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Everything posted by John337

  1. John337

    May 7th- 4 days and counting!

    Hi Sarah, Welcome and good luck.....I'm being banded on 5/11 @ NYU with Dr. Fielding. This is a great group of people to lean on for support.
  2. John337

    My Story...

    Hi Hdmdavid, Good luck to you on May 7th,2009....You're not alone . We're all here to support each other. We're here for you. You're now part of the MAYO BANDitos......:cool2:
  3. I thought we can use this thread to describe how the process went the day of surgery. Good Luck to all the Mayo BANDitos :thumbup::tt2:
  4. John337

    One week down, One to go - Pre-op Diet

    So far so good. It hasn't been too bad. The last 7 days on liquids included soup and or lett,tom & cucumber salad with fat free dressing. ( very little). The weekend was the roughest. I was starving on Saturday afternoon so instead of thinking about food, I waxed my son's 18 foot fishing boat. My work - His benefit.......that's ok , the urge to eat the trailer tire passed and all was good again. I find I need to keep busy. If not, I start thinking about food......and that's not good. However, I'm determined..........
  5. Good luck tomorrow..........

  6. John337

    It's All About You!!

    I'm in --- All About Me Where do you live? Wappingers Falls, NY How old are you? 51 Are you married, dating, significant other, partnered? Married to a great wife, Rose for 28 yrs. Any children? Two Boys, 25 & 21, A Firefighter & a Marine Grandchildren? None Pets? Had a great dog - Peanuts that passed away ( 15 yrs old) a few years ago and cannot get another one yet. Currant Health Morbidities? Under active Thyroid, High Cholesterol, Hyper-tension and Gall Stones What are your greatest Fears? Doing something stupid that causes slippage and damage to my body. What is your weight loss short term goals and Long term goals? Short term - Felling and looking healthy. Long term - getting down to my weight when we got married at age 23 which was 223 lbs. :thumbdown: List at least one thing you want to do/wear/eat/buy when you reach your goal? May sound corny - But I want to put on a TUX and take my wife on a great night out. Second - Go shopping anywhere but a "Big Mens" store......:thumbup:
  7. John337

    Thankful for the support

    I think family and friends just to the conclusion that we're having Gastric Bypass Surgery. I found that most of my inner circle of friends and family were supportive once I sat down and explained that procedure and that this is not the " Magic Bullet" people think. This is a way to control appetite and the amount we will be able to eat and be satisfied. We need to exercise and take care of ourselves. Once explained to friends and family, I found no one that wasn't supportive and if I did, I would just zone them out..... People don't understand the struggle most of us have with losing weight. Sure - losing weight is easy, but gaining it back is even easier...........I can see my own relationship with food changing, and changing for the better.
  8. John337

    Thankful for the support

    I think family and friends just to the conclusion that we're having Gastric Bypass Surgery. I found that most of my inner circle of friends and family were supportive once I sat down and explained that procedure and that this is not the " Magic Bullet" people think. This is a way to control appetite and the amount we will be able to eat and be satisfied. We need to exercise and take care of ourselves. Once explained to friends and family, I found no one that wasn't supportive and if I did, I would just zone them out..... People don't understand the struggle most of us have with losing weight. Sure - losing weight is easy, but gaining it back is even easier...........I can see my own relationship with food changing, and changing for the better.
  9. John337

    Banded Yesterday!!

    Hi Neil - Congrats and welcome to the MAYO BANDitos.......I posted a thread on how to make the ticker. Any questions, sendme a private message and I'll walk you thru it.
  10. I think family and friends just to the conclusion that we're having Gastric Bypass Surgery. I found that most of my inner circle of friends and family were supportive once I sat down and explained that procedure and that this is not the " Magic Bullet" people think. This is a way to control appetite and the amount we will be able to eat and be satisfied. We need to exercise and take care of ourselves. Once explained to friends and family, I found no one that wasn't supportive and if I did, I would just zone them out..... People don't understand the struggle most of us have with losing weight. Sure - losing weight is easy, but gaining it back is even easier...........I can see my own relationship with food changing, and changing for the better. GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR SURGERY :thumbup:
  11. John337

    One week down, One to go - Pre-op Diet

    So far so good. It hasn't been too bad. The last 7 days on liquids included soup and or lett,tom & cucumber salad with fat free dressing. ( very little). The weekend was the roughest. I was starving on Saturday afternoon so instead of thinking about food, I waxed my son's 18 foot fishing boat. My work - His benefit.......that's ok , the urge to eat the trailer tire passed and all was good again. I find I need to keep busy. If not, I start thinking about food......and that's not good. However, I'm determined..........
  12. John337

    May 1st Banders...How did it go?

    Doug - CONGRATS.......I'm glad all went well. Keep up the good progress.............
  13. John337

    Finally Approved

    I tell ya - Aetna does not make it easy. They will not put you through to the case worker handling your claim. They keep advising to check with your Doc. Your Doc says - "Everything has been submitted and we're waiting for an answer"...... Finally, Yesterday I was approved :thumbup:. Just got back from the hospital and took care of my pre-admitting tests - EKG, Chest X-Ray, Blood Work and met the anestheologist. GOOD TO GO FOR 5/11/09. Continue on the pre-op liquid diet. Not too bad ( Yet). My Rosie Girl made me an awesome weight watchwers vegetable soup....SO GOOD :biggrin:
  14. John337

    Kudos, back pats, and I did it's!!!!!

    This week at work, Girl Scout Cookies have been circulating...I mean boxes of them.....My favorite was on my assistants desk (opened) for all to eat each day for this week ( 5 boxes). I think this is the first year ever ! that I didn't eat not one of them.....The temptation was so great but I'm on a mission.
  15. John337

    Finally Approved

    I tell ya - Aetna does not make it easy. They will not put you through to the case worker handling your claim. They keep advising to check with your Doc. Your Doc says - "Everything has been submitted and we're waiting for an answer"...... Finally, Yesterday I was approved :wub:. Just got back from the hospital and took care of my pre-admitting tests - EKG, Chest X-Ray, Blood Work and met the anestheologist. GOOD TO GO FOR 5/11/09. Continue on the pre-op liquid diet. Not too bad ( Yet). My Rosie Girl made me an awesome weight watchwers vegetable soup....SO GOOD :wink:
  16. John337

    Let's get this journey started !!

    To all my Mayo BANDitos friends that are having surgery tomorrow and next week.....GOOD LUCK , CONGRATS & WISHING YOU ALL THE BEST.............:thumbup:
  17. Hi Everyone - My name is John and I'm 51 yrs old. Have struggled with my weight for years.....Have been over 300 lbs for the last 10 yrs. Reached my highest weight this past January of 337 lbs. HAVE HAD ENOUGH..........Currently I'm 312 lbs with a BMI of 42. I'm tired of the yo-yo diets........ A resent untrasound shows I have alot of Gallstones so I will probably will have my Gallbladder removed at the same time. Currently seeing all of the Doctors/Nutritionist required by Aetna as I'm involed in their 3 month pre-surgical program. It requires monthly visits to my Primary Doctor, Nutritionist, a Personal Trainer and the Psychologist. I am seeing Dr. Fielding @ NYU . I see Dr. Fielding on 3/25/09 and hopefully will get a surgery date which should be early May. Can't wait to get past the surgery...............
  18. John337

    Let's get this journey started !!

    To all my Mayo BANDitos friends that are having surgery tomorrow and next week.....GOOD LUCK , CONGRATS & WISHING YOU ALL THE BEST.............
  19. John337

    Let's get this journey started !!

    PRESSURE'S OFF - I JUST GOT MY AETNA APPROVAL :biggrin::thumbup::thumbup::smile2::thumbup::frown::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: Now I can just concentrate on my pre-op diet and life after BANDing.......:thumbup:
  20. John337

    Pre-op diets?

    I'm on day 3 of the pre-op diet and it does get easier. I did a modified version last week and so far this week all seems to be ok. I'm actually pretty full with the Protein drinks. Who says we can't make the pre-op diet enjoyable. Also - YOU ARE READY TO GET THIS DONE...... I THINK WE ALL ARE :biggrin:
  21. John337

    Pre-op diets?

    Keep up the good work.....It does get easier . Question - Can you really have 4lbs of veggies?? did you mean 4 cups of veggies??
  22. Hi Dennis - I went on the total liquid diet yesterday. However, I started a modified program on my own to ease into this. Last week I started having one protein shake with a banana for breakfast, 2 shakes and a apple for lunch followed with a nice dinner with my wife so it actually helped me get into this week.


    I'm waiting to hear from Aetna..........it's been a week already, so I'm getting on the phone today.

  23. John337

    Now I wait..................

    All my paperwork has been submitted to Aetna for approval. Tomorrow will be a week and I haven't heard from them or my Doctor's office.I need to hear soon :thumbup: as I have a pre-surgical appt for Thursday at NYU Medical Center.
  24. John337

    Now I wait..................

    All my paperwork has been submitted to Aetna for approval. Tomorrow will be a week and I haven't heard from them or my Doctor's office.I need to hear soon :thumbup: as I have a pre-surgical appt for Thursday at NYU Medical Center.
  25. John337

    The liquid diet

    Well today I started the 14 day liquid diet and it really starts to hit you how real the whole process has become.....I've been doing a modified protein diet over the last week so this shouldn't be too bad.

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