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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, I'm glad you are still going on your trip. Your mom wouldn't want you to cancel. It sounds like she is out of the woods, but let us know what they find out. I know, I should get on my kids, but I get ticked and then I get stubborn. Basically, "If you don't care enough to help me by cleaning up after yourself, then FINE! I'll do it myself. Not the answer, I know it, no excuses. I think I am going to have to give up coffee for awhile. I woke up, at 7:30, feeling great. Made coffee, drank about 1/4 of it and the acid is churning and I'm nausious. So maybe it is just acid reflux and I need to not be eating acids.for awhile, I bought 2 coffee's yesterday while in town and could only drink part of them. So what a pain. New Years Eve plans? If Elyse doesn't work today, we are going into an antique mall and then a movie. If she works, we are taking down Christmas and putting stuff away. It is bitter cold here. All I really want to do is crawl back into bed!
  2. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I got some food down so I'm feeling better. Managed to eat 1/4 slice of cheese, the top off BBQ chicken pizza (1 slice), a bite of dessert pizza. So feeling better. I'm actually thinking more like severe acid reflux. I am going to have a cup of hot chocolate. So at least today I had some food. I'm just tired and grouchy. Don't want to go back to work. I would like to have a day of empty house. Not going to happen. I know I shouldn't feel that way. I'm just needing some quiet time without the TV on, mess in the kitchen. Oh well. Candice, I'm so glad that right now things are okay. Hang in there.
  3. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, how is Mom? Hang in there, know that she and you are in our prayers. Post op appointment was good, doc just said that it will be months before the 'veil' of fatigue lifts, great, , but that doesn't count be having to start over next month. I guess the hernia is 3 inches long. Lapband doc thinks that it might be gallbladder, great, can we say...3rd surgery? I'm about fed up. Chim, nice to meet you. I'm not normally this grouchy, just not feeling well. Phyl, smack him.....tell him to get over it....then give him a kiss. Janet, enjoy your work out. I soooooooooooooooooooo can't wait until my house empties. I go to town for doc appoint, master's work for 4 hours, and I come home and no one has moved. Dishes stacked up, can't even walk through the house because of the crap. Okay I'm done. Good news, I have a warm home, loving family and my big quilt frame and machine is up and ready to go. Love you all!!! I'll be better in a little while. Candice, don't forget to let us know about mom!!
  4. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, I'm sorry about everything, vent away, hopefully it will help. I still feel like crap. Getting the ice pick in the chest like I'm stuck, but it is when I haven't eaten. Trying to drink some water. I know I'm dehydrated. I haven't been able to drink my coffee either. Food, bleck. you don't think my band has slipped or something? Okay just being a hypocondric. I'm just tired and cranky and don't know how I am going to make it through school Monday. Have a doc appt tomorrow for my post op, I may ask him about how I feel. My head hurts, my chest hurts, and I'm crying. Lame I know, sorry. Candice, enjoy your trip!
  5. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Finally checking in, sorry, DD#3 came last night so we finally open Christmas. Spent a good portion of the evening in the bathroom vomiting, not a pretty sight. I don't know if it is the flu or my band. I'm fine as long as I don't eat or drink, but as soon as I do, I get pain in my chest.. I'd call my band doc, but all he would say was to remove the fluid from the band and I know my restriction is right. So it probably is just a bug. I have my quilting group Christmas party this afternoon. I need to finish a little bit on some gifts and wrap them. We usually have lunch, then quilt for awhile. Hopeing to get my big quilting machine and frame up this week. Candice, I remember Peter saying he didn't want to go. Maybe he was just saving face on the phone. Not that that is an excuse. But they are men, can't live with them, can't sell them. So who knows. Go and enjoy yourself. He gave you the $$ to have a good time, he is just realizing that 2 weeks alone may not be his idea of fun. But he really does want you to have a good time. Heck when you get back, jump his bones, tell him that you missed him, and that you were glad you got to go and leave it at that. Don't try to figure it all out. Janet, I don't do anything for New Years either. Not my idea of fun to see a bunch of drunk people, grew up that way, don't need a repeat. I usually don't even make it until the 'ball' drops, so no big deal for me. Phyl hope you get some rest, I'd say that you trip has been crazy with family. Good, but always exhausting. Enjoy the grand kids. I bet Zoey is exhausted as well. All those little kids to chase around. Well hope you all have a good day!!
  6. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, you are going to have so much fun. Are you stopping at any quilt/fabric shops? OHHH what about yarn shops? Okay, how about I come and be your sherpa? Forced myself to get up this morning. Tomorrow I am aiming for 7 am. Man, being a working stiff stinks. Janet, it will be crazy. Hang in there. I know that the end of the year is crazy for Jamie, everyone trying to get into the doc before their deductable year is over. Fortunately mine runs from July to July.
  7. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Oh Janet, I am so with you on the tree house, but besides internet, I want hot running water and a porcelean toilet. I consider them necessesities, thus the reason I don't do camping!! Soup sounds good. Don't know what is for dinner yet. Not really in the mood.
  8. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Okay, I'm back from the land of the dead. Felt crappy all day. Couldn't eat anything. Finally had a cup of hot chocolate and felt better. Candice, I was hoping I could beat you on and wish YOU a happy Boxing day before you got up. So happy boxing day!!!! We will celebrate Christmas tomorrow when DD#3 arrives. I did open my kindle and now I can't decide which book to buy first. Lame I know. What was I thinking, Feeling better today, Probably just in a funk with no celebration. Jamie, DD#2, loved her antique pen and ink drawing I found at an antique store that looks just like her lab, Sydney. She called and said how much she loved it. Haven't heard from the rest of the family. Janet, great job tossing the sugar cookies! I have to start going to bed on time and getting up earlier, been going to bed past midnight and getting up at 10 am. Well tonight it is to bed at 10 pm and I'm setting the alarm. That way I can get some work done as well. I haven't accomplished anything for a few days. Too tired and probably a little depressed. Phyl glad you enjoyed your festivities. Candice, love the phone call from your mom. So classic.
  9. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, I'm so sorry about BIL, definitely midlife crisis. Hope all works out. Stomach still iffy so getting ready to try some chicken broth. Alexa & I each opened ONE gift. She chose her dad's, she knew he got her an XBox, I opened the one from all my girls...a KINDLE!!! can't wait to play. Made chocolate chip banana bread and getting ready to make some shortbread. Better to bake, than sit around. Janet, enjoy the gift opening!!
  10. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Sorry ladies, I was working on last minute projects yesterday and cleaning house. Watched tv unil midnight and then to bed, so I am being lazy. Not really Christmas for us yet as we are waiting for DD#3. Plus I feel like crap. Here is my 2 minute whine then I'll stop. On Thursday dinner came back and was painful all night. Yesterday was able to eat 1/2 a smoothie and a cup of hot chocolate. Everything is fighting its way back. Don't know if it is band issues for just some bug. Okay, I'm done. Merry Christmas. I'll be around all day, so hopefully we will check in with each other later. Enjoy your family and quiet time. Drive safe. You all are in my heart and thoughts. Celebrate Jesus birth and celebrate family. Phyl, I sorry about the family issues. But at least Jodie is behaving. Candice, enjoy your day with your mom. Janet, excellent job on the cookies. But you have budgeted for them, so enjoy one or two when you are ready.
  11. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Survived shopping on the day before Christmas Eve, what a nightmare. Starbucks alone took 20 minutes. Couldn't find a parking spot at Costco, so bailed on that. By the time we got to Walmart I was ready to kill DD#5, it is always about 'her'. Love her but sometimes it just gets me. Dinner was a painful experience. Didn't have time for breakfast or lunch, so figured I better eat something decent for dinner. Ate it and was in pain all night. Ended up vomiting it and in that process my bladder let's go (incontinence was a possible risk of my last surgery). It just pissed me off, well actually pissed on me. Sorry. Tamalies sound wonderful. My father-in-law owned a beet (sugar) farm in western montana and we had migrant workers come in to thin the beets. They made fabulous tortillas, Corn chowder....is basically potatoe soup, with cream corn added. Cook 1/2 pound cut up bacon and diced onion until bacon is done. Add diced potatoes, about 4 cups and enough water to cover the potatoes. Cook until potatoes are done. Add 1 can cream corn and about 3 cups 1/2 & 1/2, simmer until hot, don't boil. That is the basic recipe, I don't measure anything and it isn't low cal. But my kids think it is a treat. To make clam chowder substitute a large can (or 2) of baby clams for the cream corn and substitue 1/2 the water for clam juice. Candice glad you got paid well, you deserve it. We probably won't do Christmas until DD#3 comes from Roundup (on west side of state where my mom lives). So that will be Sunday or Monday. Janet, I'd be safe from sugar cookies, not my favorite. Anything chocolate (other than fudge) calls me from anywhere in the house.
  12. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Hey, when your 5 ft daughter is playing hockey and the pads are bigger than she is...you go and freeze your butt off. I only make one game per season, because most of them are week nights, late week nights. Phyl, sounds like you had a good day. Glad things are working out with the family. Janet, enjoy your work party... then HOME for a couple of days, yeah!! I am going to town today to do some last minute shopping, just odds and ends. Still need to figure out what I am doing for Christmas dinner. So far the request has been nachos, that works for me, and corn chowder for Christmas eve. I prefer clam chowder, but the kids don't really like clams unless they are fried, so we will go with corn. News broad cast!!! I have been such a slug that I was really worried about the weight, so stepped on the scale this morning, down a pound!!! Probably muscle turning to fat, but I'll take it. That puts me 'barely' under 160, but that is a huge accomplishment. So I am over 6 pounds below goal, and I am not working to hard on it. I know once I am back at school it will be a different story. I have to fight stress eating at school. At home I only eat when I feel really hungry, so usually only have 2 meals a day. And dinner is the only real meal!! The one thing I have noticed is that I seem to have broken the 'sugar' addiction. Lately I have been craving salty things. So last night I had tator tot casserole, yum. A little more than usual, but if was delish.
  13. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, glad you are home safe and sound!!! Men...can't live with them, can't sell them! Sorry I didn't check in last night. Froze my butt off, we actually my feet. Did you know that there are 3, yes THREE 18 minute periods in hockey. Who's bright idea was that. The game was in the OUTSIDE rink at 8 pm, with a lovely temperature of 5 degrees, and that ain't celsius honey! T,he only saving grace, was that she could have had the late game that starts at 11 pm. Didn't get to bed until 1 am, just trying to thaw out. I now remember why I decided to give up beading. Big clummsy hands...itty bitty beads! I decided a quick stocking stuffer for my girls was to make them each a bracellet out of my left over beads. Well I get them made and decide that they need a second string added, then I'll use magnetic clasps instead of stretchy cord. THEN get them all done and...I forgot to allow for the thickness of the beads so they are too small. I'll have to tear them all apart auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggggggggggg. They are going into the stockings as is and I'll remake them with the correct measurements. Way mad at myself. Candice...what's up? Janet do you have your water wings out. Hope your house is okay. I know when my sister lived in Riverside that the flooding pool water was not a good thing! Hang in there.
  14. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, haven't walked yet, but hope to next week. Just going to school for an hour wore me out and put me back in pain. Should be fun at the hocky game. Oh well. Yep, we will skype, does Janet have skype? can we skype with multiple people? Saw the quilt, just beautiful. I actually love scappy bindings. I use any left over fabric for the back and binding. My other favorite binding is to use a narrow stripe cut on the bias. Hope to do some quilting next week!!!
  15. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phy, ((HUGS)), sorry about the grumpiness. We all get that way sometimes, but driving in winter with a dog & cat isn't easy. Especially with a man! Just be safe and next time he throws water, throw some right back at him. By the way, well said regarding the absent members of our thread, I'm too woosie. But we still miss them. Without Steph, I would have never gotten the band nor met all my favorite people. It is times like this that I hate not being close to all of you. I wish we could perform a little magic and get together at least once a month. Hey, someone needs to play the lottery and win enough $$ so we could jet together on a regular basis! It is cold here today. Everything has hoar frost on it, it is beautiful, but foggy. Weird dreams again last night. Dreamed I moved into a house that was just a tumble down shack. paper walls, and I mean only paper. Doors that wouldn't lock. Dead animals everywhere. This really wierd scene, where horns were honking, and a big metal pounding machine making noise and someone going around shooting cows and pigs. Then skinned animals being wrapped up whole to put in the freezer. Anyone who says we only dream in black and white should have been in my dream. I am sure there is some significance to it, but it pretty much defeats me. Second night of weird dreams, I wonder what it is all about? Have to run to school today to see where the sub is at and to deliver some gifts, then pay bills. DD#5 has a hockey game tonight, so think of me sitting on a slab of ice for 2 hours at 8 o'clock.
  16. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yep, we will enjoy Christmas and celebrate Christ's birth. I haven't even figured out what Christmas dinner will be. Usually something nontraditional. Candice, you aren't the lone stranger, I don't hear from Steph either. I hope she hasn't totally given up on the band, or at least finds the $$ to get the sleeve. She is such a beautiful lady, I don't want to see her back at her starting weight. Karri, well, just to much drama, but that is the difference in our age. Not her fault, more mine. But it is sad to see us down to 3.5 (Linda get's the 0.5). So then are we the Lucky 1/2 a 7, Still Hanging ON? By the way, I forgot to mention, how good you are doing. If I was trapped in the snow, I'd be baking up a storm and I don't bake low fat! I did splurge and have a piece of biscotti with my coffee, but I skipped lunch, so it balances. Beaded some bracellets for Santa stockings. Nothing as nice as Phyl's, I just used what I had, Jasper and onyx, onyx and some green bumpy beads, black and black mother of pearl. I do have some fabulous labrador onyx I want to put together, but it needs something else with it. I always made my dad peanut brittle and biscuit mix for Christmas. He did love my biscuits. I had a dream about him eating chicken wings (the only part he liked) and biscuits. He must have known I was missing him. Janet, hell your life makes me tired just listening to it. Compared to you and Phyl, I'm a hermit. Well until summer. I have always hibernated in winter. I truely think I missed my calling as a bear.
  17. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, sounds like an adventure. We got about 4 inches of new snow last night, so I guess we will have a white Christmas after all. Ours is all fluffy. When molly went outside to go potty, she almost disappeared. Probably have 8 all together, better than the brown melty suff we had. I think I would have been ticked it I had to settle for McDonalds coffee. But I'm a bit of a coffee snob. Janet, don't you just love quiet weekends. I have some homework to do and I am starting to stress about going back to work. The first two weeks off I was so relaxed, just loved it. It could have been the drugs??? Hernia is hurting like the begeebies, didn't sleep well last night, February is a long time away! Simon goes back to the vet today, and I'm not looking forward to driving, but as we all know, we will do most anything for our furries. Candice how was your evening?
  18. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, fabulous idea, we can have coffee together. Well, I made biscotti today, not my best, I was short an egg, but too broke and lazy to drive to the store to buy any, so made it anyway. Actually it is okay, and I was using egg beaters anyway. I don't use enough eggs anymore to buy real eggs, the egg beaters I can freeze. So I need to dip them in white chocolate and crushed almonds. Usually use hazelnuts, but my stash was empty and I didn't know it, so almond and cranberry this year. I'll probably get some hazelnuts this week in town and make another batch. I give most of it away, but keep some for Christmas morning. They are lethal, can't have them in the house. My mom is going with my brothers to his inlaws, so she won't be alone for Christmas. Like I said, they were never into it much. We all send her (them) gifts and we didn't usually get a thank you. Us kids are silly about Christmas. With my girls we all play santa, and it is so much fun to sneak out and add things to their stockings, all hoping you don't run into each other. I will miss that this year. All though we each send stuff to be slipped into the stockings, it just isn't the same. Phyl, hell girl, be careful! Let us know when you are safe and sound.! Candice, did you jump his bones, I hear that always helps. Heck I have to hear the details, second hand sex is the best I get now a day. Oh and thank you for the compliment. I figure I just always look washed out without makeup!!! Well it is dipping time, the chocolate is melted. TTFN
  19. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning ladies, I have to admit, I have been enjoying sleeping in, pretty much 8:30 every morning, 4 hours more than when I am at school. It will be tough when school starts. Quiet evening/day. Did some laundry, worked on my kilzillionth hat. Have about 6 more to do then I'm done. Phyl SAFE travels, and Earl better get you coffee. Janet, both you are Phyl are wonderful people to donate to those organizations. It really helps each of them provide for what the kids need! I have been lucky enough to never needed to use outside help. But my brother always gives me a $100 Costco gift card each year so I can make a good Christmas dinner for my kids. I wish I was closer to him, but too much water under the bridge. Have been thinking a lot about my dad. Christmas wasn't really important to him, heck they quit giving us gifts when I was about 14 so it isn't the gift I'm missing. I also have been thinking about the guy that was killed in the motorcycle accident that I was in love with. I guess the holiday just has me missing having someone in my life. For the most part it doesn't bother me, and I definitely don't do anything to fill the void, it just get's hard sometimes. Okay, done with the pity party, better attitude!!! Janet, enjoy your quiet day. Candice, hope your gig goes well with the new guitar guy!
  20. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, I would have probably killed him by now, so don't beat yourself up. You both need a little away time. I went down stairs to deconstruct some wool clothes to felt the wool for projects. Alexa plays video games ALL day long and after awhile the sound just drives me nuts. If you feel really guilty about Peter, jump his bones and he will forget all about it! Janet, I think I have only done my hair and makeup 3 times in the last 2 weeks! So I totally know what you are talking about. Of course I am pretty low maintenance, so even grooming doesn't take much, but I hate it sometimes. I think it is nap time!!
  21. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Okay ladies, TMI yesterday, I guess I was having a bit of a pity party. I always seem to get that way when I think I should be doing better. That just means that I have hit the bottom and the only way to move is UP!! So new attitude today!
  22. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I think I have been cruising for food all day. Gosh a steak sounds lovely, hum, maybe I will make some salmon tomorrow. Finally had a good BM (sorry I know) but there appears to be a problem. Something has shifted and the only way I could go was to apply pressure around the opening. All the waste moved down, but wouldn't come out. I had to push it out, and I don't mean with my pelvic muscles. I know this is gross to talk about, but it is becoming a real issue. I have a post op appointment on the 30th so I'll talk to the doc then. I don't know if the muscles aren't functioning, or if I have developed a rectocyle. I don't want to think about having a bag, okay now I am just panicing. Sorry. Poor Alexa is starving and wants real food, but has to wait until tomorrow. Candice, glad the guitar guy is working out, he is the single one, right? Hum, maybe I need to come for a visit! Janet, pilos are so good for your core!! I totally agree with the Friday issue. All I ever do on Fridays after work is come home, take a show, put on my pj's and sometimes take a nap and then go to bed early. Phyl is just out there partying. Candice, Italy....I'm envious! I would be ticked about the steak also! One day I can eat a steak and the next not.
  23. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Spring chicken my foot, I'm a damn old hen!!! To tough to kill and too arnery to get along. Sad but true. I know I need to accept how long it is taking to get healed up, but it does get frustrating. I did enjoy my nap though. Hungry.... hum, maybe some lunch.. Have a good workout.
  24. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Alexa made it through her wisdom teeth extraction in great shape. She actually is doing better than I. It was really tough driving, I don't know if it was the surgery or the hernia, but damn I was in pain. If it is the hernia, I don't think I am going to make it until February. So home, pain pill and lay back. I think I am getting stronger and then wham. I just don't know how I am going to go back to school. Okay had to whine, I'm done now! You know, Janet, I miss visiting with you in the am also. But 2 more weeks and I'll be back at it, bleck! Anyway, meds are kicking in, I'll check in later.
  25. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Had a nice visit with the realtor, he really is a sweetheart. I made my shortbreads dipped in chocolate (white & dark) and yep I ate one. One of the holiday foods I plan for. I'm looking forward to when I can stand long enough to make my biscotti, but not this week, the shortbread was hard enough. Took a plate to the vet when I picked up Simon, His tubes are out, but he licked open a couple of the wounds so they had to staple him and then collor him. He still isn't out of the woods, He only has a little tissue covering his hip bone, so if he gets an infection in the bone, it could be bad. But we will keep out fingers crossed. Tonight, just kicking back, tired and sore from driving and baking. Tomorrow DD#5 gets her wisdom teeth out, so have to leave here by 7:30, I'll have to set my alarm. I SO could get use to this retirement.... Janet, quiet night for you? Candice have fun, but be careful. Phyl how are the parties going?

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