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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cramerk

  1. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, that just stinks about the accountant!! They should know that about the ranch bills. What a waste of your time. So much for your furlough day. grrr. I'll hold 'em if you want to slug 'em! I think I want to marry Andrew, I know it has been said before, especially once he started working at Cold Stone, but a house keeper as well. I could be his cougar?
  2. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Couldn't sleep last night, finally about 3 am, I dozed off, so today will be a snoozie day. Phyl, glad all is okay. You sound down? Over tired? Are your meds okay. With the speed you life usually runs, you need to have a day or 2 of hibernation. Alexa, DD#5, is like that. She runs like crazy for about 6 weeks, barely sleeping, etc, then crashes and sleeps for 36 hours. She was that way even as a baby. I remember WAY to many night up with her, she also had night terrors, so I think I slept standing next to her bed with my hand on her back for a year. Steph, have a good time! You guys have all your avalanche gear? Snow...not for me, but I'd keep your couch warm for you next to the fire place while you were out! Are the dots you are talking about for names of breast cancer people? If so I would like to add 4, just let me know. Janet, Phyl, I'm with you on off brand veggies. I don't mind off brand frozen peas & corn, but the rest have to be name brand, broccoli especially. Our fresh broccoli is none to fresh by the time it gets to Montana. Janet, get a taxi....Montana doesn't really HAVE taxies. Made me chuckle though. It was interesting driving into the hospital though. The highway was a sheet of frozen ice, could only drive 40 mph on the road that legally we drive 70 mph. I feel okay right now, but waiting for the pain to hit, they said today would be the worse, I'm waiting...so far not to bad!
  3. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I'm home safe and sound!!! Had a little breathing issue during recovery. I woke up with the darn intabating tube still in and was awake when they pulled it out, in all my surgeries I've never remembered that. Well my throat decided to go into a spasm and did the gasping for air thing. Ended up having a nebulizer treatment and oxygen, but then was fine. I really didn't mind waiting for Elyse. I snoozed, did a little knitting and some more snoozing. They wouldn't let me sit in the waiting room, so just sat propped up in my outpatient bed having the nurses wait on me. Rather nice. So far very little pain, tired, but no big deal. I think I have finally figured out the road to the ER last week. First no one mentioned and I didn't read the label, so I'm just as responsible, but I didn't know that you are suppose to take Lortab with food. Well the weeks after surgery I wasn't really eating a lot, a definitely didn't take the Lortab with food, you know the whole drinking thing after eating. Well, I guess it can cause vomiting without food. So that started the vomiting, which made me swell, then add the NSAID meds, and bingo, in the ER. I at least understand now what went on. Where the heck is Phyl? Steph, you did the absolutely perfect thing with Michael, great job. I know it is hard, kids never understand that it is harder on us than them. It is also hard to have Michael with his dad, but you made the right decision. Janet, what you doing tonight? Work out then? But just think, tomorrow is Friday!!! Got a message from the school today saying they couldn't get the sub I had last time, the retired teacher. So ended up with a warm body, not happy. Called my principal to have her go and look over my sub notes. I left notes in the format a teacher could understand, not a warm body. Anyway she says, "Isn't your surgery today?', I told her yep, and that I was done, and just sitting in recovery. She about wigged and asked what the heck I was doing worrying about school. My sister called to see how I was and guess what...she invited me to come down to their summer home (one of three) during spring break. Hum, Arizona the first week in April??? Oh, I think I could handle a little sun tanning. I guess Alegiant Air flies there, so I am going to check into a cheap flight. Don't think I can afford it, but at least it would be fun to check out. She said she could hook me up with a rich single guy,,,hum, we possibly could break that 15 year drought...if you know what I mean!!! Well going to take my meds and head to bed! Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts, you are my strength!
  4. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, Simon is healing and the vet says, "Out of the woods"! So we can relax about anything popping up. He looks good, going to have some pretty good battle wounds, but that just adds character. I'd pretty much kill for a huge glass of ice water this morning. Normally the going without water doesn't bother me, but last night I ate a hand full of pistachioes...what was I thinking. Thank you all for the prayers, it will be just fine. I'll let you know when I am home safe and sound. It rained all night, so hopefully the road won't be too bad, It was suppose to freeze, but it hasn't yet, Going to spend this morning doing a little picking up, vacumn, dishes, etc. I know what you mean about Mexican. Um, taco soup..... my favorite, but need to let the stomach heal a bit me before spicy food. I did have a cup of coffee yesterday, very tasty. But I need to go back to no caffiene for a few more days. I am having a bugger of a time remembering to take the prilosec because I don'e usually take my meds in the morning. Phyl must be real busy!!! Candice...home this weekend?
  5. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Sorry ladies, finally got home, had a school visit about an hour away for my master's program, then back to school to finish up sub notes. By the time I hit the road it was a sheet of ice, so had to drive 35 mph all the way home. We are suppose to get freezing rain tonight, it will be interesting getting to the hospital. Surgery is at 11:30 am, so have to be there by 9:30. I should be out and ready to go home about 4 pm, but Elyse has to work until 5:30 so I'll hang in the waiting room until she is done, then home and to bed! Steph, you made tofu sound good. I may check that out. I think one summer my kids lived on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, they didn't want to slow down long enough to eat anything else. Phyl must be out and about, and Candice enjoying her lovely cruise. I can be a little flexible about our get together IF I can tie it to a long weekend or Spring break. But once the medical bills are paid off, the $$ goes in the kitty. I plan on putting some away this summer as well.
  6. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning ladies, Phyl, poor Zoey, freezing her poor paws off outside!! She is NOT use to cold weather...does she need a sweater? Sorry about your luncheon getting interrupted, hopefully the lady is okay. Ten years ago when I went on a cycling tour, there were several riders in their 90's. I have to admit, I almost didn't make it a couple of times, bicycling up the divide in 90 degree weather is NOT for whimps. But these people ALWAYS beat me into camp every day. I just hope I have 1/2 a brain when I am that age. Today, I have master's work to do in a different school building, then taking Alexa, DD#5 out to dinner, stop at school and do a few more sub notes, a quick vacumn, then to bed. I'll be late checking in, but I will check in. Oh, I forgot to mention, one of the reasons the band doc doesn't like Mexico patients is that he says they don't do as well and it makes his practice look bad. WELL I told him it wasn't about where you got your band, it was about your support group and I told him about you ladies!!! I think he was surprised that I had a group and knew how to eat, etc. So there, another confirmation that you all are the best group in the world.
  7. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Okay, I did not postpone, but I am a bit crazy right now. Had the ER follow up with the new band doc. He won't give me fill for 2 week, well he wanted 3, I wanted today, so we compromised...I think. He is going to be okay, a bit of a Nazi, he is anti caffeine, anti soda, anti cigarettes, anti... well just about everything. He really didn't want me, but I gave him no choice. Besides, the office ladies loved me, we sat and joked and gabbed for an hour after the appt, do I know how to smooze or what. The reality is that they are the ones that matter, mainly because they do most of the fills. So I am going to go with him. I can't afford another ER visit, physically, mentally, or $$$$ Sorry this has to be quick, I need to get some sub notes together for the next few days, I got about half of them done. So a couple more hours of work today should get me through this week and I'll work on next week over the weekend. The school wants an official letter rather than the quick note the surgeon wrote, so I am going to be a witch and have the doc write it for the full 4 weeks, then if I come back after 2 I look golden. Love you all, I'll chat tomorrow or later tonight, but need to hit the books, TTFN
  8. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning ladies, slept like a rock! Hope you all did as well. Cold!!!!!!!!!!!! and then some, but Steph still has me beat. Today is the appt with the new lapband doc. I don't really care whether I like him or not, I just need someone local! It will probably be a late check in tonight, so don't stress if I don't get on until later. Need to get my sub notes ready, but today is lecture all day, so I'll have to go back to school after my appt, which means I won't get home until close to bed time. I need to get bills paid for the people in China, stock a little food, etc. I am trying not to think about it all. Part of me is saying I should call and postpone the surgery until next week, but I know I shouldn't and after yesterday's incident, I don't think I could live through that pain again. So is Candice home this weekend? Time has begun to blur together and I can't remember. She has been gone a little over a week...right? Phyl, is your mom still improving? Well best get busy, TTFN
  9. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Done with the surgeon, I was in sever pain this morning and then right before my appt. My blood pressure was high, so they asked what is up. I explained that I was in pain and just gritting my teeth through it. This morning a fetal position was desired, but you can't do that in front of 6th graders. So they go me in right away to the surgeon and I had intestines stuck in my hernia. She poked them back in and then showed me how to do it, THEN said, I'll see you Thursday for surgery, this can't wait. So between tonight and Thursday I have to see the band doc, go to a master's class all day Wednesday and write sub notes for the next 2 weeks. She said I'd be out for the next 2 to 6 weeks, it will depend upon how I feel. But good news, the band doc is going to take me as a patient, all it takes is $$$$, normally they charge $2000, yep that's thousands just for the consult. But since I already have my band and lost my weight, they are only going to charge me $400, okay, I can live with that to have a local doctor. Bands are forever, so it worth the $$$$ to have someone local. Sorry I have been such a downer this week, once all these parts are fixed, I will be good as new!!!! No more whining, I promise!!! Okay, maybe just a little whining. Steph, whooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooo, great job. Now that you are able to eat real food you are going to see those pounds melt off. Tell Jeff we are proud of him and rooting for him!!! He can do it, and so can you! Janet, bummer on your trainer being ill, just stinks. Phyl, thanks for seeing my point on the wicca thing. My problem is that my brother thinks it is harmless, it just plain scares me. Although I agree with Janet, since grieving is mental, if a 'healer' makes mom feel better, I don't see the harm. I will admit a secret wish to have a taro reading, but good old scared of getting struck down by the wrath of God is enough to keep me clear. Yep, I'm a woosie. Well, I'm going to find some dinner, maybe just tea, after today's pain I feel just kind of woosie all over. I know, whimpy. Ladies, I love you all, stay safe and warm. Steph, I thought WE were cold, you have us beat!!
  10. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning Ladies Phyl great job, I know it is chilly outside, but Zoey surely loved the walk!! I have my appointment with the surgeon today, so we will get things scheduled for the next surgery. Didn't sleep worth darn last night. Tossed and turned, couldn't get my brain to shut off. Oh well, I'll just make tonight an early night. I think I mentioned that my mother thinks she is a witch and has her own 'wicca', well she called yesterday to tell me that my brother bought her a spell book. She gets a little frustrated because with me because I don't like her to bring her taro cards, etc. to my house. It just skeeves me out. So now she is planning on going to a 'healer' to deal with her mourning for dad. Well running slow this morning, best get at it. TTFN
  11. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Steph, you had REAL food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is just fabulous!!!! Glad you had a good day. House is clean, laundry almost done and....I QUILTED IN MY QUILT ROOM. The first time I have worked on a quilt with my Featherweight since November of 2009 when I had to pack everything up to sell the house. It was a fabulous feeling. My own little space, and I can leave the quilt laid out and not have to worry about the furries or anyone seeing it!!! I had so much fun. Sorry, I just had to share!! I definitely will be glad when I can get some fluid back in the old band. Potions are larger than they should be, but part of that is not having any real food for the last 2 weeks. I am going to give it a couple more days before I try any raw veggies. I did try some grapes and all went well, so I am hoping that I can eat a salad soon. Janet, how was your quiet day? Did you get the crocheting out? I need to get started on Birthday gifts for DD#1 & DD#2, their birthdays are in March and May. But I can't put if off because master's classes start up pretty soon and then I won't have the time. Phyl, sounds like you had a busy week. But you always are busy! I get tired just reading about your schedule. Well have a great evening, the dryer just called my name and I need to make my bed. TTFN
  12. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, you were up early and already working out. I slept in, still have some healing to do I guess. Finished the blocks on a small quilt last night. It is all hand sewn and hand applique. Around here we call it a promise quilt. But it keeps me from eating when I am watching TV. Today I need to do some cleaning and laundry. Then get ready to face school. Phyl, congrats on the Seahawks!!! I use to be a Steelers & Bears fan, WAY in the 80's, but don't watch football or any sports much anymore. I quit watching football when it seemed that every play they had to haul someone off of the field injured Steph, enjoy the snowmobile excursion. WAY too cold for me! Janet, now that you house is spotless what are you going to do with your day?
  13. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, I'm here. I slept in and it was the first real sleep I have had in a couple of weeks. I did have some food for dinner last night and man did it taste good. Struggling a bit with the hungries, but I'm doing okay so far. I had to hem several pairs of pants for Alexa and then decided to make a new ironing board cover for may small ironing board that I use in my quilt room. Then Alexa wanted meat pie for dinner, which takes a little preparation. Living without coffee is not my idea of heaven. Hopefully soon the ulcer will heal and I can go back to real life. Phyl, I'm sorry about your mom and the loss of your friend. I know that it is hard on both issues. But I do have to agree that I don't have much patience for people who really ramble on. Steph, I'm glad you are back! AND congrats on getting to eat some real food. I know that it has been hard. We miss you, but are sure glad to hear from you. I have lost a little over 95 pounds, it just depends upon who's scale is used. My original scale says it is about 96, the docs say 94. You will always be the person who convinced me I had a chance at a new life. This weeks scare was a huge reminder of how much I am grateful for. When I was vomiting blood thinking that I was going to lose my band as soon as I entered the ER, made me realize how much I was will to fight to keep it. Find something that is going to work for you. You are on the right path. Janet, what did you do today? Anything fun? Candice sure sounds like she is having fun. By the way, I know you are all getting together in March, but what are we going to do in July? Candice's place? Oh, I would love to go on a cruise or something, but until I get done with my masters and get the extra pay, I won't be going anywhere too far or too expensive.
  14. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning, hope you slept well. It took me awhile to get to sleep, but slept well when I FINALLY did get to sleep. At least it is Thursday, so I have only 2 more days to go before the weekend. Whohooo, sleeping in!! But pretty soon my master's classes will start again and I can kiss that goodbye as well. Ah, I'm just whining, everything will be fine...one way or the other. Janet, hopefully work will slow down a bit since we are getting past the new year. Is the rain slowing down? Your house hasn't been covered with mud yet . Janet, I'll make some decisions today...basically I just don't know what to do. I know what I should do, but I don't know how to go about it. It will work out.
  15. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, the problem is that even if I go to the ER there are only 2 docs in Missoula that can do anything with bands and they are the two that are refusing to see me. The hospital doesn't have anyone who can do an unfill. Besides right now my kids are in the 'I told you so mode." If you hadn't gone to Mexico, then you wouldn't be having this problem. There is a possibility that I might be able to get to Kalispell this Saturday. The problem is that Saturday they are forcasting freezing rain and are recommending that people stay off the roads. So who knows what I can figure out. This pretty much sucks. Glad you had a good work out. So whats for dinner? Let me live vicariously through you. Well, going to head to bed.
  16. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Called the people in Missoula, they listened, then transfered, I left a message, and have not heard anything...naturally. Oh, I'm not going to die, just wish I could. I did email, my fill doc to see if he could set up some testing. There is no way I can drive to Kalispell for an unfill. I am not even sure I CAN drive to Kalispell. Okay, topic change. I did go to bed early last night at about 8:30, tossed & turned until 1:00. Finally got to sleep. Phyl, so how is the family doing? Mom? Janet, your work out? Sitting here, watching NCIS on DVD, sipping tea. So far so good. No Criminal Minds tonight. Man I hate post-holiday TV.
  17. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, I know. I have the phone number and will call today. I'm in trouble and I know it. I just don't want to be treated like a leper because I went to Mexico. They are all very good and either outright denying to see you or making you feel like a loser. Either of which is hard to deal with.
  18. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, hang in there, I hope mom is okay. Food and water still not good. I'm trying to get the guts up to call the local lapband doc. He usually won't see patients from Mexico so I won't be any different. But I am worried. Still vomiting. Crap!! Janet, Omlet sounds good, but at this point everything sounds good, even a big glass of water. I'm tired today. I almost started crying at work today. Pretty lame. I know, no ones fault but my own. I'm just feeling sorry for myself, sorry. Hope you had a good day. Phyl keep us updated.
  19. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yep Candice, Phyl is on their way home, I think they have a couple of stops so probably won't be home until the weekend. I'm so glad your trip is going well. Janet and I are just doing our normal stuff, not very exciting, well I"M not very exciting. With all the walking you should be good calorie wise. Then there will be all the dancing, etc. so have a wonderful time. Hard getting up this morning. DD#5 came home last night. She forgot a bunch of stuff, but I'm hoping it was just because she missed me. Students are pretty good. A little squirrely, but that is just because they haven't seen each other. Did some review with them yesterday and they really seem to know what they should know. I am proud of them. It was nice, many of them gave me a hug, even some of the boys. Nice to be missed. Think I am going to come home tonight, drink some dinner and go to bed. I'm tired today. Tired and cold, it has been a whopping 5 degrees the last few days. Janet, I'm glad you are safe! It sure looked scarey on the news, but that is one reason I don't watch the news very often. Have a great day, check in tonight!
  20. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I made it through the day. Kept food light. Tonight I had a slice, about 2 oz of marinated turkey loin and a spoon of mashed potatoes. Stomach can't handle veggies, fruit, or coffee. Tired, but okay. Going to go to bed early this week, I need to take things slow. I am looking forward to doing some exercise, but that won't happen until March at the the earliest. Candice, from what I understand, Greece is just as hilly. Spend some money on a REALLY good pair of walking shoes. Janet, I see in the news that Vegas has snow and you guys have rain and mud. I hope you are okay. Enjoy your work out. Candice, have fun, drink a glass of wine for us!!
  21. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Phyl, glad your drive went well today!!! It does get worrisome when are furries aren't their normal selves. But she probably was missing all her friends and playmates. Back to reality today. The kids will be too busy socializing after break to focus on school, so I will keep it light. Besides I'll have to figure out how well the students learned stuff with the sub, so I'll spend the next couple of days just reviewing material and seeing where they are. Next week is end of the quarter so the year is half over, Seems very strange. Before I know it, I'll be head back to work at the nursery. I do love working in the spring. Seeing all the plants sprout in the green houses. Went to bed early and actually woke up before the alarm, mainly because miss molly had to go potty. But there wasn't any point in going back to bed, it was about 10 minutes before the alarm went off. Keeping food light today, hopefully the stomach will settle down. Janet, have a great day at work, Phyl, drive safe!!
  22. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I go back to work tomorrow, bleck! Talked with Jamie, DD#2 who is the PA, she said that since it wasn't a coffee ground consistancy that it wasn't blood. But she told me to up my OTC Zantac for the next few days. I have managed to get down about 16 oz of water, still not enough, but none came back. I also had a small yogurt, 2 cups of Lipton Noodle soup, a decatant cup of REAL homemade Mexican hot chocolate, and a small dish of ice cream. I am feeling better. The vomiting and burning has stopped. So tomorrow I will continue with liquids and no acidic stuff and see how we are. Yep, just you and me babe. Loving having my house back, if fact I am going to head to bed and read a little bit and then go to sleep, 4:30 am is going to be a killer. Actually tomorrow will be fine, it will be Tuesday or Wednesday that I will be the walking dead. Have a good sleep and I'll chat in the morning.
  23. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet, I know I need to go, but I'm going to wait a couple of days. I am sticking to only liquids and yogurt, and no acidic stuff. I heating up some Lipton noodle soup and sipping water. My house is empty, DD#3 left this morning so DD#5 decided to go back to her apartment. Cleaned up SOME of the house and got Christmas put away. Doing laundry. If I'm not better tomorrow, I'll go to the doc. I'm probably dehydrated, haven't been able to keep water down, but I have a tendency to guzzle. So I'll sip all day long. I'm just tired and stressed about going back to school. But I need to face reality and get back to the real world. Did Candice say what they found out about her mom before she left?
  24. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Finally back. DD#3 leaves this morning, but DD#5 is here for another week. Felt crappy all day yesterday and just got done vomiting. I'm so sick of this. I vomited up black stuff this morning, hope I haven't given myself a bleeding ulcer or something. Sitting here sipping a glass of water. I haven't had enough water for the last few days. So today I am going to stick to water and maybe a smoothie later. Chatted with my fill doc, unfortunately he only does fills, he doesn't do anything else with the band, so there isn't anything he can do. If this continues, I don't know what I am going to do. School tomorrow, back to the real world. Maybe I am just stressed about that. Did Candice say what they found out about her mom? Janet, sounds like you had a good New Years eve. More exciting that me. We played cards yesterday, but that was about it. Is Phyl on her way home yet? Is Earl settling down?
  25. cramerk

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yep, I have some OTC Zantac and will start taking it. Tonight I was able to eat and felt better. DD#5 had to ruin the whole day by pouting around. Give me a break, she is 20. We all wanted to go to an Antique Mall, DD#5 isn't into it, but came along. She so pouted and tried to ruin it for everyone. What a pin in the ars. Home now and not doing anything but lounging on the couch. Fun and exciting!! Candice, how is mom doing? Janet you staying home? Have a safe and happy new year!!!

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