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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Thewall26

  1. wow! you are doing amazing! what is your strategy? are you like super disciplined???

    anyway - congrats!!!


    I would have to say that I just keep my focus on the prize :blushing:

    I also dont try to deprive myself of anything either, If I want something I have it, I just eat A LOT LESS!!!!!!

    I also feel that getting some sort of exercise in is helping me a lot too. I try to walk everyday even if its just a mile, or I try to go swimming, although I dont have many of those days left will fall right around the corner.

  2. Congrats on your first fill! How much do you have in your band? Even if you don't have restriction yet (many don't after the first fill...I didn't), don't be discouraged and just continue to do what you are doing! And make sure you keep making follow up appointments for additional adjustments with your doc. Also, congrats on your amazing 81 pound weight loss! AMAZING!

    Thank You :thumbdown: I "think" there is 7cc's in it at the moment.

    My Doc puts some in during surgery, I cant remember if it was 2-3 cc's, and my fill today was 5cc's. On only liquids for the next 24 hours, then from there he said to slowly incorperate my other foods.

  3. Well I had my first fill today, 7 weeks after my surgery, I am so looking forward to having restricton, well at least I hope I will have restriction. Doing really good with my weight loss so far. I am down 53 pounds since I started my Pre Op diet, and 81 since my journey began back in Feb.

  4. Hi, i had my surgery July 31. My doc is going away for 2 weeks and I have to wait till he gets back to get my first fill on Sep. 17! Is this normal? I am so hungry now i am eating like every 2-3 hours i am afraid i am going to gain weight!:blink:


    I am in the same situation you are in. I actually called my Dr. and he told me the same thing most are saying here. It is a healing phase. I was banded on July 9th and I am getting my first fill on the 26th, next Wed. I cant wait :) I have still lost about 9 pounds since my first follow up, which is good. I just cant wait to feel more restriction. :mellow:

  5. I was banded on july 13, 2009.

    I really dont think you should have anything to worry about, Have you tried having any other type of Protien? I found that when I did the shake, it just seemed to go straight through the band area, and like you making my stomach growl :biggrin:

    Things that I was allowed to have that helped were scrambled eggs, and chicken salad. the cottege cheese was a good one too, but I ate it with 2-3 crackers.

    I would useally have about 1/4 C eggs, or 3oz chicken salad, or 3-4 oz cottege cheese with 2-3 crakers.

    You could always get a hold of your Dr. too if it becomes an issue.

  6. when were you banded?

    I am about 7 weeks out at the moment, and I dont really have any restriction just yet. I get my first fill next Wed.

    I called my Dr. and he told me that I was still in the "healing phase" and it was kind of normal. Right now I can eat almost whatever I want, and I only have the full feeling when I have real food. Especially real Protein and not in the liquid form.

    I still had the hunger when I would drink Protein shakes and it went away when I was allowed to eat things like cottage cheese, and pudding ect.......

  7. Have set a few tbh:-

    1.To get into "normal cloths shopping!"

    2.To climb triglav mountain in Slovenia

    3.To fit into all the rides in Florida next year

    4.Run 16kms with backpack in less than 2hrs

    Point 1 will take time but i have lost 4" off my waist already and have to buy new jeans this week.

    Point 2 i am starting already. I have climbed to Krvavec(1800meters) and Triglav is (2,900meters) so i have some way to get used to it yet.

    Point 3 i am sure i will be fine on the few rides that i had to walk ashamed away from. The Mummy ride was worst..lol WALKING THE MILE as my wife said "get off fatty no matter how much you breath in or move seat you aint getting in"..LOL this was infact my turning point and reason i started looking at the band.

    Point 4 i will have to build up to and work hard on. This again will come in time as i get fitter i think. The more weight i get off the better i will get. 2hrs is my magic figure, i did it faster when i was in the armed forces but thats an ok target to aim for.

    Nice GOALS WILLIAM, I know that buying those smaller jeans is a great feeling. I have had to uy some smaller clothes as well, but I cant wait till i can go into any "regular"

    store and get whatever the heck I want. :D

    A quick THANKS to all that have posted on here. It is really amazing how many similar goals we all have. I know all of us will get there one of these days. KEEP UP all the great work, and I look forward to seeing how all of us progress over time.

  8. Hi everyone,

    I got banded on May 12th. In the end of April (prior to the surgery) My doctor ordered a blood test and said my numbers are pretty bad.

    Today i went in for my 3 months check up, I did another lab 2 weeks ago. My doctor saw the results and she couldn't stop smiling.:Banane56:

    In April, even with all my meds (Glucophage 3 times a day, Glipizide twice a day, Benezepril once a day). My sugar was 175 with fasting.... My liver enzyme was elevated and my 'number' (The one with a bunch of letters...) were high also.

    My last lab rersults shows my sugar at 80, liver is normal, and my number is 6, my doctor pretty much said, "congrats! you are now normal!!!"

    Just wanted to share this with everyone. There really is hope, you may be able to get off all your meds also!!

    Good luck to everyone!! :wink2:



    I just got similar news this morning.

    I just got back from my PCP and he has taken me off ALL my meds :nanahump:

    I was taking

    1000mg glucophage X 2 daily

    10mg glucotrol X 2 daily

    60mg Actos X 1 daily

    135mg Triliplix X 1 daily

    45mg lisinoprel X 1.5 daily

    500mg Lovaza X 2 daily

    Proud to say I am off all of the above right now, and at only 1 month post op. I just hope it stays that way. My next goal is to get off my sleep apnea machine.

    plus Vitamin D3, and Baby asprin everyday.

  9. Hey michelle,

    I am still 2 weeks out from my first fill, and I have something about every 2 hours. which I am sure is not really the greatest thing. but I keep my calories low. I only have about 900-1200 calories a day. I am also still eating a lot of the mushie stage food, even though I am aloud to have regular food. I am just slowly adding new foods each day.

  10. I can not believe that my surgery date is tomorrow. I have been a cool chick until a few minutes ago and the panic started to set in. I know that this procedure is for me, it's just the general surgery part that is making me nervous.

    I work until 4:30 this afternoon and then go home to drink the magnesium citrate. Has anyone else had to drink this and if so, how bad is it and how bad are the effects after drinking it.

    Thanks so much everyone. Being able to read your comments has been such a wonderful help. You're all so great! :blink:

    I hope all is well, Keep us posted as your recovery begins.

  11. I don't usually keep secrets, but after testing the waters at work and coming up with responses like "you should just exercise, go on a diet, less calories, ww" I decided to not tell anyone at work about my surgery. I'm not an idiot, most people don't lose weight quickly w/o surgery so I realize they are going to notice something. But, I had my surgery 6 days ago, and I'm planning on going back in 3 days. I've lost a few pounds, do you think they are going to notice? And if they do, (now or in the future) how do you respond? Any good responses would be appreciated!!! Thank you!

    btw- the names's Jane, nice to meet you, and THANK YOU for the site, awesome blogs and answers to questions. love it!

    In my own opinion if you want to tell them, tell if not then don't. I personally know why I got the lapband, and it was to have a better quality of life for myself. If co-workers or friends or family cant understand that, then that is their problem. So far I have not had one single person say anything bad to me, and everyone has told me I am looking really good, and to keep up the good work. I find it to be a really good motivator in helping with the weight loss.

  12. I thought I'd put up this post to see what co-morbidities people have been relieved of since their surgery.

    As for me, I had compartmental syndrome (issue where my fascia on my calves would squish my muscle if I ran (b/c muscle would want to expand, but there wasn't enough room) such that my nerves would get pinched and my circulation would get cut off. Now that I'm 50+ pounds down, I don't have any problem with this at all. In fact, tonight, I ran 3 miles on the treadmill without stopping or slowing to a walk, and all was just fine! What a major NSV!!

    I had been worried that if someone was ever chasing me that I wouldn't be able to run to safety! But now, that problem has completely disappeared!

    Thank you, Band!! :cool:


    Well I was taking 8 pills a little over a month ago :biggrin:

    Since then I was told to stop taking all my meds and to keep an eye on my blood pressure, blood sugar numbers, and at pre op they wanted to know what my triglycerides were.

    I am VERY HAPPY to say that I am still off of all my meds and all my numbers are well within the "normal" range. I go back to see my PCP this friday to see if he wants to keep going as is. :biggrin:

  13. hi all, i was just wondering, i heard men tend to lose wight faster and more wight than women with the band, what are some amounts of weight loss and time to lose it , and how long have you had your band? thanks

    Well I have currently had my band for just about a month, since my 2 week pre op diet till now I have lost 45 pounds. I am down about 70lbs since I started my adventure back in Feb of this year. I go for my first fill in about 3 weeks and cant wait to start felling restriction.

  14. I was banded on July 24, 2009 and I had a pre-op diet (lost 10lbs) and then after surgery on the clear liquids i have been losing 2-3lbs a day (lost 20lbs so far) Is this normal?


    I had to do a 2 week pre op liquid diet, then 2 week post op liquid diet, and since June 22nd, which is right about the time I started the pre op diet I had lost 40lbs. So I am not sure if it is normal, but it sure felt good. since I started on mushies and regular food I am only down about another 6lbs.

  15. I am actually surprised I didn't post my update sooner like I said I would! I have met many great people on here, so I am sure they might be wondering how I am doing...:mad:

    Well...to all those opposed to going to Mexico.. I had a WONDERFUL experience with Dr. Ortiz, the facility and staff! I couldnt have been more comfortable! The facility was immaculate! I could have eaten of the floor..

    Dt. Ortiz met with me and my husband before I went into surgery and went over everything & answered any questions either one of us had. great guy! :)

    I was in and out in 30 minutes..that was including prep and closing me up! Had pretty bad nausea and was past out for a couple hours. But they had me up and walking! After I 'came to" from being a little loopy I felt MUCH better than I anticipated! I spent most of my time on the phone calling family and friends (b/c we were allowed to call anywhere in the US from the room)..so i took advantage of it! Don't remember much of the conversations though...lol

    I met some GREAT people! (5 others were there getting the surgery as well). I went back to the hotel the next day and did plenty of walking around with my hubby).

    ....so being home...GAS PAINS!!! UUGHHHH!!! horrible! I never got the pains in my shoulder, but they were SO bad in my chest and then moved into my back! my belly was very bloated and swollen! I pretty much rested and walked... my recovery was not as "speedy" as others.. i had pretty bad port pain too...ended up taking a few more days off from work...which I totally needed! Each day got a tad better... I know its a little TMI...but I never thought burping and farting would feel SOO relieving!! :wub: LOL!

    Mentally..some days were better than others...but I am sure you all (who have had been on liquids know)...I thought I was gonna cry if I drank another cup of soup!! I just wanted FOOOOOD!! mashed potatoes never tasted so good! LOL I was on Clear Liquids for 1 week, full liquids weeks 2-3 and started Protein drinks week 3 too.... well today is day 22 and it will probably be a while before I actually want a cup of soup!! :biggrin: I was not filled at all at surgery and my first fill is August 12th. Just trying to be careful until then since I really dont have restriction. However, since I am still swollen inside and healing, I get pretty full off of a little bit. I have only lost 9 pds or so....but I'll take it!! I would jump for joy at a 1 pound loss when I used to be on Weight Watchers...so when I had lost 8-9 pounds in just under 3 weeks, I was happy. Plus my doc and many on here even say not to stress about the scale until after the first fill, bc thats when you feel restriction...hopefully.

    So that's pretty much so far!

    Erick (my hubby) has been great every step of the way!! I thank God for him everyday! :sad::wub:

    Congrat Agnes, I was banded 1 day after you :sad: I totally know the feeling about actually being able to eat something. I never thought in a million years that cottage cheese could taste soooo good. I also dont really have any restriction right now which makes me weigh myself everyday. I dont go in for my first fill untill the 26th of Aug. because my Dr. is on vacation. :mad2:

    Anyway again great job and keep up the great work.

  16. My wife and I both had surgery last year. We could no longer fit in most coaster seats. We had a great time at Cedar point this summer. To put it mildy, no way in hell. I have a horrible fear of heights. I did get to go parasailing in Cozumel in April, we were over the limit on previous cruises.

    I have to question your taste here, The 2009 Mustang Pony in Vista Blue is clearly a better choice. :thumbup:

    One of my goals was getting back into 36 jeans. Now that I am 3 pounds from my goal I bought a pair of 34's today.

    I'm running again, and hope to do a half marathon next year.

    to be able to move again like a porn star! :)

    Boom chicka wow wow!! :skep:

    NICE, I am sure all of those things get a WHOLE LOT BETTER, TOO!!!!!!!

  17. One of my goals was getting back into 36 jeans. Now that I am 3 pounds from my goal I bought a pair of 34's today.

    I'm running again, and hope to do a half marathon next year.

    I can totally see your point on this one :thumbup: I am down to a size 42 and about 12lbs shy of being at a weight I was at 12 years ago. I have read quite a few of your posts on here and I can not wait to be able to start running. I am still in the "walking phase but I am trying to increase speed and distance every week.

    I have not been to Cedar Point since I was about 12 but I cant wait to take my kids there. I love all the roller coasters there. Although many were not there many years ago.

    Thanks for the comments :skep:

  18. I am new to the site I really like it. I have a question for anyone who has diabetes and has the lap band.

    Did it help you diabetes?

    How well did it help your diabetes?

    How fast did it help your diabetes?

    Hello there, Well "SO FAR" I have stopped talking all three of my diabetes meds. :thumbup: I was banded 2 weeks ago. My PCP had me stop all my meds 3 weeks before surgery, and I had to keep track of my numbers. The highest I have been in the past 4 weeks was 125, and that was about an hour after having some chocolate milk during the full liquid stage.

    I go back on Aug 7th to my PCP to see if he wants me to continue to stay off of them or if he will do an adjustment.

  19. Hi There!

    I just ran across your post, and I was just banded on 12/19/08 by Dr. Wagner at the Outpatient Center. I was also self pay, and I guess I spent about $15,000 total, but that included everything, even a years worth of fills.

    So far, I have lost almost 30 lbs, and I am feeling great. I go for my first fill on 1/29, so I will let you know how it goes.

    Dr. Wagner was really great, and so far I HIGHLY recommend the surgery.

    Good Luck and keep us all in the loop!

    Well I was finally banded on July 9th ^_^ Doing very well.

    Had my post op visit with Dr. Wagner last Wed and am down about 10lbs since surgery. Cant believe how much better I feel these days.

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