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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Dougfam

  • Rank
  • Birthday 03/23/1966
  1. Happy 47th Birthday Dougfam!

  2. Happy 46th Birthday Dougfam!

  3. Dougfam

    Hello from St. Louis, MO

    Thanks for that info Sandy! I know it is going to be hard, but you're doing so good. Wow! I'm looking forward to a loss like that. Good luck to you!!
  4. Dougfam

    Hello from St. Louis, MO

    It's definitely a lifestyle change. I'm determined though. Good luck to you!
  5. Hi! I was banded on 12/3/08. My surgeon was Dr. Norbert Richardson with the New Start program. I've lost 19.6 pounds, and received my 1st fill today.

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