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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, is swamp gas a uphanism (yep can't spell) for terrorist attack? Nah, you will be safe, they know where the money comes from and they will make sure that all tourists are safe above anything else. That's why I didn't stress too much about having my surgery in TJ, plus it was the only way I could afford it. And I love the new me!!! Wore a pair of size 12 Columbia Jeans today and felt down right sexy, even wore a semi tight shirt. Which means for me, one that actually fits. I still can't stand to have anything touching the skin, my fat brain says no way. Well I goofed and missed a class deadline so did grovel and got an extension till tonight, so I'm off to do homework. Candice I can't wait until my sick leave. Unless I have to have an abdominal, I should get some quilting done. I just can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!! Well best go, anyone heard from Linda. Phyl, have you got your appointment for your epidural yet? TTFN
  2. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Oh heck Phyl, I surely hope either the luggage with the pheasant is found immediately or lost for good. I imagine they will find it when it begins to smell and they will ship it right away. Hum...cost of replacing 2 pheasant breasts...priceless when gone bad!!! Janet, I know now that school is on I don't drink enough water. This weekend I finally filled a glass and left it on the counter. I forced myself to drink everytime I walked by, that helped. But I sure can tell I'm not hydrated enough. During the summer, no problem, but winter...a different story. I use to love rotissary chicken, but chicken now a days is my nemasis. I just can't eat it unless smothered in some type of sauce to keep it from sticking. So I just don't eat it. Brain is slow to wake up this morning. I sure did enjoy my 3 days off, but back to the grind. I have a paper due on Sunday, so will be posting quick until it is done. I like to have it done by Wednesday. so keep your fingers crossed. Ah my kingdom for sleeping in until 8:00. Love you all, check in later! TTFN
  3. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Chicken enchilada casserole light version. Cook 3 chicken breasts, cubed (I sometimes use left over chicken or even Costco's chicken in a can) 1/2 chopped onion 2 cans FF/Healthy Choice cream of chicken soup 5 oz FF evaporated milk 1 can diced green chilies Stir all together Cut up 12 corn tortillas (sometimes I just use 10) into 1/2 inch squares 8 oz. Sharp cheddar cheese Layer 1/3 of tortillas, chicken mixture, cheese (repeat 3 times ending with cheese Bake at 350 degrees for 45 to 50 minutes until hot, bubbly, & brown. Delish. You can freeze it also. I typically just make 2 individual casseroles, bake one and refrig the other for 1 to 2 days for a later dinner. When I make 2 individual casseroles I use 1 can of Costco chicken and part of 1 can of cream of chicken, and 2 tortillas. The bake it for about 30 minutes. Got a good portion of the quilt room put away and then hemmed 3 pairs of pants. I haven't sewn in a year, it felt marvalous!! Crochet's DD#2 a cute beanie hat with a shell stitch and embroidered and wool flower on one side. She took it so I don't have a picture, but it turned out pretty darn cute if I may say so myself. I am making her another for Christmas. Hand work is one thing I will be able to do while recovering. I have determined I have no reason to even walk into a quilt store. I have fabric for almost 12 quilts packaged and ready to go. So I am putting myself on probation. No quilt shopping until most of those projects are done!!! Janet, make sure you are drinking a lot of water, joints need moisture. I didn't realize how out of shape I got since school started, I was achy today after unpacking, that is pretty sad!! Candice, Bridget will come around, just keep working on it!!! Well it is latte time!!! Nine more days of school before I get a month off!!!!
  4. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Sorry folks, I had a couple of my girls home, DD#2 from Idaho and DD#5 home from school. Unpacked lots of boxes in my quilt room and moved other stuff around. So was busy, thinking of you all though. Made chicken enchilada casserole for dinner for DD#5, couldn't eat it, the chicken stuck. So had a piece of my low cal pumpkin pie. Not the best choice, but better than real pie. Today is just working on quilt room, laundry, etc. I was so bumbed, I decided to pull out my garlic and lemon marinade that I bought in Washington to marinate some salmon for dinner. Dropped it and broke the bottom out and lost the whole bottle. The mess has horrid, but the fact that I couldn't use it made it worse. I almost cried. I was so looking forward to it. But hey now my house smells like I have cooked all day. Candice, good job on the food. It is nice to have the house to yourself. I always loved it, now I get it every day!!! Phyl, is the cream working? Janet, you are so organized. I never pack until the day before or even worse, the day of! Only 2 weeks and 2 days before my surgery!!!! Well best get to work, check in later!!
  5. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, I love fake bakes, it is like a drug. Just shows that I do suffer from SADD, but it isn't in the budget right now. Made dinner for our coworker with the blood clot and her family. Made fake pumpkin pie for me, except forgot the over was on broil and broiled it. Don't know if it will be edible, I'm such a ditz. Been working in my quilt room, unpacking boxes, washed and felted some wool so it can be put away. Since I use recycled wool I can't put it away until it is washed so I don't expose my other wool to moth damage. Did a couple of loads. DD#5 has requested enchilada casserole for dinner tomorrow. I need to figure out own to make it lower cal, because I love the stuff. I don't like fakey cheese, but I can live with FF cream of chicken soup and evap milk. Phyl, yep, make sure you put the cream on BEFORE you are in pain. It is better to keep the pain away than try to deal with it once it is there. Candice, what's up? Janet, man you live a busy life. But I'm glad you mentioned the taxes, I need to pay the taxes for the teachers in China. Mine are with my mortgage payment. I know the weekend is going to go by fast, I wish it would slow down. But I am glad parent conferences are over. Linda, how are you feeling?
  6. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning ladies, slow start today. Slept in until 9 am!! Forgot the cable guy (isn't that a movie?) was coming this morning. So making coffee in my pj's (which is not a pretty look, cpap hair, cpap mask face, lobster pj's with sweatshirt) and I get a knock on the door. They were suppose to call first! But now my cable is reconnected after cutting it to put the door in. So my bedroom is all set for post surgery recovery. Today, working on the quilt room!!! Then making dinner for my coworkers family that is dealing with the blood clot in her leg. Then DD#2 & significant, & furry are coming up for the 'Griz' game (UM football). But 3 whole days to do what I want. Some homework, but nothing that can't wait until next week!!! Well, coffee cup is empty, so it is latte time. Check in later!!! Have a WONDERFUL day!! Oh by the way, it is sleeting, bleck!
  7. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I'm home!!! Parent conferences done and a three day weekend!!! I just can't wait. I'm tired. Didn't even really have a meal today except for breakfast. The rest was a bite here or there. Have a lousy headache. Phyl, the bracelet is just beautiful. I wish I had the eye you do for color. Just gorgeous!!! I know that med withdrawl is hard. Even the pain issue is frustrating. Chronic conditions are the worse. You don't have control, people don't understand. So know that we are here for you. Try everything, also check into biofeedback, maybe even meditation. There are a lot of things that you can try for control. Ultimately that is what it is all about. YOU being in control. Do the research, hang in there. Know that we love you!!! Janet, I know that I couldn't handle a long vacation with a couple of my daughters. Hell, I go nut with anything over 3 days with my mom!! I'm sure she feels that way as well. Candice, you are doing fabulously!!!! So you had a few to many calories. today you are back on track!! I'm proud of you!! Thanks guys for being there! I know that only through you I have been able to keep on track!!
  8. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, sorry on the GD, every once in a while they do need a swift kick! How's your sister doing? One night of parent conferences down and one more to go. Then a 3 day weekend!!!! Phyl, I bet the bracellet is gorgeous, all of your other stuff is fabulous. Good job not caving to the instructor, you knew what you wanted and that is what makes the difference. You are an artist!!! I'll have to go to FB and check it out. Miss Molly woke me up a 1/2 hour before the alarm. No sense going back to bed! I really hate when she does that, but her bladder hasn't caught up with the time change. You all have a great day!!
  9. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning!! hope everyone had a good night sleep. Went to bed at 9, was just pooped. I have conferences tonight & tomorrow night, so will pop in if I can. Phyl is still AWOL, whats up? Janet good job on the modifying. Jumping is over rated anyway. Better to be kind to our vintage joints. Did a little work on Christmas projects. DD#2 asked for some hats that are crochet & are similar to one she had. Found a pattern almost like it, a beanie type with a shell stitch. I'll put a little embroidery on it and a couple of beads & it will be unique. Candice keep up the good work, eat healthy. Linda, hopefully you are getting caught up on all your school work. It is great to be on vacation, but it sure can be a pain when you get back. How is your coworker doing that recently lost her husband? Phyl, how is your friend doing? Did the family cause a ruckus at the memorial? Check in tonight, ttfn
  10. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice....HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow 36 years.....I'm in awe. I never made it past 8. This March I will have been single for 17 years.... Give Peter a hug for us all, and tell him he better be nice or the sexy lady he is married to may well just dump him for a young sexy pup!!!
  11. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    BRRR, Janet, you must be freezing!!! I had a major case of the hungries today, cruising for food. Had an apple & grapes & a wedge of laughing cow and 6 small gluten free crackers, and popcorn. More food than necessary, but better than the snickers bar that I really wanted. I hate the hungries. I dont' get them often, but cold weather puts me into hibernation mode, fatten up and get an anal plug!! And yes I do turn into a bear during the winter. Only 5 months to go... Dealing with a headache this afternoon. One of our teachers had gallbladder surgery 2 weeks ago and yesterday was saying that her leg hurt. I nagged her about calling the doc. Finally at about 10 pm she could not walk and ended up in the ER with a blood clot in her leg and she is a young pup, in her early 40's. Needless to say, it went through my head...what if I got that? Stupid I know.. Phyl, Linda, Candice, where are you? Hope you are all okay!
  12. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, I'm glad you are feeling better. Even in sunny California, we all can get the winter blues, or irritating DH blues. May love them, can't kill them. But it does sound like your weather is chilly and a little gloomy. I have been rebelling against pulling out the winter coat, but I don't think I have an option anymore. brrr. Candice, also sorry about your friend's mom. But you are doing fabulously on your food choices. I know that we shouldn't think about 'banking' calories for later, but look at your good food choices now as banking for Christmas day treats. We all know that we will have a slice of dessert, so plan for it now! I never eat much for either Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner. None of the foods are my favorite, but Christmas cookies and desserts...a whole other story. Are your kids coming home for the holidays? Well best get ready for work...who ho...not!
  13. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Thanks Janet, she just seemed down and she hasn't felt like posting, which I understand. I just don't want to lose her!
  14. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, it sounds like you had a grand time, plus I know that Phyl needed some girl time. Well winter has arrived, or pretty close to it. Storm warning all afternoon and it was darn cold when I came home from work. Didn't wear a coat this morning, but sure was wishing I had one tonight. Sleeted most of the drive home. I shouldn't complain, it is November and it was a beautiful weekend. Parent conferences Wednesday and Thursday night, so don't know how much I will be on. I'll check in when I get home, but it will be short. Phyl, you have me worried girl, are you okay? Here is a ((hug)). Know that we love you!!
  15. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    If I lost my band, I'd be converting in Mexico also. I can't go back to being fat. I just hope that I don't have to think about it, at least until I have my band paid off, 3 years and 5 months more to pay. Linda, hang in there, keep us informed. It isn't any good if you can't eat healthy food. Phyl, what's up, are you okay. Was your retail therapy today? Janet, did you spend lots. Let us poor souls live vicariously through you!! I to must head back to homework, but I should have time to check back later. TTFN
  16. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, keep working on Earl! The spot sounds lovely. But I forgot to say congrats on the loss of your pound!!! Good job!! I remember you telling us about the pants, I laughed so hard. Yep, I need to consider other arrangements for the furries. I really have decided I'm about fed up with the whole thing with Elyse. I have tried to give her breaks, but I am just enabling her. I just don't know what the answer is. She is easily controlled by others. But I have to remember she is an adult and is making those choices. They ARE her choices, she could make better ones if she chose, but she isn't. So I need to stop blaming others and hold her accountable. I had high hopes that the cleaning arangedment for her car insurance would work, but I am beginning to have my doubts. She had the entire weekend to clean and didn't. I just need to accept that she isn't going to keep her word, which is HER choice, not someone elses. So tonight we will be having a talk. It won't be pretty. Candice did you visit any fabric shops this weekend? I did go to 2, but kept it pretty much under control. Bought 2 pieces, on was for a Christmas project, so technically only 1 was a splurge. Janet & Phyl, enjoy your retail therapy. Think of me at work!!!
  17. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I'm home, had a great time. Did a little shopping, but not much. Mainly picked up stuff for Christmas projects. Food was good, okay food was fabulous, the strawberry slushy from Sonic, not so much but I only get them when I go to Idaho. No Janet, do NOT look up the calories, I already have and it is huge. But I skipped a meal for it, and only ate 1/2 of a sandwich for lunch, and a small plate of nachos for dinner. Today, was 1 small pancake, 1/2 sandwich and a latte, so hopefully it will balance out. Plus took a brisk walk for an hour with DD & her furry. Glad to be home. But wasn't thrilled with what greeted me. My furries had tore their door down out of the wall, so I had to spend 2 hours rebuilding it. The only reason they would have done that is if Elyse wasn't not here like she promised. Right now I am not so sure I like the child. Love her yes, like not so much. I am so friggin tired of her drama and poor choices. Okay I'm just tired. Candice, great job on the work out, but frustrating on the GF issues. Phyl, I'm sorry. Janet, if I was rich, I'd come to your house for the holiday, but alas, not this year. Well need to go finish homework. TTFN
  18. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Going to Idaho to see DD#2 probably won't be on much, I'l k in at the end of the day
  19. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    What a beautiful lady, you look so much like her. She is just glowing. And she has a bit of a sparkle in those eyes! I bet, she was a fire cracker like you!!
  20. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice how wonderful, your mom must have been proud. I bet their book is amazing. It is sad to see all the veterens pass on. Now a days we don't fight wars the same, good thing, but people don't really understand what it was like. Wars that we lost more lives in day than what is lost in an entire year now. I can't even imagine what some of the soldiers went through. I know that one of my cousins who fought in Viet Nam was never the same. It is rumored that he shot himself to get out, unfortunately I believe it is true. I know that if I had a son and had to watch him ship off to war, it would end my life. God was kind and didn't give me sons OR daughters interested in the military. An honorable calling, but as a mom, I am glad I didn't have to deal with it. So many lives lost...Okay, now I am just maudlin, sorry. I guess I am just weepy today. I was thinking how my dad would have loved to hear you sing...and dance, boy that man could dance. He was 6 ft 5 in. and he could jitter bug in his cowboy boots like no one else. I use to love watching him dance. Even danced with me a few times. OKAY ENOUGH, sorry. I alway heard that vinegar worked well on vocal cords, actually it was dill pickle juice, but that is mainly vinegar and salt, so the same thing. Ooh scuba diving...I don't know, snorkling, totally, but scuba, um I like to only swim where I can see the bottom, because there are really large things down there that will eat you. One time I tried to learn to water ski, but was so skeeved out about being eaten that I couldn't do it. Pretty darn lame for a land locked Montanian. Janet, we want pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, you will have a blast!!! Yep, my surgery is on the 30th. The not so great thing is that I have on campus class that weekend. I will have to have someone drive me to class and back. I may take my reclining lawn chair with me. That way I can lay down during class instead of sitting up. DD#2 (the one I'm going to see this weekend) is coming up for the weekend following the surgery, so she can drive me in to Missoula & take me home. I can live through 8 hours of discomfort for $200. Also, I would have to write a paper if I miss the class, I don't need that! Well, I think I am going to bed, I'm extra tired tonight, check win tomorrow!
  22. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    The paper is done, except some little tweeking here and there. A first for me, only 2 evenings. Of course it could be garbage but right now I don't care. I did have a visit with Elyse about the place they rented. Evidently the BF led her to believe he had a full time job, and come to find out he doesn't. The rent is $500 a month, which she can not afford. We talked about possibly thinking about (you know I can't just tell her what to do) getting her own tiny place that she can afford and figure out how to be on her own before she is living with someone. She SAYS she agrees, but it is her choice. Phyl, don't forget to post pics of that bracelet! Candice, I know that both Janet & I grumble about the furries, I was grumbling at 3:45 when Molly got up this morning (Ended up just staying up), but we will miss them when they go. Maybe you should try one of the 'gentle leaders' that is a harness with a section around their nose. When the pull too hard, it pulls their nose towards their chest. It doesn't tighten or anything, just gives them a reminder to stop pulling. I walk pretty fast, so usually the furries have to trot to keep up with me, so they don't usually pull. It wasn't training, just that I out walk them. Okay yes they are a littly chunky right now! You will know if you should get another furry when the time is right. Now you are grieving and that is what you are suppose to be doing. Hang in there. Linda, sounds like you had a good time despite the food. I wouldn't enjoy a hot humid vacation, but I'm a woosie. Where are the pics of you in your bikini drinking mai tai's? Janet, when do you leave again? Phyl, how is our Earl doing? Nasal drain done?
  23. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, I don't think there is much worse than a sore tailbone. You can't sit comfortably, enjoy your veggies. I love being an empty nester!!! Didn't watch any of the election. Actually realized that I can't vote where I use to because I moved and I wasn't up for finding out where I had to vote, so skipped it. Not very civic reminded, but that's today's reality. Hope you all have a good day!!
  24. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    News bulletin!! Elyse and the boyfriend just rented a house on their own!!! Pray that it is okay. The boyfriend APPEARS to have a full time job. I did talk with her about if it didn't work that she needed to make sure she took all her stuff. We swapped beds, I have a queen and she had a full. I have been thinking about a full sized one for some time, so the switch works for me. The part I didn't plan on was that the boyfriend smokes in the house and her bed reeks like cigarettes. Now you know I smoke, but NEVER inside and definitely not near my bed, I can't stand the smell of smoke. I know, weird. Hopefully some Febreese works and then I will shampoo it when I am laid up, or maybe before if I have time. She is moving everything out of my house...you know what that means!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a whole another craft room. I will be able to move my big quilting frame and machine into its own room!!! I love you all, but only have a few minutes, need to get back to work, TTFN
  25. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    sorry, the cat hit the post button, Phyl, hang in there, this will get fixed so you can get on with your life!!

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