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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Linda, I thought only 6th grade parents acted like that, Good Luck! Well, my house is successfuly a disaster zone. In the attempt to unpack, I had to move boxes, which resulted in more crap in my way. Took a truck load to the dump, took a truck load to DD#4's boyfriends place and have a truck load to take to Goodwill. I did get most of the bathroom stuff put away! Man, I'm battling getting my coffee done. Guess I don't want to go to work! I probably won't be able to post tonight. I work until 5:30, then home for a quick shower, then meet up with another teacher to work on signs for the students' lockers. I won't be home until late. I would have rather not spent the money on a computer, but with most of my master's class being online, I don't have a choice. This one is barely 2 years old, but I guess the latte dumped in it does take its toll. Well you all have a good day! TTFN
  2. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, when you get done, come to my house! Well, I best get busy, check in later!!!!
  3. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Home...just got done spending my next paycheck and then some from the nursery. Took my computer in to figure out what was going on, and it seems I will need to get a new mother board and new battery AND new connector for the monitor. So the reality is, I ended up buying a new computer...18 months, same as cash. Not thrilled, but with my classes being online, I can't be without a computer. I searched high and low and I think I found some 'flip proof' doggy dishes. Because I haven't been home enough, Jordan takes out his frustrations on me by flipping his food AND Water dish. The smell of wet dog food just about gags me!. Then there is the whole mess to deal with. I also got some hollow leg bones that I can stuff with Peanut Butter and treats to keep them occupied. The indestructable 'kongs' don't work because they eat the kong in less than a day. The real bone slows them down for a month or more. I also got them both a dog bed, I am so tired of tripping over their blankets. I have made them dog beds before, but...they ate them. So I am going to build the beds wooden surrounds, that should slow them down a little bit. Had a good day in town with my mom. I bought a lot of stuff the assist in the organization that we are working on. Linda, I am so proud of you!! Enjoy your trip. Yep, I usually bail on MEA stuff, they never have anything that I am interested in, I guess I am too old. Steph, I'm sorry about Michael. Hang in there. janet, what is up??? Is Phyl there yet?
  4. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    You bet Steph, we are waiting, you can do this!!!! Where is everyone? Mom is here, so won't be posting much for the next couple of days. Also I need to take my computer in to get worked on, so I may be awol for a few days. Heading to bed, TTFN
  5. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning, Miss Molly thought I needed to get up at 5:30, bleck. However, I did bite the bullet and step on the scale, I have lost 3 pounds!!! I have hit an all time low, without really trying. So I guess I have graduated to being a better eater. Now I need to keep this focus whien school starts. Naturally, I am nervous as heck. The really weird thing is that I'm not really hungry. I still have to save calories for my evening munchies, but if I am honest, even then I'm not really hungry. I know it is the warmer temperature, but I'm going to take this accomplishment and run like hell! I hope you all have a great day. Work today and then mom is suppose to be here and we are planning on a 3 day unpack athon. Mom will woosie out on me, but I am finally motivated enough to keep forcused! TTFN
  6. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, I have never skinny dipped, or as we use to call it "Chunkin dunkin". I love the idea! I actually had a real meal tonight. Braised a 2 inch circle of steak, put a little mushroom soup on it, then green beans/carrots, and some rice. It tasted fabulous!!! Some of the first real food I have had since Washington. I know the mushroom soup was a cop out, but I was scared, yep I'll admit it, scared that if I ate it without something it would stick. when it came down to it, the mushroom soup was about a tablespoons worth. So not too bad. Now the pain in the but part...washing up the dishes. But again it was real food!!!! Okay, best go scrub dishes, then to bed. Check in tomorrow morning!!
  7. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Linda, you hit it right on the head. I think most of us here are that way. But I do have to comment on one thing you said. Yes, God does want us to give unselfishly, however, when we don't take care of ourselves, we can't serve God or give of ourselves. Honey, you are sitting in a beautiful state park beating yourself up. Yes you have to focus on the positives, where you are at the moment, but it is okay to have a pity party sometimes. I think you have let your batteries run too low and you haven't 'fed' yourself, so how can you 'feed' someone else. There is absolutely nothing wrong with looking forwad to retirement, and sometimes it is okay to hate the fact that we have to go to work. Also with the physical difficulties you are dealing with, the toll on you physically and emotionally is huge, don't underestimate it's ability to wipe you out. Also, as a teacher, you and I both know that teaching is becoming more difficult. Students and parents think that just because they exsist they should get a passing grade. Also, how many lives have you touched? Hundreds! So here is your assignment...you are going to find that one, yep ONE student that needs you and you are going to give it your all, make a difference in ONE student and you have make a difference in many lives of the family and future family of that student. Just one!! You are also going to set aside some time for yourself, it doesn't matter what it is, reading, napping, daydreaming, exercising, This time needs to become non-negotable. Mel, or school, or even you can't cancel it. Everyone needs to learn that you are just as important as they are. AND YOU are going to learn that YOU are just as important as they are!! Okay, don't yell at me, I love you, and it is all said from the heart!
  8. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, I wish I knew what I was getting to worked up about. It is just wierd. It probably is that my house/yard isn't settled. But my mom is coming up this week and we are going to spend 3 days unpacking / down sizing / organizing. I think that will help. Part of it is just food issues. I have gotten so frustrated trying to eat solids that I am pretty much exsisting on mushies. STUPID. How can I eat a scallop dinner when I am in Washington and can't even eat a single bite of solid now. Sure I can eat protien bars, if you chew them long enough they are mush. What I really want is a piece of meat. A nice steak. What do I have instead...a bowl of soup. I know, I need to start over, get out of this lazy rut and get back too it. We will see. I better get to bed, it is alread way past bedtime and I have to work tomorrow. TTFN
  9. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Nah, I'm done with class for right now, but had to work. I showed the boss how to make hypertufa pots. So we made a few. Came home and planted a 3 perennials and a rosebush. One of my rose bushes got hit by cane bores and that pretty much killed most of the plant. gave it a mega pruning. So who knows if it will live. I'm trying to swab out the house a bit, I just hate living in a pig stye and I definitely am. I am going to try to eat something. I haven't been able eat anything but a protien bar and had to break that into mini snacks all day. Was able to drink 2 cups of coffee and 1/2 a bottle of water. I know I'm not too tight, it is just stress. It is more like spasms, one swallow and things just freeze up. I need to get my head out of my @$$ and relax. I think I need to find something like a yoga class or meditation. I will get it figured out. Janet. I know what you mean. Elyse just irritated the begebees on Wednesday. Well, I'll be back, TTFN
  10. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, ah heck, St Mary's is just over 4 hours from me. Well, made $440 in 3 days sitting in the most boring class in the world, but $440 pays for my door!! Feeling pretty sluggish. I guess I am making hypertuff pots tomorrow at work, should be fun. Dropped my new book in the cat water dish. I so want a Nook. Food today, let's just say...it sucked! got the back to school letter in the mail today. Go back 2 weeks from today. Well, need to do some computer research, TTFN
  11. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning! dragging this morning, I'd give just about anything to be able to crawl back in bed and sleep for about a week! Coffee should kick in soon. Not much going on today other than class. OOHH, just had a spider on me...bleck, golly I hate spiders. Did you know...that just outside of Missoula is the largest Superfund project in the US? There use to be a dam, called Milltown Dam on the Clarkfork river. I guess all the runoff from Butte copper mining collected behind the damn and contaminated the well water arsenic and copper. Anyway, they had to remove the dam and divert the river and dig out all the contaminated sediment. The company that owned the mine... BP Arco, as in BP of the oil spill in the Golf Coast.... Interesting. BP is spending over 1 Billion $$$ for the clean up. I am really getting frustrated with sticking on liquids...I know it is stress, but dang, I would like to enjoy my cup of coffee in the morning. Well, best get a move on it, TTFN
  12. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Fugitives? What fugitives? Remember, I am either in class or at work, what is TV? My new jean shorts that I got is Washington are too big...I think they stretched. Tried drying them really well, not much difference. Okay, so maybe a 16 is a little too big to buy. Took DD#4 & #5 for dinner tonight. DD#5 was up from Idaho moving into her apartment for school. I think Elyse DD#4 (the one with the looser boyfriend) maybe seeing the light. The boyfriend was suppose to come over to help her load the futon into my truck (I was in town at class) so she could drive it into town for her sisters apartment. He bailed on her, went to hang with his 'buddies'. So she ended up carrying the futon up the basement stairs and loading it into the truck by herself. I just said that I was sorry that he let her down and that she was more patient than I would be. Phyl, I hope you get into a doc as soon as you get to California. You should call about an appointment NOW so that you can get in right away. Life is way too short to be in pain. Steph, I kind of get what you are saying, but I guess i am too much of a homebody to want to be running as much as you. I like sitting with a good book or working in the yard to much to keep the pace you do. Candice, I hope you are feeling better. Are you drinking enough water? What about your electrolites? I know if I get dehydrated I can count on getting a migraine. Janet, what's up??
  13. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning ladies, sorry I didn't get back, too tired. Yep the raccoon got 4 of my 5 fish, the darn varmit, I hope he gets sick to his stomach. We did have a rain storm last night, thunder and lightening, hopefully the raid put out any fires. Dragging this morning. Class was pretty boring yesterday, but at $20 an hour, I can be bored. These 3 days will pay half of my house payment!!! Stephani, I wish you would slow down. I think my life is insane, but then I listen to yours and wonder how you do it. I'm sorry about the jerk in your class, they can be anywhere. You are an excellent teacher, and some people are just as dumb as a post. Any way, nothing much here, have class today with a field trip to US's largest superfund site in history. Yep, right in our backdoor. Since it is by the river, maybe I will get a chance to snag some rocks...hum, do I even want them from US's largest super fund, I'll have to see. I hope you all have a great day, check in when I get home. TTFN
  14. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, hang in there, I wish there was something we could do....but whine away, go ahead and kick and scream!! Got a bit of bummer news today, now don't laugh, but I'm a bit bummed. I was sitting in class today and I get a call (yes it was on vibrate and I didn't answer). Come to find out a raccoon got into my friend's pond and ate all my koi. I raised all of them from 3 inch fish to over a foot in size. Damn, hot flash, got to go outside, be back!
  15. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, love the bangs!!! Snacks are a killer. If I really want a snack type thing, I will eat it for a meal, especially at the nursery. At school I have to avoid snacks unless it is fruit because I will not stop eating. At the nursery I am too busy to eat, so I can get away with snack type food for lunch. Have class today. That should keep me out of trouble... Candice hope you feel better, the 'heal up' time is rough now that we are getting 'vintage'. Of course, I am not much of a drinker, so even 2 adult beverages cause me to be a slug the next day. Not really worth it. Well, need to go get ready, TTFN
  16. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Rained today at work so I got soaked. Better than hot. So I came home and bought stuff for a pot of chili, with super duper lean hamburger. So shower is done, chili cooking, laundry started, livingroom vacumned and the rest of the night is swabbing out some of the kitchen and then a good book. I never have had grout, but 'limeaway' helps with the Water spots. I'd say use soft scrub with bleach and your Mr. Clean. I don't have any other solutions. Well, need to finish browning the hamburger, check back in a bit.
  17. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning. hope you all slept well. I slept like a rock. It was cloudy yesterday so not as hot, who knows what today brings, that would require that I actually watch the weather. Just finished a book by a new author (new to me). If you like murder mysteries check out the books by Lisa Gardner. Fabulous, lots of twist and turns. Usually I figure it all out, but her books catch me by surprise. Love them. Janet, as soon as the back yard is habital I'll take pics. Currently the only organized place is the deck, which looks pretty dang good if you ask me!!! I've decided to make a native Montana plant flower bed. I can't wait to see what everything looks like next year. Well, the momma and poppa geese are teaching their young to fly, so all day long you can hear them honking at each other. It is rather early this year, by about 2 weeks. Do they know something we don't know? Still sticking on liquids today. Last night I had lentle soup, Amy's from Costco is great with a little garlic sea salt, pepper, and parmasean. Had a smoothie for dessert. Little higher in calories, but it was that or Ben & Jerry's. But I didn't really have much else to eat. Finally got some G2 gatoraide down so the electrolights were better. Well, need to start getting ready. Love you all, have a great day!!!
  18. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Howdy ladies!! Work went okay. Came home and cleaned the dog yard, weedeated and racked all the poo. Then planted a tree. Only 6 more shrubs/trees to plant and the lavender. Quit early for the day. Having trouble drinking water/G2 Gatorade. Sticking on everything. Got attacked by a garden nombe at work. It fell over and wacked me right on the ankle bone. Saw some cute baby quail, I thought they were baby chickens first of all, then mom & dad came out. I have to work tomorrow, then class on Tuesday through Thursday. Phyl, what day do you head out? Candice I looked into the zumba DVD, but it looks like too much jumping around. What do you think? I would love to buy one, but I can't do anything that involves any jumping. I tried Tae Bow, but it was too jumpy for my hangy outies. It sounds like you had a great time. Peter should be ashamed of himself for not being the one to dance with you. Sorry, but I hate it when guys won't dance with their wives/girl friends. Well should find something to eat. TTFN
  19. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Just had a knock on the door. I answer it and it is someone trying to collect on a bad check DD#4 wrote. Thank you for making my day!
  20. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I'm finally up this morning. Had a bit of a melt down at work yesterday. I was busting my butt cleaning one of the greenhouses and the other employees, one as old as sin and came with the nursery when my boss bought it and the other a teenager, are driving around in the golf cart, stopping and moving a plant here and there. The stop by and tell me that I need to wait on a customer. I kind of lost it. At the end of the day I went to the boss and said, "I need a day off." I was bawling. She said to take tomorrow and gave me a hug. I appologized for crying, but she said, "No big deal. That for 2 years after her dad died she would start crying for no reason." Anyway, last night, I went out and had a good time. Had a couple of adult beverages and met a sweet guy friend of one of the teachers. I thought for a moment he was into me, but to no avail. He has promised to show me how to shoot. Just a really nice guy, damn. Town is just crazy with the Creamery celebration. The only way I have been able to park at my own house was to baracade my driveway with my garbage dumpster. But people seem to be having fun. Since I didn't get home until...wait for it...a totally unheard of hour for me...2:30 a.m., I am going to take a nap, pick up my house, set up my drip system AND sit on my deck. I may even celebrate and make a fire and have a smore. I have a lot of calories from yesterday, so I can have one guilt free. Plus I have calculated the calories of a smore to be at 160. Basically I had a small blueberry, yogurt, & Kashi for breakfast, 1/2 a protein bar for lunch, and 2 margahittas for dinner yesterday. How is Bella today? Phyl, one week? Damn, that means summer is almost over. I hope you find some relief soon. Did the car get fixed to Earl's specks? Linda, just remember...9 months...9 months... Candice, enjoy your 'mad' money!!!
  21. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, what did the doctor say? Janet, I do get some free plants, but most of them I pay for with an employee discount. Normally I don't mind working 7 days a week, I'm just tired. Kind of had a melt down at work today, so went and asked the boss for a day off, she gave me a hug and said take tomorrow. She said when her dad died she would break out crying for no reason, that was me today. I am suppose to go out with some teachers tonight. The town is having a 'festival' of sorts. Unfortunately or fortunately, it is 1 block from my house. I had to baracade my driveway with my trash dumpster so I could park in my own drive way, NOT fun. But it sounds like the town is a hopping. I figure I will go out and have a beverage or two, maybe dance a little and then come home and get some sleep. The furries are going nuts with all the commotion, but it is good for them to get use to it. I am cleaned up, and I must say, not bad looking. I'm actually wearing a white tank top for the first time in my life. It is a little tighter than what I like, but my kids would say it shows off the figure. I have my new mega bra that I bought in Washington and the girls are sitting perky. Now if i can only find another one like it. Janet, you really don't want the mess of a dog in heat. The vaginal discharge is not a pretty sight. Linda, relax, try not to get stressed about school...yeah remember to send this post back to me in about 2 months when I am going bonkers. Well have a good evening, I'll check back in when I get home tonight, TTFN
  22. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning, Janet, you are right, we need some good news...so everyone, put your positive thoughts together and let's see what we can bring about. Janet, closer to 2 months off than 3, but for most people it is nice. For the most part, except when my girls were babies, I have always worked during the summer. Its the long hours during the school year that are wearing. But there are some teachers that walk away at the end of the day and never think about teaching until the next morning. I have never been like that, but some are and they give the rest of us a bad name. Man, I could just curl up and go to sleep for the entire day. Unfortunately, I am working 7 days a week from now on until the nursery stops staying open on Sundays, Phyl, I am so sorry about your friend. Go to the doc and hand in there! Janet, I hope Bella's surgery goes well, keep us updated. Candice? Linda? What's up?
  23. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    So where is everyone? Getting awful quiet here. Spent the day in town moving DD#5 into her apartment. It should be an adventure, 8 kids living together. Her room is about 9 x 10 feet, kitchen and bathroom were pretty scarey, but lets get real, they are kids and don't mind a little disaster. I'm actually going out tomorrow with some teachers from school. Should be fun and since it is here in Stevensville, I can walk home whenever I want. Phyl, how are you feeling? Candice, I hope your friend is okay. Janet, enjoy your sleepin tomorrow. I envy you. Have a good evening!
  24. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Linda, I hope little Cora is feeling better! Phyl, dang it girl, go to the doc again and tell them you are in pain!!! Still tired, but I'll survive. I'm heading to Missoula to help DD#5 move into her apartment. DD#4's first day at her new job. Hope all goes well, keep all your fingers crossed. food was fairly good this week at Culture Camp. Mainly because most of the food that was served was stuff I couldn't eat. Did have a few margaritta's, yum. Had to live 3 days without a latte, almost didn't make it. I'm sitting here trying to get my eye's open and i am sticking on coffee. Got a wierd voicemail this morning that DD#3 just had a CAT scan because she has had a migraine for 2 weeks. Problem is that she is a bit of a drama queen and I just don't know if I should be worried or not. So I'll just be worried and leave it at that. Well, I am going to try to squeeze in a lattle nap before heading to town, yep just got up and now i'm tired. TTFN
  25. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I'm back!! Put up 4 - 18 ft teepees, learned to speak some Salish and Kootena words, made my own drum deer hide, and my proudest moment...I made a fire out with only sticks!!!! I was the very first to make fire and I was the oldest AND the instuctor was the hottie eye candy, unfortunately I found out he is married, but he gave me a huge hug because I made fire in under 3 minutes. Glad to be home, tired, will email tomorrow, night,

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