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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by John337

  1. I think you'll feel the restriction as soon as you eat mushies. You'll probably find that you'll fall out of restriction as soon as you lose some weight. Going every two weeks has really been great. Good luck..............
  2. I have the AP 10 cc band. I was told approx 1 cc fills the tube from the port to the band. The 4cc first fill did nothing for me so I called the office and they took me the following week for my second fill ( 1.75 cc's). Now we were feeling restricted. It's funny, once you lose a few lbs, the band gets loose. I asked the Doctor today where he felt based on my situation where I would probably settle in on the fills. He thought over the first year I will settle in around 9cc's. You're doing good....Keep it up. Try and get an earlier appt if you feel no restriction. The worse he could do is say wait till August.
  3. John337

    4th Fill on 7/8/09

    Since my last fill on 6/25/09, ( as of Monday) I didn't lose one pound. Weighed in today at the Doc's office and lost 2 lbs. This is crazy.... Dr. Fielding said my body is adjusting to the weight loss and this type of weight lose is expected. Restriction was gone, so Dr. Fielding added 1 cc for a total of 7.25 cc's. Now I'm really restricted. Took me an hour to drink an 11 oz. protein drink.
  4. John337

    4th Fill on 7/8/09

    Since my last fill on 6/25/09, ( as of Monday) I didn't lose one pound. Weighed in today at the Doc's office and lost 2 lbs. This is crazy.... Dr. Fielding said my body is adjusting to the weight loss and this type of weight lose is expected. Restriction was gone, so Dr. Fielding added 1 cc for a total of 7.25 cc's. Now I'm really restricted. Took me an hour to drink an 11 oz. protein drink.
  5. Had another adjustment today. Dr. Fielding added 1 cc. Total is 7.25 cc's. Now I feel restricted. Took me an hour to drink a Protein drink. Strange thing - I weighed myself Monday and didn't lose a pound in two weeks. Weighed in at the Doc's office and lost 2 lbs....Very excited. I haven't been this weight in ten years. :smile2:
  6. Thanks....... These adjustments are crazy......I lost that restricted feeling....Yet I have 6.25 cc's in the band. Didn't lose one pound last week. Not happy.....I like to see results,,,even small steps. However, I'm in it for the long haul. The good news is my clothes are still getting looser......First time in YEARS, I'm wearing a large golf shirt and it fits nice and loose. I was a XXL. You're doing great yourself.......Great hat by the way......
  7. John337

    Mayo Banditos / Friday Weigh In !!!!

    Seems I lost that restriction..... I'm hungry in between meals so I have a protein drink. Trying not to eat much. Stayed exactly the same. I have an appt tomorrow for another adjustment......
  8. Had my first "stuck" experience Sunday.......Not Good !:tongue2: The message is - CHEW, CHEW, CHEW...Then CHEW again. It was my own fault. Bringing up that piece of chicken was not pleasant but you get instant relief. Not wanting to do that anytime soon.
  9. Don't be terrified. Getting stuck wa my own fault. I would do this again in a heartbeat. Good Luck !!

  10. CHEW...CHEW...CHEW.... That's what I must remember. I Was eating a chicken thigh when all of a sudden I had this pain in my chest and nothing else would go down. Went into the bathroom and up came the food. :cool: First the food that followed the chicken which came up easily. Then I thought that was it. Still had the pain in my chest and I could hear gurgling. I was still stuck. :smile2: Then I threw up (lightly) and the piece of chicken came up and immediately felt better. I didn't chew it well enough........Lesson learned the hard way!.
  11. John337

    First "Stuck Episode" on Sunday 6/28/09

    CHEW...CHEW...CHEW.... That's what I must remember. I Was eating a chicken thigh when all of a sudden I had this pain in my chest and nothing else would go down. Went into the bathroom and up came the food. :thumbup: First the food that followed the chicken which came up easily. Then I thought that was it. Still had the pain in my chest and I could hear gurgling. I was still stuck. :smile2: Then I threw up (lightly) and the piece of chicken came up and immediately felt better. I didn't chew it well enough........Lesson learned the hard way!.
  12. John337

    Mayo Banditos / Friday Weigh In !!!!

    Down 2 lbs this week. Total - 66 lbs. Had my third adjustment. Got my restriction back which feels good. Everyone is doing great....Keep it up.........
  13. John337

    3rd Fill on 6/25/09

    Since my last post, I stopped feeling restricted and was starting to get hungry within 5 hours of a meal. It was explained to me that as I lose weight, my stomach shrinks and the Band gets loose. Very Common, like tightening up your belt a notch. So I got another .5 cc's put in today and got that restricted feeling back again. Did lose 2 more lbs since last Friday . Total lost 66 lbs. :thumbup: My next appointment is scheduled for 7/8/09.
  14. John337

    3rd Fill on 6/25/09

    Since my last post, I stopped feeling restricted and was starting to get hungry within 5 hours of a meal. It was explained to me that as I lose weight, my stomach shrinks and the Band gets loose. Very Common, like tightening up your belt a notch. So I got another .5 cc's put in today and got that restricted feeling back again. Did lose 2 more lbs since last Friday . Total lost 66 lbs. :crying: My next appointment is scheduled for 7/8/09.
  15. John337

    despearate need of help!!!!

    I would suggest another fill. When you're in the zone, you should be full. If you're not getting there, it's time for an adjustment. You should be full eating 4-5 oz of Protein at a meal. If not, fill time....... I've had 3 fills within a month. the second fill gave me good restriction. Then I lost that feeling and went right back for another fill today. Got that restriction back again.......Feels good. Good luck.....
  16. John337

    Stuck and don"t know how to move on

    A suggestion would be to get back to basics. 1000-1200 calories per day. Eat Protein first - 60 grams of protein per day and exercise. Are you still hungry after eating 4-5 oz of protein ?? does it hold you for 5 hours?? If not, Call your Doc, you probably need another adjustment. You're doing great. 71 lbs is fantastic.:bored:
  17. Thanks Ann, As it was explained to me, as my stomach shrinks the Band gets loose. Same as tightening up your belt a notch. Up until three days ago, I was feeling good restriction, then I lost that feeling and could eat a little more and was starting to feel hungry within 5 hours of a meal. So to keep me in the zone, I got .5cc s. Two weeks ago, the same .5cc was too tight and I couldn't even swallow Water. I had a Protein shake for lunch today and it went down fine. I can feel that restriction again.
  18. John337

    Please Help ME

    I agree with Susan. Call your Doc and schedule another appt as soon as he can get you in explaining that the first fill leaves you hungry, etc. He needs to hear from you. Working together is the key. It took two fills for me to get any restriction. The first was 4 cc's which did absolutely nothing for me. Went back a few days later and got 1.75 cc's which put in the zone. I now eat 4-5 oz of Protein and feel full. It holds me for 5 hours. Keep up the good work.......
  19. Congrats to you too.....I've had two fills for a total of 5.75 cc's out of a 10 cc band. Now I have restriction. If your Doc didn't put any fluid in at the time of surgery, you might need two before you can feel the band working.


    Keep in touch.........

  20. As others have said -- Stay in touch with your Doctor ( daily if necessary). You still need to get some Protein in you for energy. Try and get a Protein Drink in you in the am and pm....Also, you need to stay hydrated. Drink Water without any additives. How do you react to anesthesia ?? Your nausea could be related to the anesthesia. For some, it takes a week to get out of the system. Good Luck and you'll feel better.....
  21. John337

    Weigh-In on 6/19/09

    Weighed in at 273. Down 3 lbs last week. Total lost 64 lbs and feel good. Restriction still there so I think I will not be getting an additional fill this week. My XL shirts are loose. My son Steve got me for Father's Day two large shirts that fit pretty good. Once I lose another 10 lbs, they'll fit perfect. I need to go find size 40 pants as the 42's are too loose as well. This is what I call fun shopping, especially for me since I hate shopping.
  22. John337

    Weigh-In on 6/19/09

    Weighed in at 273. Down 3 lbs last week. Total lost 64 lbs and feel good. Restriction still there so I think I will not be getting an additional fill this week. My XL shirts are loose. My son Steve got me for Father's Day two large shirts that fit pretty good. Once I lose another 10 lbs, they'll fit perfect. I need to go find size 40 pants as the 42's are too loose as well. This is what I call fun shopping, especially for me since I hate shopping.
  23. Trying to get some Fiber in as well as Protein for breakfast. Took two apple & cinnamon oatmeal packets - 130 calories each (260) whcih has 3g of dietary fiber and 3g of protein and added one scoop of unflavored powdered whey Proetin - 110 calories & 21 g of protein. So breakfast was 370 calories and 24 g of protein. That will hold me till lunch - a protein shake - 110 cal and 17 g of protein then dinner out for Father's Day..... HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO ALL US DADS......
  24. John337

    Mayo Banditos / Friday Weigh In !!!!

    The adjustments have really kicked in. I'm eating 4-5 oz and it's holding me for hours. Lost 3 lbs this week....
  25. John337

    How to explain THIS one??!

    I was banded on 5/11/09 and have two fills. I'm still learning myself but from what you describe, you need take smaller bites and chew more before swallowing. Also, I am avoiding white meat chicken ( for now) and stick to dark meat chicken. You must avoid doughy bread altogether. Toasted bread works the best. Rice can stuck as well so you may want to avoid it if it served dry. Rice wet - like with stewed tomaotes works for me but you can only have a very small amount in your spoon. Be proud of what you have accomplished. I attend business lunches and tell them ahead of time what I did ( Lap Band) and ask - what's on the menu. If I'm not comfortable, I ask for fish ( filet of sole or tilapia) and I haven't had a problem. Also, you must be careful and discuss with your Doctor if you keep on throwing up as you don't want the band to slip. For me and for you , it remains a learning process. Good Luck.:wink:

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