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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FabBy50

  1. FabBy50

    March 16

    Well said Greg!! I too am guilty of doing this and then I realize all of us are different. It all has alot to do with the amount of weight they have to loose, and their body shape and size. Some people have hundreds to loose and some have only 50 so it only makes since that the one trying to loose hundreds will loose faster. Just try to eat the right things, excersize and get your water in and the weight will come off. Good luck all!! Bernadette PS welcome back Greg I was worried about you.
  2. FabBy50

    March 16

    I feel the same way, I thought the weight loss would be a little faster too. I have lost 30 total and about 22 of that has been since surgery.. The thing that really bothers me is that I go up and down so often, even when I seem to eat the same things everyday. Don't be too hard on yourself we are all learning how to use our new tool. I get frustrated at the fact that I can hardly keep anything down but still am not loosing very much. We have had extream weather too, and that has kept me from walking at night. You are still doing great, just keep up the good work and don't give up. Maybe you just need another fill? I still have no idea if Im over filled or need a little more?? I guess this is all trial and error. Have a great weekend! Bernadette:smile2:
  3. FabBy50

    March Hotties..check in

    jdelare I still make alot of mistakes, my largest being eating too fast and too large of bites. I have started to learn my "full" level too, if I eat past that I get sick. Im on vacation next week and I will be doing some traveling, I will have to be careful not to overdo my eating. I tend to eat more when I get around my family they are all overweight too so it makes it all that much easier to eat. Have a great weekend! Bernadette
  4. FabBy50

    July 4th Challenge - 120 days

    Long2bethin Thanks for updating me, I felt like a looser not having lost anything!! I still have 15lbs to go and I think that is doable, at leat I hope it is LOL. Good luck all!! Bernadette
  5. FabBy50

    March Hotties..check in

    jdeleare I know what you mean, I keep thinking that it is better and then bam Im right back to sliming everything right back up. Im not sure what to do??? I can eat sometimes and not others, or one day I can eat a certain food and the next day it comes right back up. fatgirlinny Don't give up, I think this is all a game of trial and error. I have been battling with my 3rd fill for 2 weeks and Im still not sure what to do..unfill or fill?? I have lost more weight this way but I don't like that fact that I can't choose what I would like to eat, the band does it for me. I have been doing good sticking to the right food choices but alot of times the good food won't go down. chips go down great...go figure. Good luck to everyone! Bernadette
  6. FabBy50

    March Hotties..check in

    I feel like I have been losing very slowly too, Im down 30 lbs but some times I go up 5 and down that same 5 in a day or two. I have not lost as much as I have wanted to but still Im happy with the progress. I have had 3 fills and have alot of problems getting anything down. I will eat a bit or two and up it comes, and other times I can eat anything and it is just fine. I wish I knew what sets it off at times. I know that morning eating is all but out, by 11 am I can keep yogert down but that is about it. Good luck to you! Bernadette
  7. I was banded 2 months ago and I have had several drinks since then, Iam not going to roll over and die just because I have the band. I think everything in moderation is fine, although I don't drink pop. I think you were smart to drink it with water. Good luck on your new journey!! Bernadette
  8. FabBy50

    July 4th Challenge - 120 days

    Could someone please update my weight Im not sure how to do it?? Im at 190 now. Thanks
  9. FabBy50

    Lucky Losers Friday Weigh-in 5/8/09

    I think it would be easier to just use the same thread each week... but whatever everyone wants is good with me. Lapdog, I think that is a good idea about using the Protein shakes for a meal, maybe that would help me too because I can't eat alot. You have lost 41lbs WOW Im down 30 and I was happy with that. I was banded on March 16th. Have a grweat weekend. Bernadette
  10. FabBy50

    Lucky Losers Friday Weigh-in 5/8/09

    Hi Everyone Sorry I have not posted in a couple days, been very busy. I did not get an unfill because I have started to be able to keep food down. I still have problems but part of it is that I eat too fast and too large of bites. Wednesday I went to lunch with a couple of my friends and was able to eat 1/4 of my sandwich, I finished the other 1/4 after lunch and kept it all down. I ate dinner with the family I had some mashed potatos and a little turkey and it stayed down too. So I decided to cancel the unfill and try to work with my band. I have started to think that maybe this is my sweet spot??? I can only eat a small abount of food and keep it down, so I have to remember when I feel that first pressure in my chest that it is time to quit. On a good note!!! Iam down to 190....YEAH my ultimate gaol is to reach 145..maybe?? I have not seen that weight in so many years that Iam thinking that it might be too little. Iam 5'8" and I have small bones so that is the only reason I think 145 might be okay. Time will tell. Have a wonderful weekend everyone, we have more sun so Iam going to try and get some of it! Bernadette:thumbup:
  11. FabBy50

    Lucky Losers Friday Weigh-in 5/8/09

    Hi again I was up half of the night and trying to get my meds to go down, finally around 1 AM I was able to get unstuck. I will have a tough day today with almost no sleep...ugh. I go to a fill center and they have you drink just a dixie cup of Water and that has always gone done just fine. I sure hope today goes a little better because I can't do anything until tomarrow, they only work Thursday and Saturday. I will keep all of you posted. Bernadette
  12. FabBy50

    Lucky Losers Friday Weigh-in 5/8/09

    Well Im going on my 3rd day of not being able to keep anything down!! I feel like Im going to throw up at any minute. I don't really throw up I just PB, I guess that is what you would call it. I think my last fill was too much, I have tried everything and I can't keep anything down....Im getting worried, I can't see anyone at the fill center until Thursday so I guess I will have to suffer for two more days.....UGH. It feels like I have something stuck half way down my throat and my mouth just keeps watering until it comes back up. I took my meds earlier and I think they are stuck, I have tried to get them to come back up and I can't...it tastes horrible like the meds would if you opened the capsule and ate them that way. Anyone else have this problem so far?? HELP!! Bernadette:confused:
  13. FabBy50

    Questions about getting Stuck....

    Aurelia Yes you warned me about it but I figured I would make it okay but NO stuck, stuck, stuck!! I felt like all I did yesterday was slime up everything, not a pleasant feeling. Today has gone better so far but I have not tried eating yet. Time will tell, good luck on your next fill. Bernadette
  14. FabBy50

    Questions about getting Stuck....

    Hi Everyone Well I had my 3rd fill on Thursday and everything seemed to be okay for the first couple days. Then I started getting everything stuck...I mean everything!! I could not even get Water down. I tried eating all sorts of different foods yesterday only to have them come back up! I could not even get yogurt down. That really sucks when you can't get anything to go down, Oh well I have lost another 2 pounds thanks to this. I was able to get a Protein drink down this morning and hopefully food will too. I will keep everyone posted. Bernadette PS Hug a soldier!!!
  15. FabBy50

    Your Fired

    Hey Greg, Happy late birthday!!! I was worried about you because I have not seen you post in awhile. I guess I was worried for nothing, it sounds like you are doing fantastic!! 60 lbs that is awesome, doing your own yard work and walking man you are doing great. Have a great weekend! Bernadette
  16. FabBy50

    Lucky Losers Friday Weigh-in 5/15/09

    Aurelia Boy I thought I was the only one who held onto so many sizes of clothes!! I have to wear blue slacks to work so I have every size imaginable in those. My goal is to get back into my favorite levis, I wore them when my husband and I first met 7 years ago. My ultimate goal is for those to end up being too big, I have a size smaller than those for back up. I know what you mean about restriction several days after the fill. I had mine on Thursday and Iam very tight especially in the mornings. I can hardly get Water down for the first couple hours. I still have problems eating small bites, I get stuck quite often. I need to teach myself smal bites and chew, chew, chew!!! Enjoy your weekend! Bernadette
  17. FabBy50

    Lucky Losers Friday Weigh-in 5/15/09

    Hi everyone I had my 3rd fill yesterday and at first I was really worried that I had too much. I drank Water and it went down but gurgled, then I stopped and bought a coffee and it felt like it got stuck on every sip...never did get all of it down but today liguids and mushies are going down just fine. I do feel ALOT more full!!!!! YEAH I eat about a half of a cup and Im stuffed, maybe this will be the one. Oh by the way Im back in onederland, I lost the 5 that I gained and Im back to 195!! Yeah. I tried on a whole bunch of clothes that I could not wear before and most fit, a few were too tight and a couple too big. I wearing jean shorts that I have not been able to wear in a long time. Now onto the size 14's I have in my closet!!! I have clothes from size 18 down to an 8!! It is amazing how long I have held onto some of this. My favorite is my levi's and they are a size 10, can't wait to get my butt into those. Have a great weekend!! Bernadette:thumbup:
  18. FabBy50

    HELP! What to do???

    OMG LNDSHARK that was freeking hillarious!!! I agree totally, the only reason the band does not work is that the person is not working with it!!! My sister had her band done a year ago, has only had one fill and lost 45lbs, she could have lost double that an=mount easily by now. I had my band 2 months ago and have lost 25-30 lbs and I just had my 3rd fill today. This is JUST a tool, you still have to work. With that I mean making good food choices and getting your butt off the couch!! You will loose alot faster if you excersize and it will keep you more motivated if the weight comes off faster. Bottom line...do what is best for you, do alot of research and follow your heart. I went to Tijuana to have the band all by myself and I thought that I would never hear the end of people saying OMG you will be killed down there. LOL Im still here and doin great! Bernadette:cool2:
  19. FabBy50

    Lucky Losers Friday Weigh-in 5/15/09

    Hi everyone I go in to get my 3rd fill today, I hope it helps on the amount of food I can eat and does not make me get stuck more. I have to remember small bites and chew, chew, chew!! It is hard to erase 49 years of eating habits. Chealyn, nice name!! Im glad that your doctor gave you the go ahead to get your fills more often. I have a fill center do mine and their motto is that the fills get you to goal weight faster and that is why you have this surgery in the first place. Thanks for the pep talk, I just needed to get back on track and eat correctly. We are having good weather so walking is much nicer now too. I will keep everyone posted on my fill later today. Have a great day!! Bernadette
  20. FabBy50

    Questions about getting Stuck....

    I have the same problem about eating smal bites and chewing enough. I tend to take too large of a bite and then it is hard to chew as much as I should. My husband reminds me when we are having dinner, because he has seen me get stuck so often. I should remember what the nutrisionist said sip, sip, sip and chew, chew, chew!! I get my 3rd fill today so I hopefully will have more restriction. I just hope it does not make me get stuck even more. Have a great day!! Bernadette
  21. FabBy50

    Lucky Losers Friday Weigh-in 5/15/09

    Hi Silly Yes I have been bad and I gave myself a good talking to! I started back yesterday on eating right and I lost 3lbs. I just have to stick with it, and not cheat. I was starving all day yesterday, I think it was mainly head hunger because of eating right. I have to get this back on track, I did not spend all of that money just to loose a few pounds. I will have my 3rd fill on Thursday and I hope this does the trick, wish me luck! I wish you lots of luck with your 2nd fill!! PS what is your real name?? Bernadette:rolleyes2:
  22. FabBy50

    Lucky Losers Friday Weigh-in 5/15/09

    Im ashamed of myself!!!!! I have gained 5lbs back!!! I decided that no butt kicking is going to work I need to dig my heels in and get back to work. I did better yesterday and did get in a 3 mile walk, our weather is finally getting better. I live in the Seattle area and we have had tons of rain until now. I know that part of my problem is that I don't prepare my meals ahead of time, and then I just grab anything to eat. I stocked up on low cal foods so that I can get this 5lbs off and concentrate on the next 50!! Have a great week, Bernadette
  23. FabBy50

    Questions about getting Stuck....

    When I refer to getting stuck it is just like you described, just a couple of bites and it needs to come back up. I don't know anything about getting something stuck in the actual band. I have had 2 fills and did not get stuck until after my second fill. I have my 3rd fill scheduled for Thursday, I still don't have enough restriction. I have been bad and gained 5 lbs back, so I really need it. We are finally getting some decent weather so I have been able to get out and walk more again. I know that will jump start the weight loss again. Good luck to you! Bernadette
  24. FabBy50

    Lucky Losers Friday Weigh-in 5/8/09

    Hi Everyone!!! Hey lifestarts now, thanks for the prayers for my sister. It is getting a little easier for her, he had a little more life insurance from his work that she did not know about. The bad thing is she has NO income coming in until all of the life insurance payments come in. I know how you feel about loosing your dad, I lost my mom when I was only 28, it was a very tough time. Do you have a tough time first thing in the morning? I seem to be very tight and food gets stuck much easier then. I have the same problems with the Proteins, they tend to get stuck alot easier, I had an apple this am and it got stuck! I think the peeling was just too thick. I wonder if I will have even more problems after my 3rd fill?? I plan on having that next Thursday. I might be alot tighter, but I want restriction with the amount of food I can consume. I still am able to eat more than I know I should so maybe the next fill will do it. I sure don't like getting food stuck, it is a very uncomfortable feeling and embarrasing too. Have a great weekend!! Bernadette:unsure:
  25. FabBy50

    Lucky Losers Friday Weigh-in 5/15/09

    Okay I'm officially BUMMED!! I have not lost anything in the last 2 weeks! I have had soo much going on and have not been concentrating on my weight loss, so needless to say my food choices have been bad. Can someone give me a swift kick in the BUTT! I need something to kick start me again. I did get alot of good foods today so that I won't be tempted by all of hubby's junk food. I hate to complain about him but he loves junk food and buys tons of it. He is 6'4" and can eat ANYTHING, I hate that. Anyway, next week will have to be better. Have a great weekend, Bernadette

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