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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Thewall26

  1. I am just curious to know what some of the things in life you either want to do or hope to do with your weight loss surgery.

    For instance for myself some of the things I hope to do once I get to my goal weight are.

    1. Cant wait to ride many of the Roller Coasters with my kids. I loved them growing up when I was a few years younger but since I gained a lot of weight I have not been able to enjoy them.

    2. I have always wanted to go skydiving, and one day soon I hope to do that.

    3. This one is more of a comfort thing for myself. I have always wanted a "sports car" With my weight loss I plan on getting a new Camaro ^_^

    Anyway I thought this might be an interesting thread so please feel free to share those dreams and goals.

  2. Hi everyone, having my surgery July 24th and so excited. I have a few questions that i hope anyone can assist me. I thought i had read somewhere on this board, but cant seem to find it anywhere. But there is something that you put on your wrist, a gel or something that helps with nausea, instead of taking pills? Anyone know

    Also I read a few other post how people state that their skin got bad after the surgery, i hope this does not happen. Does it go away.

    I wish everyone the best of luck with their surgeries and a happy journey. I have to keep pinching myself, this is happening soon and i cant wait, Excited but so scared.

    Well I am sure that all places are different, but I was given 3 things for it. They gave me a pill right before surgery, then they gave me a shot in my IV and a patch that went behind my ear. I did not once feel sick at all. as far as the skin goes, I did not have any issues. but then again everyone is different.

  3. Hello All, I was banded on July 9th, and just had my first follow up appointment this past Wed. Since I started my Journey with a insurance required 6 month supervised diet I have lost almost 60lbs. 10lbs since surgery.

    I cant believe how much better i feel these days. I also am off all 8 of my medications. :cursing: I like many other ah still having a hard time sleeping, since I to am used to sleeping on my side. I wish everyone that is getting ready to have the surgery the best of luck.

  4. Hello All, I was banded on July 9th, and just had my first follow up appointment this past Wed. Since I started my Journey with a insurance required 6 month supervised diet I have lost almost 60lbs. I cant believe how much better i feel these days. I also am off all 8 of my medications. (could be becasue I have not eaten in 3 weeks ) :cursing: I wish everyone that is getting ready to have the surgery the best of luck.

  5. I know all insurance companies are different, but mine in particular did not stipulate if I had to lose or not, but my Dr. wanted me to do the best I could. One thing to remember is that this is going to be a total lifestyle change, and my insurance company wanted to make sure that I could try to make some of those changes on my six month diet. I know the 6 months is hard, but it will all be worth it in the end. I just completed mine on June 22nd and am now scheduled for surgery on July 9th. I wish you the best of luck and keep us posted.

  6. Hello all, I just completed my 6 month diet on June 22nd, and I will tell you it was very hard, but I kept looking at the goal. Every month I looked forward to seeing the dieticen because I wanted to see how well I did, and knew I was one step closer to at least having the chance to get the lap band ( pending approval ) I wish you luck, and hope you get approved. I am scheduled for surgery on July 9th.

  7. Hello all, I just finished my 6 month supervised diet today, and have everything else done. So I am hoping to get my approval SOON, I am still very nervous, and excited. I am going through Dr. Wagner's office, and hopefully it will not be to long now

  8. Well it has been a little over a week since I went to the seminar, and I am almost done with all the pre insurance stuff.

    I have my dietician eval last Friday, pysch eval today, and meet with Dr. Wagner tomorrow. After that my PCP is going to write his letter for the Physicians supervised weight loss over the past couple years. I am also going to go to the dietician for the next 6 months as a just in case. So we will see.

    Getting excited and nervous at the same time. I will keep everyone informed.

  9. Thanks for the info, I am actually going to the seminar tomorrow morning so I am pretty excited and nervous at the same time. I have also found out that my insurance compny will pay for it as long as it is medically nessesary. Which it is. Anyway I will keep everyone posted as to what is going on.



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