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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by John337

  1. John337

    Met my first short-term goal!

    My BANDITOS hat is off to the both of you.... :redface: Congrats...You've both deserve to be excited. Keep up the good work.
  2. John337

    May 11th Surgery Stories

    You are so right.....We're expected to get in our Proteins first, then veggie's ( if hungry)...With all the Protein, how do you get fiber into our systems.
  3. John337

    May 11th Surgery Stories

    Went to the Doctor today for a post op follow up. All looks well. Weighed in at 282. Lost 5 lbs since surgery. ATE REAL food TONIGHT......Tilapia.......SOOOOOO GOOOOOD !!! Need to buy clothes this weekend for work. Not much, just enough to get by for now. Tomorrow I'm going to have eggs for breakfast, Tuna for lunch and fish for dinner. ( I love fish) A little roasted veggies as well. Trying to get past the constipation issue. I'm getting there.....slowly. I think with the removal of my gallbladder my system is off and I need to get it reset......
  4. John337

    Where is your port??

    Mine is to the immediate right of my belly button.
  5. John337

    Bandidos not Banditos

    We should leave the spelling as is. The idea behind BANDITos was just that. We're Bandits....as in Lap Bandits...... I remain..... A MAYO BANDitos ......:redface:
  6. John337

    One week BANDEDversary

    I can't beleive I'm post op -one week.Feel pretty good. Can't wait till Friday when I can get off the liquids and start eating real food. The only mistake I made was not taken a stool softener even though I showed no systoms of needing one. In the end ( no pun intended) I should of taken it. I almost ended up in the ER . I think I ripped my insides apart. The weekend was so bad , I needed to take the lortab to get by. Pain has now subsided and I'm getting back to normal. I should of listened to my gut..... Anyway, my post op visit with Dr. Fielding in NYC is tomorrow. All appears good. The sterile strips are falling off. Can't believe I need to go shopping on Friday for clothes. Need pants and shirts for work. It will be interesting. I don't know what size to buy until I try a few pants on.
  7. John337


    Good question - I have my post-op tomorrow and I will ask as well.
  8. John337

    One week BANDEDversary

    I can't beleive I'm post op -one week.Feel pretty good. Can't wait till Friday when I can get off the liquids and start eating real food. The only mistake I made was not taken a stool softener even though I showed no systoms of needing one. In the end ( no pun intended) I should of taken it. I almost ended up in the ER . I think I ripped my insides apart. The weekend was so bad , I needed to take the lortab to get by. Pain has now subsided and I'm getting back to normal. I should of listened to my gut..... Anyway, my post op visit with Dr. Fielding in NYC is tomorrow. All appears good. The sterile strips are falling off. Can't believe I need to go shopping on Friday for clothes. Need pants and shirts for work. It will be interesting. I don't know what size to buy until I try a few pants on.
  9. John337

    May 11th Surgery Stories

    I tried that and I finally got some sleep. Thanks....I'm off the pain meds but became extremely constipated and might of caused some damage below. Will wait till tomorrow before calling the doctor. All in all, feeling better each day now. Can't wait to start eating mushie foods ( next Friday). Have my first menu planned out......B - Soft boiled eggs L - Tuna fish D - Tilapia.
  10. Congrats to all you May 12th Bandsters......Glad you are all progressing well.
  11. John337

    May 11th Surgery Stories

    Pain is better today. Swelling is down. Able to walk around more. Eating a little more ( Protein drinks and soups). Took the big bandages off the 5 incisions. All that's left are the sterile strips. I see the Doctor on Tuesday, 5/19/09. Can't wait to sleep on my side....Only getting about 1-2 hrs sleep. Trying the recliner but that only works so long anyway.......Need my bed......
  12. John337

    Post-op diets! What are you eating?

    I can't believe it either. I lost 25 on the pre-op diet alone. I'm trying to be really , really good. Made a Protein drin this morning - Yogurt, banana, Peanut Butter, skim milk, and strawberries. OMG - It was so good.
  13. John337

    Post-op diets! What are you eating?

    I've been using the liquid Protein Drink in the am and soups for lunch and dinner. V-8 Tomato soup, cream of broc with evap skim milk.....Delicious..... Also, this afternoon my wife put a non-fat yogurt in the blender and added strawberries and 2% milk. That was pretty good as well. That's it so far......and alot of Water ....
  14. John337

    May 11th Surgery Stories

    Thanks everyone....I appreciate the kind words. The swelling is going down a little. Still very sore but that's to be expected. I had a Protein drink in the am, tomato Soup for lunch and cream of broc ( with evaporated skim milk) for dinner. Water throughout the day. The gas is still there but the Gas X strips work well. Time for another walk.....Talk to you guys soon.
  15. John337

    Surgery was Monday, May 11th,2009

    Well, I did it.......:ohmy: Since we live 2 hrs away, my wife and I left the house on the 8am train to arrive in NYC @ 10am. Walked over to NYU and was there in time. They called me in at 10:30 am , then we sat and sat and sat. I didn't go into the operating room until 1:30pm and was given a " Happy Drug" and the next thing I know, I was in recovery. I did have alot of swelling and chest pain. They were quick to do an EKG which was normal. It felt like someone was sitting on my chest. Not only did I have a lapband but the Dr. removed my gallbladder, whcih he told my wife was a mess. That's why I think I have a lot of pain today not from the gas but from the pulling and pushing, etc in getting the gallbladder out. Feels like I went 10 rounds with a boxer hitting nothing else but my stomach and I got the crap kicked out of me. Stayed in the hospital overnight. The nurses and aides were great. They were quick with the morphine whenever I needed it. I left the hospital with hydrococodine which eliviates the pain but adds to the constipation. Took a while in the hospitial to pee, but finally did. Alot better today. Just went for a walk down the block. Wasn't too bad. My stomach is really, really sore. Trying to eat soup but not taking in much. In a little while, I'll try and drink a protein drink although I'm not really hunger.
  16. John337

    May 11th Surgery Stories

    Well, I did it.......:tt2: Since we live 2 hrs away, my wife and I left the house on the 8am train to arrive in NYC @ 10am. Walked over to NYU and was there in time. They called me in at 10:30 am , then we sat and sat and sat. I didn't go into the operating room until 1:30pm and was given a " Happy Drug" and the next thing I know, I was in recovery. I did have alot of swelling and chest pain. They were quick to do an EKG which was normal. It felt like someone was sitting on my chest. Not only did I have a lapband but the Dr. removed my gallbladder, whcih he told my wife was a mess. That's why I think I have a lot of pain today not from the gas but from the pulling and pushing, etc in getting the gallbladder out. Feels like I went 10 rounds with a boxer hitting nothing else but my stomach and I got the crap kicked out of me. Stayed in the hospital overnight. The nurses and aides were great. They were quick with the morphine whenever I needed it. I left the hospital with hydrococodine which eliviates the pain but adds to the constipation. Took a while in the hospitial to pee, but finally did. Alot better today. Just went for a walk down the block. Wasn't too bad. My stomach is really, really sore. Trying to eat Soup but not taking in much. In a little while, I'll try and drink a Protein drink although I'm not really hunger. I want to thank all of my Mayo BANDitos for their best wishes........:smile2:
  17. John337

    Surgery was Monday, May 11th,2009

    Well, I did it....... Since we live 2 hrs away, my wife and I left the house on the 8am train to arrive in NYC @ 10am. Walked over to NYU and was there in time. They called me in at 10:30 am , then we sat and sat and sat. I didn't go into the operating room until 1:30pm and was given a " Happy Drug" and the next thing I know, I was in recovery. I did have alot of swelling and chest pain. They were quick to do an EKG which was normal. It felt like someone was sitting on my chest. Not only did I have a lapband but the Dr. removed my gallbladder, whcih he told my wife was a mess. That's why I think I have a lot of pain today not from the gas but from the pulling and pushing, etc in getting the gallbladder out. Feels like I went 10 rounds with a boxer hitting nothing else but my stomach and I got the crap kicked out of me. Stayed in the hospital overnight. The nurses and aides were great. They were quick with the morphine whenever I needed it. I left the hospital with hydrococodine which eliviates the pain but adds to the constipation. Took a while in the hospitial to pee, but finally did. Alot better today. Just went for a walk down the block. Wasn't too bad. My stomach is really, really sore. Trying to eat soup but not taking in much. In a little while, I'll try and drink a protein drink although I'm not really hunger.
  18. John337

    Happy mother's day !!

    I'm leaving @8am for NYU. I need to be there for 10:30 and I'm 2 hours away.....Good Luck and we'll tell our tale from" The other side" ...lol...Besides the Band going in, my Gall Bladder is coming out. So I hope the discomfort isn't too bad.......:frown:
  19. Just wanted to wish all the MOMS a Happy Mother's Day..... Enjoy your day.......:tt2:
  20. John337

    Tomorrow Is Surgery day

    Well - It's here. The waiting , Anxiety, excitement, all of it....The pre-op diet wasn't too bad. The weight watchers soup Rose made really helped take the edge off. Ready for tomorrow. Will be on the 8:05 train to NYC. Need to be at the hospital by 10:30am. All systems are go :biggrin:
  21. John337

    Tomorrow Is Surgery day

    Well - It's here. The waiting , Anxiety, excitement, all of it....The pre-op diet wasn't too bad. The weight watchers soup Rose made really helped take the edge off. Ready for tomorrow. Will be on the 8:05 train to NYC. Need to be at the hospital by 10:30am. All systems are go
  22. John337

    Milk of Magnesia MISTAKE

    Sorry to hear your hurting..........Hang in there ....as they say " This too shall pass".......You're still on your way to a healthier you........ Hang in there.....
  23. John337

    Kudos, back pats, and I did it's!!!!!

    That's fantastic........Congrats......I'm trying to do the same thing. I've been really , really strict on the pre-op diet and in fact started a modified version the week before. I'm remaining strict even though I can eat the tire off of a car but look forward to Monday......All systems are a go..
  24. John337

    May 6th Surgery Stories

    CONGRATS to all you May 6th BANDsters..........You did it...The hard part is over..........You're on your way to a healthier you....WAY TO GO.......:grouphug: See you on the "other side" next week....:thumbsup:

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