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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, glad Earl is doing so well. Sorry about your uncle, I'm sure I will be a witchy old broad. Well I got in trouble today, first, last week I did that shopping,,,well evidently too much shopping because the bank account is screaming. Then today I stopped and Ross, JUST TO SEE if they had anything. So 3 pairs of pants later, but those Columbia jeans fit ssoooooo nice, and 2 sweaters later, I am on my way home. But it is so much fun buying small clothes, okay not SMALL clothes, but SMALLER clothes. You should see my cute butt in those jeans. Anything that makes your butt look good is a requirement to buy...RIGHT???? So no more shopping this month. I have bought more clothes in the last week than I have in 5 years. But dang those jeans made my butt look good...okay I'll stop, but they really did make my butt look good. Home with no school work!!! for the next 3 days. I'll probably start my paper, and pay bills, but yard work tomorrow. Sunday is suppose to rain all day, perfect weather for a good book. I'll miss being there in March, but I'll be there in spirit.
  2. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, sorry, I won't have any sick leave left or personal after my surgery, so you will have to have it without me. I will think of you all. Fill is going great. Food is back in control.
  3. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, yep I found it!! Okay, I need to know if this is a definite thing before I book. I'll also need to run it by the family to make sure nothing is coming up. By the way, if we do this, we get to have one night of decetant chocolate gnash (okay can't spell) cake because...the 30th is my birthday and the 31st is my 2 year anniversary for my band. CAN we say PARTY!!! I got a 96% on my paper! I need to do some discussion board, but overall, feeling much better. Phyl, so far so good?
  4. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Okay, good morning!!! Hope you slept well, Phyl, Earl will be in my prayers today and you as well, it isn't easy to have someone you love having surgery. I dib Janet's other bedroom! Geez, warm climate during March, sign me up. Checking into flights from Missoula MT to Palm Springs CA, cost is around $600. A po!
  5. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Crap, I just had a spider climb out of my computer, I almost threw it across the room, ohhhhhhhhhh. I hope this fill is enough. I have been gaining weight since the doc removed my fill. not good! Hopefully tomorrow will be uneventful. Janet, yeah I know popcorn is a slider, and soup doesn't count. But in general I have been eating too much. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better. Double crap, forgot to tell this to post
  6. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Paper is done!!!! Last day of school tomorrow, whowhowhow. Class on Thursday, then 3 days off!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh yeah!!!!!!!!!
  7. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Hey I have March 27 through April 4 off from school!!! My fill doc met me in town today and gave my 1/4 of a cc fill. I ate my way though a 100 cal popcorn, an entire apple, 1 cup of grapes, 1 1/2 cup of soup and was cuising for more...this was for lunch. So hopefully the 1/4 cc fill will work. Well, back to the paper, it will be done in an hour!
  8. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning everyone, hope you had a nice sleep. Trying to decide if I need to go for a fill or not. In general I seem to be okay portion wise, excluding 2 pounds of grapes, but I think those are probably sliders for me. The reality is that I have been doing some stress eating, yep more than grapes. So I really need to evaluate it and decide...do I need a fill? or do I not need to eat crap. So today I am going to walk the straight line and be honest with myself and really listen to what my body says. Hope you have a good day, should be able to post longer today, the paper will be done, hell or high water...probably both!
  9. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I'd vote for East IF it is somewhere without mosquitos, I can handle any bug but them. OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH, when we are rich and famous, could we go on a cruise. I have never been on one and would love the idea. Fleas, yelk, so far, no fleas at my house, to dang cold and dry. Got my water bill today, who said I wanted the sewer bond, $60 extra. I know, the cost of living in town, but my water bill for 3 months was $230, I didn't use that much extra water, only 1000 gal. Crap, maybe I can't afford plants....
  10. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, I'm glad you found someone for Zoey! Both her and Earl will be fine. Janet, someday I will do fake nails, like when I slow down for a bit. Love you all, got the extension for the paper, so I'm back at it tonight. TTFN
  11. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Well, didn't get the paper done, begged for an extension, don't know if I will get it. So I automatically lose 10%. That's life, I'll deal. I worked until 10pm and then had to quit. I wasn't making any sense and the paper was getting worse. So I will deal with it tonight. Slept in until 5 this morning. Just wasn't ready to face the day at 4 am. Short school week, only 3 days, then Thursday I have a workshop and Friday thru Sunday I have off. I plan a nap on one of the days and working on the house the rest. Well best get ready for work. Check in tonight!
  12. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, my refrigerator sings like a bird, but I don't seem to hear it much any more. I can't paint my own finger nails, but I have the toe nails down. I'm too embarrassed by the summer grunge that takes hold to have someone else do them. I have only had a manicure once and it was with my own nails. I always chip them so bad if I have polish one, even if I use OPI and mega top coats.
  13. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Well ladies, I just splurged. Took DD#5 back to her appartment in town and stopped at the mall, got 3 new bras, 5 pair of undies, 2 pairs of pants and one pair of shoes. I tried to buy2 pairs of shoes, I found this perfect brown pair, with just enough of a heel and OH so comfortable. Told the clerk they were a definite so she took them to put on the counter. Went to pay for them and they disappeared. Naturally they didn't have another pair in my size. I was ticked. They were just what I have been looking for over 6 months. They PROMISED to see if one of their other stores had them and would mail them to me, but I don't believe if. So bummed. Anyway, it is now 2:30 and am just sitting down to work on the paper. So it will be a long night. Janet, I have been putting my last few nursery checks into the savings, and the $5 jar wouldn't work for me because I don't ever use cash, just my debit card. But every check that I get for going to class, I am putting into the pot. Payday I am also going to start putting some from my school pay check in. Once I have enough put away for a new fridge and washing machine, then I can start playing. Umm today didn't count, that was retail therapy! Well better get at it, love you all, k
  14. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, just school and work right now. I was on campus Firday & Saturday. I had to teach the entire day for the master's program on Saturday. It was suppose to only bee 4 1/2 hours and it turned into 8. Not my idea of fun. I was with a few other ladies that I get along with okay, but they have joy in setting the others (me) up to fail. So who knows how it went, but at least it is done. DD#5 is home for the weekend so I haven't been on the computer much. It is nice having her around, but I know as soon as she gets a new boufriend that i won't see her again, her life. She is going to NewYork over spring break to visit her eldest sister DD#1. I have the $$ for the ticket and would love to go, I even have the time, but I need to save the $$ and I usually work at the nursery over spring break. Plus I have the $$ for the tickets, but no $$ for anything else. I would love to see DD#1 house, I never have, so I need to think about it. I want to, but shouldn't, and if I go I think I will fuss about the $$ the entire time and not enjoy myself. Plus I don't know what homework I would have. Have to crank out my paper today after taking DD#5 back to school, so I probably won't be checking in much, that or I will check in a lot because my paper isn't going well. Phyl, I know Earls surgery will go well, remind him that when it is time for the anestesia (sp) comes to think positive thoughts and to not worry about going pee. Hopefully that will sink into his mind set. Maybe they should do a catheder so that he can focus on that when gets the anestecia and maybe he won't need to worry about it. Okay, that was just a lame idea, my mind isn't working well today. Sorry. Step & Karri, their choice. I miss them, but we can't force them to understand. However, we will need to think of a different place for the lucky 7 to meet next year since we were going to use a place that Step had connections to. I vote Belize...okay, lets get real, some place I can afford. I have a workshop to go to in July, so as soon as I get the dates, I'll let you know. If we could work arround it I'd appreciate it. I will be getting paid $200 a day for 4 days and that would pay for my trip. But if it is at the same time, I understand. Linda, thanks for checking in. I know that if I was on my last year, I so would be battling to be there. Unfortunately it is many years away. I think part of it is that this doesn't seem to be your decision, rather it seems to be Mel's, which doesn't help you feel better. Hang in there. Candice, we want pictures...and I want fabric. I have a couple of pieces of silk that the teacher friends sent me that are teaching in China, love it. Okay, best go, ttfn
  15. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl you did the right thing, even if it was an accident. If they bite during play YOU stop the play. Remember, you are the Alph and control everything. Class today, so won't be back until later. Then home to finish my paper, Sorry this is short, homework.
  16. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Oh Candice, I so envy you, I'd love to go to Greece and Egypt. But someday I'm going to Belize and Ireland! But Egypt...the pyramids!!! I watch The Mummy at least once a month, just because I love the whole pyramid thing. Maybe I was an Egyptian in a previous life. Nah I would have been a slave. Well just got home and need to shower and go to bed, Check in tomorrow!
  17. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, you have always been our STAR!, loved it! Well folks, I stress ate all day, did you know it is possible to eat 2 pounds of grapes. My only consolation was that it wasn't 2 pounds of chocolate. I got stressed trying to do sub notes, deal with some very disfunctional families, abuse & neglect, and trying to get my lesson done for Saturday, AND trying to do the paper. I'm NOT going to look up the calories for 2 pounds of grapes. I know it is astronomical. I am having some control issues, well actually I am NOT having control issues, right now I don't have any to have an issue with. food FOOD CHEW CHEW , how many pieces of gum can one person chew in a day. An entire package of 20 pieces. So between gorging on grapes, chewing 20 pieces of gum, my mouth and jaw are sore. I feel like a walking grape. AND it isn't the oval type, it is the big fat globe type. I hate my lack of control. Yes I know it was at least grapes and not chocolate, but I liked it better when I couldn't eat, when everything came back up. I felt thin, yeah dehydration will do that to you, now I feel as fat as I was 92 pounds ago. Can you gain 30 pounds on grapes? Okay, yes I have officially lost it. I'm obsessing about grapes. Someone come and bitch slap me, because I feel that out of control!!!!!!! Sorry, just had to vent....does anyone have any grapes?
  18. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, my surgery date isn't until Nov. 30. I no longer have a uterus or cervix, so mine is just like an inside out sock (as the doc says). When they do the procedure, the bladder will be put back where it belongs and hopefully work on the rectum issues as well The paper is not going well. Instead of just writing and THEN revising, I am finding myself over stressing and analyzing every word. I need to stop. Phyl, I glad Earl is getting his nasal issues taken care of. Is this something Earl knew about or is this the first time a doc actually looked at the issue? Janet, I hope that Andrew's appartment works for him. It is time for him to try his own place. You both will have fun setting him up for the first time. Linda, hang in there! Phyl, maybe you need to call the doc's office and tell them that you are in so much pain that you need to see them earlier. It is worth a try. Candic...you home yet? Well best get back to it!
  19. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Linda, you are right, we don't teach writing anymore AND the killer is the grading. With all my master's stuff I haven't graded a paper in over a week, not good. I am just going to have to find a way to simplify it for this year. Not proud of it, but it is all I can do. My principal came and talked to me about who they are going to hire for my long term sub. It is a teacher that use to teach at our school, but when they sold their property for 6.9 million, yes MILLION dollars she retired. My youngest daughter had her and loved her. She taught mainly 1st and 5th grade, and her strength is not science, but she knows the system and possibly some of the kids. I know I will be able to walk away and not worry about a thing. I wish my surgery was tomorrow, I am hanging out about 4 inches and having difficulty going to the bathroom. Last night I had to shove everything back in just to have a bowel movement...I know TMI! We did have some good news yesterday. My co-worker that has been diagnosed with breast cancer got her results back from the test for the genetic marker for cancer (her mom died of breast cancer when she was 9) came back negative. So she will NOT have to have a bi-lateral massectomy or hysterectomy. They will be able to do a lumpectomy and radiation!!! What a blessing. Love you all, but I have a paper to crank out, TTFN
  20. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, Zoey looks beautiful. Did she do better during the grooming? Wow, so Earl has to have surgery. What is going on? A deep infection or is it structural? You will have to take pictures of the cotton hanging out of his nose. Just so we can give him grief. But seriously, we will put him in our prayers. Any surgery, even simple ones can be scarey. For a minute their I thought Zoey was sitting on Earl's lap, he looks a little like Earl, that or I just don't have my eyes open yet. Well, tonight I hit the paper HARD, so it will be a quick check in. Candice, Linda, Janet, where are you all? Just have to nag a little. This thread can't die, I would miss you all too much! k
  21. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Well, found out that the skin issue is some major picnic of bugs on my side. Something must have gotten into my pants at work on Saturday. So at least it isn't shingles. Just what I need tonight. Phyl I hope Earl got some more antibiotics, it sounds like he needs them. Sorry I can't write much, need to read 60 pages before the night is over,
  22. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning ladies, Short night. This morning it is darn cold, in the 20's, heck I want summer back. Weird thing, lst night when I took my shower, it looks like I have 20 bug bites in about a 3 inch circle on my waist. I sure hope it is bug bites and not shingles. This morning they are starting to itch like crazy. Speaking of itching, Candice how goes the rash? How irritating. Well time to get to it. Check in tonight if I have time!
  23. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Thanks guys about Alexa, she is a sweetheart, even though I don't know where she came from? I hope that Karri finds what she is searching for. I wish we would just cancel the spring forward and fall back. I can handle fall back, but spring forward just about kills me. I try not to think about the fact that I am getting up at 3 am! Linda, I hope the study goes well and that the medicine works. My mom and a quilting buddy had radiation for breast cancer, is that what type of radiation they are talking about. We appreciate you volunteering. My dad was in a study for a new lung cancer treatment, but I don't think he was on the test drug. But that is probably just me looking for answers. Sometimes I just miss him like crazy. He was the only one who could wrap me in a bear hug and make me feel petite and loved all at the same time. Okay, now I made myself bawl. I just need to figure out how to make it through this week. I need about 50 additional work hours tossed in. Unfortunately, I have myself so stressed out that I can't seem to think. Well better go, love you all, have major homework to do!
  24. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, I know what you mean about 'cutting' under the influence. Although I don't have that excuse when I cut. One time I cut out 240 pieces...all too small. Had to go and buy more fabric, not my proudest moment. Janet, I hope dinner went well. DD#5 came out and fixed dinner. She helped me move some furniture and put away a couple of boxes. I now kindof have an office. Need to put away a few more boxes, but that will only take a couple of hours. Her and her boyfriend broke up, I guess he decided he wanted to be single again. But he is a year younger than she is, so somewhat understandable, he is only 19 and his mom didn't like Alexa. She said she was a slut. Not my best friend after she calls my baby a slut. It is for the best, but I imagine it still hurts. Unfortunately she gave him her virginity. She's just curl up and die if she knew I told you guys. Anyway, we had a nice visit and she spent the night. I slept in this morning, didn't go to bed until 11 pm, so don't have time to chat. Should be able to check in tonigh. I have a meeting and then need to run to town and get some coffee flavoring and then home to write on my paper. You all have a good day!
  25. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, yum, I will look for some of that instant coffee when I get to town. It would be a nice treat! Janet, yep my furries are showing their displeasure for me being gone soo much this week, Rightfully so. I have one more week of crazieness and then thing will slow down to just a race, not a sprint. I will have my weekends off by then and will have the yard put away, so I can focus on house stuff and hanging with the furries. Slept in until after 8, but now my head is all fuzzy. Hopefilly a little cafene will fix that. Enjoy your work out! Phyl, men can be such a pain, expecially when it comes to medical stuff. You can always play the I love you card and I am worried. But after all, they are men...

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