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About GamecockMom

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  • Birthday 12/20/1960

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    Stapling 12 years ago
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    Human Resources
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  1. Hi, just got your message... Sorry to be so late answering you... I did have the stomach stapling 26 years ago.. I did gain all the weight back eventually, too.... So, I did not have to pay for my surgery.. The "no ttwo surgeries" rule didn't pertain to me as my first one went sour and they had to fix me.. So I was covered.. It only took one day for insurance to approve me... I have Tricare... Anyway, what do you have to do? Are they disqualifing you because of the stapling? Do you have to pay for it in total? That's a bummer.... I did have to have an x-ray to check on the condition of my stomach first.. and then I had to have a full incision and 4 days in hospital because of all my scar tissue.. Not too bad considering... Please be in touch again or e-mail me at rader@beu.midco.net.. Would love to see how things go for you.. Julie

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