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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JanPuppyLover

  1. My research shows that this new procedure of doing a Plication plus lap band has been around for about a year or so. I have read that it is being done at Duke and possibly also at NYU. I think that I also read that it is also being done in Mexico but I am not considering surgery out of the country. Have any of you had this procedure where the stomach is folded and sutured and then a lap band is also used? The benefits are supposed to be fewer complications, virtually no band slipping, faster weight loss more comparable to the gastric sleeve procedure, no damage to stomach, no malabsorption, no dumping and reversible. There are no long term studies/results since this is a relatively new procedure. I am interested in hearing from people who have had this done and getting their views of the procedure and results. Thanks!
  2. I am over 100 pounds overweight and my joints and bones are starting to notice it with hip and back pains. Like many on here, I have tried every diet from supervised fasting, atkins, working with a nutritionist, Weight Watchers and probably some that I have forgotten about. In the last 6 months or so, I have started to have real and very limiting pain in my back and hip which I am being treated for but I know that this is at least partly, if not all, caused by my weight. I've researched banding and other bariatric procedures a number of times over the years and now am feeling resigned to get banded. I need to get back my active life where I can more easily travel and do things. I am not there now and I know that my weight is a big stumbling block to getting there. I read the posts on here and see how excited everyone is to start this new adventure. I wish I felt more that way. I do sometimes, but other times, I feel a bit sad.. I have my consultation in a couple of weeks and I know that I will be able to have the procedure within a month or two at a top hospital with a very known and respected surgeon. I am fearful right now that my lack of "jumping up and down" about it is a bad sign and this is something that I don't want to fail at. I am wondering if buried in all of the excitement about this, if there are those out there who have also felt sadness about being here (overweight, not the forum :-)...or fearing this is one more "program" that they might fail at. I am generally a very "can do" kinda person and one of the few things in my life I have really failed at is my weight. Just looking to hear whether other people have had any of these feelings, too. Thank you.
  3. Hi-- I have read a little bit about some WLS being done robotically and wondered if they do lap bands with robots-- or just the more complicated surgeries? Has anyone had a robot performed surgery instead of the more traditional surgeon hands on surgery? And if so, would you kindly share your experiences. Thanks
  4. JanPuppyLover

    New Lap Band plus Plication surgery

    Would you mind mentioning where you are considering getting this done-- and which doctor? thanks!
  5. I'm a newbie, but have done extensive research here and elsewhere. I have a consultation with a doctor set up for several weeks from now. I have heard how insurance companies can drag their feet and want to get everything together that I can in order to expedite. I called my insurance company (United Healthcare) and got their requirements for my policy: BMI over 35, comorbidity, 5 year history of weight problems. My BMI is closer to 45, I can collect a 5 year history and may or may not have what they consider a comorbidity. Question is do I gather and submit this info to the insurance company prior to settling on a doctor (though I think I have). Or, does the surgeon's office have to do all of the submitting. Will someone kindly tell me how that works? Thanks!
  6. Since this is such a new procedure and so few doctors/hospitals are doing it, would those of you who have done it or researched it kindly post which doctors and hospitals you know of are doing it? So far I have heard Duke and possibly NYU? Thanks much.
  7. JanPuppyLover

    Lap Band with Plication

    Would you be kind enough to talk about where you had it done and with which surgeon? Or feel free to PM me? I am interested in this procedure. Thanks Jan
  8. JanPuppyLover

    Need some new exercise ideas.

    Outdoor biking is great exercise, easy on the joints and fun, especially as the fall weather approaches (assuming you live someplace where you have a fall Interval training is really a great way to mix it up and is thought to increase your fitness and burn calories faster than other kinds of training. As a previous poster, pointed out, you can easily find info on that online. I love the WII fit for indoor training and sometimes alternate between a fitness game or two on there and the elliptical. There are lots of fun games to mix it up with and there are some intended for competition between two people. The trick with burning calories on the WII is to really move and not just let the "wand" do the work. Some of my favorites on the the WII Sport and include the tennis program and the boxing one. If you do it actively, the boxing one will shoot your heart rate right up.
  9. In trying to find one of the top doctors or centers for lap band surgery, I am wondering how many people had their surgery done out of state? I was wondering about NYU which is located about 3 1/2 hours from me by train. Is it worth going out of state for the surgery? Or, is this something that should be avoided based on your experience? How is aftercare handled? Would appreciate anyone sharing their experiences. Similarly, what do you do if you are traveling and you need to be filled or unfilled. I have a vacation home that is not near my primary residence where I spend several months at a time. I would expect that at some point I would need something done-- fill, unfill, etc. How have you handled that kind of thing when you have been traveling? Thanks!
  10. JanPuppyLover

    Profile: reputation score

    Ahhhh-- I see it, it is sorta like a "like" and "unlike" button...thanks!!
  11. There is something on the Lap Band forum profiles that says "reputation" and then gives a score. Does anyone know what this means, how it is calculated etc? Just curious.
  12. JanPuppyLover

    I Dont Get It....

    Hi Rachel-- I am a newbie - not even banded yet and just exploring. So while I can't offer any advice about the Lap Band journey or what you are going through, I can offer you an important observation. I really do think that you came to the right place for support. I think that there are many here who want you and others to succeed and who are proud and eager to offer you whatever support they can to help you with this difficult journey. Please ignore the naysayer (s) and focus instead on the people here who really do want to offer genuine support and advice. Given where you are now and your understandable level of frustration, I am wondering whether your doctor is offering you, and you are accepting, the appropriate level of aftercare to help make this work. I have read so much on here about the delicate balance between fills and unfills in helping to control appetite while allowing for sufficient nutrition. If your doctor is not offering that kind of support, perhaps others on here can suggest how to get that "physical" part nailed down with your (or another) physician. My best wishes and hope that you will be able to find the support and answers you need.
  13. JanPuppyLover

    sleep apnea/CPAP machines

    As you've heard from other members, sleep Apnea is a very serious disease and can lead to death, heart damage, gastrointestinal problems, hernias...just to name a few. No one likes sleeping with a mask on =-- but there are literally hundreds of different masks that you can choose from and they need to be specifically fitted to you. I use a very minimal one called "nasal pillows." I can watch TV with it on, do email, keep my glasses on etc. As some have suggested, you can desensitize yourself to the claustrophobic feelings by wearing it for a few minutes at at time while you are awake watching TV or reading before you go to sleep. Before being diagnosed with Sleep Apnea, I could not make it through the day without taking a nap, planning my evening activities so that I wasn't out "too late," or I would worry about falling asleep driving home. This is a serious condition that needs attention not only for health reasons but for quality of life reasons. I strongly urge you to check out the website SleepGuide.com. You will find it as warm and welcoming and as filled with information and supportive people as the people you find on here. Best of luck to you.
  14. JanPuppyLover


    I read lots about aftercare on these message boards. Would someone kindly tell me what group of services this refers to? Is it fills and unfills? Or is there generally a more extensive aftercare program? Thanks
  15. I was researching Lap Band surgeons and had heard good things about Eric Pinnar several years ago. Just the other day, I asked my primary care physician about Dr. Pinnar and he told me that three of his patients were left high and dry by Eric Pinnar and that is was a disaster. He may have started or joined a new practice with another doctor in FL, but what he did was reprehensible. As the saying goes, "a Zebra does not change its stripes." He took significant money from people for "lifetime" aftercare and left them without saying a word-- not to mention the emotional letdown that might go with feeling summarily dropped by someone with whom you entrusted your heath and well being. With this many people stepping up to say what a bad situation it was, it baffles me why anyone would use him. It's not like he is getting one "cranky" review from a dissatisfied client-- there are lots and lots. I'm sure he will be fine for anyone who uses him....until it becomes convenient for him to turn his attention elsewhere. As they say, buyer beware...and remember it is your long term health and care we re talking about.
  16. JanPuppyLover

    Do you use Wii to exercise?

    I love using the WII for exercise. I workout with a heart rate monitor so I can easily tell when I am in the right "workout zone." You need to be careful to really work though. In some of the games (like tennis) it is easy to just flick your wrist to play instead of using your whole body or major muscles to move. I do have a number of games that I like. The basic WII Fit generally comes with the hula hoop exercise which is fun...and also boxing. You can really work up a sweat with the boxing one. My favorite game pack is the WII Sports. I love the tennis (but you need to move) and the boxing in that one is more advanced and you can really get a workout. Things like golf and baseball are fun, but did nothing for me exercise wise. I do have a walking one and a dancing one that I like (with the drapes closed . I haven't used those in a while but will check and get the names for you.
  17. Hi-- I am a newbie and not yet banded. While some hip and back problems are plaguing me right now, one of the reasons I am interested in banding is to lose weight to help resolve some of these joint issues and get back to exercising. I am one of those people who likes working out hard, taking long bike rides (12-40 miles) and other sometimes strenuous activities. I perspire a lot both when I am exercising and in the warm weather. To keep hydrated, I might drink from 32- 100 ounces of Water (on a very long ride in the summer). I keep reading about needing to drink only small amounts of liquids at a time and wonder how you keep hydrated when you are exercising and heavily perspiring-- especially in the summer?
  18. JanPuppyLover

    its been 2 years.WOW

    What an inspiring story. You've already "given back" by offering a true story of hope, determination and ultimately success to this newbie. I'm just at the beginning of my journey and you've given me something to aspire to. Thank you.
  19. I've been reading a lot about the difficulties people experience with certain foods. While it is easy to see that each person is very different, there are some patterns that emerge. Seems like a fair number of people have problems with red meat, grilled chicken, shrimp, etc. I'm interested in which foods people have the most success with. What are some of those "go to" foods when you are eating out or entertaining, or at a business dinner where you really don't want to be running back and forth to the bathroom because of gastric difficulties. I know that one key is chew chew chew....but which foods top your list of easy to eat without producing difficulties. Thanks!
  20. Hi-- I am considering the lap band procedure at Johns Hopkins bariatric center. I am interested in hearing from people who have had experience/banding with Dr. Michael Schweitzer, Dr. Hien Nguyen and/ or Johns Hopkins bariatric in general. Thanks!
  21. I've been reviewing the weight loss statistics contained in some of the message boards here and have been wondering how many people might be over the age of 50. I know that the ability to lose weight slows down as we age (I have experienced this) and am wondering what the experience is of other people in this age group-- especially women. It varies by person of course, but it appears to me that most people are losing in the range of 7-10 pounds a month-- with a few much higher and a few lower. Just curious if anyone has any observations or personal experiences regarding the impact of weight loss and age. Thanks-- and thanks to all for the wonderful education on here. I have been reading these message boards for hours and hours.
  22. Thank you so much for sharing that. Reading your post actually brought tears to my eyes. I guess I feel ashamed for not being able to do it on my own-- and that there is nothing left for me to do to get my weight under control and get my life back. It is great to hear that you both have been successful on this journey. Thank you both for posting.

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