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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Thewall26

  1. Hey Linda,


    Just wanted to see how you were doing. You will get that restriction here in just a couple weeks. just remember the marathon :) the first 4-6 weeks is the healing time. Love the pics by the way you look great

  2. Thewall26

    2 days post op - Down 33 lbs

    Love the pics You can already see it in your face. KEEP IT UP!
  3. Its ok, I promise just keep your chin up and focus on the marathon, not just the first sprint. I totally understand that it is frustrating. I was so livid when I gained like 5-6 pounds. You are going to do fine!!!!

  4. Thewall26

    Hit 100+ TODAY!!!!

    Well I did it. :thumbup: Went in for my weigh in today and lost 15 lbs, which put me over the 100 pound mark. Pretty exciting I am only 6 pounds away from being what I weighed when I was a senior in high school.
  5. Thewall26

    NEW ME - Taken Mid April 2010

    From the album: Updated Pics

  6. Thewall26

    Updated Pics

    Really close to one year out
  7. Thewall26

    OLD ME - Taken May 24th 2009

    From the album: Updated Pics

  8. Thewall26

    Wife and I - April 2010

    From the album: Updated Pics

  9. Thewall26


    KEEP IT UP - You look great!!!!!!!
  10. Thats great.. I hear you on the sipping part. When I got out I dot think I had anymore than 8oz of water a day for the first week. I was terrible about drinking.


    Big thing about letting your body tell you when its ready. You are going to do great!!!!!!!!! Let me know if you have any questions. I am sure the Dr gave you the same nasal pain med I had. that stuff is great for when you want to sleep :)

  11. Just wanted to see you were doing. Not sure if your home yet or not. Take it easy and cant wait to hear how your doing!!!!!!!!

  12. Thewall26


    YOU LOOK FANTASTIC Great job!!!!
  13. You are going t odo great!!!! Keep me posted. Good luck!!!

  14. Thewall26

    new me

    You look great Meagan, Congrats on your weight loss!!!!
  15. Hi Amber hope you have a wonderful day!!!!!

  16. Defiantly Option 1 You are looking GREAT!!!!!! Love to see your updated Pics, KEEP IT UP!!!!
  17. Thewall26

    Hey Folks

    WOW that is pretty cool I didnt even notice you were from St Louis till now. I totally understand. The first 8 weeks are the hardest. Oh I am not saying I didnt have any restriction, but I guess I was thinking it was going to be different :cheers2: I think it was just more of a I didnt want to be able to eat as much as I was. I am pretty good now, but I was told by Dr Wagner that the fat on the stomach will continue to decrease and adjustments will continue :party: I go back on the 18th and I will probably get another fill. You will get there, you have a great support staff.
  18. Hello there, I noticed you were on a St Louis area forum. Did you have your surgery yet? Dr Wagner is awesome. I had my surgery July of last year and am doing great. Hope all is well and hope to hear from you.



  19. Thewall26

    Hey Folks

    Hello two the both of you. Congrats on taking your next step. You will find this is the best thing for you. I have had mine close to 10 months now and I love it. One small piece of advice I can give you is be patient. I got a little down on myself, close to the holidays because I actually gained some weight back, but I also realized that my body had gone close to 2 and a half months with not real food intake, so it took my body awhile to re adjust. Your fills are another big thing. I didn't feel restriction till my third fill. Good luck and you have tons of support on here. Gary
  20. Thewall26

    Sudden 5 pound GAIN?

    Dont worry about it too much at the beginning. I gained about 10 pounds after I was able to eat food again. Just my bodys way of telling me that if I ever went 40 day again without giving it some food I better watch out. :biggrin: The first month or two is all a learning process for you nad the band. I didnt really start to lose until my third fill. which was 3 months after my surgery. Just hang in there and keep up the great work.
  21. Thewall26

    To Tell or Not to Tell?

    Dont feel embarrassed. I know i can be difficult not to feel like that, but your doing it for you, and the ones you love. My only problem is that I wish I would have done it sooner I was killing my self before. I was on 8 meds from high BP to diabetes to high cholesterol. now I am on nothing and I I we it all to my Band.
  22. Thewall26

    To Tell or Not to Tell?

    I guess for me, I really didn't care who knew about it, so I told anyone that would listen. Now granted I wasnt walking up to complete strangers and saying hey guess what. I knew why I was doing this, and it was to benefit me and my family. The way I look at it is you need all the support you can get, and friends and family should be there for you. If they cant back you in your decision then you don't really need them in your life.
  23. Hey Amber, I am doing great I am down 112 pounds since Dec of 08. I started on my own diet then. Had a consult in Jan of 09 then got banded in July of 09. Best thing I have ever done for myself. I was on 8 meds and now take none which is the best. I struggled a little bit once I could have real food again, but I think it was just because my body didnt get any food for so long.


    I am quite familiar with Springfield :) I have a good friend that lives in Chatam (sp) and before that liven in town for a few years. How are you doing?

  24. Well I am from Ofallon IL which is about 30 miles east of St Louis

  25. Hey Giby, thanks for the comments. I just tried to increase my daily exercise just a bit. weather it was walking an extra quarter of a mile or whatever. I also found that a calorie tracker was a big help. those two things i account for my best month since getting the band. One other thing is to not to get to dicouraged. it took me 8 fills in 8 months to get to my sweet spot.

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