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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, sorry Jodie is being a pain. Christmas is suppose to be family time, but it seems to just add stress. I think you all are right, Jodie has some jealousy issues she needs to deal with. Messy house is not an excuse. Just be safe when you are driving!! Janet, you never answered, with or without coconuts? Good job on the work out! Yep I have stepped on the scale since surgery and I lost a pound. I still am swollen, but clothes are loose, which is my major judge. Too Simon this morning to get his drain tubes out. He still isn't out of the woods with infection. The wound on his hip went to the bone, so they are concerned that he could develop a bone infection, so he will continue the hydrotherapy and hot packs. He had to stay for an xray, he may have a hernia. I know the kids can't afford it, but that is life. My realtor is stopping by after work for a latte, so I should bake some cookies or something. DD#5 comes home today from college. yeah, she will probably drive me nuts, but oh well. Check in later!
  2. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, because I already had it boxed up!! and it wasn't heavy, so I figured can't be much. Plus have you seen the size of those itty bitty flat rate boxes? I sent my daughter the handquilted whole cloth, queen sized quilt in the largest they have, and I had to step on the darn thing to get it in there! That's what I get for putting things in boxes before wrapping. Next year I am putting things in rolled wadded balls, that should fit in a flat rate box!!! Took a nap with 3 furries and 2 blankets straight from the dryer, the blankets, not the furries. It was glorious!!! Just woke up. Had half a piece of toast this morning, not my normal, but my neighbor sent over a loaf of fresh baked bread, how can you not have some toast? The rest has been sliced and put in the freezer for DD#5 who comes home tomorrow from college. Friday she gets her wisdom teeth out, so I stocked up on all the healing liquids I could find, juice, chicken soup, strawberry ice cream. I can have strawberry ice cream in the house and it doesn't talk to me. Dinner tonight will be left over prime rib from last night, hope it goes down. Candice, ANOTHER 15 INCHES. Okay at this point the snow it up to your roof. Will Peter have to dig out a hole for the chimney to vent? I like white snow, but you much have 2 meters of it by now! Although I think I would have to dig a snow cave, just to say that I had. Phyl, fill us in on your evening and don't forget to let us know how the doc appt goes.
  3. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Well that just sucks, lost my post, here is version 2 Janet, with or without coconuts? Candice, great job getting out there. I grew up in the country and use to love the after snow fall quiet. Our snow has melted, frozen, and brown, I hate it! Mailed packages today, Remind me why I send gifts to New York? At $44 for a smallish box of stuff that cost less than $44? I am crazy. I am a bit sore, but was out and about for 3 hours, which is more than I have had in 2 weeks. Phyl, enjoy your parties, I don't know if I could be that social, I am a bit of a hermit. Back to dirty dishes and maybe a nap,
  4. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Okay, what is hula? I have heard about 'zumba', which sounds fun, but 'hula'? Does it have anything to do with a hula hoop? Low impact or high? I would love Zumba, but too much jumping for these old meshed together innards. I get to drive today!!!!! Going to post office to mail Christmas packages and to check the mail for the teachers in China. Need to pay their bills. Candice, be sure to get out your beaver coat and your snow shoes!!! Don't wear white, You would be too camoflaged, some one might plow you up. Sorry couldn't resist!
  5. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Had a great time at my Christmas party. It was so nice to see everyone from the nursery. Got a fabulous home woven throw rug, goes perfect with my living room. Even was able to eat dinner, a real piece of meat, had prime rib, about 2 oz, 1/4 baked potatoe/ 1/4 salad/ & 1/4 of chocolate cheese cake, yum!!!!!!!! Tired though, took my pain meds and am going to head to bed. I spent most of the day on my feet and I am paying for it tonight. So check in tomorrow. Candice stay warm. Phyl, I'd drive 60 miles to see my mom & I don't even really like her!!!! Janet, glad you are back on your toes, I wish someday I could come & spend Christmas with you!
  6. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, I am so glad you are feeling better. Sleep and lots of water. I have my nursery Christmas party tonight. Can't wait. Elyse is taking me since I am still banned from driving until tomorrow. I'm on Simon duty, he is starting to get a pep back in his step. He is one of those puppies that never walks anywhere, he sort of trots, not explaining it well, Had very weird dreams last night! Candice, did you loose your power? Are you and Peter and Bridget tucked in nice and warm? Phyl, way weird with lbt. I tried to put a picture in and it wouldn't let me.
  7. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I tried to check it out and my computer went wonky and was attacked by a trojan, so had to bail. Well, my couple hours of homework is on hour 8, but I'm getting there. Candice, how bizarre, I am assuming you have food and wood to stay warm if the power goes out. Be safe, you will have to send us some pictures when it clears. I'll be back later,
  8. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, heck if HE likes it, you will. I've looked at them and dreamed, but I drink too much coffee and that gets expensive. I now have an appointment with the new surgeon for Jan 10th, surgery will be booked for 2 to 4 weeks after that. The receptionist was fabulous, she is a doxie owner, so how could she not be. After surgery I will be out a minimum of 2 weeks and then the doc & I will decide from there. I'm going to cancel the other surgery and go back to school until the next surgery. Not the best of situations, but my long term sub is gone from Jan 7th to 14th, so I think this will work out all right. I just hope she will come back for the next go around. Has rained all night and outside is wet muddy and ugly, but Candice you can keep your snow and wind. Have been working on homework and will be done in a couple of hours, man my brain doesn't want to work!!!
  9. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning, didn't go to bed until 11:30 last night, just couldn't get tired. Not doing enough I guess. I was worried that I gained weight, so stepped on the scale this morning and have lost a pound, I'll take it and run. Hopefully today I will get back to normal eating. Janet, I'm sorry you are feeling yucky, hopefully it doesn't last too long. I should hear from the doc this morning about the other surgeon. Keep your fingers crossed!
  10. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, Phyl, Earl, enjoy your evening. Think of Candice & I freezing our butts off in the snow. Elyse put up my tree and stayed for a little while. Her and BF got in a big fight and he texted that he wanted her to move out. So she goes to get some things for the night and they 'work' it out. I had a small fantasy, fortunately I didn't say anything negative, I figured they would work it out. I can already see what is going to happen. They will get married, before or after she gets pregnant, they will be together for about 8 years and then they will get divorced when she finally gets fed up with paying for everything. I guess she has to learn the hard way. It isn't my life and she has to run her own. But I did make it abundantly clear that if anything else happens to Simon I will be calling the police and removing him. Simon is 4 years old Candice. If I have to remove him, I'm sending him to you to be a playmate for Bridget. Did too much today, sore, but oh well. I didn't lift anything, just murphy oiled an old cabinet that I got a couple of summers ago and reshelved it and rehung the door. The writing door had leather hinges that I replaced, but they aren't going to work. So I guess when I can drive I'll go get a couple of brass hinges and then it will be done. It looks pretty good. Had about 1/2 cup of taco soup today and a piece of cheese, not hungry. too tired.
  11. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Unfortunately, I am still banned from driving until after Tuesday, so I won't be able to check out the friend, but if Elyse is suspicius, I know the guy did it. My vet has to stop and give Bailey (cat) her cortizone shot this week and I will have her check out Simon.
  12. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, sorry, I forgot to mention how Simon is doing. I got him to drink two bowls of broth and some food. He also was able to go potty. I had to make him a body stocking so he doesn't chew his tubes. Normally they put those cones on them, but he has a drain tube at the neck so he can't wear a cone. If Elyse brings her camera when she comes to put up the tree I will post pictues of Simon and the hats I have made.
  13. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Was on Simon duty all day yesterday, two hours turned into 8 and when Elyse FINALLY came to get him, we had a CHAT. Not a pretty one, I need to learn to shut up. But the gist of it all was that Elyse suspects that the friend of the BF who they rent from (the house is split and the friend lives in the other half) kicked Simon over the fence. That is the only way he could have gotten out. Plus he has a HUGE hematoma (bruise) on his belly that doesn't show any teeth marks. So she figures the friend got mad at Simon, kicked him over the fence, Simon ran off, got eaten by a coyote. The BF is taking his friends side and says he may hit his own dogs, but he says he didn't kick Simon. I pretty much lost it. Told her if that wasn't enough of a clue then I guess she is okay being less important then a friend and that if I find out he touches Simon again, I will call the police on ALL of them. take Simon, and find him a home that is safe. Told her that I'm done. Not my best mom moment, but I have zero patience for abusers of children or pets. Okay, topic change, I had to get this off my chest! Would you believe that yesterday lbt didn't show anyones new posts when I logged in. Now I am way behind. Anyway, Phyl, Zoey is such a princess, & the cart is beautiful. Did you win? The Marine Band is always fabulous I have heard. Now you are off to Janet's. Have fun! Janet, you were quiet yesterday, busy preparing for Phyl? Do you have all your Christmas decorations up? You will have to show us pictures, I bet it is gorgeous! Candice, glad to know you didn't get axed and that the guy appears to be normal. Is he Clean? Glad he has all his teeth? How about smell? Is he my age? I couldn't resist, sorry. Now I have never asked, but are you the only one who sings? Or do the guys join in? Also, I didn't know you were still working at the clinic...on a Saturday? Got about 2 inches of snow last night, now it is raining. Hopefully it won't freeze. I need to shovel, but that won't be happening. Oh well. Thanks guys for listening!
  14. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, you do look tired, but beautiful. You earned every damn wrinkle, be proud of them!!! Love the golf cart. Janet, enjoy your relaxing day. I wish I could do some exercise, can you believe it, I'm tired of sitting on my but. I did unpack a box, nothing heavy. I'm on puppy duty for a couple of hours this afternoon. Simon isn't drinking much, so we are going to try a syringe and maybe some beef broth. I think he will go for that. Working on more hats, but then I will wrap some presents. I don't have my tree up yet. I think I will ask Elyse to get it out this weekend. That or a friend who is dropping by. Boring life I have!
  15. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Simon is here while Elyse & BF go to a Christmas program of BF's son. Oh Simon is a sorry sight, 5 drain tubes. I guess the coyote actually ate part of him because he is missing parts, his hip bone was actually sticking out. We had to make him a body glove so he doesn't chew on the tubes. I was covered with blood by the time I was done. He is currently snuggled in his mommy's blanket with a dull stare. Just about kills me. But the vet was wonderful, gave them a lot of discounts so everything only cost $300. So I will be on Simon duty for the next week while they are at work. I hope he will be able to walk soon, he weighs close to 20 pounds and I can't lift over 10. But we will work it out. He is so sorrowful, I am afraid his psychie is damaged. I guess I would be too if a coyote ate part of me. Phyl, your Queen needs to learn how to organize. There is no way one person can do what she was asking you to do. Plus it is also YOUR Christmas party, you should have been able to enjoy yourself as well. Next year they need to actually schedule a picture time. Everyone goes to their table, groups up and someone takes a picture, it would only take a half an hour and who ever was taking the pictures could still enjoy the party! Well back to Christmas projects. I am on hat 8 and have 6 more to make! Put it keeps me busy. I had 1/2 an egg for breakfast and a couple bites of toast, so working on the protein. I'll have a protein drink later for lunch. TTFN
  16. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I too love mashed potatoes, but it is now one of the foods my band doesn't like, mashed yams either, also a favorite. I can usually eat 2 bites and than the band says oh hell no. Last night I ate some broth, nothing else worked. But food yesterday was 1 cookie, 1 protein smoothie and some broth. I did have a little ice cream before going to bed. Right now I'd do most anything for a real good BM. I'm going to up my water and stool softeners today and see if that helps. I know my water isn't what it should be either. I think I am really starting to get better and then wham, I start hurting again. Not looking forward to starting the healing time all over. I guess yesterday school started 2 hours late because of the ice on the roads. I think today may be the same. When molly got up at 1 am it was pouring rain, this morning it has all frozen, weird weather. Hum can we say global warming!!! Today I want to work on making silver spoon jewelry. I have a bunch of silver spoons and I need a new challenge. But need to do dishes and clean up the Christmas wrapping mess in my quilt room. That may be all I get done! Can't wait until Phyl post her adventures yesterday. Janet are you drinking enough water?
  17. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Simon made it through surgery and is resting at the vet with major pain meds and antibiotics. They said he was lucky to be a 'hunting' dog with loose skin and instinct told him how to fight. He shouldn't be here, but he is. The vet will teach Elyse & the BF how to give him hydrotherapy for the next week or so to clean out the drain tubes. He had too many bites and tears to count, but there was no organ damage. Thank you all for your prayers, I know we all get 'silly' about our furries, but those are my only grandchildren and Simon has been part of my life since he was a pup. I guess the BF cried the entire time they were at the vet. Maybe his isn't such a looser after all. I did get a protein smoothie down and I'll look at some soup later. Got more homework done. Prolapse doc called and one surgeon is booked until the end of January and the other is out of the office until next week. So we will just see what happens. Thanks guys for the support, I told Elyse that you all were praying for Simon, naturally she cried.
  18. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice a truely beautiful young lady, as Janet said, just like her momma. Food today...1/2 a cookie I know, yell at me. I'm too tired to eat. I am going to make a protein smoothie in a little bit.
  19. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    OMG Candice, you could build snow caves. I can't even imagine that type of snow!!! Simon does not have any broken bones. The last we heard he was in surgey, but we haven't had an update. DD#4 'aired me out' today, took me to the grocery store and a walk through an antique store. Found a fabulous pen and ink drawing of a black lab for DD#2. The owner was a parent of mine, so they gave me a 10% discount!! I'm tired now, going to rest.
  20. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Simon has been found, but is in bad shape, they are on the way to the vet's right now. He is tore up pretty bad, with a possible broken leg. It appears that a coyote got him. Elyse will have to do some serious thinking. If his chances of survival are slim, then there isn't a question on whether to put him down. But if the cost of the surgery is too high, she will have to make a decision on what they can afford. I'll keep you updated.
  21. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    OMG Janet, Andrew works at Cold Stone Creamery, Can I marry him. It is my all time favorite place. About once every 2 months I have a "Like It' (small) Mud Pie, if you like coffee ice cream it is the only way to go. Coffee ice cream, oreo, almonds, fudge sauce, and peanut butter. It is about as close to sex as I get, Hell at this point it is better than sex!!! Have one for me. Simon, DD#4's wirehaired doxi is missing. Evidently he escaped while she was at work and still hasn't been found. We have called all the animal shelters, hopefully someone found him and will be turning him in. We had freezing rain all last night, so if he was outside I don't know that he would make it. He recently was shaved, so his fur isn't verry long. DD#4 is in tears and I am worried. Hopefully today he will show up. They only moved a month or so ago, so he doesn't know the area. Maybe he is on his way here? They live next to a highway so who knows if someone picked him up or if he has been hit by a car. Candice have fun with your quilt group today. I'm so happy for Jackie, I'm glad she was able to loose some weight and is on her own now. How is Courtney doing? She had bypass surgery, right?
  22. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I'm back from the surgeon and even DD#2 was pissed (she is a PA) and said he was rude. He made me undress infront of him and didn't give me a gown or drape. DD#2 was not happy. He went on about how unless the hernia hurt, there was no reason to fix it. I explained that with so much pain from the prolapse it is tough to know what was prolapse & what was hernia. Then he went on about how people with gastric surgery ALWAYS end up with hernias. He went to show me on a diagram what he needed to do and didn't have a diagram of an incision hernia, so he showed me what he was going to do on a male picture. Do you think you could have at least pretended I was a female. Said he would have to do an abdominal surgery, but I should be able to go back to work in a week. Even his staff people were jerks. Heck my doc for the prolapse said that if there is any abdominal surgery it would be at least 6 weeks. So I don't know what I'm going to do. I went ahead and scheduled surgery with him, Jan 7th, but then called my prolapse surgeon and asked if they could hook me up with the surgeon who was his first choice. I'm in a lot of pain after his poking and proding so I have taken a pain pill and am going to check out for awhile. Candice, I did get your call during my doc appointment. Then my phone went dead. So it is currently charging and I will skype you after I sleep for awhile. Sorry I made you all worry, but thanks for the concern. I'm just hurting right now, body as well as heart. I always hate to see DD#2 leave. So I need some down time with pain pills and tears. TTFN
  23. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Sorry folks, DD#2 leaves today and I was spending every minute with her. Of all my kids, she is the one who I am closest to, never should admit it, but our brains work the same and I always miss her like crazy since she grew up and got her own life. I'm fine, I have my appointment with the surgeon for the hernia this morning. I'll let you all know. Then DD#2 heads home. I have been busy trying to get the last bit of homework done. I have a few things left, so will finish them today or tomorrow. Candice, we have bears and we don't even live in the butt cold north as you do!! I thought you all lived like Northern Exposure? hehe Candice, I'll turn on my skype tonight and we can catch up.
  24. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Woke up in a lot of pain today. Bending over appears NOT to be an option. Took some pain meds and see if that helps. Janet, are you back at work today? It is always tough to go back after a vacation. Hope you get caught up. Hope you all have a good day.
  25. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I made it through class yesterday, thank goodness for Lortabs. The last 3 hours were killer. DD#2 had to come unfold me from the chair, stuff me in the car and took me home. Slept off and on most of today and finally had a BM, I know, too much info, but it had been a week and a half. Haven't eaten much, had a container of yogurt today and a couple of latte's. I will try dinner, but if that doesn't go then I will have a protein shake later. Go to the 2nd surgeon on Wednesday and will get the next surgery scheduled. I'm not looking forward to being poked and prodded. Hopefully it won't be too bad. I am working on Christmas presents, and napping, other than that, not much else. Janet, I can't wait for the pics. What were you thinking having Andrew sharing your room, you could have had the time of your life!!!! I think I would be too chicken to parasail. I scream on rollercoasters, love them, but terrified of them. Phyl, I know the golf cart is a consolation prize, but I'd still want the lot with the deck instead!! But men are men. Candice, do you think you had a bear wondering around? I'd be scared, glad you had the bat!!! Get 'em where they live! Well best get going

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