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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Sassypaws

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  • Birthday 07/05/1951
  1. Happy 62nd Birthday Sassypaws!

  2. Happy 61st Birthday Sassypaws!

  3. Sassypaws

    February '09 bandsters?

    Count me in as one of the February '09 bandsters. My banding date is Thursday, Feb. 05. I am leaving Atlanta at 06:00 AM on Wednesday and flying to the Dominican Republic. After 2 nights in the hospital (1 night pre-op and 1 post-op), I will recoup with 3 nights stay at the Dominican Fiesta Hotel and Casino in Santo Domingo and homeward bound on Monday, Feb. 09. I am so excited!!
  4. Thanks MacMadame!!! The cost for the Global Medical Services (GMS) lap band procedure is comparable to the cost in Mexico (about $250.00 less). I have spoken with two people regarding the clinic and both raved about the cleanliness of the hospital and the helpfulness of the staff. They both were satisfied with resort where they stayed for the 3 nights following the procedure though hardly deluxe but it was a clean, comfortable 3 star. It is just that one can never have too much information so I was hoping to find more former patients. One of the people I spoke with was banded 6 months ago and the other was banded 4 months ago. Both consider their procedures successful and recommended GMS. The second person would like to return to the clinic for some additional procedures (GMS also performs cosmetic surgery) as soon as she reaches her goal weight.
  5. Hi! I am new to this forum. I live in a north east suburb of Atlanta, GA. I am ready to be banded!!! I am considering using Dr. Edgar Leino from the Global Medical Services in The Dominican Republic and I was wondering if anyone on this forum has had any experience with him? I am a self-pay and the package they are offering is less that half the cost I have been able to find in Atlanta. Plus their package includes the following: All Consultations, Pre-Lab work and testing Hospital Stay – Private Room for 2 nights (night before and after surgery). Support Garments (specific to surgery) Medical & Staff support Service Blood Test & Screening EKG Surgeon Fee’s Anesthesiologist Medications Follow-up Appointments Transportation to and from Airport All necessary transportation to and from Doctor’s office 3 nights in a hotel post-op including meals. They claim that the only thing not included is my airfare to and from Santa Domingo. Is this a rip-off?

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