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missflintstone 76

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by missflintstone 76

  1. Hey Sam Glad you told me about the Gall Blader I had mine out to but they didn't do key hole they did the big slice so if its any thing like that I reckon I will be able to handle it.
  2. Nene... your blog's are great love reading your stories I even had a read of Miss Piggy's they are a great read aswell.Dr Copp is doing my band at Greensloopes, I have to fly down to Brisbane. Sam what date are you getting banded?? Hopefully talk soon Jo
  3. Hi Nene Just been reading your posts and wondering how things are going? I'm getting banded on 18th March in Brisbane.
  4. missflintstone 76


    Hey hows things going with them shakes?
  5. missflintstone 76

    Hi from Australia

    Hi Jon Thats great i have my first appointment Feb 13th in Brisbane. What stages have you done so far??? What do I have to look forward to.... I hate waiting.
  6. missflintstone 76


    that would be great, Can I ask why u had to do 3 mths monitoring for... Where abouts are you.
  7. missflintstone 76


    hey I new to this aswell and I haven't been banded yet either waiting waiting,nothing worse then waiting i have my first appointment on 13th Feb can't come quick enough for me

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