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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by Seannie

  1. I admit i was hopeing that the band was going to really make me full faster and lose weight quicker. So far It has been 5 months almost to the day (banded on my birthday 10-22) and I have lost 34 pounds. They all came off in the 1st 3 months.I was hopeing to have 50-60 pounds off by now, but have lost nothing since. Not even a pound or two a week?:) I have had 3 fills and am at 7cc's in a 10cc band. I can eat a hamburger if I want to! I know I have to buckel down and diet and exercise more but my goodness! I guess the thing is that I feel cheated that I paid for it myself and have nothing much to show for it but some ugly scars!:thumbup: ANYWAY THANKS FOR LETTING ME VENT!
    oh well!!!

  2. I admit i was hopeing that the band was going to really make me full faster and lose weight quicker. So far It has been 5 months almost to the day (banded on my birthday 10-22) and I have lost 34 pounds. They all came off in the 1st 3 months.I was hopeing to have 50-60 pounds off by now, but have lost nothing since. Not even a pound or two a week?:) I have had 3 fills and am at 7cc's in a 10cc band. I can eat a hamburger if I want to! I know I have to buckel down and diet and exercise more but my goodness! I guess the thing is that I feel cheated that I paid for it myself and have nothing much to show for it but some ugly scars!:thumbup: ANYWAY THANKS FOR LETTING ME VENT!
    oh well!!!

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