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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, 1st when do we get pics of the new motorhome? 2nd, you will kick musical butt!!!! Janet, yep, bockbock...chicken, that's me. Besides if I had gone I wouldn't have gotten my bulbs planted. Yeah I know... Candice/Janet, I will attempt to not grumble about homework, but I know I will somewhere along the line. But it will give me a $3000 a year raise. Hell with that I can quit working at the nursery!!! Maybe get my own miniwinnie and come and travel to all of your places during the summer months! Well, should head to bed, work tomorrow!!! Janet, I hope the furries let you sleep in!
  2. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Corn chowder is fabulous, but alas is high in calories. diced Pepper bacon, diced onion cook until bacon is done, stir in a tble. of flour, add diced potatoes and water, simmer until the potatoes are done, 1 can cream corn, 1/2 & 1/2 and milk, heat on low until hot. I wouldn't make it for me, but DD#5 requested and she knows they way to my heart, ask for home cookin. However, I am eating some for dinner then giving the rest away. I figure once in a while is still living, and I need to still live. Work was fine today at the nursery, came home and planted my fall bulbs. Showered and think I am going to read a book and maybe watch a movie. DD#5 had a netflicks account and she gave me the password so I can play some movies instantly. Should be fun. Phyl, only Simon freaks about thunderstorms and he is a quivering mass of puppy, poor Zoey. But she had her mommy and daddy to protect her. If it gets real bad, give her a 1/4 of a benadryl. that should be about right for her weight. my furries have 1 one they weigh 20 pounds, the vet recommended it. The benedryl makes them sleepy. You could also try the childs liquid and use a syringe. Thanks Janet on the support for the classes. I am a little worried, it has been so long since I to an actual class and NEVER an online class. I did have a chuckle at work, DEE the pain in everyone's butt who THINKS she owns the place but doesn't yelled at me for going to turn the sign to open...why...because someone who comes after me ALWAYS turns it. Okay...well guess what, that person didn't remember to turn the sign and we were 'not open' until someone noticed at noon. I did have to enjoy that little episode, hehe. I know bad of me, but she is such a thorn in the side that if the owner wasn't such a sweetheart I would quit. Actually the owner was hosting Montana's Landscaping/nursery tour today and she invited me to go out to dinner with the group. But there were some pretty cute gentlemen and I didn't have any clean clothes or makeup, no way in hell am I going out to dinner and dance with 75 people (and some cute guys) without makeup. I know bockbock, I'm chicken.... Well, going to go get my latte and some dinner, check in later!! TTFN
  3. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning everyone, sorry I didn't make it in last night. DD#5 come home for a little home cookin' and spent the night. She has a lousey cold. I hope I don't get it. Made her corn chowder with homemade biscuits. She will take all the left overs so I won't have to deal with fatning left overs! I do love a bowl of corn chowder. Yeah it is the weekend. Have to work at the nursery, but that is no big deal! Got a phone call from the university and there was a problem with my final master's application and I had 2 hours to get it fixed (while teaching) or I was out of the program. Come to find out one of the universities I went to didn't send my transcript, even though I requested it twice and called 7 times. Finally had to call AGAIN and demand NOT to be sent to a voice mail. was sent anyway, so called over and over until they gave me to a real human. Evidently they had a computer change over and my record was in the old system and never got swapped over. Once I got a little hysterical they found the file, emailed it, faxed it and hard copied it. The university that does our program agreed to give me a temparery approval until they got the hard copy even though it is against their policy. So I am officially set to start class on Monday. Man I got a little freaked, thinking that I almost lost an opportunity for a free masters degreee. Please remind me of that when I am grumbling about homework. Linda, how is Mel? What treatment path is he going to take? Phyl, drive safe and enjoy the road, get to Cali soon so you can go to the dr. and get your back/hip/leg fixed. Janet, enjoy your weekend!
  4. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Steph, I totally understand on the personal hygiene thing, DD#5 is like that. I swear she didn't brush her teeth the entire time she was in HS. I'd even bribe the dentist to give her grief, but that didn't really work because she has perfect teeth, not a single cavity. I hope that is is better about it now that she is 20, but I'm not totally sure. I know that if I was her boyfriend I wouldn't be kissing that mouth. But the therapist is right, you have to let it go. Yep there were times I had to 'step away' because of her bad breath, but it didn't seem to impede her friends, she was popular in school. It isn't worth hurting your relationship. Irritating yes, disgusting, definitely, his problem, not yours. It's Friday! But I work all weekend at the nursery, I'm just going to remind myself that it is $$$ in the bank! Chat tonight afterf DD#5 heads home. Making her corn chowder and homemade biscuits, she even mentioned it on facebook.
  5. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, hopefully all you will need is some anti-inflamitories. If they recommend surgery, be sure to get a 2nd and 3rd opinion. Back surgery can be a never ending prognosis. Steph was different, I have never seen anyone bounce back like she did. Anyway, we don't have to worry about me not getting enough nutrition. I battled the hungries all day and ate more today than I have in a long time. Naturally it is scarey, I get worried when I can't eat, worried when I can. HOWEVER.....I reached a huge milestone today...I put on a pair of size.............12..........jeans and they where not tight, actually a microscopic amount loose. It has been so many years since I have wore that size. So does that mean I need to stop buying size 18's? I don't even look in the smaller sized racks. Might be an adventure. Clothes that aren't baggy. I look at all the clothes I recently bought and all of them are on the loose side. So either I have lost (scale says a couple of pounds) or I need to start looking in the smaller size racks. But I did get to wear my dream outfit today, a pair of jeans and a white 'big' shirt, think artist looking. I love that style but have never been able to wear it. Okay enough, I shouldn't brag so much, but damn a size 12!!!! Having a marinated turkey roll and yams for dinner tonight. Phyl, drive safe. Candice, so what does this 'tax' job entail? Are you going to be hunting down tax evaders?
  6. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Linda, I am sorry that I didn't read carefully enough to catch the concern about Mel, yep I'm pond scum! I will add him to my prayers. The 'C' word is scarey, even when it is a type that has success in treatment. But that doesn't help him or you right now. Hang in there and keep us posted. DD#5 called last night and I guess she has a bad cold, so she is coming home on Friday and has requested Corn Chowder with biscuits. I guess I still am needed. It was too cute. This raspy little voice on the phone..."moahhm, can you make me corn chowder....I'm sick." So I will cook up a double batch, send most home with her, send some to my friend, and maybe some home to DD#4. It it nice to be needed. AND she will be taking her fish home!!! Yep all my grandchildren have fur or fins. Went to bed early and feel MUCH better this morning. So guess I better keep doing that. Well you all have a good day. Janet, you are a work out animal!!!
  7. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Linda, I don't know the answer either. I LOVE the feeling of not caring about food, and probably in a sick way like the idea that if I eat too much I will pay for it either in pain or a repeat performance. I guess I am a negative reinforcement type of person. I want to believe that I am at a good spot. Because before this last fill I was eating 2 cups of food at a time. Now it is more like 1/3 to 1/2. But I do build in protein snacks. One thing I haven't been eating enough of is veggies. But today I had a salad with lots of stuff: spinach, carrots, tomatoe onion, a little diced ham, feta, and some low cal dressing. I was able to eat about 1/2 cup of 'packed' salad, more like 3/4 to 1 cup of loose salad. But I am really battling the tireds, I guess I need to get my B-1 shot prescription filled. I hate this draggin feeling. I did come home and walked the furries, I hope to drive the path soon and find out how long I need to extend it. I know the furries are draggin at the end. OHHH I forgot, I got a pair of the sketcher walking shoes and man my butt and upper thighs feel the burn. I am hoping I can keep wearing them, it does make my pronation worse. Anyway, overall a good day, resigned from the last of my committee work, stood up to a parent that was telling me that I better make my class fun or her kid will get quote "pissed off" and then she will get quote "pissed off". Told her that I can only do so much without a science lab and equipment and that earth science is somewhat abstract. I wanted to finish it up with quote, "don't push or I will get pissed off", but refrained. My boss was there and said nothing, not my problem. Now the delema (sp), bath and a book, or staining the other dog gate...um I think I am voting for the bath and the book. and guess what...I CAN!!!! Man I love living a lone, hey I can go to bed a 8 pm if I want too. Okay,this week I can, next week, my masters classes start, so I won't have the option. Phyl drive safe, Janet enjoy your work out, Linda, love you! Steph???
  8. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    the cat keeps pushing some key and my post instantly posts. Oh well, probably time to kick it in gear! Check in tonight, TTFN
  9. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Hope things went well with Andrew. Slow night, just you and me. Phyl should be on her way to Cali, travel safe my dear. So Steph is Jeff going on your cruise with you? Went to bed early last night and am still draggin. But I'll eventually get into the hang of getting up. Good thing I
  10. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Stephanie, wow a cruise, I bet you will have a blast! Came home, did a quick home repair and then took the furries for a long walk, dealt with mail, watered pots and flower beds, now I am being a slug. Still battling food at school. I was fine all weekend, but as soon as I walk into the building everything comes back. Well not everything, just breakfast and lunch. I was able to keep down 1/2 a small banana with a little almond butter, probably about a tablespoon. It is better than last year where all I did was eat non-stop at school. But I'm dragging by the end of the day. So that just tells me that it is stress related and nothing physical. The wierd thing...I'm not even interested in food. Yeah, I dream of eating a big steak with a loaded baked potato and dessert, but I know it would just come back, so I don't crave it. I am still craving salt, probably my electrolites are off. So I will try some chicken broth tonight and see of that balances things out. It does really bug me that I am wasting so much food. For the most part leftovers and I don't agree, I'm sure it is because they are drier, so I need to add some broth or something. Tomorrow I am putting a turkey loin in the crock pot, I will eat a serving for dinner and try some for lunch the next day, but I can't really get it down after that. So I am going to start giving it to my friend that is in her 70's and still working at the school and doing before and after school daycare. By the time the kids leave she is usually too tired to cook. I thought about cutting the loin in half, but then it cooks too fast in the crockpot. I'd appreaciate any suggestions.
  11. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, I hope your mom & uncle decide to go for the assisted living. It will make things easier for them. But it will be hard for them to acknowledge that they shouldn't be living on their own. Enjoy your glass of wine with your sister. You have had a whirlwind of a trip. Got a lot done this weekend!! Truck is now almost full. The bummer, my water cooler died. I can't stand the local water, lots of chlorine. It was nice to have instant hot and cold water, but that is what the microwave is for and the refrigerator. So back to bottles. I actually have all the laundry done...an all time first for this house. The utility room is organized and clean, dog bed made, if they eat it I'll be royally ticked. Actually the cat seems to have moved into the beds. I built a wooden frame for thei beds in a hope that the furries will stop dragging their beds everywhere and eating them. I have a couple of special bones that I will bring out this morning, probably throw a little peanut butter in them and see if that keeps them occupied.
  12. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Congrats Steph, I wish I could walk with you...but we know I have neither the time or the money, but I will be with you in spirit! Have the truck 1/3 full of junk and still a ways to go. Got all my family pics hung and a great one of my dad. Tossed stuff that I have moved 11 times, is that stupid or what!!! Have a pile I need to decide on, all my rug making stuff...ah hell, it needs to go to! maybe. I have been battling with a headache all day. Hope food makes it better. So far my calories are about 400. Going to have some chicken fried rice for dinner. Hope it stays down. Going to stain the dog gates and bed tonight so I can build everything tomorrow. Cold and dreary today. The furnace tried to kick on, but I shut it off. Candice, you better get the job also, otherwise you will have to vacation on your own...at my house!
  13. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning ladies...slept until 9:30, guess I was tired. Didn't even post last night. Now I have that, "Slept too long" headache, hopefully caffiene will fix it. Plan and having some real food today...I hope. Right now I am struggling with my coffee. But I usually do 1st thing in the morning. Plan for the day...as Phyl said, "to the dump, to dump, to the dump, dump, dump!" Well okay, to "the truck, to the truck, to the truck, truck truck", the dump is closed today and tomorrow. They also have changed the hours, so I will have to brible someone to take it, since I don't get out of school before they close. Janet, how was the concert? Did you fall off your heels? I do love high heels, but don't wear them anymore. Maybe I can try them again since I don't way a quarter of a ton. Phyl, the Skype shower sounds like fun. Twins...wow, they will be busy. Heck, I'm jealous, don't even have one. Well, I hope DD#4 doesn't give me one. Steph, I know you are a bigger collector than I am, but you come by it naturally from your dad. If you are selling any of your big crocks...think of me. I'd buy one. I was telling my students that I have a friend with a Kettle Korn wagon, I quickly became there favorite!! Linda, I hope you get a relaxing weekend. Maybe a little time with Cora?? Candice, do you have everything put back to normal after the party? Good luck on the job possibilities.
  14. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, drink drink drink...Keeps you energy up. But I know what you are saying. Coffee actually will stimulate bowel movement...TMI, but it does work. I have been up for awhile. Still a little queezy, so it must be a bit of a virus. Going to pretty much stay on liquids again today. Haven't really been hungry, just craving salt. Very unusual for me since I am usually a sweet freak. Hey, I'm game for Belize. I want to zipline and swim in the phosphorescent bay. Snorkel in the coral reef. Lounge on the beach and drink tropical drinks with little umbrelas!! Now I just need to start saving. Maybe we could find a cute cabana boy.... Work today, then 2 days off. So when I get home and get everything watered, back to the down sizing. I'm trying to be ruthless. I have laundry started, dishes washed, Cpap machine cleaned. I'm going to start hinging stuff today, pictures, etc. Then I need to finish build the dogbeds and stain the dog gates. Well best get back to getting ready. Janet, have a good day. Hey, when you are in Vegas, why don't you win about $10,000 and then we can go to Belize without having to stay. I'd carry your luggage if you bought my ticket with your winnings!!! Check in tonight!
  15. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, tummy is a little better. I have felt crudy all day with a headache and nausious, but I don't know if that was from crying for an hour and half, or maybe I do have a bit of a bug. I kept food to mostly liquid and a little laughing cow. I know that somehow I am going to buy an RV and do some traveling. I don't know how I'm going to finance it, but I am going to find a way, and then I'm going to drive to New York and see my daughter and then I'm going to find a place on the coast to park and beach comb for a week, and then I'm going to .... who knows. I want to do so many things. I want to go to Belize, have a drink in Ireland. Someway somehow, I'm going to find a way. I am so sorry about Andrew. I know things will work out, but it still is hard. He loves you like crazy, but I agree the thing with the dog has to go. Well I have to work tomorrow, so best get to bed. Hope I feel better today. TTFN
  16. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Made it through the memorial what a tear jerker. His son was only 22. I hadn't realized what an adventurous life he lead. Floated the lenth of the Amazon, hitchhiked through South America for 18 months, discovered a new butterfly species, was at the first Earth Day in DC, established a local butterfly house, when he came back from Vietnam, he visited each of the familes of the soldiers under his command that didn't come home. What a lesson for each of us. I hope that I can do some of the things he did and make a difference that he did. Sieze each day, make it special, love like crazy, ... As I get to know each of you, I realize that you are all the type of people I want to be. People that are not afraid to go out, to sing and dance outloud, to travel, to try new things, the type that I know would skinny dip in a heart beat! I want to be like. I want to stop being afraid to go somewhere alone. You would be proud of me today. I hauled a hugh truck load of stuff to the dump!! As I was unloading I had to battle to stop myself from keeping things. But I was successful. I am going to start loading the truck again tommorrow.
  17. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Wow, I missed the hurricane reference...I haven't been watching any news and missed it. I'm with Janet, you can Earl so much grief, but at least it wasn't a catagory 5, Earl would have never lived it down!!! It was really wierd last night. I woke up choking on my saliva. hum. So we will see how today goes and if I am still having trouble I will call the doc. I don't want to have to go for unfill, thing are perfect right now. Or at least they were. I need to do a little zen relaxing. Teacher memorial today at noon, and then I'm coming home and loading the truck with junk and hauling to the dump!!! I'm actually excited about getting rid of stuff. Janet, sorry about the furries waking you up. Miss Molly had to go potty at 1:30 last night, I wasn't to happy. So I paid her back and made her get up when I did. Now she is sittting on my lap trying to go back to sleep. Hummm should I be mean and wake her up...nah. Well back to sipping my hot coffee. slow and easy!!
  18. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Okay Phyl, I have to know...did you all call each other when you got dressed and decided to wear all blue? Fabulous pictures... Janet, sorry about Andrew, but I will admit to loving living alone...but then again this is a first for me. I have never in my life lived by myself. So what do you figure it up with the dogs and Andrew? Maybe he should volunteer at the local animal shelter to get his dog fix? I managed to get 1/2 a cup of broth down and a couple of bites of ice cream, I know, ice cream isn't the best, but everything was irritated and I thought it might reduce the swelling, okay that is my rationalization, hell, I wanted ice cream.
  19. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, no I don't have s stomach virus, I feel fine. I think I got dehydrated. When I am at school I don't have time to think about drinking. So I think that started it, I feel good except everytime I drink or eat, it is there for about 4 minutes and then comes errupting back ...with vegence. I am just hopeing that I have inflamed my band and that a day or so of clear liquids will settle it down. I don't even want to think about something being wrong with my band. crap
  20. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, sounds like a great time, but also exhausting, but soon you will be in sunny Cali kicking back! Fighting my band today. Started vomiting last night and haven't stopped. Can't even drink water. So I put myself on clear liquids for 24 hours to see if I can calm things down. I wasn't even able to drink my coffee. EVERYTHING is coming back up. So sitting here with a cup of chicken broth, I take a spoonful then wait 15 minutes, try another. This really sucks. but hey great on the weight loss. My boss stopped by this morning and told me I had permission to drop the last committee I'm on...okay...what's up with that. If I wasn't a suspicius soul, I'd think she was being nice. So I will probably drop that committee as well and focus on my master's program. Ah well, Janet, I'm sorry about the upheaval, I had office politics, what a pain that they shuffle everyone rather the 'shuffling' out the guy causing all the trouble. Well, I think I'm going to kick back for awhile and sip my broth. TTFN
  21. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Stephanie, you will have a blast with Jai's room. You will have to post pictures when you are done! Hope you all had a good evening. I slept in an extra hour today. Most of my school stuff seems to be causght up so I am going to go in an hour later. Of course I will then get behind, but no biggy. Having a little trouble with liquids this past few days and just lost my coffee. Well best kick it in gear!!
  22. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Hello!!! I made it to the other side. Now I just need to get use to this new keyboard and monitor. Man you sure do get use to what you had. I THINK I have everything transfered except Skype. I tried to download it, but it is giving me grief. So I'll have to wait until the youngest child comes home. Where do I send it to? Do I run or do I save?
  23. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Ladies, just a quick post...I'm not ignoring you...well yes I am kind of...I'm in the middle of trying to transfer all my information from my old computer to the new computer. Next time they say it is going to cost $$ to transfer stuff, PAY IT, it is way worth it. 3 hours of my life is more than worth what ever $$ it would have cost. Hopefully i will see you on the other side....If not, know that I am lost in cyberspace and someone will have to come rescue me!
  24. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Okay, topic change, I guess I have wallered in the negative long enough. Thanks for listening! Anyway... 4 day weekend, Labor Day Candice. AND I only have to work on Saturday at the nursery!! So 3 whole days, I figure one for school and 3 for the house...Okay, one for school, 2 for the house and ONE for me!!! I think that the electrician is coming to move the wireing and wire my outside plug for the pond. Yeah I think I have most of my stuff down loaded off my new computer. DD#5 has a college mate who is a computer geek who is going to by my old machine. He figures he can fix it or use it for parts. So that will be a little extra cash. Not much, but otherwise I would have to just toss it. So Phyl, how did the 'sisters' wine tour go? Janet, any big plans for the weekend? Steph, selling popcorn? I am the queen of the classroom since I told my students that I had a good friend who has a Kettle Korn wagon. Linda, hopefully you are having some fun this weekend?

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