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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Ah Phyl, there is nothing more frustrating that feeling crappy and there being nothing the dr. can find. It doesn't mean there is nothing, just the docs couldn't find it. crap. So what did the doc say about your fever? just viral on that is well? As they say, getting older is not for whimps. So what is the next plan of attach? Get the x-ray done and go from there. You can't live in pain all the time, let the doc know how it is impacting your life. how exercise is difficult with the pain. Insist that they find a solution. You go girl, we are right behind you, ducking naturally, but behind you none the less. Phyl han
  2. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, unfortunately it does sound like Karri & Steph are not going to post. Hopefully they are reading and working at staying healthy. A sad loss.
  3. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, it is about a 6 hour drive to Idaho Falls, IF you follow the speed limit, which I rarely do. Usually I make it in 5 hours. I long time, but so worth it to see my girl. I miss her like crazy. But I miss all my girls. Won't be in more than probably once in the morning and once in the evening for the next couple of days. Have a paper due, end of quarter is Thursday, so don't take it personally. But I will check in so I don't miss all the juicy gossip...HEY where is all the juicy gossip. Maybe I need to start a rumor about myself just to get everyone going? Did get the furries walked tonight. Figured I needed it just as much as they did, plus then I can have a slice of my low cal pie, works for me!!! Love you all,
  4. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, it is the acid in fresh pineapple that keeps it from setting. Jello with veggies....I have always disliked that. Actually I don't eat jello much, it is a texture thing. I use to love jello, but when I was pregnant with DD#1 I threw up jello, lets just say, jello up the nose, not cool. My favorite was always jello with bananas. I don't think I was ever too much into Halloween. probably because it meant my parents were at the bar and I'd have to sit in the car till they were done. Man, I am into bashing parents this week, sorry. This week is crazy, end of quarter 1, paper due, labs in all my classes, and hope to go to Idaho to see DD#2. But that is only if I get my paper done. Well best go, Phyl, let us know what the MRI shows, did you go to the doc? Oh Candice, one of the boxes I opened was my UFO's, Un Finished Objects...yeah I don't need to go quilt shopping.
  5. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, I missed that about you falling out of the chair, too bad you can't blame it on alcohol! You might be stiff tomorrow, so take some tylenol before going to bed. Phyl Make sure that you tell us the results of your MRI. Yes, if the fever is still spiking you do need to go to urgent care. On the pumpkin recipe, I just followed the pie recipe on the back of the can except substituted 1/2 of egg beaters for the 2 eggs, FF condensed milk instead of regular canned milk, and I used sun crystals for the sugar, but splenda will work as well. For the crust I melted 1 tablespoon of butter in the bottom of the pie plate, and sprinkled Anne's ginger thin crumbs over it, about 8 cookies worth. I think graham cracker crumbs would probably be better, it was a littler gingery, but I like ginger. I baked it at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Like I said, I'd love whip cream on it, but I don't like coolwhip, so its better just to eat it naked. The evening was okay, it just get stressed in a crowd of people I don't know. All my insecurities coming out. Got about 6 boxes unpacked in my sewing room, I don't know if I will ever get it back in shape, it is so much smaller than my old one. But I can always take over one of the spare bedrooms, which I will once the kids decide what they are going to do. I think I'll put my featherweight upstairs this summer, so I can move it outside to quilt if I feel like it. Well, I'm ignoring the trick or treaters, I know, kind of mean, but the furries would have to be locked up if I opened the door to them. Candice, does Canada do halloween?
  6. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, what was I thinking???? Hopefully the leaves will finish dropping soon, because I'm not raking them until they are done! Took the furries for a walk, they were pooped half way around our loop. I haven't exercised them enough. I have this dream that they will sleep through the trick or treaters...yeah right. I make a fake pumpkin pie today. Used FF condensed milk, egg beaters, splenda, and a skimpy bottom layer of crushed ginger cookies, lets just say pretty close to devine. Well okay, not devine, devine is REAL pumpkin pie with REAL whip cream. But it will satisfy the sweet tooth I'm currently battling. Plus...it's a veggie...right? Janet, safe trip home.
  7. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Sorry folks I missed the Skype. I made myself go to the Halloween party, but It was huge, probably 30 people. So I ate and came home. Too many people and they were all couples. Just depressed me. Can I blame that for the piece of cheese cake I ate? No, Food sucked yesterday. I came home at 8:30. I just don't handle crouds of people that I don't know. Everyone was nice, but I only knew the people that gave the party. Phyl, I love the pics of your friends, they both seem happy. So sad. Candice, Bridget looks like she is having a blast. Called my sister yesterday and wished her a happy birthday. I guess my mother emailed her about how difficults she was as a teenager and how she was surprised that she made it 56 years. Mom also commented on how hard it was on dad that my sister was difficult. Didn't even wish her happy birthday. My sister let it sit for a day and then responded that she was having a hard time since this was the first birthday without dad. Mom emailed that she guessed she was being self centered. I don't even want to think about what I'll get as a greeting for my birthday. Because I moved out when I was 14 and got married when I was 16, had my first child when I was 18. So I am sure that I was a real disappointment all around. Sometimes I just don't like my mother. She always says rude things like, "you would be better off dead", "if abortion would have been legal, you wouldn't be here", thanks mom, love you to. Sorry just a bit of a pity party. Raked up all my leaves and hauled them off. Will have to do it again in a couple of weeks, the trees still have half their leaves, but what I raked filled the back of my truck. Remind me again how much I like trees. Check in later,
  8. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning ladies, hope you all slept well. It's the weekend!! What is everyone plans? I actually hope to start putting my quilting room together. I hope anyway, I'll let you all know. Got the munchies last night and it wasn't pretty. Cruised for food all night, unfortunately ended up finding some. Man I hate when I do that! I'll check in later. Phyl, hows the neck? and Earl? Candice I thought you were going out of town this weekend?
  9. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    What a wonderful nap, under a quilt with 2 furries, nothing to worry about!! Pretty much heaven. Now enjoying my latte and a little Criminal Minds. Nothing much planned for the evening. Some dinner and and possibly starting next week's paper...that's life. Candice, how are you and Peter doing? I could send you Jordan and Molly who just successfully destuffed their dog bed. Why do I buy them soft things to lay on while I'm at work. grrrrrr. Oh, so it is just going to be you, me, Phil, and hopefully Linda. Okay Candice...think health, protien, veggies, fruit...clear the carbs from you system. latte time, be back,
  10. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, I read once (who knows how accurate) that a simple test for menigitus was whether you could touch your chin to your chest. Keep an eye on it. Let us know how the MRI goes. Won't be going anywhere this weekend. The in-laws beat me to going to DD#2's in Idaho. Okay technically I said I was coming first, but my daughter doesn't have what it takes to tell them no, so I'm out. I guess I will use the time to start my next paper, start working on my sewing room. Definitely coming home and taking a nap after work, a bit tired this morning. You all have a good day
  11. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Okay... Candice the paper is DONE and I bribed the prof. to scan through it before final submission. My last paper was 12 pages long and he has really nagged me about being concise, so I tried this time. It turned out to only be 4 pages, which has be worried that I forgot something. Next paper is due in one week. Up to this point we have had 2 weeks inbetween. But on the good side...only 3 more papers to write for the semester, then I get a break (at least for this class) until January. To night I get to veg a little. But I am craving chocolate. Not good. Janet, checked the cals of the Lean Cuisine steamers and it is under 300 cals. The bag is for one serving, but I usually don't eat it all. Today was a hungry day, but tomorrow is a Bshot day and that usually helps. Janet, travel safe. Has anyone heard how Phyl's doc appointment went?
  12. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yep, he was the MAN of your life, Peter is only 2nd best! Love you
  13. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Ah Candice, I am crying with you...Twig was a sweetheart and you are going to miss him horridly. How is Peter? You made the right decision. Not an easy one, but the loving one. Twig needs to be done with the pain. Ah crap, crap, crap. It's going to be okay...he had a fabulous life, when I met him you could tell he was loved and he knew it. I'm so sorry, ((((((hugs)))))) all of our arms are wrapped around you and Peter.
  14. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, you make us proud. It is harder to start over, but you can do it. I think the counselor made a good point, one I'm sorry to say that we each need to be reminded of. I am 'fortunate' and I really do mean fortunate to have a monthly reminder everytime I make a payment to the bank for my band. Every month I ask myself...why are you eating. She is right, and there are some banded people who make excuses that the band doesn't work for them. AND they are right, the band doesn't do the work, but if you aren't going to work WITH the band then get it removed. Hang in there girl, we love you and that is why we want you healthy, because we want you around. I am dreaming of the day I can come up for a week and quilt, so you better be there. Being worried about Twig is an excuse to eat, but use it as a reason to NOT eat. he needs you to be healthy to help him get back on his feet. Candice, Janet, Phyl, Linda, I am closer to you than I am to my family. I just wanted to say thank you. I KNOW I wouldn't be doing as well as I am with out you. I definitely wouldn't have made it through Elyse's issues without you. Janet, soup sounds devine, will have to make it, I do love homemade chicken soup. By the way the new steam in the bag by Lean Cuisine are scrumptious. But I need to check the calories, They have to be high, they taste too dang good to be withing the calorie budget. Well, back to the paper, going to finish the darn thing tonight if it kills me!!
  15. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, the chicken sounds good, I'm with you, I don't like the texture of chicken in the crockpot. Candice, Let us know how twig is doing!!! Phyl, as Candice said fluids, fluids. So I didn't get posted last night Alexa DD#5 came out and I was trying to finish my paper. Hope to get it done tonight. DD#5 is thinking on going to Idaho this weekend to see DD#2, I'm considering going along, but I know if I go I will shop, not a good idea. So who know, I'll need to think about it. Time to get ready, Janet, enjoy your trip.
  16. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning everyone...brrrrrrrrrrr chilly night, even with 3 furries in bed it was chilly. Had the mattress heater up to six and wore a sweatshirt and socks, and still got chilly. Soon we will be like Candice and be Nanook of the North. This is when living south sounds wonderful, but could never handle the heat.
  17. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Okay ladies, just rub it in...can I pout :huh2: Oh you will have such a lovely time. Probably best that I couldn't make it, just found out my monthy water bill has gone from $50 to almost $90 a month. At this rate I could have stayed in my old place. Nah, I like this place better, nice and cosy. Evidently the city is in debt over 1.2 MILLION dollars. So they have decided to make it up with the water bill over the next 6 years. I can't even imagine how an older retired individual can come up with $40 extra bucks a month. Good day at school, as school goes. The kids were a little squirrely, but once they got caught up on all the gossip they became comotose. I will our town recycled. We always try to get recycling started, but it never lasts. I haven't decided what I am going to do with all the leaves, but if the wind keeps blowing it won't be my problem...shall we say share the wealth!!! I did tell the city clerk today when I went in to pay my $225 water bill that I won't be planting anything on the boulevard, since my water bill almost doubled. She agreed. She did make a good point that the town could well become a ghost town if they keep raising the rates. Oh well,,,back to homework!!
  18. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl you are just a party animal. But I agree, I just cringe we people think they have 'talent' and they don't. Our school has a talent show every year and I can't bear to go because I am embarrassed for the contestants that don't have a clue. Well back to school after a glorious mini vacation. I totally enjoyed the 3 days of no school Technically 4, but I had class on one of the days. Next break isn't until Thanksgiving, then one day back at school, then surgery. So Candice, when you don't have snow covering your leaves, what do you do with them? I have 5 huge maples on the boulevard in front of my house and the leaves are starting to stack up. I know I need to clean them up WHEN they finally finish falling. I keep hoping the wind blows them to the neighbors. I can't burn them since I am in city limits. There will be too many to compost. Refuse to pay take them to the dump. I do have another option, rake them all up, not my idea of fun, load them into the truck, again not my idea of fun, and haul them to the local "natural material" dump. Unfortunately it is only open on Wednesdays and Fridays. The reality is that I will end up doing that and then finding someone to take them. I am considering hiring my neighbor kids (there are ten of them) to do it. Still a possibility, just need to check the budget and wait for all the leaves to drop. Janet, is it next weekend that you go to your sisters? Linda, enjoy your trip, relax!!!!
  19. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, your gig sounds like fun, congrats on the rebook, that is huge! They like you!! Well we knew they would, how could they not, besides...if they didn't they would have us on their door step. Did you get free lattes? Well, got a lot done. Went through a years worth of papers for the couple (who teach in China) I pay bills for. I'm good about paying the bills, not so good about filing everything. Got their bills paid, my bills paid, on my 9th load of laundry...how can one person generate so much laundry. Unpacked 3 boxes, organised all my masters papers. I have a tendency to toss everything in a big box, so everything is hole punched and filed in appropriate binders. Finished shelving all the DVDs & books. Was going to take the furries for a walk, but them and rain...not a good mix. They like snow, but not rain. Janet, I think he stopped you because he thought you were a hottie!! But it sure is irritating. I know what you mean about doing out even when you would rather stay at home, expecially if what you went out for isn't all that great. I have been invited to a Halloween party next weekend. I RSVP's so I can't back out. Now I have to think of a costume. It will probably be a grass hula skirt, hat, and coconut bra. The coconuts will go over a tank top. I wish I could think of something warm to wear. Who knows, there might even be single men...yeah what would I do with them. I am going to do some school work this evening, I am REALLY tired of lousy TV. If I could get local channels with rabbit ears I'd cancel my cable, granted the reason it is lousy is that I have cheap cable. Check in later, TTFN
  20. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Linda, we both know what stress does to us, try to enjoy your break. Cora just sounds like a doll, someday. Unfortunately all mine that have the possibility of having children are all far away AND I have to share them with their my ex & wife and the in-laws. It is just depressing to know that I won't be able to afford to see them much and everyone else will be able to fly out at a drop of a hat. I know, pity party. I originally planned on going to Idaho to spend my 4 day break with DD#2, but the ex. & his wife beat me too it. Not a big deal...okay, yes it is. I have never been known to share and play well with others. Oh well, got lots of yard work done. Sorry... So linda, splurge and make yourself a fancy cup of tea or latte to grade those papers. Best get to it myself. TTFN
  21. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning folks! Decided to get up early and hit all the mail and bills, not my idea of fun, but it will be good to have it all dealt with. Hope you all slept well.
  22. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Well the yard is put away for the season, it always makes me sad. I built another flower bed, about 12 ft by 12 ft. Planted the shrubs I bought or got free because they were ugly. Everything is planted, not a single pot in sight. Hoses put away, big pots cleaned out of annuals and dirt, the last bulbs planted. I finished just in time, it is raining heavy. They say it may turn into snow. It won't be as beautiful as your place Candice. I love the picture. You should blow it up and frame it. Going to veg for most of the evening, who knows I might even read. Tomorrow is laundry and starting my paper, want to have it done by Wednesday. The surgery for my coworker with breast cancer went well. They had to take a lot more than they thought they would and sent it off for tests, hopefully it will come out as planned. Only 5 more weeks till surgery, can't wait. I am so tired of hanging out. Janet, I hate when people get all twisted over a comment instead of just talking about it. One of my quilting ladies has always been very close to her sister in law. Well over a year ago, the SIL got ticked about something and they hardly talk now. The SIL even accused her of stealing when all she did was take her own mothers china from the family cabin. My friend told her dad that she was taking them, but evidently that wasn't enough. Life is too short. You are doing the right thing. Sitting here enjoying my latte, I'll check in later.
  23. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl what a heart break. Hopefully the scouts will see past the injury and see that he gives it his all for the team. We will keep our fingers crossed! Candice, the picture is a postcard, so beautiful. But I agree the sky is creepy, almost looks tornado like. Can we say global warming... that or the science in me is kicking in. Phyl it is going to take time for Earl to heal, the anesthesia alone take time to get out of the tissues. He should be bounced back in a couple of weeks. Yes Phyl, I know I let Elyse get away with too much. But the girls just makes me shake my head or makes me want to shake her. I try not to complain about how the boy friend takes advantage of her because she will just stick with him longer. A normal 24 year old would have figured it out by now, but she her maturity level is more like a 18 year old. I don't know what the answer is. If I complain too much she will stop being honest with me and I feel that I need to keep the door cracked open so she knows she has options. That or I am just enabling her. I don't know the answer. Today is finish up the yard work, shampoo carpets in my bedroom. Last weekend the cat go locked in my room for 14 hours, so you know what happened. Sometimes I am just sick of animals. I doubt I will get anymore when these pass on. well best get too it. have a great morning.
  24. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Oh yes I found the key, Elyse had them. That really ticks me off when she does that. She took my truck to the dump and then picked up some potting soil. Then she takes the keys again. I had to call her and get them again. I am going to try to have Elyse clean the house weekly and do my laundry in exchange for her car insurance payment. I have written a detailed check list of what I expect. We will see if she follows through. If she does, it is worth the $70 a month to not have to spend a day every week doing those chores. If she doesn't she pays. Got a lot of yard work done and feel much better about it all. Candice the other night I swore it snowed, the sidewalk was white, I even put on shoes, come to find out it was just a full moon. But I am sure winter is just around the corner. I am not looking forward to snow, I hate it. But think, it is perfect quilting weather! Janet, I hope things work out with your sister, you have to try so that you can live with yourself. Hang in there
  25. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning ladies, just got out of bed, slept for over 12 hours, I guess I was tired. Today I am doing yard work to put the yard to bed for the winter. Need to do a dump run and then go get some dirt for my flower bed. I first have to find the truck keys, I think Elyse still has them, grrrr. slept good, but now I am kid of ache after laying in bed that long, but that is okay, it will work it's way out. Phyl how isl Earl? Janet, do you leave this weekend? I lost track of time. Candice, what quilt are you working on? Wished my DD#3 happy birthday. She is finally acknowledging that her husband has been cheating on her. They have been separated for over a year now, he is Chicago her in Montana. I know that it is a hit to the ego, but I hope things work out and they finally decide to get a divorce so he quits pulling her strings. Well to work, have a great day, k

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