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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Seannie

  1. Just working like crazy...Im looking for a good man to save me! JK...kinda. I haven't checked my utube account lately,do you have a new post yet? oh in case I never told you.I'm 44yrs young,woman. I started my band at 243 and now I'm at 196. (been there for about 4 mos).... Hummm I don't want to be negative but BOOOO!!!!! I was hoping to hit my goal of 150 by my 1st year. Now i will be happy just to get to 180 by then. I can eat anything if i go slow, but I try to stay away from the bad stuff but sweets go down soooo ez!!!hahaha Anyway...I was thinking of getting a jump start but doing a fast. I did the lemonade one and felt great. What do you think?

  2. Hey Miss GG! I hope your doing good, I wanted to stop by to say we have to keep going,one day at a time. Hell one min at a time!! HAHA

  3. hey girl.. how are you doiing this month? I still cant seem to get going. did you every do the liquid thing?

  4. Seannie

    ?ctober ?dyssey 2008

    Anyone have more info on this pouch test?
  5. Seannie

    ?ctober ?dyssey 2008

    good Job!!:tongue:
  6. Hey miss G.G.! I keep up with u on utube..good to see you on this site. how are you!

  7. Seannie

    ?ctober ?dyssey 2008

    Hello everyone! I was starting to lose some(about 6 pounds) last month or so but then I lost my motivation. I think I let my love life take over my health life. When I should have been working out I was going out to eat! I need to get my head back in the game, but now I don't fell the restriction like I should and the doctor cant see me until July 3rd. I was banded on my B-day 10/22/08 with a 10cc band and my fill is at 7cc's (want to go to 8cc's) and lost a total of 48 pounds in 7mos. I know that's bad.. not even 10 pounds a month! I think I read that someone was going to do liquids again. Did it help you get back on track? I have to get 10 pound off this month!!!
  8. Seannie

    ?ctober ?dyssey 2008

    Here here is my blog with my guidelines. My Bandster Guidelines..... - Lap Band Surgery and Lap Band Discussion Forum I keep track of all my food on www.sparkpeople.com I see that lapband.com also has that option now. There are other free sites as well. I count everything I eat. It has helped me more than anything besides the band. I work out quite a bit, but started at 30minutes of cardio 3 times a week. Get fills as you need them and eat your solid protein first then produce. No liquid calories. No bread, pasta, rice or potatoes. Thanks for the welcome guys I had an o.k. week it was my TOM so I hope to see some loss by Monday. I will be sure to check out the sites you talked about Julie Ann. Thanks! I have a 10 cc and I'm at 7cc's I really think I can do at least 8ccs. It seems to be tight on the 1st day after a fill but it get loose by the next day. I was thinking of starting the slim in 6 workout program. I do have it but haven't tried it yet. Anyone do it?
  9. It's not always painful but it's always there. I started to try Beano, and it;s a little better
  10. Seannie

    Cali Bandsters Unite!!

    Hello from the I.E!
  11. Seannie

    ?ctober ?dyssey 2008

    Hey guys! I was so happy to find this post. I ws banded on my B.D. 10/22. I could rally use some advise on how I can do better with my band.
  12. I thought It would be nice to have a friend who was banded on the same day! Hope that;s o.k.

  13. thanks for add..I think I can learn aloot from you!

  14. Thanks for adding me! I really need the support

  15. O.k I admit it I'm 5mo's post and still have alot of gas! Whats up with that?
  16. You are who I hope to be!

  17. Seannie

    Newbie in SoCal

    Hi! welcome from the I.E!!
  18. Seannie

    Scar Stages Share yours!

    The scars left on Black skin are crazy!..Im 5mos post op and my scars are still dark and ugly. I use mederma everyday but it will not change the color. Ahh! the price we pay!
  19. Seannie

    What the??!!

    oh well!!!
  20. I admit i was hopeing that the band was going to really make me full faster and lose weight quicker. So far It has been 5 months almost to the day (banded on my birthday 10-22) and I have lost 34 pounds. They all came off in the 1st 3 months.I was hopeing to have 50-60 pounds off by now, but have lost nothing since. Not even a pound or two a week?:smile: I have had 3 fills and am at 7cc's in a 10cc band. I can eat a hamburger if I want to! I know I have to buckel down and diet and exercise more but my goodness! I guess the thing is that I feel cheated that I paid for it myself and have nothing much to show for it but some ugly scars!:thumbup: ANYWAY THANKS FOR LETTING ME VENT!
  21. Seannie

    What the??!!

    oh well!!!
  22. Seannie

    What the??!!

    oh well!!!
  23. Seannie

    What the??!!

    oh well!!!
  24. Seannie

    What the??!!

    Wow! I cant thank you all enough for you encouraging words. I can truley say that I have not been doing all that I could to lose the weight. I do walk a few days a week when I can and I dont eat junk food. I do think that I overeat my portions. I just didnt think I would have to follow such a strict diet, that has never worked for me in the past. That's why I got the band. I knew what it was..a tool, but I just thought it was gonna be my salvation. I will take your advise. I also think that I will stay on this site. I live alone and could use all the help I can get. Thanks again!

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