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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by John337

  1. John337

    Cool Tools

    These are great tools....I use fitday.com :party: It's a very easy tracking system to use and if the item isn't on the list ( which is extensive) you add it in manually once and you just click on it in the future....
  2. John337


    Congrats and welcome........don't push yourself too much. It is good to walk around and get the gas moving. Gas X strips were great............
  3. John337

    Not for the squeamish or shy...

    Hi Shelly, All is good. Eating everything but salad, Pasta & steak. Went out the other night to a Greek Rest. Had Lamb on the shank with a greek red sauce. The meat was very tender. Never used a knife, just a fork to pcik the meat apart. Sticking to 4-5 oz of Protein and 1-2 oz of veg. Will not weigh myself until next Friday as I was getting crazy with the scale and was getting fustrated. Back to work full time, walking as often as I can. Hard to get in Fiber so I've been taking benefiber. Too much protein makes the b/m difficult........
  4. John337

    surgery tomorrow May 29th!!!

    Don't be nervous...You'll do fine. Just think about the post op journey that's ahead and all the good times you'll have. Good luck and we'll talk to you soon......
  5. John337

    ~Calling all May 26-ers!~

    Burbing is good ...........Gas X strips are even better. Thank the lord for Gas X strips..........It really helped. If you like Hot -n - Sour soup from the local Chinese Rest. Puree it. I did, tastes the same and tasted so good.
  6. John337

    May 11th Surgery Stories

    Thanks - I'm trying to up the calories a little because around 3pm I really run out of gas......... By the way - TREAT YOURSELF - Spend some money on yourself and get a few outfits. You and everyone else deserve it.........
  7. John337

    LapBand and Gallbladder

    I had my Gallbladder taken out when I was banded on 5/11/09. Not bad. Didn't have pain after the first 24 hours. Can't tell I had my gallbladder removed. Still eating soft foods. So far, all is good.
  8. John337

    ~Calling all May 26-ers!~

    Congrats to all the May 26th BANDitos..........
  9. John337

    ~Calling all May 26-ers!~

    Christy - Congrats - You are doing great. Keep it up. It does get easier.............
  10. John337

    May 11th Surgery Stories

    Xavier and Shelly - Thanks for the advise. You're both right. Stick to the plan and the weight will come off. I'm only going to weigh myself on Friday mornings........ I have to remember to - Stick to the plan....... I am trying to get in my Proteins, drink lots of Water but am still running out of gas @ 3pm or so. Will try and add a Protein drink @ 2:30 or so to see if that's the problem. While we're on a limited caloric intake we still need fuel..... My first fill is scheduled for 6/11/09.:crying:
  11. John337

    Through the Looking Glass?My Metal Images

    Keep up the good work.....You know it's worth it...
  12. John337

    May 11th Surgery Stories

    Hi All.... Back to work. By the time I get home, I'm exhausted. Still trying to eat only 4-5 oz of Protein 3x per day. Eating alot less but not seeing any additional weight loss. Starting to get fustrated. Trying to walk whenever I can. Finding I need to take benefiber alot to offset all the protein and no Fiber. Will press on.......:thumbup:
  13. John337

    Getting back in the sack...

    I too can feel the port just under the skin to the right of my belly button. It soirt of sticks out a little. Hopefully, it's just swelling that will go down over time..........
  14. John337

    Went shopping for clothes

    I start traveling to work on Tuesday.( 2 hr 20 min commute -one way). I am not looking forward to the commute. The god news is I'm in the office Tuesday/Thursday and working from home Wednesday/Friday. I need to break in slowly to my crazy commute. :thumbup: I CLEANED OUT MY CLOSET. Brought over two doz pants, shirts, 4 suits, shorts etc to Good Will. Had to go shopping. Went down 3-4 sizes. My pants were a 46-48. Now I'm a 42 with room to spare. My shirts were XXL now XL. Went to a normal store in the mall for clothes. FEELS GOOD Still eating mushies. Trying to eat slow. That is very difficult.
  15. John337

    Anyone Start Exercising Yet!!!....

    I've been trying to walk 30 min. perday. My doc does not weant me to lift anything more than a gal of milk for 6-8 weeks. Besides my Lapband , I had my gallbladder removed. Walking has been good. trying to do a few things around the house for exercise. Everyone is doing great....Keep it up......:wink2:
  16. John337

    Went shopping for clothes

    I start traveling to work on Tuesday.( 2 hr 20 min commute -one way). I am not looking forward to the commute. The god news is I'm in the office Tuesday/Thursday and working from home Wednesday/Friday. I need to break in slowly to my crazy commute. :devil: I CLEANED OUT MY CLOSET. Brought over two doz pants, shirts, 4 suits, shorts etc to Good Will. Had to go shopping. Went down 3-4 sizes. My pants were a 46-48. Now I'm a 42 with room to spare. My shirts were XXL now XL. Went to a normal store in the mall for clothes. FEELS GOOD Still eating mushies. Trying to eat slow. That is very difficult.
  17. John337

    May 11th Surgery Stories

    I start traveling to work on Tuesday.( 2 hr 20 min commute -one way). I am not looking forward to the commute. The god news is I'm in the office Tuesday/Thursday and working from home Wednesday/Friday. I need to break in slowly to my crazy commute. :w00t: I CLEANED OUT MY CLOSET. Brought over two doz pants, shirts, 4 suits, shorts etc to Good Will. Had to go shopping. Went down 3-4 sizes. My pants were a 46-48. Now I'm a 42 with room to spare. My shitrs were XXL now XL. Went to a normal store in the mall for clothes. FEELS GOOD :wink2: Eating mushies and trying to eat slow.....very difficult.
  18. John337

    May 11th Surgery Stories

    Thanks Shelly, Food never tasted so good......I'm still having a hard time realizing that I must eat slow.......If I was adjsuted, I probably would have some pain. It's hard to break an old habit of eating fast.....However, I will change. Just need to stay aware of what I'm doing while eating. Must learn to put the fork down !! in between bites.
  19. My surgery was 5/11/09 and my gallbladder was also removed. I have 4 small scars including one by the inside edge of the belly button. He used glue and sterile strips. The strips fell off and I was told to keep the scabs dry. Not to put anything on it.
  20. All you need is: Tilapia ( 4-5 oz per slice) Italian Style Panco - Japanese style bread crumb Egg Whites Dip the Tilapia in egg whites, roll it in the Italian Style Panco and place it on a baking tray or pizza stone. Spray the top of the Tilapia with PAM cooking spray. Bake 20-25 min @ 425' then sprinkle lemon juice.......... Delicious....:smile: A good alternative to tarter sauce is horseradish sauce. ENJOY !!
  21. John337

    Not for the squeamish or shy...

    You made me laugh.....Birth announcements for the Rock of Gilbraltar.... Too, Too Funny.......... I can't believe it either that I'm down 55 lbs in total. 30 since I started to pre-op diet which I just came off today.
  22. John337

    Bandidos not Banditos

    I agree 100%. This is a great group of Bandsters that give great support.:laugh:
  23. I don't have sleep apnea. My problem was sleeping on my back verses stomach. I normally sleep on my stomach but while I was healing the first week I had to sleep on my back which was difficult for me. All is ok now....Thanks for asking.....

  24. John337

    Not for the squeamish or shy...

    My Pals....... I'm glad you brought this thread up...... I thought I wasn't constipated until last Saturday when I actually thought I was really stuck and almost went to the E/R. I even caled my Doc to say why haven't I gone since Sunday?? It's been five days. I was told not to worry and if it continues a few more days to try a stool softener. I waited one day too long. WHen I finally went on Saturday, I damaged my lower intestine and butt really, really bad.:redface: I should of listened to my gut.......This will never happen again.....:crying:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
