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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl I do love Starbucks instant coffee, what flavors do they have? Sugar free? Well sorry I'm late tonight. Had to work and then met up with the quilting ladies. I didn't quilt because I can't get to anything so I grabbed a skein of cotton yarn and started knitting a dish cloth. Something mindless, but did have a piece of pumpkin pie, skipped the crust and didn't eat dinner. The furries threw a fit and trashed the kitchen, threw their dog food all over, destuffed their new dog beds, slipped their water dish (even though it is suppose to be flip proof) and got into the garbage. So tomorrow I take them for a long walk and tire them out, then clean up the kitchen. Today was the 'real' last day at the nursery. I tore down all the water features and ponds, moved the fish into the green house and clean and stored all the pumps and stuff. A good day. I still don't have my grade on my paper yet, grrr. AND I didn't get a latte tonight. double grrrr. But I didn't enjoy the evening out. Tomorrow, laundry cleaning, homework, nothing exciting. Well, I'm getting tired, I'll check in tomorrow morning. NO ALARM CLOCK!!! Phyl, I think you need to take Bella to the vet, Check into if it could be a mild epilepsy? Odds are she probably is extra sensitive to things outside, remember this is a new place for her. If there are any animals out or she could just be picking up some vibes from somewhere. If Earl doesn't get healed soon, he better go back for more anitibiotics. Also, make sure he is eating some yogurt to replace his intestinal bacteria. Linda, any more episodes? GO TO THE DOCTOR!!!!
  2. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, I know I'm not getting enough protein right now, but I'm working on it. Thanks for the info on Thanksgiving. What a fun holiday. It just shows that us Americans tend to be narrow sighted, thinking only our country celebrates such holidays. I did go online and look it up and there are several countries that celebrate a successful harvest. Thanks for the infor. Candice enjoy your trip! Be safe! Linda, how are you feeling today?? Again, so glad the Mel's test came back clear!! Phyl, If Earl doesn't heal up soon, he may need another round of antibiotics. There seems to be some nasty stuff out there this year. My absentee numbers are fairly high at school right now. Well work today, and then I'm suppose to meet up with my quilting friends and quilt. I'd rather come home and go to bed, but it is important, so I'll go. Still waiting on my results of my last paper. Most everyone has there scores already. This is making me nervous. Hopefully by the end of today. There are 2 people that grade our papers, the prof & his aide, and they switch back and forth. So since he graded my last time they aide will be grading it this time. I'm nervous as all get out. One of the other students got a 100% last time (which I didn't) and only got an 85% this time. CRAP! So now we wait... ANd we all know how patient I am! Janet, what's up? How's everything going? Well need more coffee, TTFN
  3. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Oh Linda, how scarey! Did you eat today? If it happens again you better promise to go to the doc or I will call out the troups and we will haul your skinny ass in!!! We had a jeans day at work, we all donated $$ for breast cancer for our co-worker. It was rather fun!! I have been working on my attitude and it is much better. I'm not letting myself get stressed, strange huh? Fell much more in control today. I did eat a lot of grapes, probably 1 1/2 cups, but the rest of the food was very controlled. The stomach bloat is leaving. So today it was about 1 c of blueberries/kashi/yogurt, 1/4 apple with laughing cow light, 1 1/2 c of tomato soup, and my grapes. Dinner is going to be chicken fried rice. Anyway, hope you have a good evening. Oh Candice, so explain Canada's Thanksgiving?
  4. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Went to bed at 8:30 last night, feeling much more rested! It's Friday? Linda, any news? Phyl is Earl feeling better? Did he go to the doc? Candice, Peter will be home today, right? It's Friday!! oh I already said that! Busy weekend for homework. But I'll get it done...I hope! New day, hopefully better food attitude! Work on Saturday, but then Sunday off. Next week is a nightmare. I have a paper due, a lesson to prepare and give for the masters program. Masters classes on Friday & Saturday, so sub notes for Friday. But in a couple of weeks I have a 4 day weekend!!! yeah. Well best get going,you all have a good day!
  5. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Linda, ditto, hang in there girl! Janet, I think I am heading into hibernation mode. I am just wanting to curl up and sleep. Maybe I'll turn into a bear, fatten up during the summer, develop an anal plug and sleep. Other than the freezing your butt off, being a bear can't be all that bad. Of course I probably would become a rug or something! I know I need to eat, and I am eating healthy, it is just that I want to eat all the time. Today, was 1 ounce of cheese, 2 wheat thin flatbreads, 1 cup of tomato soup, 1/2 apple with 2 laughing cow light wedges, 1 cup of grapes, 1/2 a biscuit, and then dinner. I haven't had dinner yet. Yep, I agree on the down time, ttfn
  6. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, I also love the papyra tablets and avoid them if I can. Nag the doc office like crazy, you need to get seen! But it is frustrating! Woke up early today, not by choice. Miss Molly decided to get sick, so I havd to get up, by the time I got it cleaned up it was time to get up! Ah my kindgon for couple more hours of sleep. Linda keep us pogtd about mel's results!!
  7. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, nope I don't drown my salad with dressing. It is light yogurt ranch and it is mainly veggies and spinach with diced ham and feta. But I feel like I'm stuffed and I hate that feeling.
  8. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, thanks, I needed a chuckle today!! But I am sorry. DD#4 says she isn't better, but I am beginning to question it. I am wondering if it isn't a result of her not taking her antidepressants? The or very 'active' extra curricular activities...if you know what I mean. But I do hope she starts feeling better. Linda..I'm so sorry. It just reminds us to live each day. AND prayers for Mel, things are going to be okay. Unfortunately you know to much medicine not to be worried! Hang in there. My band doc emailed to see how I was doing so I have begged for a fill. I have zero restriction. So he said IF I am healed in two weeks then we can talk about a fill, grrr. But I understand I did it to myself. I hate finding myself cruising for food. I haven't all summer and really thought I was over my food adiction, yeah right. Today I snarfed a salad so fast that I don't even remember eating it, then there was the apple and 3, yes 3 laughing cow light wedges, and then, oh crap, I can't tell you about that. Okay 3 tootsie pop suckers. They were for a lab and there were some left over. Tomorrow they go. I feel like I am a bloated pig bumping around like a Macy's parade balloon. I'm still tired, which makes me eat more, but I have a lot of homework to do, so now time to sleep. Well back to the books!
  9. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Just got home, sat in the ER all night with DD#4. She has been having abdominal pain for a week. Thursday they sent her for a ultrasound, today we get the results, still nothing. She has blood in her urine, so doc sends her to the ER for xrays & CTscan, still nothing. So I either go to school with just a few hours sleep or call in for a sub. We will see, I'll check in later, let's not talk about food, let's just say cheetos made an appearance!
  10. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Glad you are home safe, I do love speed in a car, haven't done that in a while!!! Can I borrow Andrew for a week, it would be fabulous to have someone come and vacumn!!
  11. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, where did you find chicken jerky? Maybe now I can eat jerky again. Food today, hum, 1/4 apple and a wedge of laughing cow. I got all the frames built for my raised flower beds, so saw is put away. Sprayed the weeds, emptied some of my pots, bought groceries, did laundry. I didn't have time to eat and wasn't hungry. Dinner tonight, turkey breast and a yam. Frozen yogurt for dessert, saved some calories!! Paper done and submitted, I have a free evening. Should clean house, but it will be there tomorrow, I'm going to enjoy my night off. Going to go eat dinner, Check in later!
  12. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, great job!!!! You are back on the Bandwagon!!! Remember TT this year! I have gotten very saggy, my upper thighs and my stomach. I will never be able to have a TT, but thank goodness for foundation garmets (sp). My upper arms are flappin in the breeze. Paper done, but going to wait until tomorrow to submit it after I read it one more time. Hope it is okay. Boring night, laundry ughhh. Nothing on TV. What kind of fish did you have? I am thinking on splurging on some halibit. I know high in calories, but I haven't had any in years, that or maybe some tuna. I wish I knew how to make ahi tuna, I love that. With it just being me I can splurge once in awhile. Well going to go see if Netflicks has some instant play, not ready for bed, should go change laundry.
  13. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    We have always known that Janet is a party animal!! Well the paper is done except for a little formating!!! The teacher that I have bribed to proof it for me says that it is way better than the last paper, jees only 6 pages!! But no paper next week, yeah. Work was good today, I made hypertuff pots and a couple of mushrooms, my own creations. It is fun to work during the fall, this is the first year. I love seeing all the colors of the trees and shrubs, but dang, it just makes me want to buy more, but no more this year, just a load of dirt for another bed and then I'm done for the year. Food was good today, yogurt for breakfast and a mini snickers, yeah I know. Lunch was 1/2 a small sandwich with small flat bread, snack was the other half of the sandwich. Dinner, I'm thinking a little steak about 2 oz and some veggies. Evening snack is going to be a serving of coffee flavored frozen yogurt, 170 cals. It is hard to keep my portions small. But I have calories saved for some fruit later on. I know I shouldn't have eaten the snickers, it kicked in my carb craving. It is nice to be able to drink again. So I hope to get my laundry done tonight so tomorrow I can work in the yard for part of the day, then inside. Have a turkey loin for the crockpot. May go buy a yam. We are starting the apple harvest, so there are lots of fresh locally grown apples. Maybe I will make a stuffed apple for dinner tomorrow with SF maple syrup, a few raisins and nuts. I haven't had that in ages. I found a yummy looking recipe for pumpkin soup. If it turns out, I'll let you all know! Well you all have fun, time to go load that laundry!!
  14. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Linda, no I haven't had time to go on Facebook, so Candice you need to post the pictures here as well. I so miss being able to quilt and create. I feel like I am living on a deserted island without electricity. But I guess the month I have to take off for surgery should give me some opportunities to sew. I would love to quilt full time. Maybe after I am done with my masters and I have the associated pay raise then I won't have to work so many jobs!! Well time to go to work. Paper is almost done and SAVED!!
  15. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, oh what a chore, a fabric store...what is that? Actually it wasn't my pouch that was causing fits, it was my actual stomach. It has shrunk so much from lack of any food that it didn't know what to do with it. But I am finally able to drink like crazy...water ladies... I know I will need a fill, but it is good to give it all a rest. My goal is to not let my appetite come back. I never have had trouble with bread. I can still eat it like crazy, thus there is none in the house except those flat breads. I put a little FF cream cheese, garlic sea salt, lots of deli meat, and a thin slice of muenster. The muenster is high in calories, but it is my compromise for the FF cream cheese, and lots of leaf lettuse. I think I am going to try some sprouts and maybe some thin sliced cucumbers next time. Dinner tonight was 1/2 a CostCo salmon patty. I braised it in a little olive oil and my favorite garlic sea salt. Made sure I didn't over cook it and enjoyed every bite. Well, enjoy your evening, back to the paper.
  16. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet & Phyl have a good weekend!!! I didn't realize how little I was eating. Today for lunch I made a a sandwich with those 100 cal flat breads. I ate about 1/2 of it and my stomach went into the most horrendous spasms. I swore I was going to die. So I am going to slow down on the size of my portions. Wow, what a crazy thing. I worked all day on my paper and then I forgot to save it, crap, not my best moment. So back to it!
  17. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yeah Janet, but you are our tight ass and we love you for it! Go and win a million dollars and then take us all on a cuise! Hope you all slept well. Dreamed the stupid paper all night. If I thought about the Muddiest Point (an assessment technique) I think I will vomit! Worked on the paper all night. I may or may not get it done to be able to go out. We will see what I get done.
  18. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I do miss not being hungry!! But I am enjoying my fruit & veggies for the first time all summer. I will have to go in for a fill in awhile, but I am going to let things heal and get my energy back. I hadn't realized how malnurished I was until I ate last night. My body was perky for the first time in weeks. I am sitting here enjoying my skinny latte, first time in weeks, contemplating dinner, first time in weeks. Tonight I have to keep it to mushies, but tomorrow is a turkey loin and steamed veggies. I honestly thought for a while there that I could live without food. It had no appeal, now it probably has too much, but I will find the balance. Candice, Linda, it is just you and me babe. Janet & Phyl are off for the weekend, so we can talk about them,,,heheh. okay you know we won't. Well I want to go to a women's comedy show tomorrow night and I can't unless the paper is done, so I'm gone for right now, TTFN
  19. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Okay ladies, I agree with Phyl, let's move on. Well just back from my band doc and boy did I get a chewing out. He threatened to totally unfill me, oh hell no, not over my dead AND his dead body. Then he said, okay 1cc, remember I only have a 4 cc band. I said a quarter, we agreed on 3/4. But when he put the needle in almost 1 cc forced it's way out under it's own power. So we went with what was forced out, as long as I promised not to wait 2 1/2 weeks to come back in. I feel so loose. Then we talked a lot about food choices and how I have been eating easy foods. He wants me on solids..as in steak..and lots of fruit and veggies. I haven't been able to eat any of that all summer. So tomorrow is still liquids, he said that I probably was almost swollen shut. But the good news...my official doctor weigh in...163 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I have met the goal Dr. Ortiz suggested (166) and on my way to 100 pounds, can you believe it? Now I have to be super vigilent. I decided to stop and buy new bras on the way home, tried my normal size 40D um..3 other boobs could have fit in there. Tried a 38D, still not right, so gave up. Here is my lame thinking, I tried on a pair of jeans that were size 12 and they were loose, I almost bought them, why?? for when I gain weight. STUPID. So I didn't buy any, bought the furries new toys and new walking vests for the winter. Well should get going, ttfn
  20. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Steph, if I said something or DIDN'T say what you needed to hear, I'm sorry.
  21. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, I way am the hell missing the boat with you. I guess you and I are stuck on the dock?
  22. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I have admitted defeat, I emailed my band doc to get an unfill. Unfortunately he is out of town for the week and I have started vomiting again. I am so royally ticked off. My own darn fault.
  23. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    So Phyl, when does Earl FINALLY have a doc appointment this week? He better get better before Vegas or you will leave him behind an pick up a young pup!!! Did Yoga today after school. It is amazing how it relaxes my band and allows me to eat. My doc is out of town until next week, and the Zantac seems to help as well as the yoga. Had a protein smoothie for breakfast, about 1/2 c lentil soup and a piece of cheese for lunch. Dinner is some taco soup. I did have some pbing with lunch, but the vomiting is better. Okay, I'll fess up...I'm terrified to get an unfill. I'll just get fat again. Irrational, silly, yep all of the above!! We will see. Linda, glad Mel is getting his biopsy done. Hang in there. Candice it sounds like a whole lot of work for 1 day of voting booth monitoring. And yep, we can send our hanging chads you way. Does each of your individual votes count or do you have an electorial college. We all know how well that worked for us. Humm,,,should we say Gore won the election....Oh that's right Florida was the swing state and who was the govenor of Florida...ah that's right Bush. Sorry, I usually don't get political, but I am still ticked off about that, so I apologize to all the Republicans I just offended, don't take it personally, it just is that sometimes our country is an embarrasment. Well, my paper is calling my name...
  24. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yep, work, home, shower, laundry, homework. I definitely can say that my tightness is stress. I was fine until I started writing my paper. Almost immediately I got tight and started PBing foam. Got up and did a little yoga and things relaxed a bit. Not enough to eat, but enough to drink. So I am going to get more into the yoga, if it stops me from having an unfill. My doc is out of town all week except for Monday, and I can't make it to Kalispell in Monday. Well I thought this was my last weekend at work. But my boss asked me to still work on Saturdays, ah hell, I couldn't say no. But at least it is only one day. I can put the $$ in the saving account for my surgery. Oh, guess what, DD#2 said that they are THINKING about starting a family. They recently bought they family mobile. So maybe soon I will have a grandchild on the way!!! Yeah, where in the heck is Candice, Steph, & Linda? Well back to the paper, TTFN
  25. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl/Janet, alll I can say is...men..can't life with them, can't kill them! It is sad that Kaitlin had to deal with her dad. Janet you did the right thing. He is way too old to be moving home. If he gets a divorce, he needs to be on his own. Besides, his wife & daughter did the right thing. If he is going to be stupid and get drunk & obnoxious then don't have to deal with it. Phyl, we have said it before, but Earl is going to do himself in with too much over the counter stuff, it is really hard on the blood pressure, kidneys & liver. But other than hog tieing him, he doesn't sound ready to go to the doc. Good luck. Home from work, painted all day. Decided to pop up with a fever blister. Managed to drink about 1/2 c of soup and 1/2 a bottle of water. I may have to suck it up and go in for an unfill. I KNOW YOU ALL HAVE TOLD ME. But that doesn't mean I want to do it. I'll have to take time off work, drive 150 miles one way and back and then I know I will be hungry all the time. Maybe I'll get lucky and liquids and Xantac will do the trick. Need to do some homework and DD from Idaho is up, so best get going. TTFN

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