agreed, but the boyfriend said nothing. So I decided to be blunt with the boyfriend and asked him what he was doing to find a job. So it will come down to either they do the chores (or I should say Elyse) or I will be changing the locks on the house. I don't want to have to do that, but we will see. Elyse looks like crap, her face is all broken out (remember, no hot water) and she has a rash all over her. I only pray it isn't drugs, but I'm not holding my breath over that. I only pray it isn't meth. I pray she lives through this. Well, me and the deck today, whowho
  15. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Ah Phyl, the adventures of a truely in charge furry house. Love it. The exercise is good for everyone. Not much happened here last night, just what I already posted. Work today and then three whole days off!! Check in later tonight, you all have a great day!!
  16. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Came home from work and stained the wooden gate on the fence, added some wooden strips to the dog ramp, (the furries keep 'sliding' down when they go out the doggy door). Had part of a salad for dinner, spinach, tomato, and lettuce went down, but stuck on the chopped ham and feta. Doc put me on glucosamine. I bought the liquid since the pills are so big, let's just say NASTY. I think I will figure out how to take the pills. the stuff is so bad I can't even figure out how to describe it.
  17. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I had no idea there was such a thing as a walking taco. You did well, I would have been hard pressed to skip the funnel cake, the rest no big deal. But you did make the better choice. Tacos sound good. Maybe this week I will make a taco salad, sans the chips, ground turkey or supper lean hamb., light s.cream and less gucamole. I know it will turn into a slider, but I am getting tired of my blueberry, kashi, yogurt dinner AND breakfast. Short day at work, only 10 to 4. I am going to work on the kitchen. I know there is a kitchen counter under that crap. Biggest problem is that I haven't worked out a routine for where to put things. In my old house, I had to walk past the garbage dumpster after checking the mail so I would stop and dump all the junk mail. Then by the door I had cubbies for the mail. One for each person, so I would separate it as I entered the house. Now it all gets dumped on the table. TABLE? there is a table in there? Also, the pantry was right by the door, so groceries got put away as you brought them into the house. Now the pantry is at the far end of the kitchen and the groceries don't seem to get past the counter. Need to go run a load of laundry, be back.
  18. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Hum Candice, I think I am going to have to get that book. Sounds interesting, I think I will also get a copy for my mom. Janet, what can I say, down right fabulous, congratulations!!!! Our Sydney had a quiet day at home. All looks good so far, she will get all the drain tubes out on Monday. I guess her chest is turning all kinds of neon bruising. Her pain seems to be manageable. Candice, congrats on the weight loss!!! Worked in the yard until about 7, scrubbed all the goop from work off and sitting here getting to ready to drink my iced skinny latte. May or may not eat dinner. Couldn't really eat lunch, too hot. I tell you, I sure do miss those Rainer Cherries. I hope our Flathead cherries are ripe soon. Phyl, I bet Zoey looks stunning! Steph, vrrroooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmm, hope you had fun. Think good food thoughts. TTFN
  19. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    On the chicken salad, I usually pair it with watermelon or cantelope and usually eat if for 4 to 6 meals. I usually also use light to nonfat miracle whip and about triple the celery and onions. Calorie calculation is 221 and keeps me full. Thanks for the well wishes on Sydney. So far so good. She is such a goofy dog about Water. Before I moved, I'd have to watch her like a hawk because she would launch herself into my pond. The Kio weren't thrilled. You take her to the river and it is full steam ahead with a launch, she never just climbs in. Work today but we close at 5 instead of 5:30, so may get something done when I get home instead of a bath and the couch. Been pretty warm. Did you know that they have hybridized irises to be repeat bloomers? No idea. I potted up a bunch yesterday, was nice to get back into the potting shed. But did forget about how the dirt just coats you from head to toe. Well best go find something to eat before I go, you all have a relaxing weekend! TTFN
  20. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    About one medium sized chicken breast equals about 1 can of chicken. It is better than even the canned, but I am usually too lazy to cook it. Just becareful not to over cook the chicken. Good job so far!!! You are really doing great! One day at a time!!! For all of us.
  21. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, here is the original chicken salad recipe: Steph’s Chicken Salad 5/2009 My chx salad goes like this: 1 - 2 cans of chicken (Costco's is the best) 1 cup crushed pineapple 2 or 3 green onions chopped 1/2 cup slivered almonds 1/2 bag of craisins (about 1/2 c per can of chicken) 1 stalk celery - chopped just enough mayo to wet (don't use too much or it turns icky) 1/2 tsp dijon mustard a little celery salt or seed I make it a little different, I use; -red onion instead of green -pineapple tidbits instead of crushed (I save a little of the juice to mix up with the light mayo & mustard -I grate garlic sea salt and pepper instead of celery seed Sydney made it through the night. Jamie called about 10:30 last night and the injury was worse than they anticipated. Sydney evidently landed on a fence post (Jamie & Scott went back and found hair and blood) and the post punctured the chest cavity. The vet said that it is a miracle that Sydney is alive. I guess her chest muscles were strong enough to close up and not let too much air around the lungs. Any other dog would have had collapsed lungs and died on the spot. The surgery took 3 hours and Sydney is in a lot of pain. It was horrid listening to Jamie cry. This morning Jamie called and said Sydney made it through the night and that the vets are amazed at how well she is doing. She is on IV antibiotics (but the vet said wood is better than metal) and if her pain reduces she may actually be able to come home tonight. Their biggest chore will to be keeping her settled down. She will be on some heavy duty antibiotics (ditch water), but if she makes it through the next 24 hours without signs of infection she will be good as new in a month or so. Better day, just tired.
  22. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, are you talking London England? Enjoy your quiet weekend. You are doing great. You are a beautiful lady with a fabulouse personality. I just love you. By the way, thanks for the hug. I just really needed to vent and you were one of the poor soles who got stuck with it. I feel better after writing it down. Next time I'll just write it and then burn it. Should be fun to watch it go up in flames. Janet, again, what a sweet little furry, almost makes me want another, almost, but fortunately common sense prevailes. My furry grandbaby make it though surgery last night. Unfortuately, Sydney (furry grandbaby) did impale herself enough that the chest wall was punctured. Fortunately, her muscles were stong enough to close up fast enough that she didn't suffer a collapsed lung. The vet said that a normal dog would have died on the spot. They removed as much air as they could and have her on some major antibiotics. There is a real risk of infection since she was swimming in the irrigation ditch. DD#2 went back to the ditch and found what a wooden fence post that had blood and hair on it, so that is what impaled her. The vet said that wood had less chance of infection than metal, so this is better. Time will tell, I pray that Sydney pulls through. I was the one who picked her from the litter and I babysit when they are out of town for any long stays. It will just break their and my hearts if she doesn't pull through. I guess surgery took over 3 hours. Pretty much wrapped up a crappy day. Better note, did you know I own 2 collar bones? I have never seen them before. The are actually sticking up there proud as can be. Who knew! Well work today and through Monday. Got half the support beams hung on the deck. You all have a great day!! TTFN
  23. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, what and adorable sweetheart! Candice, give us the name and address of the rude lady and we will have a CHAT with her. Going to bed, have to work tomorrow.
  24. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice I'm sorry, hugs. I have sent you guys an email because it included my swearing, so read it or trash it, your choice.
  25. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Finally got all my meds filled. While I was at the pharmacy, they asked me what Elyse's (DD#4) phone # was because she wrote them a bad check for her birth control. (small town). So needless to say she has not listened to me about going to planned parenthood to get cheaper birth control. So we can see where this is headed. Does she even have any more doors of opportunity she can close for herself? Then I get home and get the mail, she has been called to court for yet ANOTHER traffic ticket. Then I stop at city hall, "Yes I must maintain the easment between my property and the street, no I may only plant AND MAINTAIN grass. So for now it is going to stay a weed field. Then I go to the store and see a gentleman that looks just like my dad, pushing a grocery cart just like my dad and I start bawling. Okay, life goes on, live with it, sorry.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
