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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Seannie

  1. Hello everyone! I was starting to lose some(about 6 pounds) last month or so but then I lost my motivation. I think I let my love life take over my health life. When I should have been working out I was going out to eat! I need to get my head back in the game, but now I don't fell the restriction like I should and the doctor cant see me until July 3rd. I was banded on my B-day 10/22/08 with a 10cc band and my fill is at 7cc's (want to go to 8cc's) and lost a total of 48 pounds in 7mos. I know that's bad.. not even 10 pounds a month! I think I read that someone was going to do liquids again. Did it help you get back on track? I have to get 10 pound off this month!!!

  2. Here here is my blog with my guidelines. My Bandster Guidelines..... - Lap Band Surgery and Lap Band Discussion Forum

    I keep track of all my food on www.sparkpeople.com I see that lapband.com also has that option now. There are other free sites as well. I count everything I eat. It has helped me more than anything besides the band.

    I work out quite a bit, but started at 30minutes of cardio 3 times a week. Get fills as you need them and eat your solid Protein first then produce. No liquid calories. No bread, Pasta, rice or potatoes.

    Thanks for the welcome guys

    I had an o.k. week it was my TOM so I hope to see some loss by Monday. I will be sure to check out the sites you talked about Julie Ann. Thanks! I have a 10 cc and I'm at 7cc's I really think I can do at least 8ccs. It seems to be tight on the 1st day after a fill but it get loose by the next day. I was thinking of starting the slim in 6 workout program. I do have it but haven't tried it yet. Anyone do it?

  3. Wow! I cant thank you all enough for you encouraging words. I can truley say that I have not been doing all that I could to lose the weight. I do walk a few days a week when I can and I dont eat junk food. I do think that I overeat my portions. I just didnt think I would have to follow such a strict diet, that has never worked for me in the past. That's why I got the band. I knew what it was..a tool, but I just thought it was gonna be my salvation. I will take your advise. I also think that I will stay on this site. I live alone and could use all the help I can get. Thanks again!

  4. I admit i was hopeing that the band was going to really make me full faster and lose weight quicker. So far It has been 5 months almost to the day (banded on my birthday 10-22) and I have lost 34 pounds. They all came off in the 1st 3 months.I was hopeing to have 50-60 pounds off by now, but have lost nothing since. Not even a pound or two a week?:smile: I have had 3 fills and am at 7cc's in a 10cc band. I can eat a hamburger if I want to! I know I have to buckel down and diet and exercise more but my goodness! I guess the thing is that I feel cheated that I paid for it myself and have nothing much to show for it but some ugly scars!:thumbup: ANYWAY THANKS FOR LETTING ME VENT!

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