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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yep, my doc got back to me and he wants me to try 150 mg of Zantac twice a day. Okay actually he wanted me to come in for an unfill, but I talked him into letting me try the Zantac and liquids for a couple of days. So I am trinking some crystal light with slow sips and ate a few spoonfulls of ice cream. Yogurt seems to stick in my throat. Phyl I hope Earl is feeling better. Get him into the doctor. A sinus infection can really play havac with his blood pressure etc. One of our teachers has horridly ill all last year. Multiple stays in the hospital, blood pressure all over the place, had every MRI, CTscan, heart evaluation, they were convinced she had a brain tumor. Nothing worked. All through the summer she was in and out of the hospital. The docs we starting to say that it was all stress related. Finally, one doctor asked her what kind of antibiotic they gave her for the massive sinus infection that showed up in the MRI. What infection. Not one doc up to that point said anything about a sinus infection. They put her on a mega antibiotic for 4 weeks and believe it or not, she is perky and has energy. All because of a sinus infection. The medical bills were well over $300,000, yet it all could have been taken care of with an antibiotic. Janet, I know what you mean about waiting to wake up fat. I deal with it every day. I will take the vomiting over being fat again. I know that is wrong, but I can NOT go back to being fat. A da Vinci machine is a robotic machine that takes the doctors movements on the controls and minuraturizes them. That way they don't have to do a large abdominal incision. they do laposcropy very similar to the lap band procedure. My lapband doc did say I needed to remind the surgeon to watch out for my port tubing and puncture it. However with all my abdominal surgeries (9), there might be too much scar tissue for the robotic arms to manuver in my abdomen. I watched a a Youtube video of the procedure and it is pretty amazing what they can do.
  2. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Linda, yep it was APA style, with their university twist. But I have never submitted a paper strickly via the internet. The entire paper was in correct format, but the title was not, I added it at the last minute. Heck, some people wrote 1/2 page (double spaced) and go a 100%. I wrote 4 pages (I know too much) WITH references (no on else had references) and I loose half a grade for font and a percent for not being concise. So this paper I will be short and sweet and to the point and I will probably get a 'C'. If I don't maintain a 'B', I'm out of the program, crap. Candice, I'd love to come for Christmas, but with my surgery being on Nov 30 with a possibility of being down for 6 weeks, I better not plan on it. Plus I would imagine this da Vinci machine isn't cheap. I emailed my band doc and explained what is going on. It is like the food isn't gettin past my throat. Linda, enjoy your couch time.
  3. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Steph, I know that if Michael goes to his dad's that it will be hard, and I agree that he will take his problems with him. But I think the therapist has some very valid points. I like what she said about not rationalizing with him! Give it all some thought. I'm back to everything making a repeat performance. Oh well. Told my admin that I would be gone for most of December, she didn't seem to care much. No biggy. My paper got a decent grade, but not good enough for me. So I will try again. Basically I lost most my points for format (my title was the wrong font) and lost 1/2 a grade for that. Also I need to be more 'concise', which is teachtalk for, "way to darn long". So this paper I am going to do on my own, and see what happens. I just have to maintain a B average. I'm tired, I went to bed by 9:30 last night and came home for a nap tonight, but I am still tired. Oh well, best go find something liquid to eat for dinner. TTFN
  4. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    My surgery is officially scheduled for November 30 at 2:30 pm. A hell of a long time to go without food!! It won't be pretty. I haven't told the school yet. Everyone is dealing with our collegue with breast cancer and her double masectomy and possibly hysterectomy. My boss will not be thrilled. But not my problem Basically I will take the month of December off. Most of the month is lost to squirrley kids/holidays/testing, so I am not concerned about curriculum. Okay, yes I am concerned...but not my problem. Steph, Candice is right, it is about control. Let it go. However, I would ask the therapist if you have the right to refuse to 'get close' enough or 'go out' with him in public. What about it is driving you nuts? Is it the smell or is it the fact that he doesn't care, or is it that he won't do what you say? I am sure that his self esteem is at issue as well as the control. He may think that if he smells bad enough, then that is the reason he doesn't have friends, rather than he doesn't have friends because of who he is. As always, said with love. My door is in and it is fabulous!! I need to put the screen door in, but that will have to wait until I have time. Well best go read my 7 chapters now that my textbook FINALLY showed up in the mail. TTFN
  5. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice honey, not with a 10 foot pole.
  6. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Linda, I think I forgot to tell you congratulations!!!! It must feel wonderful to have retirement 'officially' locked in. You will miss it...a little...but you are going to have the time of your life with those grandkids. Slept well, didn't get as much homework done last night as I needed to, but I was enjoying a moment of slugville! So back to it tonight. Did enjoy watching the season premier of NCIS. Tonight I have a meeting on with my masters people. We have to 'teach' a lessson to our peers in the program. Bleck, I always figure when they want the students to teach it is because they are lazy. What the heck do I know about volcanoes? Well short but sweet, check in tonight. Steph, when do you leave for pink ribbon walk?
  7. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I have a very happy tummy full of taco soup. A real meal after about 2 weeks of struggling. now I need to be careful!!
  8. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, I think my yoga helped my digestion. Not only was I able to have a good bowel movement (Iknow TMI) and I ate real meals today. Breakfast, 2 wheat thin flatbread with laughing cow and humus, Lunch green bean with a small serving a spaghetti, watermelon. Dinner is going to be taco soup. I feel so much better with food! Steph, so what went on at home? Are you ready to share? Candice, any gigs this week? Phyl sound like fun, wine is a finicky thing, or so I'm told. Well I need to go to homework. Need to do some reading.
  9. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, the weird thing...I'm not hungry. The only way I know to eat is when I feel a low blood sugar. My nutrition right now is poor. I need to get more fruit & veggies in. Probably more protein. I know I need to see the dr., but there is a part of me that is afraid to get any unfill because I don't want to go back to eating 2 cups of food and battling to MAINTAIN weight and not gain. I know, my head is screwed on backwards right now. The dr. appt is going to have to wait until after I am done with work at the nursery, this weekend is my last weekend. So I can think about it then. Let's get real, it is a powerful thing to not be hungry. It is seductive and I know this is as issue for me. I can NOT eat very well. Eons ago, I would eat a 1/2 a banana and 1 cup skim milk for breakfast, popcorn for lunch, and small salad for dinner. I KNOW that I can't go back to that, I really thought I had all my food demons under control. I guess it just shows that you never really do. I will work on it! Dog walking. I have a leash that is split so that I can walk Jordan & Molly at the same time and only have to hold onto one handle. You can adjust where it separates into two so you don't get tangles up around your leg. Yeah, NOW you tell me about not wearing shorts. My gosh it was horrid!!!
  10. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I loved the yoga!! I know I will be sore tomorrow, but I loved how much everything stretched. ANd I actually have a little flexability. However, how come none of you told me I have the most Gosh awful wrinkly knees on the face of the earth. I was doing the down under dog or maybe the plank, butt in air, feet & hands down, head down looking right at those hanging wrinkle knees. O my Gosh, the looked to the right and this upper arm slaps me in the face. Now I know I wave for several minutes after a stop moving my arm, but it was darn right embarassing. waggle waggle. Well, I think I have officially aquired the 'acid reflux' thing everything that I put in my mouth today 'stuck' and burned. So I'm thinking, I shouldn't really stick on water, when I can eat a cracker. So bought some tums, and relief. Food today was 2 crackers and a wedge of laughing cow. Nothing else would go down. Didn't even get coffee or a water down. I'm doing better tonight after the tums. I'm able to drink now. I think what I was feeling was the acid reflux and not being stuck. Any thought would be appreciated. Well need to go do homework.
  11. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Ah Steph, it sounds like things are not good. You know we are here for you any time. Linda, yep, nag DH until it is done. Remind him that he is loved and needed and that you need him to be there for the family. Then if he doesn't schedule it, do it yourself. Although I am a huge supporter of natural consequences, this is NOT a consequence you need to deal with. Went to make my latte this morning and my milk is sour, crap. No latte for me. I may have to stop and get on from the coffee stand. I can't live without my coffee. Got the new screen door stained last night. The electrician moved the electricity on Saturday and the carpenter comes on Tuesday to put in my door. I am so excited!!! Doing yoga tonight with a teacher at school, so will be a late check in. Then groceries, laundry, homewor, AND to bed. I think I am going to make tortillline (sp) soup for dinner. Semi mushi and it will give me band a rest. Need to get the stress reduced and stop irritating my band. No ladies you are right, I need to get a handle on my lifting. I just get frustrated because I want to get things done and there is no one to help me. I need to start asking for help. Gosh I hate that. Payday, it has been since June, but I made it. Oh I can't complain. I earned about $4000 extra this summer. I actually will be putting a little into the savings this afternoon!! I can't remember who asked, but my new insurance will pay for my surgery. Well not all of it, but it definitely will be better than what I had before. I have a $500 deductable and then I think they pay 80%. I will probably have to get pre approval, etc. I imagine the use of the de Vinci machine won't be cheap. It will be frustrating to have medical bills again. I suppose I best get at it! Check in tonight, you all have a great day!!
  12. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Homework done for the week. Fighting stress like crazy. My band is tighter than ever. I am going to stick with liquids for a day. Trying to get the laundry done, had to strip my bed a 2nd time in less than a week. I am a little sick of furries, dogs and cats, muddy feet, fur and puke. auuuuuuuhhhhh So Linda, what is going on with you? Anything fun? or are you busy with students. Just think, the last September you have to work!! Well need something for dinner, probably a smoothie. TTFN
  13. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, how come I couldn't remember Peter's name, I feel like such a dweeb. I learned something...don't eat dinner so late that I hasn't had a chance to go through your band. Didn't get dinner until 9:30, went to bed at 10:00. Woke up with it still in my band and it made a repeat performance. Let's just say salad that sits in your band overnight is NOT a pretty sight, or taste. auug Stepped on the scale this morning (I weigh dressed) and I lost 3 pounds or 2 pounds, it really doesn't matter, but I am down to 167, yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Well need to go finish the edit on my paper. If I have time I will check in before work!
  14. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Okay ladies, Phyl has a point, we need to get together and go to one of Candices and ...ah hell..what's his name. Candice my appologies to your DH, for the life of me I can't think of his name... Crap. BRAIN is fried!! So now I am going to have to go into back posts and find it. I'm such a ditz today. I've never tasted homemade wine. I like some wines, but not most. A lot of times it gives me a raging headache. Now I can drink straight shot of tequila and not even have a hang over. Use to love Stoly vodka, till I drank almost a whole bottle of 180 proof. Can't even stand the smell now. I'll be honest, I'm a foofy drink person, anything sweet and slushy. Or a good beer with clamato juice. Crap, forgot to post this!
  15. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Oh Candice, how very cool!!! and you were worried. I know you gus make beautiful music together. We are so proud of you!! Yeah I need to get the mamo, but dang I hate the idea. The electrician is coming today to move the wiring that is in the way of the door, Then the carpenter will come eartly this week and put in the door, I can't wait. I need to pick the house up a little before he gets here. It is a mess. Don't know when I will have time to clean. Well have work, so best get ready and then do some clena up,TTFN
  16. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Well ladies, just got home from an evening out. We took out the collegue that has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. The surgeon will be doing a double masectomy with reconstruction. If her gene test comes back showing she has the 'breast cancer' gene she will also have to have a hysterectomy. So we went out for margahritas and lots of laughs. I shared my news that I can be fixed and will be able to have sex, what a hoot. We where laughing so loud some guy bought us another pitcher of margarittas. My paper is written and is in the proofing stage. I have asked one of the english teachers to teach me how to write and they agreed. yeah!! Had to come home to a big mess, the furries were locked up to long, but it is almost cleaned up, I'll finish in the morning before I go to work.Then come home and finish the paper. Hope to get some yard work done on Sunday, but who knows. Candice shake that booty. Phyl I hope Earl feels better soon, have you made your appointment yet? Janet, I need to get in for a mammo, but last time they found Calcium deposits and it scared me to death because I had to go back in for a repeat. I don't know that I can face it, but I am going to make the appointment next week and just get it done. Face the music if needed. I am excited about the surgery, no more pain. And do not worry, I won't fool around. I'll follow all the docs orders. I have asked around and our school nurse use to work for the doc and she said she just loved him, and he is one of the best locally. So I am in good hands. Well going to go play a mean game of spider solitary and then head to bed. Lost my lunch over stressing about my paper. But was able to eat a little nachoes tonight and 2 margahittas so calories where probably high. Otherwise it was 2 wedges of laughing coe and 4 wheat thin flat breads and 1/2 a banana. I really need to figure out something for Breakfast. I may go back to trying oatmeal. I like to have something warm. We are all sisters , so go screw the FB witch!!!
  17. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning ladies!! Hope you all slept well! I slept hard enough that I must not have moved much, I put my ear to sleep, man I hate that! It's Friday!! yeah!! Have my homework essentially done, just need to go over my paper. Then I will have to complete actually classroom work this weekend, I have papers to grade. A teacher that is my age just has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer and the surgeon want her to have a double masectomy. Her mother died of breast cancer when she was 9. So ladies, have you had your mammogram this year? Um..I haven't in a very ears, I think I will be taking care of that ASAP. Well best get ready, I slept in this morning. Check in tonight!!
  18. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, yep I was writing paper. I have it written and in the correct format and now I am putting it away for now. Tomorrow I will look over it and check the grading rubric and hopefully not have to trash it and start over. My surgery will probably be the last week of November or 1st week of December. That way I can tie into winter break for recovery time. I have to plan that once they get in with the robot they may have to switch to the traditional abdominal incision because of the amount of scar tissue blocking the path of the robot, so I potentially could be out for 6 weeks The vet stopped and gave Bailey the cat a cortezone shot for her arthrisis, she has been limping around and in pain for a couple of days. Royal Canine has come out with an arthritis formula food for cats...$38 a bag. So we are going to try that. Cheaper than the shots, even though my vet gives me a pretty good break. Food was better today: Breakfast: wedge of laughing cow with 2 Wheat Thins flatbreads Snack: 1/2 banana with almond butter Lunch: Amy's ministrone soup Dinner: 1/2 a casadea Water was a little better. Oh and yep Janet/Candice is will have to reduce my lifting to 50 pounds or less. So I will have to talk to my boss about next summer. Most days it won't be a problem, Sundays when I work alone will be, but the customer will just have to help. Well time to head to bed. Candice, I know you kicked some bootie, I can't wait to hear how it went. If I finish my paper tomorrow, I plan on going out for a beverage or two with some colleages. Have a good night!
  19. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, look at all that room!!! Well the dr. appt went well, he spent 2 hours with me talking and examining and talking. There is hope!!! AND it isn't my fault that I'm prolapsed. Evidently the nerves are damaged so the muscles haven't recieved any messages and so now there isn't any muscles. No amount of pelvic floor exercises would have worked because without nerves...well you know. There is a procedure that uses 'robotic' procedures that will reconstruct everything through laposcropy. A pessuary is not an option because of the thin tissue. Anyway, he feels that the surgery is an option for me, but wants me to do some reading and thinking. He will also facilitate me going to a larger more experienced medical center if I want. He says currently he does about 1 a month, I guess the 'robot' is tightly booked.
  20. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, thanks for the suggestions. I need to get some deli meat, I think that will be agood idea. Anything 'creamy' (yogurt) seems to be giving me hell. AND I agree, it is the dehydration. This summer I drank at least 40 oz of water a day, now I am lucky if it is 8. So back to figuring out how to go about getting in the fluids. Linda, glad the surgery went well. Yep, babies are for young people. I don't know how some of these ladies have babies in their late 40's. I'll let you all know how the dr. appt goes, TTFN
  21. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, yep I was trying to get on the website to see what homework I have. I finally got on, then hell, how am I going to get it all done. Had to write a introduction, take a survey, read 3 chapters, write a paper summarizing the results of the survey, write at least 2 discussion posts all before Sunday and I don't even get the books until Wednesday. Wednesday night I have Open House at school, then work Saturday and Sunday at the nursery. So I probably won't be able to make long posts, but I will do quick check ins. I have my dr. appt for my prolapse tomorrow, so I will find out what options I have. I need to find something else for breakfast, maybe some eggs. My blueberries/kashi/yogurt are fighting with me. I vomit it most mornings. I seem to do okay with some laughing cow and those great big wheat thins that Phyl had at the coast. Lunch, somedays I can eat my salad, others not. Somedays soup, somedays not. I know damn well that it is stress!! I need to get a handle on this. Tonight I had some pasta and cheese raviola. Doing good so far. I avoided eating candy today, it was really calling me. Well back to work. TTFN Oh Candice, I'm up at 4 a.m.
  22. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Sorry, late check in. DD#5 needed a mom's shoulder, feeling overwhelmed at school, mainly because she is sick and she stresses. Her senior year she was taking 2 AP classes and got so stressed that she lost half of her hair. Then a teach stopped by to share that she just had been diagnosed with breast cancer, she is my age and her mom died of breast cancer when she was only about 10. Then home to finally log into my class, well 3 hours later I still can't get logged in, so I give up for tonight. Trying to get some dinner, but I let myself get too hungry so who knows if anything will stay down. Candice, camper looks great, can't wait to see it next time you are through. Well I need to go fight with dinner. check in tomorrow.
  23. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Oh Linda, what an horrid week. I know surgery will go fine, and Mel will make it through treatment. Think of the delay in the biopsy as a good thing. I the dogs were worried, they would have him in now. But the waiting is stressful. I know that you'd rather be at your son's side, even though you have that sweet granddaughter will you! Our kids are always our babies. But sending possitive vibes and prayers. Phyl, what a cuties of a grandson, yep if Steve is being a Jerk there is nothing you can do about it...unfortunately. Janet, you earned a restful day!! The coyotes were howling last night so the furries were all nervous and up several times last night. So sleep was interrupted. Phyl you should make the doc appointment now while you are on the road so that you can go in as soon as you get there. This doesn't sound like it is something to fool around with. Give Earl a kiss (for quitting) and then smack him for being a grouch!! Well I hope you alll have a good day. TTFN
  24. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I love sweetpotatoes, but stick on them once in awhile. Worked, then home, laundry and cleaned and mowed the dog yard. Made me feel good about getting something done. Tonight, finish laundry then dinner and get ready for school. Last night of freedom without homework. Janet, glad the furries let you sleep in. Candice good luck on your gig, you will be great!!! Well laundry time, TTFN
  25. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, the furries must have let you sleep!!! Phyl, have fun with the grandson. Someday I will have one of those. Got an email from my lapband doc, he was just checking in on how I was doing. What a sweetheart. Nothing much going on this morning. Have to work, then home for laundry. Should do some house cleaning/unpacking...umm...we will see. TTFN

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